National Repository of Grey Literature 63 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Civil Participation in Social Planning: Limits and Possibilities
Čech, Petr ; Růžička, Richard (advisor) ; Trunda, Jiří (referee)
Name of Dissertation: Civil Participation in Social Planning: Limits and Possibilities Name: Petr Čech Field of Study: Sociology Leader of Dissertation: PhDr. Richard Růžička, CSc. Keywords: citizen, community, participation, social service, social/community planning The dissertation focused on participative element of democracy. The author aimed at the way of participation in the selected districts and attempted to analyze the way of communication of the events relating to the social planning process. The theoretical part of the dissertation began with the chapter "Citizen and Society". This chapter dealed the citizenship concept and the civil society concept. The general and the participation was dealed in connection with the citizenship and the civil society. The next chapter "Community and Change" defined in particular sections the term community and the incidental terms - community work and community care, community developement. The considerable part of this chapter was the treatise on community planning with regard to community planning of social services. The non-profit sector and social services were the themes of the final chapter. The section community planning of social servical was placed as concluding section as the terminological unravelment. The research within the framework of...
The evaluation of efficiency of the social integration strategic plan in Jáchymov town
Bílková, Lucie ; Holda, Dalibor (advisor) ; Víšek, Petr (referee)
Subject of this thesis is to evaluate effectivity of Strategic plan of social integration in the town of Jáchymov. Thesis is focused on the process of planning and effectivity of measures suggested in Strategic plan. Beside the main focus it also assesses the overall social situation of Jáchymov. It collects and describes activities aiming on social integration. It describes and evaluates the process of design and implementation of strategic plan. Connection of both areas provides a better insight into the whole topic. Based on the results of research this thesis provides possible measures to improve the quality of planning process of social services and to improve the living conditions of Jáchymov's inhabitants. This thesis can serve as a guideline to initiate proceses associated with social services planning or community activities planning. Key words: Jáchymov (Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic) Strategic planning and strategic plan, Community planning Social integration Social services
Regional Family Policy in the Czech Republic
Vlčková, Kamila ; Čabanová, Bohumila (advisor) ; Skála, Vít (referee)
The Bachelor thesis "Local family policy in the Czech Republic" puts mind to the implementation of local family policy in practice and to its connection with community planning of social services. In the beginning of my thesis I attend to the definition of local family policy in the Czech Republic, of community planning of social services and their possible instruments. On the basis of my interviews and the study of various documents I realized that municipalities and regions don't exploit possibilities of support of families, that the law about municipalities and the law about regions give them, and that they implement support of families by project of community planning of social services. So in the next part of my thesis I put my mind to possible connection between this project and the implementation of local family policy. In the following part of my thesis I deal with two projects of local family policy and with the aid of outcomes of interviews I examine the satisfaction of families with practical realization of these projects. At the end of my thesis I identify main problems of the implementation of local family policy in the Czech Republic. These problems are especially a low institutional support of this policy and a low awareness of families and municipalities about possibilities of its...
Integration health and social services
Slavíková, Martina ; Angelovská, Olga (advisor) ; Dobiášová, Karolína (referee)
In my thesis I deal with the integration of health and social services. I introduced the issue of two/double departmental service management and their financing, there. In addition, I described the various actors involved in the integration of services, mentioned strategic documents and legislation related to the provision of health and social care. In the case study, I mapped the health and social services provided in Louny, through street-level bureaucrats I gained information about the interconnection of services in Louny and about the factors that affect the implementation of integration of services in the town. For successful implementation of integration, it is necessary to specify the users of integrated health and social services, to create a home base for them, to provide a flexible range of services and at the same time to support the informally caring families. The lack of demand for integrated services is linked to other factors such as ignorance of citizens and low participation in caring for close relatives. Street.level bureaucrats in health and social services do not know the integration of services, they do not encounter it in practice, this factor has an impact on the motivation of street-level bureaucrats to make changes in the provision of care. An important factor is also the...
The Ways and Means of The Communal Family Policy in Prague
Pašková, Miroslava ; Veselý, Arnošt (advisor) ; Hejzlarová, Eva (referee)
Author deals with possibility of making communal family policy in Prague. Author shows the drafts, how such kind of policy can be developped. The first part of this study offers analysis of conteporary stage in the several levels - stakeholders analysis, where the key stakehlders, their attitudes, reciprocial relations and ways of communication are marked out. Another part of analysis is the comparison analysis - the specific characteristics of the city districts are analysed, as well as the characteristisc of the regions and the Capital of the Slovák Republic, Bratislava. The secondary data are ušed as well as the primary data derived from the author's research. The second part of the study deals with the designs of the communal family policy in Prague and the description of the policy tools, according to the findings another methods are ušed - e.g. construction of the problems and goals trees and the future scenarios. There are many supplements in the study, mainly the tabs, schemes and other materials in the appendix.
Šmídová, Lucie ; Grůza, Lukáš (referee) ; Havliš, Karel (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with the future smart district at Špitálka in Brno - Zábrdovice. The smart district will serve as a pilot territory to verify the goal setting from the vision for the #brno2050 strategy. One of the main motives is the activation of the territory by means of relevant interventions, which can start the development not only of this area, but can also have a positive impact on the entire locality. The aim of the diploma thesis is to contribute to the preparations for the revitalization of the city district and to outline possible alternatives for the phasing of development, the method of activating the territory and temporary use during the realization process. Further contribute to the discussion about cooperation public sector with private, community planning in our environment and the possibility of alternative project financing. The proposed tactics correspond to the local significance, are based on current values and lead to a sustainable urbanization process of an evolving urban environment. The work is analytically based on the current criteria of the urban environment generated by the investments of capitalist society. The proposal focuses on areas related to performative planning or an experimental form of so-called bottom-up planning and supports the principles of Smart City.
Planning care for clients with Alzheimer's disease in the Hradec Králové region
Hájková, Hana ; Vrzáček, Petr (advisor) ; Hradcová, Dana (referee)
The theme of the thesis is the issue of planning social services for people affected by Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia in the territory of the Hradec Králové region. Alzheimer's disease is among the most common causes of dementia, and the number of patients with the disease continues to grow. It is the increase in the number of clients with the disease that creates a new challenge to ensure the availability of social services, so that an individual approach is maintained in view of the patients' specific needs. The thesis contains a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part briefly describes the clinical picture of Alzheimer's disease. Furthermore, this section focuses on the incidence of dementia both globally and in the territory of Europe. Some organisations and strategic documents dedicated to supporting and caring for those with dementia in the territories of France, Sweden and Switzerland are listed in this section. There is also a chapter that gives an idea of individual types and forms of care for clients with dementia manifestations in the Czech Republic. It includes an explanation of basic concepts such as: social services, social services network, community planning. As the work deals with care planning in the Hradec Králové region, the Mid-Term Plan for...
The Role Of The Roma Advisor in The Process Of Community Planning
My bachelor thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and research. In the first theoretical part I tried to describe and explain basic terms such as community planning of social services and Roma adviser. In the second part I try to fulfill the aim of the work through qualitative research, which is to find out the role of the Roma advisor in the process of community planning and answer the research question: Is the position of the Roma advisor important for community planning? The qualitative research was carried out using the method of questioning and using a semi-structured interview. The research group consists of Roma advisors from the South Bohemian Region. The research part also includes the methodology of work, especially the description of data collection and processing. The results of the interviews are then evaluated.
Integration health and social services
Slavíková, Martina ; Angelovská, Olga (advisor) ; Dobiášová, Karolína (referee)
In my thesis I deal with the integration of health and social services. I introduced the issue of two/double departmental service management and their financing, there. In addition, I described the various actors involved in the integration of services, mentioned strategic documents and legislation related to the provision of health and social care. In the case study, I mapped the health and social services provided in Louny, through street-level bureaucrats I gained information about the interconnection of services in Louny and about the factors that affect the implementation of integration of services in the town. For successful implementation of integration, it is necessary to specify the users of integrated health and social services, to create a home base for them, to provide a flexible range of services and at the same time to support the informally caring families. The lack of demand for integrated services is linked to other factors such as ignorance of citizens and low participation in caring for close relatives. Street.level bureaucrats in health and social services do not know the integration of services, they do not encounter it in practice, this factor has an impact on the motivation of street-level bureaucrats to make changes in the provision of care. An important factor is also the...
Establishment of a community center, preparation of an application for a support from EU funds and it's difficulties
Holubová, Veronika ; Vrzáček, Petr (advisor) ; Lejsal, Matěj (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the problem of community social work in a small town and the planning of new social services to be convinient for the real needs of the community. The thesis also deals with possible difficulties which the municipality can encounter to as applicant for a grant from the Integrated Regional Operational Program (call no. 74 Development of polyfunctional community centers infrastructure). It also focuses on the topic of sustainability of the project. The aim of this diploma thesis is to theoretically define the community centers and community social work and to describe the possibilities of drawing funds from the EU fund and the process of preparing the application and its difficulties.

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