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The Bologna process: Trends and objectives in Czech higher education
Voslařová, Barbora ; Vostrovská, Zdenka (advisor) ; Kotýnková, Magdalena (referee)
The paper is dedicated to mapping the basic development of the Bologna process and its main priorities until 2012, mainly thanks to documents written during conferences held. It describes in more detail the selected targets, such as mobility, national qualifications framework and the introduction of a three-level structure of education in the European Higher Education Area, which was created by the Bologna process. The paper describes these priorities, especially from the perspective of the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. On the basis of mutual comparisons I discover some deficiencies of Czech implementation and deduce ways to effectively deal with these shortcomings. I mention the need to remodel programs of Bachelor cycle in more professionally oriented programs. Hypothesis of this paper is that the implementation of the priorities of the Bologna process has a positive impact on the Czech higher education. The paper this assertion does not confirm nor disprove. It only points out, that in the long run will show the overall positivity or negativity of the Bologna process in the Czech Republic.

Current and future trends in cloud CRM
Nemček, Sebastian ; Donát, Jiří (advisor) ; Žamberský, Martin (referee)
The diploma thesis is committed to mapping CRM applications available in cloud and trends within. The goal is to describe what CRM is, how it evolved into Cloud CRM, analyze main differences between the two approaches and analyze trends that can be observed in CRM market and CRM applications. This is coupled with description of the most common CRM solutions and products available both on-premises as well as on-demand. In the first part, the thesis introduces theory behind Customer Relationship Management and its different understanding by various authors. It also describes the most common functionality of CRM. The second part explores the world of CRM application, characterizing infrastructure behind, deployment models, access options, licensing models and technology. In the next part the three on-premise solutions -- Oracle Siebel, Microsoft Dynamics CRM and SAP 360 Customer are described in terms of their look and feel, functionality, social and mobile CRM capabilities and pricing. The next part finally deals with CRM in the form of Cloud, introduces the term cloud computing, clarifies when cloud is the right choice and generally compares costs of running CRM on-demand and on-premise. This is followed by trends description on CRM market and functionality. The last chapter describes two cloud CRM solutions for each of the enterprise, medium and small company target segments.

HACCP System in a company Pascual Polabí s. r. o.
Kukačková, Veronika ; Kořánová, Helena (advisor) ; Větrovský, Stanislav (referee)
Aim diploma work is analysis of system HACCP in company Pascual Polabí s. r. o.. To analyze this system properly I arbitrated to carry out internal audit upon this system, I examined, whether adhere plus check all critical control points. Processed I record from hereof inner audit plus determine several power procuration plus recommendation. This system I examined partly with reference to valid legislature plus partly with reference to in-home regulations " Health dangerous at agricultural basic industry firm Pascual Polabí s. r. o." I investigate with recency plus rightness diagrams industrial process plus assesment breaking point.. System implementation HACCP will realize legislative requirements for food processing firm, will ensure production (performance) plus sale health unexceptionable groceries plus dishs, protect the consumer and food processing firm (better vindication before inspection authorities plus complaints consumers) as well as increases know - how plus qualification workers. Base system HACCP is, that not only must be well - established, but also have to adhere correct production plus hygienic rules. That is means, that all personnel must be familiarized whith it and everyone have to know what, when, why plus how be to do. In first chapter behind - pick theoretic part, where describe, what it proper system HACCP is plus what legislative regulations are with him adherent. Concentrate here largely on boot HACCP for agricultural basic industry, because company Pascual Polabí s. r. o. grows salads. In second parts I deal with analysis contemporary system state HACCP in company. Describe here, how is system HACCP in company Pascual Polabí s. r. o. implemented and on what diversification according to legislature zero in on. In third chapter describe fulfilment check internal audit system HACCP, where I double - checked how consequential plus entire lead all documentation system HACCP, so and observance all critical check point in terrain, afield and in store. Check audit in terrain I prove by evidence photographs. Lastly I'm analyzed record audit. From ascertained reality follow on, that the company Pascual Polabí s. r. o. faces all documentation to system HACCP in absolute harmony with requirements legislature and in-home regulations. In terrain I however run against some way inadequacies in observance given critical monitor point namely above all in non - performance using all personal protective means for work. At non - performance hereof request, can get to contamination reaped salads. Therefore would recommended follow - up for - skill of all workers, further consequential verification workers supervisor. At follow - up inquest poverty of would proposed financial sanctions how for workers, so and for supervisor. Further would at assesment new procuration recommended carry out consequential for - skill of all workers, to this procuration was really adhere, see cracked glass receiver on crop machine rig, that are marked red wrapper, but personnel, there and despite salads positioning. Also would recommended assesment two new critical monitor point that the concern above all storage space. Ought be given procuration at possible smash or disruption plastic canopy on fluorescent tube as well as regular verification runabouts. Last but not least, would recommended transaction more frequent plus regular check internal audits on observance system HACCP.

Kaufland and its access to customers
Rokosová, Kateřina ; Khelerová, Vladimíra (advisor) ; Turnerová, Lenka (referee)
The thesis is focused on the importance of a costumer for the company Kaufland Czech Republic. The theoretical part includes breef description of trade, retail units and characteristics of a costumer. The practical part concentrates on Kaufland as a company, to be concrete on run of Customer department. There is an analysis of a certain activity of customer department as well, for example number of phone calls that has been solved or the consistence of received complaints and suggestions.

Application of Google Analytics in a company
Founě, Michal ; Sedláček, Jiří (advisor) ; Slaba, Jiří (referee)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to present the features of the hosted web analytics solution Google Analytics when measuring web traffic on an e-commerce website as well as creating and optimizing an on-line advertising campaign. This thesis was written in cooperation with a non-profit organization which is running an e-commerce website for selling products made by disabled people.

Czech green cards in context of the immigration policy of the EU
Kopecká, Vladimíra ; Němcová, Ingeborg (advisor) ; Potužáková, Zuzana (referee)
Green card is a new type of residence permit within the territory of the Czech republic designed for foreigners from selected third countries. It entitles its holder to residence as well as work. The concept functions in the Czech republic since 1.1.2009. This thesis sets the Czech project of green cards into wilder context of the immigration policy of the EU and examines whether Czech green cards are compatible with similar system of EU blue cards which is not yet running on but it is in process of approval. The thesis also investigates if there are similar systems already working in other EU member states and compares Czech green cards to selected systems of green cards of Germany and Denmark. It also deals with the question whether the Czech system has so far been successful, what are its strengths, weaknesses and prospects of the future.

The genus .i.Chironomus./i. MEIGEN (Diptera, Chironomidae) in the Novohradské Mountains (South Bohemia)
Matěna, Josef ; Matěnová, V.
The occurrence of Chironomus species was investigated in Novohradské Mountains during 1999-2001. Fishponds, running waters and small standing waters of both permanent and astatic characters were included. Larvae were identified cytotaxonomically according to polytene chromosomes of salivary glands. Ch. annularius occurred more regularly in fishponds without fishery management, further species were found only in some of these habitats - Ch. balatonicus, bernensis, obtusidens, parathummi, plumosus, sp. - near muratensis and Ch. (C.) tentans. Organically polluted stretches of running waters were characterized by mass occurrence of Ch. riparius. Ch. luridus and Ch. melanotus were the dominant species of small permanent water bodies, further species found in these habitats were Ch. aberratus, commutatus, dorsalis, holomelas, piger and pseudothummi. Astatic habitats - rainpools were inhabited almost exclusively by Ch. dorsalis.

Visual Programming Backend for a Mobile Robot
Staněk, Ondřej ; Obdržálek, David (advisor) ; Bednárek, David (referee)
Title: Visual Programming Backend for a Mobile Robot Author: Bc. Ondřej Staněk Department: The Department of Software Engineering Supervisor: RNDr. David Obdržálek, Ph.D. Supervisor's e-mail address: Abstract: In this work, the author designs and implements a solution for programming small mobile robots using a visual programming language. A suitable visual programming front-end is selected and back-end layers are created that allow execution of the program in a mobile robot. The author designs and implements a virtual machine that runs alongside the original robot firmware on an 8-bit microcontroller with limited resources. A code generator layer compiles the visual representation of the program into a sequence of bytecode instructions that is interpreted on board of the mobile robot. The solution supports typical features of procedural programming languages, in particular: variables, expressions, conditional statements, loops, static arrays, function calls and recursion. The emphasis is put on robustness of the implementation. To verify and maintain code quality, methods of automated software testing are used. Keywords: visual programming language, virtual machine, mobile robot, Blockly Powered by TCPDF (

Effect of high temperature and water shortage stresses duration during anthesis on the selected winter wheat yield formation components
Hlaváčová, Marcela ; Rapantová, Barbora ; Surá, Kateřina ; Klem, Karel ; Hlavinka, Petr ; Trnka, Miroslav
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of drought and high temperatures on Tobak winter wheat variety during one of the most sensitive developmental stage (anthesis) from the viewpoint of harvest index (HI) and spike productivity (SP). The 5 growth chambers (where the plants were exposed to these stress factors) were used for these purposes. The various protocols consisting in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) course, relative air humidity (RH) and daily temperature courses were run. The plants were divided into 2 groups within each growth chambers: (1) Drough-stressed (Dry) and (2) well-watered (Wet). Two lengths of stresses duration were tested: 3 and 7 days. The plants were exposed to ambient weather conditions up to the full maturity after stresses exposition within the growth chambers. Subsequently, the plants were harvested manually and HI and SP were evaluated. The statistical analyses showed that the effect of each stress factor separately was statistically significant both for HI and SP14, nevertheless, these two factors interaction was statistically significant only in the case of HI.