National Repository of Grey Literature 20 records found  previous11 - 20  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The Military component of the Counterrevolution - Egypt case- The root causes of the deep-state and its military hardcore counterattack against Egypt uprising.
Saad, Mohamed ; Kučera, Tomáš (advisor) ; Ludvík, Jan (referee)
In the course of time, the Egyptian army has developed a complicated network of economic interests as a privileged establishment, and independent from civilian oversight or political surveillance. This dissertation argues that; the well-established and long lasting independent economic interests may turn the military establishment to an independent stakeholder and closed, conservative group within the society seeks to preserve its own privileges by controlling over the political power and resist any external oversight including the democratic reforms that may create a threat to these privileges. Such military establishment is a direct threat to any democratic transition. In this case, the armies securitize the political sphere raising the democratic reforms as foreign conspiracy and an existential threat to its privileges and raise the nationalism and xenophobic rhetoric as it needs to create a political justification for their security practices that aim to crush the opposition and secure the political power. I suppose that the Egyptian case shows causal relations between the economic interests of the military establishment and the nationalism as a dominant ideology. Such military is leaning to not only control the political power, but it aims to militarize the societal values and control over the...
Comparison uprising in Poznan and Budapest in 1956
Mottlová, Tereza ; Mlejnek, Josef (advisor) ; Kučera, Tomáš (referee)
The Bacherlor's Thesis deals with theme of comparism of the uprising in Hungary and Poland in 1956. The thesis employs methods of description and comparism. The Thesis is devided into three main parts. The first part deals with uprising in polish town Poznan. It outlines political situation before uprising and its causes. This part describes course of uprising and its ending. The second part concerns with uprising in Budpest. Analogous to the first part, the second part describes political situation in Hungary before autumn 1956. Focuses on a causes of uprising, main characters and course of uprising. In the end it mentions main consequences. The third part of the Bacherlor's Thesis deals with the comparism of both uprising - its the causes, courses and endings. It sums up main points and characters and compares it.
Czecho-Slovak reactions to the Hungarian uprising of 1956
Guziar, Matúš ; Vojtěchovský, Ondřej (advisor) ; Koura, Jan (referee)
This bachelor thesis analyses events of the Hungarian uprising in the autumn of 1956 and the Czecho-Slovak reactions related to them. It examines development of political situation in Hungary which advanced towards outbreak of the uprising, its progress and following response in Czechoslovakia. It focuses on emergency measures applied by the Czechoslovak government, image of the uprising presented in the Czechoslovak press and also contemporary reactions of citizens, especially those living in Slovakia, to the revolutionary events. Keywords: communism, socialism, Hungary, uprising, 1956, revolution, Czechoslovakia, Imre Nagy
What is the 'Facebook revolution'? Use of Social Media for Political Protest: Egypt 2011
Jelínková, Petra ; Zaccarello, Benedetta (advisor) ; Pudlák, Štěpán (referee)
This dissertation closely looks at the role of social media during the uprisings in the Arab world in 2011 that broke out in a number of Arab countries. In the thesis, an example of the Egyptian protests is used. An analysis of the usage of social media during the protests serves as a clear illustration how new media platforms subjugate traditional forms of media. This dissertation focuses on describing the power of the Internet and discovers the other aspects which played a significant role during the revolution. The dissertation uses an established social movement theories, communication theories and ideas of community, to place its use within a wider context and to explain the inherent characteristics of social media that made it appealing to the activists in Egypt. Finally, also to be pointed out, is the connection between the power of the social media and social power, when for the first time in history, the Internet facilitated the virtual relationship between people with very different profiles, but with a common objective. Key words: social media, community, online community, communication, uprising, cyberactivism, social movement theory, Egypt.
Reflection of national uprisings in NDR, Poland and Hungaryin the years 1953-1956 in contenporary press in Czechoslovakia, focusing ithe study on daily newspapers Rude Pravo and Mlada fronta
Šafář, Ondřej ; Zamazal, Ondřej (advisor) ; Knapík, Jiří (referee)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH VĚD Institut komunikačních studií a žurnalistiky Ondřej Šafář Odraz národních povstání v NDR, Polsku a Maďarsku v letech 1953-1956 v soudobém československém tisku se zaměřením na deníky Rudé právo a Mladá fronta Diplomová práce Praha 2016 Abstract The thesis "Reflection of national uprisings in East Germany, Poland and Hungary in the years 1953-1956 in contemporary press in Czechoslovakia, focusing the study on daily newspapers Rude právo and Mladá fronta" concentrates on the way, how the media reflected uprisings that took place in the 50s in neighbouring countries under the Soviet sphere of influence. The thesis describes the political development in Czechoslovakia from the end of World War II until 1956. The thesis also describes the development, structure and governance of the Czechoslovakia media in this period of time, including the history of the monitored dailies Rudé právo and Mladá fronta. The thesis also focuses on the background and the process of the three uprisings in East Germany, Poland and Hungary. Following part introduces basic theoretical concepts (including ideology, propaganda, hegemony and discourse) as a background for the practical part, which is a qualitative research of journals Rudé právo and Mladá fronta at selected periods of time...
American Foreign Policy and the Arab Uprisings in Egypt, Libya, and Syria
El-Ahmadieh, Jakub ; Kozák, Kryštof (advisor) ; Bečka, Jan (referee)
The Master Thesis American Foreign Policy and the Arab Uprisings in Egypt, Libya, and Syria concentrates primarily on the conflict between democracy promotion and pursuit of strategic and security interests within the U.S. foreign policy with respect to uprisings in Egypt, Libya, and Syria that broke out in the beginning of 2011. The thesis also concentrates on the processes and the tools used by the United States to support either democratization efforts or their vital interests and how these processes were publicly communicated. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part analyzes history of democracy promotion in the U.S. foreign policy and its conflict with interest-based stability promotion. The second, and the most extensive, part examines the uprisings in Egypt, Libya, and Syria with an accent on the U.S. foreign policy. The third part seeks to identify patterns and features of the U.S. foreign policy with respect to the uprisings in the mentioned countries using the facts mentioned in the previous two chapters. The thesis uses mainly newspaper articles and expert opinions as the principle sources. As the topic is a very current issue there is no huge number of academic sources available especially concerning the later phases of the uprisings. Also, official sources like analyses...
Causes and Ethnic Features of Conflict in Albania in 1997
Řezáčová, Veronika ; Králová, Kateřina (advisor) ; Pikal, Kamil (referee)
This bachelor's thesis deals with the primary and secondary causes and possible features of the riots in Albania in 1997. As the primary cause of the conflict the crash of the pyramid schemes and the subsequent economic collapse are identified. The thesis aims to prove that the first step toward the conflict was made earlier. The lack of democratic transformation and dysfunctional state apparatus after the fall of communism has become a prerequisite for the outbreak of the conflict. From March 1992 to June 1997 the Democratic Party reigned under the leadership of Sali Berisha. Since the post-communist transformation took place mainly in the first half of the nineties, it is assumed that the Democratic Party with Sali Berisha was instrumental in the emergence of the conflict. The hypothesis is that President Berisha not only caused, but also deliberately deepened the conflict. Two Albanian ethnicities Ghegs and Tosks play an important role in determining the causes of the conflict. Their relations are not completely idyllic and during the historic events rivalry and tension have frequently resurfaced. In the time of communism problems between Ghegs and Tosks were pushed into the background and therefore the thesis assumes that during the post-communist transformation disputes between Ghegs and Tosks...
The revolt of 1953 and its interpretation in the tendentious newspapers in the GDR and Czechoslowakia
Kyselová, Petra ; Konrád, Ota (advisor) ; Nigrin, Tomáš (referee)
The aim of the bachelor work "Uprising from the 17th March 1953 and its interpretation in biased press in DDR and ČSR" is to characterize the basic characters of the uprising, which took place firstly on 16th end 17th June in eastern Berlin and then in other east-German cities. In the first part I am trying to describe especially the reasons of this event, its course with focus on crucial moments, which influenced the following course of the uprising. I am also focusing on results, which this event had on other social-political development of the divided Germany. In the second part of my work I am characterizing the immediate interpretation of this event, created by the biased press in DDR and ČSR. In each country I will investigate the interpretation in party-, labor unions- and youth press. With consideration of control and censorship mechanisms, which in each country got concrete outlines, during investigation of interpretation of this event I will try to search for differences between periodicals and later between the two countries. I will observe, how each periodical characterize the event and if some unbiased facts and thoughts could have appeared. In comparison between the countries, my question is, if it was necessary the information coming from eastern Germany designated for Czechoslovak...
Slovak National Uprising in 1944 and its medial presentation in the contemporary Czech press
Pernis, Tomáš ; Bednařík, Petr (advisor) ; Cebe, Jan (referee)
The author of this bachelor thesis describes the Slovak National Uprising in 1944 from the perspective of selected Czech legal press. The thesis compares the contemporary interpretation in the protectorate press with a current historiographic understanding of that event, based on the materials from the daily newspapers such as Venkov, Národní práce, České slovo (or Večerní České slovo) and the Přítomnost monthly. Furthermore, the thesis illustrates the function of the protectorate mass media and brings to light their propaganda nature.
The Christian missionary movement in China, 1860-1900
Sakmárová, Dominika ; Liščák, Vladimír (advisor) ; Klimeš, Ondřej (referee)
The objective of this Bachelor's thesis is to describe the activities of Christian missionaries in China during the second half of 19. century. Most attention is being drawn to Protestant missions, which are more relevant due to the absence of hierarchy in Protestant churches, unlike in other branches of Christianity. However, Catholic and Eastern Orthodox missions are also briefly mentioned. The main point of the thesis is to describe history of Christian missions in China leading to the situation which arose in the second part of 19. century, causing a variety of different approaches to the problem of evangelization of Chinese people. The thesis describes various ways how the missions were practised and what kind of reactions amongst Chinese people they induced. On the other side, the point of view of Chinese Christians is mentioned, with the side effects that arose due to the presence of foreign missionaries. This leads to the explanation of how the Christian teachings were adjusted to the Chinese culture, and what were the consequences of cultural differences between missionaries and Chinese. The thesis is divided into two main parts, the first, theoretical part is concerned with history of evangelization in China and explaining specific cultural differences causing the evangelization process to be very...

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