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Social environment of transforming Karlín
Korytářová, Jana ; Ouředníček, Martin (advisor) ; Ptáček, Pavel (referee)
The main objektive of my thesis is a knowledge of social environment of prague district Karlín, one of the most dynamic part of inner Prague, which is undergoing a transformation of a physical, funcional and social structure. The concept of social environment is used in this work, whereby the social environment is consisted of a social structure and a social climate of a locality. By an analyse of the social, physical and funcional structure and a research of daily rhythms it tries to identify main pacemakers, to deeply learn about proceses and key moments during the day, which structurated the locality, and to capture social groups of users of the locality. The research is focused on three selected basic administrative units: 'Karlín - západ', 'Rohanský ostrov' and 'Za Invalidovnou'. Each of these localities has its own daily rhythm, which is structurated by the resident population and the temporarily present population,and different social environments, which influence each other, are dependent on each other and create the whole character of the prague district Karlín.The work tries to deepen and criticaly evaluate a current metodology. Keywords Karlín, Prague, social environment, social climate, social structure, daily rhythm, pacemaker, locality, mobility, time geography.
Success of school leavers in the knowledge society
Úlovec, Martin ; Kuchař, Pavel (advisor) ; Tuček, Milan (referee)
The thesis concentrates on unintended consequences of putting emphasis on education in the current society and their impacts on labour market success of school graduates as well as on fulfilment of employers needs from the perspective of occupying job positions in accordance with the demographic aging of the population. The thesis is trying to answer the question, if education has an adequate influence on the social mobility as it was in the recent past. The author is also trying to suggest possible solutions of the situation occurred on the labour market from the viewpoint of the qualified labour shortage with lower educational level, especially in the secondary sector. Possibilities are seen in the consistent assertion of the LLL conception, increasing the relevance of the education content and adapting to the changing requirements of qualifications through of cooperation between schools and employers. Last but not least the thesis also draws attention to the need of relevant information about the labour market development and chances of graduates to find a job in the chosen field.
Annual Fairs
Strašilová, Eva ; Kabele, Jiří (advisor) ; Čepelák, Václav (referee)
The topic of my thesis is the annual fairs in the Czech Republic with the primary focus on the tradesmen of the traditional craft goods. The thesis is divided in two parts - theoretical and analytical. In the first part, I concentrate on the characteristics of the annual fairs in connection to the research that has been already done on this topic. Subsequently, I explicate the methodology of my research. In the research I opted for the method of participant observation and the semi-structured interview with the tradesmen of the traditional craft goods. I have attended two annual traditional fairs of crafted goods and managed to interview eight respondents. The second part of my thesis concentrates on the analysis of the respondents' interviews and the notes I have acquired during the stage of observation. On the basis of the data analysis I have identified the primary factors influencing the fairs' success rate from the tradesman viewpoint.The results at hand indicate the importance of the atmosphere during the fair, the quality of the accompanying programme, the selection of offered goods and the frequency with which the fairs are organized. Furthermore, I describe the tradesman community and the relationships between the individual groups. The focus is predominantly on the relationship between...
Social problems of city Most from perspective of its young population
Pícha, Tomáš ; Tuček, Milan (advisor) ; Kuchař, Pavel (referee)
This Thesis deals with the social problems of city Most and how they are perceived and evaluated by its young population. Under influence of historical events the city has a very specific composition of the population and it has long been faced with many problems that are inherently social, economic, environmental and other. The Thesis presents the view of pupils and students of Most's schools on these problems and it analyzes which problems students consider as urgency, how they evaluate the living conditions in Most and what is their relationship to the city. The Thesis is supported by own SAQ survey conducted on a sample of approximately 600 students from different types of schools that provides answers to most of the research questions. Given that the Romany question intensively rezonates between young denizens of Most, the survey has been extended to gypsies living in one of Most's Romany localities - well-known settlement Chanov. This enabled the comparison of respondents' opinions (mostly from the rank of the majority) with views of young gypsies. Thus the overall output is consisted of a description of the current situation of the city and its problems, perception of these problems by its young population (majority in comparison with relatively numerous minority of gypsies) and outline of...
The Influence of Suburbanization on the Demographic and Social Structure and Social Climate in Suburbs of Mladá Boleslav
Hrušková, Nela ; Špačková, Petra (advisor) ; Kopečná, Martina (referee)
The main aim of the bachelor thesis is to describe the social structure of the population and social climate in suburbs Mlada Boleslav. In relation to immigration around the city there are changes of population size and population structure of municipalities, which is related to an increase in the differences among local residents. This is due to differentiation in terms of social status, traditions, behaviour and age. In this work are evaluated primarily the impacts of these differences on the relationship between the local population and people who moved recently. The paper is trying to figure out the level of involvement of newcomers in the running community and define problems and types of cooperation among these groups. I assume that it will be some variations between municipalities, but generally it will have similar problems and positives which were found in studies in suburbs of Prague. I also discuss whether, or how, is the process influenced by Škoda Auto, which is located in Mlada Boleslav. Keywords: suburbanization, social structure, social climate
Problems of the city Most through the eyes of its young population
Pícha, Tomáš ; Tuček, Milan (advisor) ; Kuchař, Pavel (referee)
This Thesis deals with the social problems of city Most and how they are perceived and evaluated by its young population. Under influence of historical events the city has a very specific composition of the population and it has long been faced with many problems that are inherently social, economic, environmental and other. The Thesis presents the view of pupils and students of Most's schools on these problems and it ana- lyzes which problems students consider as urgency, how they evaluate the living con- ditions in Most and what is their relationship to the city. The Thesis is supported by own SAQ survey conducted on a sample of approximately 600 students from different types of schools that provides answers to most of the research questions. These questi- ons are concerned, except the social problems, also with the phenomenon of mass de- population of city Most that is not very discussed yet but that could deepen all other problems in the future. Thus the overall output is consisted of a description of the current situation of the city and its problems, perception of these problems by its young population and outline of vision of future development.
The social structure and human relations: mutual relationships
Krása, Petr ; Duffková, Jana (advisor) ; Šubrt, Jiří (referee)
This work analyzes mutual relationships between social structure and human relations. Above all, it analyzes the function of human relations in social structure. Human relations are understood here as social processes going on within social structure. The object of this analysis is examined on three levels: individual, human relations, social structure. Method of this thesis is analysis and synthesis of relevant (above all) sociological literature. By structural approach to the analyzed object, author concludes that human relations' function in social structure is to reproduce or change social structure. Human relations influence self- concept of human, which subsequently reflects in character of human relations and social structure and vice versa. Current character of social structure is seen as leading to alienation in many ways. In the end, the author brings to the discussion concrete proposal for the change of social structure by improving social abilities of people and consequently also improving human relations.
Evolution of dowry
Pokorný, Daniel ; Kuběna, Aleš (advisor) ; Houdek, Petr (referee)
The topic of marriage markets is solved mainly by economics scientists so far (Tertilt 2002, 2005, Botticini and Siow 2003). Much less attention about this issue is paid by biologists. It is still unclear how variant types of marriage transactios influence the shape of societies. However, the importace is not negligible. Uderstanding of these questions may help us at least partly answer to some of the problems current societies face to. keywords: dowry, brideprice, marriage transactions, social structure
Social climate of school class and school success
Stárková, Eliška ; Gillernová, Ilona (advisor) ; Morávková Krejčová, Lenka (referee)
and key words The submitted dissertation thesis is dealing with the social climate of the classroom and the school success of a pupil. This dissertation thesis is divided into the theoretical and the empiraical part. The teoretical section is focusing on the elaboration of the given theme on the bases of czech and foreign vocational literature. I am focusing on the classroom from the scrutiny of the social psychology. I am analyzing the formation of the classroom's social structure, the methods of its cognition and the most common positions and roles which are most frequently occurring in the classroom. I am introducing the basic findings about the social climate, his formers, determiners and diagnostics. As a last point of this part of my thesis I am dealing with the theme of the school success. I am defining the conception of school ineffectualness, self-classification and academic self-efficacy. In the empirical part I am presenting quantitative research, there were 309 pupils and 17 class masters from the elementary schools in Prague involved. The purpose of my research should have confirm the connection between the social climate of the classroom and the school success of the pupil. Destined for this purpose was the use of 2 questionnaire methods - the questionnaire B-3 and the questionnaire...
Changes in the social arrangement of the lowland gorillas in Prague ZOO after incorporation of a new fertile female
Vítková, Eliška ; Vančata, Václav (advisor) ; Vančatová, Marina (referee)
In my several months of research I have been engaged in studying the distribution of affiliated and agonistic behaviour in a group and primarily towards a new female, over the course of ranking the new female into the group and changes in the social arrangement of the western lowland gorillas in Prague Zoo. For the research standardised observational methods were used, ad libitum sampling, focal animal sampling and scan sampling and statistical analysis on data was carried out with the aid of ethological software (Noldus- MatMan 1.0). Hypotheses stated that the agonistic contact towards Bikire would be initiated by females and above all from the female Shinda, also affiliated contact for Bikire would be initiated by the young and under aged, that the frequency of agonistic contact towards Bikire will gradually decline, that the other adults in the group are dominant to Bikire, that will result in lower affiliated contact and that the social structure will change in the group. From the results of the research it is confirmed, that agonistic contact towards the new female was initiated exclusively by females and in particular the female Shinda. Further it was confirmed, the initiators of the affiliated contact towards Bikire are the young and under aged female member Moja. It was revealed the other...

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