National Repository of Grey Literature 468 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.07 seconds. 

Meditation of meaning in RPG
Pekárková, Kateřina ; Klusák, Miroslav (referee) ; Chrz, Vladimír (advisor)
The presented thesis is focused on the Role Playing Games (RPGs). These games developed from strategic war games in 70's in the USA, where they immediately gained a huge popularity and expanded to other countries. In the Czech Republic the first RPG called Draci doupe was published in 1990. In spite of robust expansion of these games, there is just a few scholarly papers about them, especially in the Czech Republic. Here, we find mainly students' papers, which are enthusiastic and well-oriented in RPGs but not enough interested in science. This thesis aspires on scientific framing of RPGs. There are many appealing topics in the RPGs - e.g. cooperation between players, collective construction of game world and events, personality traits of heroes played by players and their relationship to players' identities. In our research we adopt the approach of cultural-historical psychology from Vygotskij, Leontjev and Engestrom, and therefore we focused on the interactions between game participants and on the artifacts which modulate these interactions. Due to the specific structure of the investigated game group we revealed an educational relationship between the players and Game Master, we concentrated on this relationship and tried to analyze it. We revealed the meaning as the main topic in RPGs. We describe the...

Specifics of father-infant and mother-infant play with a child up to age of three
Svatošová, Lucie ; Dittrichová, Jaroslava (referee) ; Šulová, Lenka (advisor)
This diploma thesis is a part of the grant task n.406/01/220 of the Grant agency of the Czech republic. The grant task is focused on the specifics of early interactions of young child with the members of their family. The solver of the grant task is Doc. PhDr. Lenka ulová, CSc. The theoretical part of the work is devided into five main chapters. The first one is focused on the role of mother in childs development. The second one is oriented to the role of father. In the third chapter is closely analyse childs play up to age of three. The fourth chapter is focused on the specifics of mother-infant play, the fifth one is dedicated to the specifics of father-infant play. The research presented in the empirical part consists in the analysis of recorded play interactions of 1,2 and 3 years old childern with their mothers and fathers, that were taken in their homes with the standardized set of toys. The results were analysed by the programme V.I.P. into several categories (look, vokalisation, smile, manipulation with toys, motorical activity, physical contact). There were observed differences between mother-infant and father-infant play. The results are presented for each child separately, for 1,2 and 3 years old childern, for the whole sample and finally the development aspect was observed too.

Elements of play in adult education
Froněk, Jan ; Svatoš, Vladimír (referee) ; Šerák, Michal (advisor)
A "play" or a "game" are both terms that are frequently used in the field of adult education. Nevertheless, they have several different meanings, and a variety of diverse activities can be subsumed under them. This thesis focuses on the definition of the term "play" and also on the differentiation between a "play" and an "activity with elements of play". Games and plays are presented therein as an enriching part of our lives. The aim is to show the fact that for an adult educator the play is a phenomenon worth dealing with. Another part of the thesis attempts to categorise the types of games and plays frequently used in adult education. The largest section of the paper presents "reviewing" of methods with elements of play as an essential skill of an experiential trainer. Reviewing enables the learner to benefit from taking part in the activity and to transfer the experience into his/her further life.

Sociálné vzťahy medzi oboma pohlaviami u paviánov dželada (Theropithecus gelada) v Zoo Zlín - Lešná
Baholet, Daria
Geladas baboons are the only representatives of the Old world monkeys. Manifestations of life and social relationships between animals are still not very explored. Therefore, this work focuses on a group of seven animals living in captivity in Zoo Zlin-Lešná. The observation focused on key social needs such as gathering food, exercise, rest, comfort behavior, sexual behavior, aggression and play. The observation started in the spring of 2014, was done in five observations. Results of observations are processed in the last part of the bachelor thesis using etograms and graphs. The observed activities were recorded in this representation: the largest part occupies the collection of food 44.2%. Further grooming 24.6%, observation of surroundings 10.4% and 8.1% movement. Followed by rating in 7.7%, manifestations of sexual behavior 2.3%, playing 1.7% and climbing trees 0.5%. The least represented is aggressive behavior 0.07%. The results observed on gelada baboons in Zoo Zlín-Lešná and approximately coincides with the prior knowledge of this kind

Play therapy
Kleinová, Gražina ; Junková, Vendula (advisor) ; Šírová, Eva (referee)
Play therapy is a specific therapeutic approach which reflects the belief that play is a natural way for children to discover the world. Play is a serious activity for children, even while they are happily enjoying it. Play is very important for healthy growth - for their mental, physical and social development. In analysing the choice of children's activities, we can identify various types of play which accord very much with the age of the child. Play helps the child resolve psychosocial difficulties. and achieve optimal development. During play, it is possible to express many things through symbolism. It is not necessary to talk about it; actions speak louder than words! Play is, ~y its very nature, attractive to and enjoyable for children. Every child likes to play. The above-accepted hypotheses represent the basic principles of play therapy which apply to children from 4 to 10-11 years. Psychoanalysts Hermine Hug-Hellmuth and Melanie Klein were the first to introduce play into psychotherapy for children. Virgine Axline devised a non-directive play therapy based on Carl Rug~r's therapcutic approach, and defined eight principles for it. The play therapist believes that every child possesses its own healing powers. The play therapist knows that the child needs to be accepted exactly as he or she is. The...

Gold and its Economic Importance in the Russian Federation
Ivanushkin, Nikolay ; Stará, Dana (advisor) ; Srbek, Pavel (referee)
Gold has always played and will play a big role in the development of mankind and the development of individual countries. Gold is in the interests of the Russian state appeared in the 15th century. For centuries Russia explored deposits of gold, but only in the 19th gold mining became an independent field. Analysis was conducted on the gold mining regions in Russia, from which it follows that the undisputed leader in gold mining is the Krasnodar region. A certain part of the country's reserves of Bank of Russia since 1992, holding in gold. In the practical part of the international reserves was analyzed and Russia revealed that the active gold buying is conducted in 2014. Gold is used in many areas. From the practical part it follows that of 21st century a large part of the demand for gold accounted for the manufacture of jewelry and in industry. For the Russian citizens, gold became an advantageous investment during the crisis in Russia.

Comparation of differences in strategy and tactics of tennis double play between juvenils and adults categories
Matějka, Josef ; Kočíb, Tomáš (advisor) ; Buchtel, Jaroslav (referee)
Thesis title: Comparison of differences in strategy and tactics of tennis double play between juvenils and adults categories. Target of thesis: Observe and compare differences in strategy and tactics ofco-work between tennis double play team-mates terms between juvenils and adults. Method: There have been made play records on basis of indirect observation of 20 tennis contests of both categories. The records have been used for latter evaluation of differences between objective categories. Results: This thesis is stressing different ways of co-work between tennis double players reflecting differences between juvenils and adults. There are not all ways of co-work being used in juvenils-category comparing adults, nor is activity between team-mates equal to one usual amongst adults. Key words: tennis double play, situation in play, co-work between team-mates, active and inactive team-mate. 3

The Play of Present Preschool children in the Village and in the Town
This bachelor thesis deals with the games of preschool children in the village and of the games of children in the city. In the first part of this work, the game is characterized, a reflection of the children?s surrounding environment in the game, development characteristics of the preschool age and games and toys at this time period. The second part of the thesis contains a researched investigation carried out on the nurseries and observation of the preschool children living in the village and in the city at the present time. Interview and observation have been utilized as examination methods. A part of this section is a detailed description and comparison of the games occurring in the village and in the city. From the researched investigation it can be concluded that the games in both environments are similar, however, in the monitored group of children, the village children have showed more fantasy and cooperation than the urban children.

Cooperative game as one of means (classroom interaction)
Lebdušková, Václava ; Kargerová, Jana (advisor) ; Tomková, Anna (referee)
In my thesis I deal with a cooperative play as a tool of understanding. This understanding means that the pupils learn more about each other, learn more about themselves and also the teacher do learn more about his class. The aim of this work is to record to what extent the usage of cooperative plays participates in the development of social, personal and communicative competencies at the beginning of the compulsory school attendance. At the end of my thesis I present the results of the action research, which confirm that cooperative play is a good tool for making good relationships in a group and for developing the chosen key competencies.

Boccia as an effective way to increase the quality of life of persons with severe disabilities(?)
Bachelor thesis "Boccia as an effective way to improve the quality of life of people with severe physical disabilities?" Discusses the possibility of positive impacts on the quality of life of individuals especially with severe disabilities through active participation in the game called "Boccia". Boccia is a game designed for people with severe physical or combined disabilities, in which special equipment is used in order to allow disabled people with arduous opportunities for participation in other sports because of severe disability to play in an independent way. In the Czech Republic, thanks to good playing conditions, an offshoot called "Integrated boccia", abbreviated "iBoccia" has been developed, which is based on the simplified rules allowing the practicing of the classical Boccia basically to anyone. The level or the type of disability does not play a significant role (except for visual impairment) because the special equipment reduces major differences caused by disability, and so the game can also be played by people without disabilities. In the game 3-6-membered teams participate, it is therefore a collective sport. The integrated Boccia may provide an opportunity for self-realisation based on physical activity and enables to establish or enhance social relationships, which appear to be a suitable mean of improving the quality of life of people with severe physical disabilities. The aim of this thesis is to determine whether and how integrated Boccia influences subjectively perceived quality of life of selected players with disabilities involved in students project "Boccia heading south" implemented in the Czech Budejovice. In order to achieve the targets of the research part a qualitative research was used, specifically the design of case studies. The opening chapter is devoted to the definition and characteristics of basic terms like disability, severe and physical, and classification of defects. Here is indicated working definition of severe disability, it is "a particularly severe form of disability, when a person is largely limited in his physical abilities due to damage support or the musculoskeletal system, or other physical damage, therefore, becomes dependent on the assistance of another person."(Gruber, Lendl, 1992 in Pipeková, 2006, p 168; Fröhlich, 1994, p 44 in Pipeková, 2006, pp. 329, MPSV.CZ: Zdravotní postižení. [online]. [cit. 2013-08-13]. Dostupné z: The fifth part is consists of qualitative research, whose outputs consist three case studies. By the addressed respondents are players of integrated boccia from South Bohemia involvement in the project "Boccia heading south." These are two women of age 54 and 27 years and men of age 22 years. Dates required to process the case studies was obtained by interviews and participating observation. For each of the surveyed players iBoccia performs a different function and takes the different positions in the ranking of importance in the life of the respondents. For the respondent I. iBoccia means for example self-fulfillment, respondent II. iBoccii perceive like more free time to improvement of rehabilitation function, while for the respondent III. It brings the possibility of self-fulfillment and a sense of "necessity". The research results have brought confirmation that integrated Boccia has a positive effect on the quality of life of these respondents with severe physical disabilities, providing them the possibility self-realization, takes the social and rehabilitative function. These results are however applicable only as an individual, depending on many factors related to medical diagnosis, human personality, current psychological or physical condition, self-discipline and financial situation. It also depends on the organizers and employees of facilities how bring the game.