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Diplomatické vztahy mezi komunistickým Československem, KLDR a Kubánskou republikou od 50. let 20. století a jejich komparace
This thesis provides a general insight into the development of diplomatic relations at the highest level between communist Czechoslovakia, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and the Republic of Cuba from the 1950s to the period of transition to the Czech Republic in the 1990s. The central part of the thesis is divided into four units. The first two parts deal with relations between Czechoslovakia, the DPRK, Czechoslovakia, and the Republic of Cuba. They briefly describe the political systems of the DPRK and Cuba. The following is a general outline of the interrelationships through my selected aspects to answer the central question of the whole thesis. The third part of the thesis compares relations between Czechoslovakia and the DPRK and Czechoslovakia and Cuba. In this part, I answer the critical question of the thesis: "With which country did Czechoslovakia have more intensive and deeper relations?" The last chapter is devoted to the didactic aspect. I outline the possibilities of using the given issue in teaching civic education. An appendix with tables and photographs supplements the end of the thesis.
The Politics of Interpretation. Rhetoric, Discursive and Textual Games in Literary Criticism in the Era of the So-Called Normalisation
Andreas, Petr ; Bílek, Petr (advisor) ; Bauer, Michal (referee) ; Pullmann, Michal (referee)
Bibliografický záznam ANDREAS, Petr. Politika interpretace. Rétorické, diskursivní a textové hry v normalizační literární kritice. Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav české literatury a komparatistiky, 2014. Vedoucí disertační práce: prof. Petr A. Bílek, CSc. Anotace Tématem této disertace je politika interpretace v normalizační literární kritice a publicistice (1968-1989). Práce kategorizuje a analyzuje diskursivní, rétorické a textové strategie, které používali literární kritici a publicisté (a jednotlivé profesní a názorové skupiny) publikující v oficiálním publikačním prostoru. Metodologicky vychází z konceptu politiky interpretace podle P. C. Hogana, rozvinutého o teorii jednání a teorii řečových aktů. V první, teoreticko-metodologické části (kapitoly II-IV) je představen a rozvíjen pojem politiky interpretace a analyzovány metodologické problémy interpretace literárněkritických a publicistických textů z normalizační éry. V druhé, analytické a interpretační části (kapitoly V-VII) jsou rozlišeny tři roviny politiky interpretace podle umístění ve struktuře kritického aktu a identifikovány kategorie rétorických, diskursivních a textových strategií. V třetí, závěrečné části (kapitola VIII) je zobecněno a syntetizováno poznání o podobě a fungování kritického aktu v normalizační éře. Annotation...
Critical media pedagogy - theoretical underpinning and contribution to media education
Valenta, Petr ; Sak, Petr (advisor) ; Havlík, Radomír (referee) ; Kartous, Bohumil (referee)
Critical media pedagogy - theoretical underpinnigs and contribution to media education Dissertation Mgr. Petr Valenta Keywords critical theory, critical media pedagogy, media literacy, critical pedagogy, media, ideology, discourse, power, symbolic power, knowledge Abstract The theoretical dissertation analyzes the traditional media education model issues, which derives from the orientation of media literacy on the dominant paradigm of media effects research in media studies. Media education takes the "media effects concept" and uses it to organize its own teaching practice. Theoretical dependence on media studies and the concept media effects leads media education to protectionism and normativity, which is reflected in the directive establishment of knowledge, skills and values pupils may acquire. This situation has negative effect on efforts of developing critical media thinking as independent on social authorities. Moreover, media education potentially reproduces the dominant modes of knowledge about media and society, without revealing them as social constructions. The theoretical basis for changing the paradigm of media education to become more critical and transformative practice able to form the student's personality as an autonomous, critical- thinking and committed citizen is presented in the second...
Female Suicide Terrorism
Kubínová, Tereza ; Makariusová, Radana (advisor) ; Kotvalová, Anna (referee)
This master theses focuses on the analysis of women's participation in suicide terrorism within two terrorist groups, the Tamil Tigers (LTTE) and the Black Widows. The aim is to examine the motivations, strategies and social consequences of women's involvement in these organizations. Comparative analysis shows that while motivations for the two groups often overlap in aspects of nationalism and resistance to oppression, there are also significant differences, with women in the LTTE emphasizing a desire for gender equality. Women in both groups were motivated by a combination of political, social and religious factors. The tactics for carrying out suicide attacks differed, with both groups using gender stereotypes to successfully carry out attacks. Women's participation in terrorism had significant social consequences, reflected in the transformation of gender roles and perceptions of women in society. These findings underscore the importance of incorporating gender considerations into terrorism analysis and highlight the need for a comprehensive approach to this issue.
The story of Josef Hasil in the miniseries The King of Šumava The Phantom of the Dark Land and its media response
Fortuníková, Jana ; Bednařík, Petr (advisor) ; Novotný, David Jan (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with the anti-myth and myth of Josef Hasil, a smuggler from the Šumava region and the most famous bearer of the nickname "King of Šumava". The thesis reflects his image before 1989, which was fundamentally influenced by the famous propaganda film Smugglers of Death (Král Šumavy) from 1959. After the Velvet Revolution, the purification of Hasil's reputation was attempted when his life was being reinterpreted based on facts. His dramatic fate has also been featured in post communist popular culture titles. The most successful representative could be classified as a biographical novel about Josef Hasil called Návrat Krále Šumavy from 2012. The novel inspired narration of three-part miniseries King of Šumava: Phantom of the Dark Region (Král Šumavy: Fantom temného kraje) (2022) produced by a commercial TV station and distributed on its VOD platform Voyo. Both projects present their effort to straighten out the fates of Hasil's life, yet there is admitted fabrication in the story. However, an analysis of the texts of both works shows that the revision of historical reality is not neutral and corresponds to the post communist discourse on the perception of heroes of the third resistance, which can lead to their exclusive glorification and the suppression of discussion about the...
Comparison of Andrej Babiš and Emmanuel Macron in the context of political entry, ideology and European stances
Urbaník, Milan ; Perottino, Michel (advisor) ; Michal, Aleš (referee)
The paper compares the relationship between Andrej Babiš and Emmanuel Macron. In the first part it compares their entry into the political arena using the Genetic Model by Angelo Panebianco. Both politicians, Babiš and Macron, tried to present their political movements as emerging from the bottom up, but in reality, it was a process of diffusion from the leadership to the periphery. Babiš's ANO is financed directly by himself and his business concern, which legitimises it internally, while Macron's En Marche! relies on donors, which legitimises it externally. Both politicians displayed a situational charisma when they entered the political arena which played a key role in the growth of their political movements. Using Klaus von Beyme's Theory of the Party Family, I compare the ideologies of the two politicians, who share certain liberal elements, especially on economic issues. Both politicians advocate running the state like a business, rejecting the labels of right or left and preferring professional solutions to political ones. They reject political labels and refuse to align themselves with one ideological spectrum. We thus identify elements of technocracy and populism. While Macron's position remains consistent, Babiš is changing his position. The biggest differences, however, can be found in...
The Real in advertising.The failure of advertising fantasies and its implications
Obůrka, Tomáš ; Rosenfeldová, Jana (advisor) ; Koudelková, Petra (referee)
The bachelor thesis explores the relationship between advertisements as pervasive public fantasies and the real in the form of the gaze, as understood by Lacanian psychoanalysis, through the application of Todd McGowan's theoretical framework of new film theory to selected audiovisual advertising texts. The thesis first outlines film theory as such then introduces a more general psychoanalytic approach to advertisements and finally presents McGowan's categorization of films according to their approach to the gaze, which it then applies to particular advertising texts. The thesis shows that advertising fantasies, despite their apparent support for the symbolic order, are, like film fantasies, in fact, sites of struggle between the symbolic and its own constitutive lack in the form of the real.
Postmodern Philosophy and its Influence in Russia
Karela, Jan ; Krámský, David (advisor) ; Hogenová, Anna (referee) ; Blažková, Miloslava (referee)
The first part of this thesis describes the development of philosophy in Russia up to the so- called diamat, that is, to the period of Lenin's philosophy of dialectical materialism. In the second part it is described postmodern issues in contemporary Western thought, including the contexts in historical development. The last part deals first with the general features of Russian postmodern thought. Next part of the last chapter deals in more detail with the thought of M. N. Epstein and his view of the development and state of postmodern thought in Russia. Russian thought was marked by a long isolation from Western thought. In an effort to quickly catch up with the West, features of messianism are emerging. Russia is convinced that the West will quickly catch up and has the potential to overtake the West and become the thought leader of Europe. Said leads to the acceptance of the idea of communism and the subsequent further isolation of Russia. Nevertheless, in 1991 is rapidly coming to terms with postmodern thinking. M. N. Epstein concludes from this that there are identical features in communist ideology with postmodern thought, and therefore it was postmodernism in Russia much earlier than in Europe. KEYWORDS Ideology, information explosion, communism, postmodern thought, freedom, Russia, the West.
Reflection and Reconstruction of Critical Theory of Sport
Ondráček, Vojtěch ; Hauser, Michael (advisor) ; Růžička, Jiří (referee) ; Numerato, Dino (referee)
This thesis presents the critical theory of sport that emerged in the 1960s in France. It is based on an analysis of the texts of the main representative of this project, Jean-Marie Brohm, from 1964-1978. It analyzes its basic concepts, theoretical background, sources, methodology and political activism. Critical theory of sport is explained as a specific kind of political theory of sport that applies Marxist and psychoanalytic concepts, resulting in a completely original approach to the study of sport. The thesis makes the categorization of this theory by dividing it into political, economic and ideological critiques. Sport is conceived in this theoretical perspective as a repressive tool of the ruling class, which enables its power reproduction and manipulation of the masses. The inner dynamics of sport depend on the logic of capital and the exploitation, alienation and mechanization of athletes. Next object of analysis is also the ideology of sport and its functions. The thesis also includes a presentation of the historical genesis of the critical theory of sport in the context of the events of May '68, which became a defining moment not only for its emergence, but also for its later development, which the thesis also reflects and explains in a broader context. Emphasis is placed on the...
Left-wing terrorism: the case of the Red Brigades in Italy and the Red Army Faction in Germany
Budilová, Michaela ; Charvát, Jan (advisor) ; Hájek, Lukáš (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the phenomenon of left-wing terrorism in Italy and West Germany, two Western democracies where terrorism has emerged more than anywhere else in Europe. Terrorist organizations, including the Red Brigades (RB) in Italy and the Red Army Faction (RAF) in West Germany, emerged in an environment of political and social conflict and radicalized protests against the state establishment. These organisations were chosen for this diploma thesis because of their prominent status, their longevity and the influence they have gained in the field of left-wing terrorism. In its comparative analysis, the thesis attempts to simultaneously interweave three different levels of analysis: the socio-political contexts of Italy and West Germany (macro-level), a focus on the two terrorist groups and their organizational dynamics (meso-level), and the ideology and motivations of the terrorists (micro-level). The aim of this thesis is to explore and gain insight into the RB and RAF organisations in terms of ideology and to describe the factors behind the rise and fall of these terrorist organisations.

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