National Repository of Grey Literature 31 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Linguistic variation in the Spanish of Cuba
Laurencio Tacoronte, Ariel ; Zavadil, Bohumil (advisor) ; Čermák, Petr (referee)
Variation in Cuban Spanish Abstract The aim of this thesis is to deal with the topic of variation in Cuban Spanish, with a special emphasis on the Havana variety, one of the most innovative and recognizable within the island's linguistic landscape. The work is divided into three sections: phonetics and phonology, lexis and semantics, morphology and syntax. The cases described are illustrated with entries taken from a lexico- graphical work of personal authorship, or likewise with usage examples mainly taken from the Reference Corpus of Contemporary Spanish (CREA). On the basis of the analysis of the collected data, this paper examines the state of variability and balance inherent to the system, in order to deepen in the understanding of the mechanisms that shape this language variety. Keywords: Spanish language, Cuban Spanish, variation, dictionary of Cuban Spanish Variación lingüística en el español de Cuba Resumen El objetivo de la presente tesis es abordar el tema de la variación en el español hablado en Cuba, con especial énfasis en la modalidad de La Habana, una de las más innovadoras y representa- tivas del panorama lingüístico insular. El trabajo se halla dividido en tres grandes bloques: fonética y fonología, léxico y semántica, morfología y sintaxis. Los casos descritos se hallan ilustrados con...
The declension of variation. On the notion of multiplicity in Gilles Deleuze
Bastidas Bolaños, David Antonio ; Goddard, Jean-Christophe (advisor) ; Sáez Tajafuerce, Begonya (referee)
The declension of variation. On the notion of multiplicity in Gilles Deleuze This paper aims at a reconstruction of the notion of multiplicity in the thought of the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze. To this end, our guiding thread corresponds to the relationship that this thinker establishes between the mathematical doctrine of Bernhard Riemann and the philosophy of Henri Bergson. Our purpose is to go through the various appearances of this relationship and to reconstruct the fundamental axes of an original concept of multiplicity that we believe Deleuze's thought holds. Thus, our inquiry, via a strategic journey through the Bergsonism, A Thousand Plateaus and Difference and Repetition, uncovers a double articulation for the deleuzian multiplicity. This double articulation is expressed in the two axes of thematization that we develop, namely coherence and inherence, or in other terms, a multidimensional organization and an activity of internal division. From these two axes, we believe, the notion of multiplicity describes the dynamics proper to a mouvement of continuous change or variation of nature. Keywords : Deleuze, Multiplicity, Variation, Bergson, Riemann, Bergsonism, A Thousand Plateaus, Difference and repetition.
Differenciation in the Galium palustre group in central Europe
Dohnalová, Pavla ; Kaplan, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Knotek, Adam (referee)
The aim of this work is to summarize the current knowledge about the Galium palustre complex in Central Europe. It is a polyploid complex, which has involved polyploidization and hybridization in its evolution. Individual cytotypes somewhat differ in quantitative characters and in ecology and show considerable morphological variation. For this reason, the taxonomy of the group is unclear and the opinions on the cytotype classification differ. There are two species in the Galium palustre complex distinguished in the Czech Republic, the diploid Galium palustre and the octoploid Galium elongatum. Exact data regarding their distribution and morphological variation are not known and therefore this thesis will be followed by a master's thesis, where modern methods will be used to clarify the issue. Key words: polyploidization, hybridization, Galium palustre, Galium elongatum morphological variation
Diversity of the Galium mollugo group in central Europe
Talpová, Julie ; Kaplan, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Slovák, Marek (referee)
1 Abstract This is a review of previously published articles and studies on the Galium mollugo complex in Central Europe. Its aim is a brief introduction to the morphology and classification of the genus Galium L., especially the group Galium mollugo within Central Europe. The evolutionary processes (hybridization, polyploidization and allopatric speciation) responsible for differentiation within this group are described. Delimitation of taxa and their identification are difficult and require additional studies. The methods that will be used in my diploma thesis (flow cytometry and classical morphometry) are introduced. The potential of use of molecular methods are also mentioned. Key words: Galium mollugo group, mophology, FCM, taxonomy, hybridization
On the Variation of Irregular Verbs: Regular Conjugation of the Most Frequent Irregular Verbs in the Written German
Sikora, Marek ; Dovalil, Vít (advisor) ; Šemelík, Martin (referee)
1 Abstract The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to find out, if the regular conjugation in preterite and the regular forming of past participle, or the absence of alternation of e and i in the 2nd and 3rd person singular, present tense indicative and in imperative singular concerning the most frequent irregular verbs have already reached the written standard German (in the informal spoken language they in some measure occur). In the first part (theoretical) the thesis explains some terms of language change, comments on the traditional classification of the irregular German verbs on the basis of ablaut and offers a more suitable one according to Bittner, sums up the main points from the codification literature. In the second part (empirical) a list of eleven irregular verbs is made (using W Corpus of the Institute for German Language in Mannheim), which are to be examined, a methodology is developed to detect the typing errors occurring in the found forms, and the eleven verbs are empirically researched. The conclusion presents the results and answers the main questions put in the introduction.
Calculus of variation in Physics and Geometry
Kuchařík, Jan ; Krýsl, Svatopluk (advisor) ; Scholtz, Martin (referee)
Název práce: Variační počet ve fyzice Autor: Jan Kuchařík Katedra / Ústav: Matematický ústav UK Vedoucí bakalářské práce: RNDr. Svatopluk Krýsl, Ph.D. Abstrakt: Ve své práci shrnuji některá základní použití variačního počtu v praktických aplikacích. Odvozuju zde nezbytný matematický aparát. Zavádím pojem matematického funkcionálu a jeho extremalizaci, odvozuji Euler-Lagrangeovu rovnici a její důsledek - Beltramiho identitu; dále se věnuji odvození metody řešení izoperimetrických úloh, která zobecňuje metodu Lagrangeových multiplikátorů. Ačkoliv se v práci vyskytují řešené úlohy nejrůznějšího typu, zaměřuju se na čtyři hlavní oblasti: Fermatův princip, Hamiltonův princip nejmenší akce, isoperimetrické úlohy a hledání geodetik. Title: Variational calculus in physics Author: Jan Kuchařík Department: Supervisor: RNDr. Svatopluk Krýsl, Ph.D. Abstract: In my research work, I try to collect some basic usage of variational calculus in practical applications. I derive all the necessary mathematical tools. I explain what is a fuctional and what it means to extremalize it, I derive Euler- Lagrange equation and its corollary - Beltrami identity. I also try to derive a method for solving isoperimetric problems which generalizes the one of the Lagrange multipliers. Although there is a variety of several different...
Sociophonetic study of dysfluent behaviour in native English speakers
Longauerová, Renáta ; Skarnitzl, Radek (advisor) ; Gráf, Tomáš (referee)
The present thesis focuses on the study of the influence of two social factors, age and gender, on the frequency and variation of seven different types of dysfluencies (filled pauses, silent pauses, repairs, repetitions, false starts, vowel and consonant lengthening) in the spontaneous speech of native English speakers from England. The speakers were divided into four different social groups according to their age and gender. The first part of the present thesis provides a general characterization of the relevant types of dysfluencies, together with the main issues concerning the production of speech dysfluencies. The empirical part presents the analyses of the recordings of 32 native English speakers from England. The overall results considering general influence of age and gender show that the only significant difference is between age groups, with older speakers producing more dysfluencies than younger speakers. Gender, on the other hand, does not make the difference significant, except for vowel lengthenings that were produced significantly more by female speakers than male speakers, and repetitions, which is the only type of dysfluency where the difference is significant and influenced by both age and gender, with older male speakers producing significantly more dysfluencies than any other...
The speech of younger generation in Frýdek-Místek
Janáková, Bára ; Chromý, Jan (advisor) ; Dittmann, Robert (referee)
This thesis presents an analysis of the casual speech of high school students in Frýdek-Místek. Use of dialectal features which should be typical both for the area of Frýdek-Místek and for the broader Moravian and Silesian area was analyzed. Thus, we wanted to document the impact of dialect levelling in the speech of younger generation. Data were gathered using sociolinguistic interviews. The sample was very homogeneous and it was designed to represent a specific category of speakers, i.e. high-school students. Mostly, the interdialectal variants were preferred over dialectal ones. One of the features which is still commonly used is the pronunciation of -mě- as [mje].
Identity and variations in the novel Lignes de faille by Nancy Huston
Turečková, Ester ; Šuman, Záviš (advisor) ; Ébert-Zeminová, Catherine (referee)
The present study compares identity formation of the narrators in the novel Lignes de faille, who are six years old children of four consecutive generations. The aim of the thesis is to link and analyze two basic elements of Huston's creation, namely identity and variations. The first part of the study deals with the definition of identity and then describes the stages of identity formation according to the psychosocial concept of Erik H. Erikson. Afterwards, the thesis outlines family environment factors such as family composition, parenting style or religious denomination that contribute to the formation of identity. The second part of the comparative study focuses on the similarities and differences between the four children stories of which the novel is composed. The analysis deals with variations related to body perception, religious beliefs and family models. The thesis provides a point of view of the identity formation of the children and at the same time shows how the reactions to the factors that affect this formation resemble or differ across the four stories.

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