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Modern access control system
Vomáčka, Martin ; Hajný, Jan (referee) ; Malina, Lukáš (advisor)
The thesis describes the design of scheme for access system with user authentication via smart cards. The first chapter explains various types of identification items used for authentication of users and different types of readers and terminals, followed by chapter 2 with a deeper insight on smart cards with focus on their types, what internal structure and principle of communication with card readers are used, etc. with primary focus on Java cards. The third chapter describes Java Card cryptography - especially elliptic curve cryptography used on this platform. The fourth part focuses on PACE protocol with subsections dedicated to the individual parts of the protocol and its applicability to smart cards environment. Chapter 5 explains the proposed design of the authentication scheme elaborated in the thesis, including a detailed description of specific parts, their funcionality and exemplary usage in the created applications.
FITkit - PC Crypted Communication
Kouřil, Miroslav ; Strnadel, Josef (referee) ; Růžička, Richard (advisor)
This thesis deals with the issue of concealing confidential data being transmitted in between two systems. The coding standard AES as a block symmetric cipher has been selected. In practise, the connection between the FITkit platform and a PC was set via serial communication. The FITkit is programmed in language C and the PC in language C++ . There has been designed a simple protocol for setting up the connection and for the information exchange about encoding. Due to the difficulties with serial communication on the kit side there have been created two applications. The first application reads encoded kit data and translates them with the assistance of  preset values. The second one communicates with the kit emulator on the other computer and works at full range, what means - establishing the connection, generating keys modes  and number of encoding rounds, safe key exchange and the possibility of data reading and writing to the kit.
Encrypted Communication between Two FITkits
Bořutík, Stanislav ; Kajan, Michal (referee) ; Žádník, Martin (advisor)
This thesis is about encrypted communication between two FITkits. Thesis goal is implementation of system for short text message one-way transmission through RS-232 interface. Messages are encrypted by AES-128 algorithm working in CBC mode and their input and display are provided by keyboard and LCD display of FITkit device.
Secure Communication for Smartphones
Tvrdoň, Tomáš ; Petrlík, Jiří (referee) ; Korček, Pavol (advisor)
This bachelor thesis describes design and implementation of secure SMS application. Other parts of this thesis discuss Smartphone programming interface and cryptographic methods. Application design focuses on user friendly operations with contacts, secure encryption key exchange and intuitive user interfaces.
Hardware Accelerated Encryption of Network Traffic
Novotňák, Jiří ; Kořenek, Jan (referee) ; Žádník, Martin (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to draft and implement high-speed encryptor of network trafic with throughput 10Gb/s in one way. It has been implementated for FPGA Xilinx Virtex5vlx155t placed on card COMBOv2-LXT. The encryption is based on AES algorithm using 128 bit key length. The security protokol is ESP in version for protokol IPv4. Design is fully synthesizable with tool Xilinx ISE 11.3, however it is not tested on real hardware. Tests in simulation works fine.
Cryptography Acceleration Using GPU
Potěšil, Josef ; Čejka, Rudolf (referee) ; Lampa, Petr (advisor)
The reader will be familiar with selected concepts of cryptography consited in this work. AES algorithm was selected in conjunction with the description of architecture and software for programming graphic cards (CUDA, OpenCL), in order to create its GPU-accelerated version. This thesis tries to map APIs for communication with crypto-coprocessors, which exist in kernels of Linux/BSD operating systems (CryptoAPI, OCF). It examines this support in the cross-platform OpenSSL library. Subsequently, the work discusses the implementation details, achieved results and integration with OpenSSL library. The conclusion suggests how the developed application could be used and briefly suggests its usage directly by the operating system kernel.
AES Tolerance to Timing Analysis
Ondruš, Juraj ; Matyáš, Václav (referee) ; Cvrček, Daniel (advisor)
This thesis deals with timing analysis of the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). The design of {\em Rijndael\/}, which is the AES algorithm, is described here. For the side channel attacks is necessary to know the principles of the cache memory in CPU and its architecture. In this thesis are involved major security problems of AES which can be used for successful attacks. Several different implementations of AES are discussed too. Several types of timing attaks are also described. According to the experimentations these attacks should be efficient to the most presently used AES implementations. Finally, the results of this work are described, possible countermeasures against this attack and motions for the next research.
Distributed P2P Data Backup System
Mészáros, István ; Herout, Adam (referee) ; Szőke, Igor (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce představuje model a prototyp kooperativního distributivního systému zálohování dat založeném na P2P komunikační síti. Návrh systému umožňuje uživatelům přispět svým lokálním volným místem na disku do systému výměnou za spolehlivé úložiště jejich dat u jiných uživatelů. Představené řešení se snaží splnit požadavky uživatelů na ukládání dat, zároveň však také řeší, jak se vypořádat s mírou nepředvídatelnosti uživatelů  ohledně poskytování volného místa. To je prováděno dvěma způsoby - využitím Reed - Solomon kódů a zároveň také tím, že poskytuje možnost nastavení parametrů dostupnosti. Jedním z těchto parametrů je časový rozvrh, který značí, kdy uživatel může nabídnout předvídatelný přínos do systému. Druhý parametr se týká spolehlivosti konkrétního uživatele v rámci jeho slíbeného časového úseku. Systém je schopen najít synchronizaci ukládaných dat na základě těchto parametrů. Práce se zaměřuje rovněž na řešení zabezpečení systému proti širšímu spektru možných útoků. Hlavním cílem je publikovat koncept a prototyp. Jelikož se jedná o relativně nové řešení, je důležitá také zpětná vazba od široké veřejnosti, která může produkt používat. Právě jejich komentáře a připomínky jsou podnětem pro další vývoj systému.
Analysis of the Possibility of Password Break through for RAR, ZIP and 7z Formats
Prustoměrský, Milan ; Přikryl, Zdeněk (referee) ; Hruška, Tomáš (advisor)
This Thesis deals with analysis of the possiblity of password breakthrough for common compression formats and password extraction from self-extraction archives used for malicious software. Structure of compression programs, ciphers and connection between cipher and archives is described. Common and specialized attacks on archives and ciphers are described. Structure of self-extracting archives and password location is used to create extractor of passwords in self-extracting archives.
NSA Suite-B Cryptography algorithms
Rybka, Štěpán ; Malina, Lukáš (referee) ; Sobotka, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis entitled Algorithms Group SuiteB NSA Cryptography deals with algorithms, which are included in the set SuiteB. They serve to increase data protection and security during their transmission over an unsecured Internet environment. It also contains analysis of these algorithms, the encryption, decryption, creating hashes, key exchange, creating a signature and its verification. The algorithms are compared with others, already obsolete, or still used. The following are protocols using these algorithms. Output from the practical part is a web presentation that can serve as a teaching material.

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