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An Effort to gain the first hegemony vs. the dissemination of the fragmentation of the power after the Cold War
Štaif, Vít ; Voráček, Emil (advisor) ; Eichler, Jan (referee) ; Anděl, Petr (referee)
An Abstract The text focuses on the aim of the state politics to gain the position of the first global hegemony after the end of the Cold War. It observes, with the regard to the wide-ranging influence of the USA at that time, and to the important American visions about its character, especially their particular decisions. It tries to describe the way, which the other influential participants of the global politics, the states as well as those of other kind, used to express their reactions to this activity, and their relation to the USA, the strongest contender in the effort to acquire the first global hegemony. The power contest is here mainly introduced by the insight into the course of the conflicts, which they, after the end of the Cold War, faced and influenced. The text concentrates on those political and security challenges with, apart from the policies of the USA, the strong presence of the intervention of the international organizations, above all the UN, the NATO and the EU, or of the occassionally created alliances. The prospects of hegemonial possibilities is presented in the conclusion.
Sources of the Ukrainian Elite's Identity Problems
Žernov, Denis ; Voráček, Emil (advisor) ; Doubek, Vratislav (referee)
This thesis addresses identity issues of the Ukrainian elites using two parallel Ukrainian narratives. In search for conflict lines, we look at 20th ct. milestones which played a major part in the formation of the Ukrainian elites. An emphasis is placed on the modernization of Ukrainian society in 1920s and 1930s. We also analyze the impact of these two Ukrainian narratives on the formation of the Soviet nation using strong historical ties between the Ukrainian and the Russian nation. These ties still have an impact on the formation of Ukrainian identities; however, the conclusion of this thesis suggests that it will be possible to assess the definite shape of the Ukrainian identity only after a new supranational identity - similar to the Soviet one - has been shaped. KEY WORDS: ELITES MODERNIZATION NARRATIVE IDENTITY RUSSIAN UKRAINIAN SOVIET
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Municipality and district like constituent of public administration reform
Semerád, Marek ; Voráček, Emil (advisor) ; Zbořil, Zdenek (referee)
Thesis with title " Municipality and region like component of public administration reform" deal with transformation of municipal and regional local government in framework of public administration reform, which run in Czech republic since the year 1998. But it has been prepared since the origin of discrete Czech republic in the year 1993. Thesis deals also with history of public administration since the year 1848. We can see there a description of public administration in term of " First republic and Protectorate" and also in term when political power was takeover by communist party in year 1948. This event had for a long time impact on a form of Czech and Czechoslovak public administration, especially with establishing socalled public committee like the widest organization of labour and authority of state power and administration in regions, districts and municipalities. The base for realization of public administration reform is " Concept of public administration reform" which was put together in year 1998 by Home Office of Czech republic and advance report to this concept. In these materials were defined main points of prepared reform include main principle of reform like decentralization of state administration. Ratification of this concept by government was the beginning of legislative work of...
Comparison of contemporary Spanish nationalisms: dangerous separatism or pattern of European regionalism?
Brož, Filip ; Barša, Pavel (advisor) ; Voráček, Emil (referee)
Spain is not composed with only one nation, it is indeed a multinational state, which is thus logically homeland for many nationalisms and nationalism-related problems. First, I analyze the historical causes of the emergence of nationalisms in the Basque country, Catalonia and Galicia. These causes are the regionalistic tradition of Spain combined with proper attributes of each of these regions, such as economical power, different language and culture and historical experience with self government in the case of Catalonia, distinct "race" and attractive mythology in the case of the Basque country and again, proper language and culture in the case of Galicia, accentuated with their Celtic origins. 98Second, I analyze the democratic transition from a nationalistic point of view: the constitution of 1978 permitted a strong decentralization and the construction of a state of autonomies. That gave a relative satisfaction to nationalisms but new problems are appearing. Third, I consider nationalisms within the framework of parties and party systems: each of the three regions has a moderate nationalistic party, which is often dominant in its respective region, but their moderate character is often a pragmatic one, moreover Catalonia and especially the Basque country have relevant radical parties. As a conclusion,...
Municipality and district like constituent of public administration reform
Semerád, Marek ; Voráček, Emil (advisor) ; Zbořil, Zdenek (referee)
Thesis with title " Municipality and region like component of public administration reform" deal with transformation of municipal and regional local government in framework of public administration reform, which run in Czech republic since the year 1998. But it has been prepared since the origin of discrete Czech republic in the year 1993. Thesis deals also with history of public administration since the year 1848. We can see there a description of public administration in term of " First republic and Protectorate" and also in term when political power was takeover by communist party in year 1948. This event had for a long time impact on a form of Czech and Czechoslovak public administration, especially with establishing socalled public committee like the widest organization of labour and authority of state power and administration in regions, districts and municipalities. The base for realization of public administration reform is " Concept of public administration reform" which was put together in year 1998 by Home Office of Czech republic and advance report to this concept. In these materials were defined main points of prepared reform include main principle of reform like decentralization of state administration. Ratification of this concept by government was the beginning of legislative work of...
Rudolf Slánský (1901 - 1952) The Rise and Fall of a Party Official
Chadima, Jan ; Pullmann, Michal (advisor) ; Rákosník, Jakub (referee) ; Voráček, Emil (referee)
The dissertation is about Rudolf Slánský, an important figure in the history of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. The first part of the text is based on a reconstruction of Slánský's political activities. It looks at his leaning towards left-wing ideas when he became interested in social democracy at the beginning of the 1920s and subsequently became a member of the Czechoslovak Communist Party where he was involved in the internal struggles of that time. An important part of the text consists of Slánský's activities as regional secretary in Moravská Ostrava. Two basic camps clashed in the Ostrava region (although the disputes were more of a personal nature than ideological) and in Slánský's subsequent rise (he became regional secretary) the efforts of the Prague Communist Party leadership to calm the situation and to put a "compromise" candidate in charge (or one that was not personally involved in either of the camps) can partly be seen. By transferring him, the aim of the Prague leadership was to "calm down/bring into line" the young radical, but also eventually to give him the opportunity (in an important region) to show his abilities (especially his organisational abilities). Upon his return from Ostrava, Rudolf Slánský began to get involved in the power struggles within the Communist...
Czechoslovak-soviet relations during the decline and collapse of the Soviet empire
Kashapov, Timur ; Jakubec, Ivan (advisor) ; Pullmann, Michal (referee) ; Voráček, Emil (referee)
cooperation in the 1970's. Soviet relations during two General Secretaries' reign - Chernenko and examines influence of theirs reform efforts on two countries' Disertační práce se zabývá hospodářsko politickými vztahy Sovětského svazu a Československa v 1992 a zahrnuje analýzu rozličných aspektů tomu je rozčleněna do čtyř kapitol. První 70. letech 20. století, včetně obchodní a vědeckotechnické spolupráce. Druhá kapitola je zaměřena na analýzu změn v českoslove sovětských vztazích v rámci reformních snah dvou generálních tajemníků J.V. Andropova a K.U. Černěnka. Třetí kapitola specifikuje vzájemný obchod v čase a struktuře v Gorbačovovy Perestrojky. Analyzuje se i fenomén perestrojky jak v Sovětském svazu, tak v Československu, objasňují se její podstata a vliv na vzájemné vztahy. této části se též řeší otázka která ze zemí více profitoval ze stávající struktury vzájemného obchodu, investiční činnosti, vědeckotechnické kooperace a aterální kooperace. Verifikuje se také tvrzení, že s ohledem na strukturu obchodu byl Sovětský svaz pro ČSSR významný především dovozem surovin, recipročně Československo reprezentovalo pro sovětské hospodářství důležitý zdroj technologických postupů a pro strojírenské produkci a spotřebních výrobcích. Závěrečná část obsahuje analýzu vývoje obchodní směny, nastiňují se...
Foreign politics of Edvard Beneš during 1938–1948
Timková, Viktória ; Veselý, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Voráček, Emil (referee)
My master thesis analyses five specific cases of the foreign politics and decision making process of the controversial second czechoslovak president Edvard Beneš. The thesis focuses on the last ten years of his political career as well as his life. The first chapter describes the theoretical background, which consists of the theory of foreign politics, the theory of decision making process and a short characteristics of Beneš himself. The second chapter analyses the period 1938-1942 where Beneš put up with the difficulties of cooperation with czechoslovak allies. The third chapter focuses on years 1942-1946, which was the period of Beneš's greatest fight for internal and external security of the Czechoslovak republic after the war. The fourth chapter analyses the last two years of his political career and the ultimate defeat of democracy displayed through the communist revolution in 1948 also know as the 'Victorious February'.