National Repository of Grey Literature 821 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.14 seconds. 

Heat and mass balance model of unit for biomass combustion
Tomšů, Ondřej ; Pavlas, Martin (referee) ; Máša, Vítězslav (advisor)
This work deals with the creation of a mathematical model for calculating mass and energy balances of the energy units for utilizing the biomass combustion by computational software W2E and it is engaged in necking the validity of the balance model for the real technology unit for combustion different types of biomass. There are presented basic informations of balances and described the procedure how to solve balance calculations of energy units. Introductory part deals with biomass as a renewable energy source, which has a large potential in energy system. There are presented all its important parameters, its types, methods of treatment and utilization power production. Next chapters focus on biomass combustion devices, theirs classification and theirs technological principles. For the specific type of biomass boiler (of capacity 1 MW with movable, inclined grid) - here was created balance model. The choice of this equipment is preferred primarily by the fact that the middle capacity power boilers can be considered as the most suitable heat sources in terms of efficient combustion of biomass. Another motivation is a key objective of this work, which is creation of balance model of the unit which energy utilizes of biomass, which belong into this category of heat sources and is available for real measurements. There are presented the available computing systems for balance modeling with the preference of the analysis program W2E and MS Excel. They are verified as the best instruments for creation balance model at the practical chapter of this work. The main output of presented thesis is thus balance model developed in W2E program which has been compared and modified to the real characteristics of biomass boiler. For this purpose were used the archived data from previous measurements and new actual measurements, which focused on the acquisition of the missing operational data and verifying the reasons of variance of the model and real status. In the conclusion, there are evaluated the basic operating parameters of the technology in various operating states by W2E analysis model.

The Nuclear Power Plant – The Green Source of Energy
Hynčica, Martin ; Vágner, Jiří (referee) ; Vágner, Jiří (referee) ; Matal, Oldřich (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with nuclear energetics and its impact to the environment. Present state of the energetics, mainly nuclear energetics, in the Czech Republic is discussed here. Also perspective of nuclear energetics is given. The thesis describes nuclear power plant waste handling and also spent nuclear fuel handling. Nuclear power plant is compared with other sources of electric energy, which are counted to the energetic mix. The author focuses on fossil fuels and also on the renewable energy sources. The amount of produced waste to the unit of produced energy, built up area, safety and economic indicators and other parameters are followed for each source of energy.

Sino-Russian energy cooperation. Possibilities, reality, perspectives.
Horňák, Jakub ; Voráček, Emil (advisor) ; Lehmannová, Zuzana (referee)
Energy has become one of the symbols of geopolitics of the 21st century as it represents one of the geopolitical instruments such as nuclear weapons, big armies and strong economy. Owing to its increasing status in international system and possible aspirations to superpower status, the attention has been in recent years focused on the People's Republic of China. Nevertheless, PRC's energy self-insufficiency and burgeoning energy consumption have been considered country's sore points. On the other hand, the Russian Federation had to deal with the decline of its power, however, its influence in international system is still considerable owing to its enormous natural resources. By employing the methodology of political economy, this thesis aims to analyze Sino-Russian energy cooperation as well as to outline the perspectives of its development. The hypothesis tested in the thesis is that Sino-Russian energy cooperation is likely to develop well, however, there are some factors that could impede its development.

North Korea at the turn of the 2nd millennium - its role in the international arena
Černá, Monika ; Barša, Pavel (advisor) ; Ferklová, Blanka (referee)
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is a very unique and closed country that remains hidden to the surrounding world in many various aspects. My thesis focuses on the status of the DPRK at the turn of the 2nd millennium on the background of historical and political development on the Korean peninsula. I present the role of DPRK in the international arena especially on the issue of the DPRK's nuclear program and the process of its solution with its key partners. The history of DPRK is an essential part of the process how to understand contemporary North Korea. Therefore I briefly introduce a historical and cultural impact on the development of Korean peninsula and a historical development of the Republic of Korea in relation to DPRK. The historical development of DPRK since its establishment in 1948 provides a crucial background for a current situation in DPRK. Except the role of DPRK in the international arena I point out a current situation within the country - in the economic, political and human rights areas because they certainly have a great impact on the DPRK's position in the international field (e.g. issue of refugees).

Non-isothermal flow in relative frame of reference
Koblížek, Martin ; Habán, Vladimír (referee) ; Pochylý, František (advisor)
The aim of this graduation thesis is to investigate whether it is possible to design a fluid machine that would utilize a flow resulting from different densities of processing medium, to generate electricity. The thesis focuses on the determination of relations that have influence on the efficiency. The parametres influencing the degree of efficiency have been analyzed. The aim is to reach the highest possible degree of efficiency. Depending on the results, a suitable processing medium can be selected. Within the scope of the thesis, an experiment had been proposed that verified the ground principle of the non-isothermal flow occurence. In conclusion, the outcomes are evaluated with the view of a prospective further developement of the device.

Trade mark as a form of competitors fight of Pilsner breweries
Pánková, Kateřina ; Šouša, Jiří (referee) ; Kubů, Eduard (advisor)
The goal of my work is to analyse the trade mark and it's possibly utilization in competitors fight of pilsner breweries at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. I try to use different points of view, for example the aesthetic, or juridical. In all instances was important for me to look on the trade mark as substantial part of enterprise's know-how. My work presents some new points of view of the part of trade mark, especially as an active instrument in competitors fight. The mark wasn't only a passive instrument, but it was possible to use it to for preventive defence against the competition. 56

Use of Festuca arundinacea for decorative lawns
Doskočil, Jan ; Svobodová, Miluše (advisor) ; Hrevušová, Zuzana (referee)
Use of Festuca arundinacea for decorative lawns Summary Festuca arundinacea is briefly bentgrass with broader and coarser leaves. Hardly perennial grass, native to Europe, is well known for its high resistance of dry weather, low intensity of maintenance and resistance of high use. These qualities gains thanks to its well-developed and deep root system, which is capable to gain water and nutrients from deeper parts of soil. Its use is in places with high use, like a race-course, edges of roads or vineyards alleyway. Today, in time of global warming, its usage becomes more important for park purposes and low-input turfs, where is its higher resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses, mainly against drought, utilized. Festuca arundinacea complement well with Poa pratensis in turf. Goal of this work was to evaluate turfs with Festuca arundinacea and chosen grass species under different mowing frequency. According to hypothesis frequency shouldn´t affect turf coverage. Coverage should be same with different mixture composition with Festuca arundinacea. The experiment was performed on experimental land of Czech university of Life Sciences Prague, Suchdol in 2015. Mixtures of Festuca arundinacea with Festuca rubra, Poa pratensis and Lolium perenne were seeded together with monocultures of these species in 2012. Mixture composition was 50/50 except mixture of Fesruca arundinacea and Poa pratensis, where the mixture was 75/25. There were conducted 63 plots, in 3 repetitions and in 3 different frequencies of mowing (by 14, 30 and 45 days). Each plot was 6 m2 big. The results were evaluated by analysis of variance ANOVA (P is smaller than 0.05) in program Statgraphics, version XV. Influence of mixture composition to level of growth was significant. The highest level of growth has monoculture of Festuca arundinacea (10,6 cm). The lowest level of growth has monoculture of Lolium perenne (5,4 cm). Monoculture of Festuca arundinacea had the highest intensity of grow (0,07 cm/day) at 14-day frequency of moving. Lolium perenne has the lowest intensity of grow (0,02 cm/day). At 30-day frequency of mowing mixture of Festuca arundinacea with Poa pratensis has the highest intensity of grow (0,24 cm/day). The lowest intensity of grow has Lolium perenne (0,01 cm/day). The highest intensity of grow was at 45-day mowing frequency. The highest intensity of grow has mixture of Festuca arundinacea with Festuca rubra (0,75 cm/day). The lowest intensity of grow has monoculture of Lolium perenne (0,06 cm/day). Influence of mixture composition to coverage was statistically significant. The highest coverage has mixture of Festuca arundinace with Festuca rubra (81,3 %). The lowest coverage has monoculture of Lolium perenne (58,6%). Influence of frequency to level of growth was statistically significant. The highest level of growth has 45-day frequency of mowing (6 cm) and the lowest level of growth has 14-day frequency of mowing (3,8 cm). Influence of frequency to coverage was statistically significant. The highest coverage 14-day frequency of moving (76,5 %) and the lowest has 45-day frequency of growing (66,7 %). The knowledge gained will be used for further compilation grass mixtures for park lawns. It turned out that it is better to prefer seeding mixtures with Festuca arundinacea than monocultures. To achieve high coverage and optimal intensity of growth with Festuca arundinacea was recommended to follow 30-day frequency of mowing.

název v anglickém jazyce není uveden
Kolesová, Hana ; Grim, Miloš (advisor) ; Slípka, Jaroslav (referee) ; Nečas, Emanuel (referee)
Branchial arches region and its blood vessels are extensively transformed in the embryonic development. Aim of this study is to investigate mechanisms of the branchial arches region development and to study how a morphogen Sonic hed gehog (Shh) participate on the formation and remodeling of branchial arches and their blood vessels. Influence of Shh was evaluated based on the changes caused by its inhibition in vivo. Shh function was inhibited with an anti-Shh antibody, which was produced into the embryo from the applied hybridoma cells. Shh signaling cascade was also inhibited by cyclopamine. Results show that Shh is important for dc novo format,ion of the blood vessels in the branchial arches region. Further Shh is necessary for stabilization of the vessel wall, mainly for anterior cardinal vein. Shh also alfects later vessel development and transformation, which includes i.e. fusion of the dorsal aorta, branching of the internal carotid artery and outflow tract development. Short time inhibition of Shh has minor effect on the apoptosis and proliferation activity of the branchial arches region mesenchymal cells. We assume that Shh signals directly to the blood vessels endothelial cells, as Shh receptor ptel is also expressed in endothelial cells and its signal is reduced with Shh inhibition. In studied...