National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Unemployment of graduates with secondary and tertiary professional education - 2017
Úlovec, Martin ; Vojtěch, Jiří
The publication summarizes information on the current state of unemployment of graduates of secondary and higher vocational education and maps its development on the basis of a comparison of the results for previous years.
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Success of school leavers in the knowledge society
Úlovec, Martin ; Kuchař, Pavel (advisor) ; Tuček, Milan (referee)
The thesis concentrates on unintended consequences of putting emphasis on education in the current society and their impacts on labour market success of school graduates as well as on fulfilment of employers needs from the perspective of occupying job positions in accordance with the demographic aging of the population. The thesis is trying to answer the question, if education has an adequate influence on the social mobility as it was in the recent past. The author is also trying to suggest possible solutions of the situation occurred on the labour market from the viewpoint of the qualified labour shortage with lower educational level, especially in the secondary sector. Possibilities are seen in the consistent assertion of the LLL conception, increasing the relevance of the education content and adapting to the changing requirements of qualifications through of cooperation between schools and employers. Last but not least the thesis also draws attention to the need of relevant information about the labour market development and chances of graduates to find a job in the chosen field.

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