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Analysis of human resources activities in Lázně Poděbrady, a.s.
Prknová, Radka ; Dvořáková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Kleibl, Jiří (referee)
This paper is focused on analysis of the most important human resources activities in company Lázně Poděbrady, a.s. Particularly it concerns the following activities:creation and analysis of working positions, obtaining and choosing of employees, accepting and adjustment of employees, evaluation and education the employees, rewarding them, and welfare of employees. The aim of this paper is to explore and assess the key human resources activities at chosen company, compare the investigated results with theoretical knowledges and eventually suggest solutions, recommendations or changes of current system in accordance with the best practices and trends. The paper is divided into two parts. The teoretical part summarises the main contemporary conceptions in this fiels and functions of human resources department, there are briefly characterized selected human resources activities. The second, practical, part compares and evaluates human resources activities applied in analyzed organization with theoretical knowledges. Further there are presented the observation and recommendation for development and improvement of human resources activities.

Comparison of standards for process modeling
Kalina, Jaroslav ; Řepa, Václav (advisor) ; Smolík, Jan (referee)
The scope of this thesis is the field of business process modeling and additionally the usability of business process models in areas like conceptual analysis of IS/ICT, business process reengineering and business process management. For the purpose of evaluation of the usability of current standards for business process modeling, an framework for comparison of various characteristics of these standards is proposed. This thesis has two aims. Primarily, to develop an approach for evaluation of business process modeling standards, and as a secondary aim, to apply this evaluation model onto a set of selected standards for business process modeling and thus perform a comparison of these standards. The evaluation model has two main components. The first part is to create a set of characteristics which represent two existing points of view onto the exploitability business process modeling (e.g. during the development of IS/ICT and during BPR/BPM1). During the identification of particular characteristics, a research into the related literature and other sources has been performed to provide a sufficient basis for this activity. The second part of the developed approach is to the application of PEMM (Process & Enterprise Maturity Model), which was developed by Dr. M. Hammer for the purpose os auditing the maturity of business processes. Both of these parts are then put together into one evaluation framework. Based on information gathered from the respective specifications of particular standards, related literature and articles, we've performed an application of this evaluation framework on three standards for business process modeling: EPC, BPMN and IDEF3. The benefits of this thesis could be seen as a creation of a very own approach for evaluation of business process modeling standards. Additionally by performing the comparison of these three standards for business process modeling we've created a guideline which could be there fore applied by the potential reader during the decision making of what standard to use for business process modeling (in the context of expected purpose of this modeling).

Marketing Strategy of Protected Workshops Non-Governmental Organizations in the South Bohemian Region
The theme of the completed diploma thesis is A Marketing Strategy for Protected Work Places of NGOs in South Bohemia. In the theoretical part I focus on the definition and meaning of marketing, stategic management, the marketing process, the marketing environment, the buying behavior of consumers, marketing research. In the next section I describe the legislative basis for protected work places and I name protected work places of NGOs in South Bohemia. Then I describe the employment of people with disabilities, and I attempt to define the concept of a non-profit organization. For completion purposes, I briefly define the term South Bohemia. In the practical part I deal with the results of the research and draft a proposal for marketing strategies for the sale of products from protected work places. The practical part relates to the main goals of the diploma thesis. The first goal of the work was to map out a marketing strategy for protected work places of NGOs in South Bohemia. The second goal was to map out the opinions of the wider public in relation to the purchase of products from protected work places. The first stated hypothesis was: Protected work places of NGOs in South Bohemia do not optimally use the tools of the marketing mix to sell their products. The second stated hypothesis was: A marketing strategy has an effect on the sale of products in protected work places of NGOs in South Bohemia. I chose quantitative research with subsequent statistical data processing. The data was collected through standardized interview techniques and surveys. In both cases, the improbability of sampling techniques was used. The basic collection in terms of quantitative research was the management of protected work places of NGOs in South Bohemia and the wider public. Through standardized telephone interviews, the chosen collection of required data for the research was acquired. Due to the chosen technology. The survey, which in its form came close to being a questionnaire, was used in this thesis as an additional source of information, and was also used to acquire the primary data from the chosen sample. The sample was chosen at random. There were 94 total respondents. Through the research results which are related to the first goal, we can say that the explanatory function of the first hypothesis was not confirmed. In fact, protected work places of NGOs in South Bohemia use optimal tools of the marketing mix for the sale of their products. From the research results which are related to the second goal, we can say that the explanatory function of the second hypothesis was confirmed. With certainty we can say that a marketing strategy has an effect on the sale of products of protected work places of NGOs in South Bohemia.From the research results of controlled interviews with management of protected work places, it is evident that in addition to the long-term interests of the organization, protected work places are beginning to be interested in the desires and needs of their customers. They prefer segmented marketing, they monitor their competitors and concern themselves with competitive advantage. On the other hand, they do not engage in comprehensive marketing research and they do not create strategic marketing plans. In terms of the marketing mix, it was discovered that the quality of the products is important to those surveyed. In the communication mix, organizations mainly work with tools which can be used with lower costs.The research results of the wider public showed that the majority of respondents are aware of protected work places, but they consider their products to be unavailable. The main reason for the purchase of products from protected work places is to provide financial assistance. While respondents expect quality and attractively designed products for which they are willing to pay a higher price, the decisive incentive for the purchase may be lower-price products.

Motivation and stimulation of the employees in the selected company
SRBOVÁ, Andrea
The objektive of this bachelor thesis is evaluace the level of motivation and stimulation of the employees in the selected company and to suggest possible solution for improvement. For bachelor thesis processing was chosen the company Josef Dráb, s.r.o., which deals with construction work. The theoretical part is focussed on koncept definitiv as motivation, stimulation, source of motivation, motivational profile, motivation working behaviour theory, stimulation theory and on the domains of utilisation of thein assets. The practical part is focussed on particular questionnaire surfy, which should find out how the company motivatites it´s employees. The end of the bachelor thesis deal with statement of the problem of questionnaire surfy and suggest a kontingent solutions.

The analysis of religious tourism in the Pardubický region
Ludvíčková, Anna ; Netková, Jarmila (advisor) ; Jarolímková, Liběna (referee)
This thesis deals with the analysis of potential of the Pardubický region for religious tourism. Its main aim is to create an overview of religious monuments and festivities in the Pardubický region and of their current use in tourism and to suggest how to further support the development of religious tourism in the region. The thesis focuses on catholic and protestant monuments and of religious festivities it deals mainly pilgrimages. In the first part the Pardubický region is characterized and its potential for tourism. The second part includes an outline of the historical development of the Czech lands, with an emphasis on church history, an overview of the most important religious monuments in the Pardubický region and of their current use in tourism. The third part presents the current national projects, which promote religious tourism, and assesses the current presentation and promotion of religious monuments in the Pardubický region. The last part contains suggestions for further utilization of religious monuments in tourism and their promotion, as well as a few ideas for creation of thematic tourist routes. The conclusion discusses barriers, that prevent better use of religious monuments in tourism.

Advertising Campaign for Sport Event
Tichý, Jan ; Čáslavová, Eva (advisor) ; Malecha, Petr (referee)
Název Reklamní kampaň na sportovní akci Název v angličtině Advertising campaign for sport action Cíle práce Vytvoření návrhu reklamní kampaně pro vymyšlenou sportovní akci. Popsat a definovat sportovní akci, jež je předmětem reklamní kampaně. Navrhnout časový harmonogram použití jednotlivých médií, zjistit cenu konkrétních médií a navrhnout možnou podobu reklamních sdělení. Analyzovat reklamní kampaň na sportovní akci která již proběhla. Metoda V práci byla využita popisná analýza při zpracování reklamní kampaně na část PlM Běžeckého seriálu 2005. Dále bylo použito strukturovaných a polostrukturovaných rozhovorů při získávání informací o pořádání sportovní akce v prostorách Sazka Areny s pracovníky Best Sport, a. s. Rovněž byla využita SWOT analýza v závěru práce k hodnocení projektu. Výsledky Vytvoření reklamní kampaně pro vymyšlenou sportovní akci opírající se o čtyři hlavní média, a to včetně časového harmonogramu akce, rozpočtu a návrhu na reklamní sdělení v jednotlivých médiích. Klíčová slova Marketing, komunikace, reklama, reklamní kampaň, média, sportovní akce. 2

A Travel Movement Project of the Elbe Region Focusing on Tourism,Cycling and Exploring the Monuments of the Czech National Heritage
Jarešová, Kristina ; Nováková, Eva (advisor) ; Oponent B, (referee)
Název: Projekt cestovního ruchu Polabí se zaměřením na turistiku, cyklistiku a poznávání kulturního dědictví A Travel Movement Project ofthe Elbe Region Focusing on Tourism, Cycling and Exploring the Monuments ofthe Czech National Heritage Cíle práce: Seznámit se s cestovním ruchem. Přiblížit oblast Polabí a zmapovat tuto oblast z hlediska turisticky zajímavých cílů. Úkolem je navrhnout zajímavý desetidenní program pro rodiny s dětmi v oblasti Polabí a vytvořit odpovídající informační materiál - leták. Metoda: Výsledky: Cílů této práce bude dosaženo pomocí osobního dotazování, telefonického dotazování, elektronického dotazování, pozorování a obsahové analýzy. Většina dotazování bude s pracovníky informačních center. Naznačují situaci cestovního ruchu v oblasti Polabí a nabízejí možnost seznámit se s touto oblastí v rámci projektu - desetidenní program pro rodiny s dětmi. Klíčová slova: cestovní ruch, turistika, cyklistika, cykloturistika, kulturní dědictví, Polabí 2

Integration of individuals into social groups in different life situations in the selected region
Šámalová, Zuzana ; Varvažovská, Pavla (advisor) ; Tomáš, Tomáš (referee)
This thesis deals with the issue of integration of individuals into a social group in different life situations in the Pilsen region. Primarily it focuses to forms of assistance which are provided by the region to the children leaving the Halfway house or the children home established by the Pilsen region. The thesis analyzes public opinions on the issue of integration of the children from the children home into society and finds out their own positions of adolescents, executives and employees of social facilities. It also analyzes the issue within the development of the Pilsen region. The objective is to propose ways to integrate individuals without a family into the social groups in different life situations in the Pilsen region. The theoretical part deals with the period of socialization of a child and the absence of a family as the main factor of socialization. It describes a system of constitutional education in the Czech Republic, the lives of children in the Halfway house and programs on the issues of leaving the children home. The field research is performed with a purpose of achieving objectives, sub-objectives work and then interpret their results. The results obtained and subsequent recommendation are summarized for the establishing institution children home (thus Pilsen Region) in the conclusion of this work. To achieve the main objective is proposed the way to integrate individuals into the social groups in the form of new work position social guide.

Land adjustment evaluation in light of water protection in Southern Bohemia.
The aim of the thesis is to evaluate effects of natural and human activity on water quality of Budsky stream basin, futher assessing current water protection and proposing improvements in the form of differential protection zones. The basin is located on Besednice, Soběnov and Malče cadastral areas and extands to second grade of a water supply protection zone of Rimov reservoir. During terrain reconnaissance of the area were all the factors that could contribute to impaired quality of water in the basin taken into the account; from point source pollution to signs of erosion on the slopes of the basin. Futhermore the link between agricultural pollution, agricultural land erosion, land consolidation and protection of water was explained. Also pedological, hydrological and climate researches were conducted. The result is a redefined design of the water protection zones in question.

Výběr pracovníků v konkrétní firmě
Marešová, Miroslava ; Hiršová, Miloslava (advisor) ; Hiršová, Miloslava (referee)
Práce je zaměřena na identifikaci klíčových kritérií výběru pracovníků na vybrané pozice v konkrétní firmě. Cílem práce je navrhnout vhodné postupy a metody výběrového řízení, jež by umožnily najít pracovníky nejlépe vyhovující těmto kritériím a případně ověřit vhodnost výběru. Práce se také zaměřuje na zdroje a metody získávání kandidátů.V praktické části jsou popsána dvě výběrová řízení zkoumající celou problematiku.