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Loan agreement
Satke, David ; Elek, Štefan (referee) ; Liška, Petr (advisor)
Resumé The purpose of my thesis is to analyze the effective regulation of the loan agreement. First chapters deal with a distinction between the meaning of credit in an economic and in a legal sense, loan agreement's historical evolution and basic principles of credit granting. Then I outline the changes to the regulation of the loan agreement in the past 19 years and briefly deal with the proposal of the new complex civil code, which is being drafted at the moment. The main part of this thesis lies within the Chapter 9. There, I deal with the main issues concerning the loan agreement. Subchapter 9.1 discusses the parties to the loan agreement. It is generally accepted that there are no limitations as to who may be a creditor or who may be a debtor. Subchapters 9.2 and 9.3 deal with the obligation of the creditor to provide the financial resources stated in the agreement, with the possibility to terminate such obligation and with the payment for the conclusion of the loan agreement. The payment is deemed to a fee for the reservation of funds. Description of ways of disbursement of the loan is included in subchapter 9.4. One of the basic obligations of the debtor, the obligation to repay the loan together with the accrued interest is discussed in chapters 9.5 and 9.6. I also deal with a possibility of having...

Zorka Ságlová
Bučilová, Lenka ; Klimešová, Marie (advisor) ; Juříková, Magdalena (referee)
Zorka Ságlová was born in Humpolec on 14 August 1942. Between 1961 and 1966 she studied at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague in the textile studio of Antonín Kybal. From informel paintings she moved to structures created out of basic geometrical elements based on a particular textile structure - sateen weave. In 1968 she exhibited her works at the New Sensitivity, an exhibition presenting new tendencies of constructive art, and she became a part of this important phenomenon in Czech art. Her latest objects presented at this exhibition led her to the idea of the viewer as an active participant on the creation of her artworks. This resulted in four actions taking place in the open landscape and an event called Hay, straw in the prestigious Gallery of Václav Špála in 1969. For this work she was largely critisized by the communist media as well as the Czech artistic community. This all led to her isolation in the 70's and 80's. From 1976 she created a series of tapestries. During this work she discovered a rabbit/hare as her emblematic symbol for a long period. She started to collect all relevant information about its significance in various cultures. In 1984 she returned to painting. She updated her structures based on sateen weave by using thousands of rabbit silhouettes instead of...

Motivace a hodnocení zaměstnanců ve společnosti Baest, a. s.
Svobodová, Lucie ; Formánková, Dana (advisor) ; Kulovaný, František (referee)
Diplomová práce obsahuje teoretickou část týkající se benefitů, hodnocení a vzdělávání zaměstnanců. Součástí práce je také analýza výše zmíněných oblastí ve společnosti Baest a.s. Analyzován byl systém poskytování benefitů, spokojenost s nimi, jejich důležitost, návrh nových benefitů, zda benefity motivují, stabilizují, jak funguje systém informovanosti. Práce hodnotí spokojenost s podnikovým vzděláváním, využití poznatků v praxi. Dále práce řeší průběh hodnocení zaměstnanců, využití výsledků hodnocení ke stanovení potřeb vzdělávání, k eliminaci faktorů bránících zaměstnancům v práci, jak zaměstnanci systém hodnocení vnímají.

Specifics of senior education
Jiráčková, Libuše ; Štěpánek, Zdeněk (referee) ; Šerák, Michal (advisor)
Aged people study to give a reason to their life, to raise their self-confidence and to improve their social status. But that is not all. It is mostly psychological, fyziological and social problem. Emeritus person is, unfortunately, usually drove out to the edge of society and is called useless. For a lot of seniors is this feeling an impulse to prove that they are still able to do some work. In connection with this feeling it is needed to separate life of a person to three periods, which are bound to the ability of doing work. In the first period the person is thinking of his education - he studies. In the second period he concentrates most of his attention on the possibilities of his professional application and in the third period he focuses on creating the evenfall of his life, when the orientation on the material being is fading away. A person is mostly turning back to his suspended plans and unfilled educational dreams. (Ten years of educational activities for seniors, 1997)

Modernizace a optimalizace školních budov a služeb spojených s provozem základního školství ve městě Ústí nad Labem
Sottnerová, Klára ; Mikovcová, Hana (advisor) ; Ráhm, Marcel (referee)
Práce pojednává o procesech, projektech, nástrojích, povinnostech a možnostech samosprávy v oblasti veřejné služby ? poskytování vzdělávání. Zabývá se dnes aktuálním tématem modernizace a optimalizace školství. Toto téma se řeší na všech úrovních, ať již celostátní, kdy Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy vydává různé metodiky, či na úrovních krajských a obecních. Největší krizí prochází školství střední a základní. Souvisí to s propadem demografické křivky, kdy v období po ?sametové revoluci? rapidně klesla porodnost. V současné době se situace normalizovala, dá se tedy reálněji pohlédnout do budoucnosti, a udělat prognózu vývoje počtu žáků. Hlavním cílem je zmapování současné situace v oblasti základního školství v Ústí nad Labem, zhodnocení na základě dat a informací minulých období stávající stav, a navržení a posouzení možných řešení do budoucnosti.

Strategy of financial education in the Czech Republic and its implementation
Kuncová, Tereza ; Derner, Tomáš (advisor) ; Coufal, Libor (referee)
This bachelor thesis describes financial literacy in the Czech Republic. The thesis should provide to readers comprehensive summary about level of financial education in the Czech Republic and should illustrate importance of this education for the whole society. Big part of this work is devoted to the most important documents approved by the Czech government which are intended to improve level of financial literacy of Czech citizens. These documents also exactly determine the term of financial literacy. Further the work deals with completed researches in this area and the content is enriched by own research focused on financial literacy development of secondary school pupils. One of the main goals of the thesis is to find available possibilities of financial education both for schools and for adults. Additionally the thesis presents survey of publications and other study materials available to this topic on the Czech market.

A nurse´s role in looking after clients spare time in the course of their hospitalization
Nurse{\crq}s role in making use of the clients{\crq} free time when hospitalized at the ECD Nurses{\crq} mission in the society is to satisfy client{\crq}s immediate needs and to reach the maximum physical, mental, and social satisfaction possible. This can be achieved by a holistic attitude towards the client which comprises of the whole personality, compact human being with all the aspects of his or her personal lifestyle. No less important is the communication with the patient himself, either verbal or non-verbal, because the client{\crq}s psyche is totally changed inside the hospital. The way the patient deals with the hospitalization can be very much affected by a nurse with her correct attitude towards the patient. Especially with the long-term client it is very important to think about cooperation with their families and that way to prevent the negative consequences of the hospitalization, keep the clients engaged throughout their free time and support their self-containment. For these purposes, nurses use all sorts of techniques which are comprised in this thesis. The objective of this thesis was to find out whether nurses devote to the patients in their free time sufficiently, whether they have the means to do that and what options they have. If possible, find out the client{\crq}s feedback on their possibilities of make use of their fee time in the hospital. Based on the information gathered, theoretical knowledge and practical experience the thesis tries to suggest improvement for the situation on the departments given. The survey was applied using questionnaire quantitative data collection method. Two survey files were created: nurses at ECD and ECD clients. Two suppositions were assessed, which were supposed to either confirm or rebut the lack of time for client{\crq}s activities within their free time during their hospitalization and clients{\crq} dissatisfaction with making use of the free time during their hospitalization. The first supposition has confirmed that nurses do not have lack of time for clients{\crq} activities within their free time during their hospitalization. The second supposition did not confirm clients{\crq} dissatisfaction with making use of the free time during their hospitalization. The results of the survey has proved that nursed would like to spend more time with the clients in their free time but the crucial problem is the lack of staff. It is therefore impossible to devote to the clients as they would wish for. Another problem is the lack of financial assets. Nevertheless, nurses proposed plenty of suggestions which would make the clients{\crq} stay in the hospital more likeable. On the other hand, clients{\crq} dissatisfaction with making use of the free time during their hospitalization was a marginal one, especially thanks to their family relatives. They do not expect nurses to spend the free time with them due to their recognized work load. It would be most suitable to provide a sufficient amount of staff and volunteers for the clients{\crq} free-time activities during their hospitalization. If possible, extend the range of the limited options of making use of the clients{\crq} free time and introduce these options to them because the present patients do not expect such options at all.

Rights and duties of a forest owner
Poláčková, Tereza ; Drobník, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Stejskal, Vojtěch (referee)
74 10. RESUME a NÁZEV PRÁCE V ANGLICKÉM JAZYCE " RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF FOREST OWNERS" SUMMARY - ENGLISH Forests cover about a third of the territory of the Czech Republic and they are an important component of our environment, landscape elements and - considering their production and non-production functions - part of the life of every one of us. This study attempts to describe and explain the rights and duties of an owner of this special subject of ownership. Since it is necessary to protect forests for the above mentioned reasons, our law contains a number of legal regulations governing the rights and duties of forest owners which must be followed by every forest owner. It is one of the aims of this study to discuss the provisions of these regulations which apply to forest owners. At the beginning, this study discusses the basic data on the forests in the Czech Republic, then it proceeds to explain the term 'ownership', and describe the main differences and particularities between forest ownership and 'regular' ownership. A forest owner is significantly limited in the exercise of his/her ownership rights, particularly by special acts such as Act No. 289/1995 Coll. (Forest Act), Act No. 114/1992 Coll. (Nature and Landscape Protection Act), Act No. 326/2004 Coll. (Act on Plant Health Care), and other. This...

Current noise in double quantum dots
Prachař, Jan
Nazev prace: Proudovy sum v dvojitych kvantovych teckach Autor: Jan Prachaf Katedra (ustav): Katedra fyziky kondenzovanych latek Vedouci diplomove prace: Mgr. Tomas Novotny,Ph.D. E-mail vedoucfho: tno@karlov.mff. Abstrakt V pfedlozene praci studujeme proudovy sum ve dvojite kvantove tecce, ktera je va- zana ke dvema vodicum v limits nekonecneho napetf mezi nimi a k tepelne disipativm lazni v limits slabe vazby. Vypocty jsou zalozeny na pnstupu Markovovskych zobecne- nych ndicich rovnic. Proudovy sum pfi nulove frekvenci vypocteny ponioci kvantoveho regresniho teoremu v rainci systemu (t.j. rnezi teckami) nabyva nefyzikalmch zapornych hodnot. Na druhou stranu proudovysum vypocteny pro proud mezi teckami a vodici nevykazuje zadne anomalie a zda se byt v souladu s experiinenty. Hledame puvod nesouladu v pfistupech,. ktere by mely davat shodne vysledky, jak v modelu dvojite kvantove tecky, tak i v pfesne re§itelnych modelech s disipativnfnii harmonickj^mi osci- latory. Srnyslem praceje v ramci zobecuenych ridicfch rovnic hledat naboj zachovavajici schemata a pochopit dynamiku kvantovych systemu vazanych na vicenasobne lazne. Klicova slova: zobecnene fidici rovnice, Markovovske procesy, zakon zachovani naboje, disipace Title: Current noise in double quantum dots Author: Jan Prachaf Department: Department...

Judgments as a specific information resources and their communication in social practice
Marková, Lucie ; Bratková, Eva (advisor) ; Pálka, Peter (referee)
Diplomová práce definuje a vykládá pojem judikát a vymezuje jeho roli v oblasti právní informatiky. Práce uvádí historické a právní souvislosti, které vedly k současnému problematickému stavu v oblasti zpřístupňování tohoto informačního pramene. Hlavní část diplomové práce tvoří analýza tradičních i elektronických zdrojů judikatury a pokus o zmapování současné nabídky těchto zdrojů. Mezi nimi jde v první řadě o systémy aSPI a LexData, pak také rozhodnutí zpřístupněná na webových prezentacích nejvyšších soudů, např. Nejvyššího soudu Čr. Z tradičních zdrojů jsou analyzovány oficiální sbírky, např. Sbírka soudních rozhodnutí a stanovisek (Sbírka soudních rozhodnutí a stanovisek. Nejvyšší soud Čr. 2004, roč. 1, č. 1-. Praha : Lexis Nexis CZ, 1971-. 10x ročně. ISSN 0036- 522X). aby byla analýza komunikace judikátů ve společnosti úplná, jsou uvedeny způsoby citování judikátů v Evropě, ve světě i v České republice, spolu s návrhem na zavedení jiných metod citování judikátů u nás.