National Repository of Grey Literature 154 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Measurement of biological signals with Bipack system
Brudík, Vladislav ; Hlaváček, Antonín (referee) ; Valla, Martin (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis deals with questions of sensing electrical brain activity by electroencephalograph, and the data processing. Theoretical part is focused on brain, it's anatomy and functions. It also deals with biological signals, types of curves and systems used for measuring EEG curves. For purpose of signal processing it's been designed application software with GUI interface. This application software displays EEG curves, significant frequency ranges, frequency spectrum and filtered areas of characteristic waves.
Influence of PbO and CdO nanoparticles on particular physiological functions in mouse.
Svozilová, Eva ; Vrlíková, Lucie (referee) ; Večeřa, Zbyněk (advisor)
The aim of this bachelor´s thesis is to assess the long-term effects of inhalation of nanoparticles of lead oxide and cadmium oxide on the weight of selected organs of experimental white mice. The selected organs (spleen, liver, kidney, lungs, brain) were successively collected during a period of thirteen weeks. The effect of inhalation of both metal oxides was statistically evaluated. In both study groups of the experiment (PbO and CdO), the relation between organs weight and the length of inhalation and the relation between organs weight and inhalation of differing metal concentrations were evaluated, and results both of the study groups were compared to each other.
Segmentation of the basic parts of human brain in MR data
Klásek, Pavel ; Jiřík, Radovan (referee) ; Malínský, Miloš (advisor)
This work describes segmentation methods used in image data processing, from which there are selected and implemented suitable methods for solving the assignment of segmentation parts of human brain – region growing and watershed algorithm. Segmentation techniques are realized on real data sources. Final segmentation results are presented, compared and evaluated accordig to the advanced software FreeSurfer segmentation results. In addition there is a list of available software that can be applied for the purpose of neurological image segmentation.
Determination of lead in lung and brain samples of experimental mice after the inhalation of nanoparticles
Demydenko, Yana ; Zlámalová Gargošová, Helena (referee) ; Vašinová Galiová, Michaela (advisor)
Lead is a heavy toxic metal whose nanoparticles are present in the air due to combustion processes. Data on the safe concentration of lead nanoparticles for human health have not been sufficiently investigated. Previous studies in experimental mice have shown that inhalation of lead nanoparticles first damages lungs and kidneys, then liver, spleen and brain. With prolonged exposure, lead accumulates in the teeth and bones. This bachelor thesis is focused on monitoring of the lead content in lung and brain samples of experimental mice after different periods of nanoparticle inhalation. The aim of this bachelor thesis was to develop an analytical method for the determination of lead in biological samples using atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization (ET-AAS). In this work, a decomposition method for mineralization of the biological matrix in a microwave mineralizer was proposed, and a procedure for the determination of lead using ET-AAS was further developed. The determination of lead at 217 nm using the NH4H2PO4/Mg(NO3)2 matrix modifier was verified by analysis of certified reference materials. Analysis of organ samples from experimental mice confirmed the detoxification mechanism in exposed individuals with a dependence on the time since the end of inhalation of lead nanoparticles.
Typing Using Brain Signals
Wagner, Lukáš ; Malinka, Kamil (referee) ; Tinka, Jan (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focusses on the implementation of a brain-computer interface, programmed in Python language, that would enable to communicate using EEG. The thesis investigates and evaluates existing brain-computer interface technologies for this purpose. The thesis also explores the use of machine learning applied to the technology, in particular neural networks,   which have proven to be one of the most accurate methods of EEG signal processing. Following that, 3 different systems are proposed and implemented, each on different paradigm of visually evoking EEG potential changes. These systems were tested with different signal classification approaches. Unfortunately, none of the systems proved to be useful in communication.
Computer Games and the Human Brain
Hanuš, Marek ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (referee) ; Ellederová, Eva (advisor)
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou počítačových her a jejich vlivu na lidský mozek. Cílem první kapitoly je popsat základní vlastnostmi lidského mozku a jeho schopnosti, které developeři počítačových her využívají při vytváření her pro jejich cílovou skupinu zákazníků. Druhá kapitola se zaměřuje na lidské emoce a projevy, které developerům pomáhají, aby mohli vyhovět všem potencionálním uživatelům. Dále tato kapitola popisuje, jak mohou developeři prostřednictvím různých herních aspektů, jakými jsou hudba, narativ, grafický design a herní mód, v člověku evokovat určité emoce a donutit je podvědomě vnímat atmosféru hry. V práci je také popsán vliv těchto aspektů na lidské chování. Poslední kapitola teoretické části práce se zabývá závislostí na hrách a s tím spojenou problematikou. Praktická část práce se věnuje dotazníkovému průzkumu, jehož účelem bylo potvrdit nebo vyvrátit tvrzení v teoretické části. Dále poukazuje na genderové rozdíly v průmyslu počítačových her a ukazuje preference respondentů, které by mohly developerům umožnit zdokonalit kvalitu počítačových her.
Team cooperation and personal development in construction company
Rychetský, Tomáš ; Beranek, Petr (referee) ; Linkeschová, Dana (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis is dedicated to team cooperation and personal development in construction company. Characterizes the team leadership through finding common sense and defining values based on Golden circle. Describes current trends in the labor market, which meet both companies and also people. There is the research survey by understanding interview in the empirical part supplemented by current research on this topic. The aim is to theoretically define the topic, perform empirical research, analyze and propose solutions.
Analysis of intracranial pressure
Procházka, Ondřej ; Kolářová, Jana (referee) ; Kozumplík, Jiří (advisor)
The aim of my bachelor’s work is the literature review about problematic of measurement and evaluation of intracranial pressure. I describe physical principle of intracranial pressure, anatomy of cerebral ventricle and different accesses and placement of measuring instruments in intracranial place. Moreover I describe evaluation of clinical data at standard way and explain analysis in frequency and time domain by program MATLAB. I make a script for analysis ICP data. It calculates main ICP, amplitude and latency of waves, RAP index and shows spectrum of amplitude.
Data Analysis and Clasification from the Brain Activity Detector
Jileček, Jan ; Černocký, Jan (referee) ; Szőke, Igor (advisor)
This thesis aims to implement methods for recording EEG data obtained with the neural activity sensor OpenBCI Ultracortex IV headset. It also describes neurofeedback, methods of obtaining data from the motor cortex for further analysis and takes a look at the machine learning algorithms best suited for the presented problem. Multiple training and testing datasets are created, as well as a tool for recording the brain activity of a headset-wearing test subject, which is being visually presented with cognitive challenges on the screen in front of him. A neurofeedback demo app has been developed, presented and later used for calibration of new test subjects. Next part is data analysis, which aims to discriminate the left and right hand movement intention signatures in the brain motor cortex. Multiple classification methods are used and their utility reviewed.
EEG Biofeedback Human Brain - Computer Interface
Kněžík, Jan ; Kořenek, Jan (referee) ; Marušinec, Jaromír (advisor)
This master thesis dwells on EEGbiofeedback (also called Neurofeedback) interface of human brain and the computer and its concrete realization in Java programming language. This system is founded on the basis of the computer, which is accomplishing biological feedback (biofeedback) and the electroencephalography (EEG) by helping that state's scanning of user's brain is realized. By this way is possible to practise the human brain effectively to achieve better concentration, the elimination of sleeping and learning deficiency. Hereafter is the suggestion of direction control of computer mouse by EEG device incorporated, which makes it possible for the man to regulate the direction of the cursor's movement on the screen by the frequency of brain's oscillation. The motivation for solution of this problem is the effort to help to handicapped people to communicate with surrounding world. The introduction of this paper contains the basic facts about human brain, electroencephalography and EEG biofeedback. The following chapters dwell on the specification of claims to developed application, its suggestion and description of actual realization. The final part relates to the BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) systems and suggestion of computer's control by EEGappliance with evaluation of attained results.

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