National Repository of Grey Literature 28 records found  previous11 - 20next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Five in one: The Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava reopens the House of Art
Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě, příspěvková organizace
Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě (GVUO) od května rekonstruovala střechu Domu umění. Památkově chráněná budova se znovuotevře vernisáží pěti výstav v úterý 15. října v 17 hodin. K vidění bude umění od 16. století až do současnosti. Představena bude tvorba Rudolfa Sikory s výrazným ekologickým poselstvím, ale také dílo Otto Gutfreunda, zakladatele kubistického sochařství. Obě výstavy budou v ostravském Domě umění k vidění do 12. ledna. Zároveň budou zpřístupněny i komornější projekty Kříž, nová stálá expozice Dům umění v Ostravě a Výstava jednoho díla ze sbírek GVUO.
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Saint Francis' quest for the Crucified through the San Damiano Cross
Růžička, Jakub ; Sládek, Karel (advisor) ; Červenková, Denisa (referee)
Saint Francis' quest for the Crucified through the San Damiano Cross Abstract The encounter with the Crucified is the constitutive element of the spirituality of Saint Francis of Assisi. The objective of my thesis is finding the deeper understanding of Francis' perception of the cross. The topic should be elucidated by the San Damiano Cross Icon and other moments of the Saint of Assisi's life. The study of Francis' relation to the cross will be put into an appropriate context: the theology of the cross is mainly ingrained in the Jesus Christ's Mystery of Easter. This knowledge is deepened in life of the Early Church and, through the enriching epoch-making interposition even the "poor little" of Assisi may experience its fruits. In the fundamental part of the text I will organize the key materials for the study of Francis' relation to the crucified Christ contained in the franciscan sources with the help of the newest literature. Therefore the thesis will offer a complex view to one of the crucial moments of Francis' conversion. Keywords Saint Francis of Assisi, San Damiano, icon, cross, theology of the cross, The Crucified, history of the cross, speaking cross, franciscan sources, St. Paul, St. Bonaventure
Religious symbols and their using in current society
The subject of the bachelor thesis is the use of religious symbols in present times. The first part describes the symbol, the religious symbol and ten selected symbols, these being the Star of David, cross, anchor, fish, Hand of Fatima (Hamsa), crescent, yin and yang, tree, elephant, skull. Furthermore, the thesis describes the use of religious symbols in present times, which is followed by research, which was carried out in the form of questionnaire, its processing and evaluation. The research draws conclusions from the current use of religious symbols, respondents' relations to religious symbols, society's awareness and beliefs in religious symbols.
Zavis cross - splendor mysticus
Holasová, Anežka ; Sojka, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Šmied, Miroslav (referee)
Zavis cross from Cistercian abbey Vyšší Brod Abstract Zavis cross from Cistercian abbey Vyšší Brod Zavis cross has been the national cultural monument of the Czech republic since 2010. Not only is Zavis cross a great example of medieval goldsmith's art, but also a reliquary of particle of the Holy Cross. The reliquary cross was restored in the eighties of the last century, so today we can admire it in this form. The aim of this work is to collect existing results of artistic and historical research focused on the origin of this reliquary as well as to characterize artistic and craft processes of Zavis cross and with emphasis on used materials introduces its as a Splendor Mysticus-visibility eternal light of truth.
A Reconstruction of the Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth from the Archeological Evidence and Ancient Literary Sources
Toman, Petr ; Brož, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Ryšková, Mireia (referee)
The thesis A Reconstruction of the Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth from the Archeological Evidence and Ancient Literary Sources deals in nine chapters with the crucifixion phenomenon. Due to its dual approach it is divided into two major parts - general and specific. General part firstly presents the latest scientific treatises dedicated to this phenomenon (1), afterwards introduces the only archaeological evidence of crucifixion (2), analyzes semantical span of terms related to crucifixion (3) and ultimately defines the crucifion penalty (4). Specific part deals with the events of Jesus of Nazareth's case following the pronouncement of judgement. Attention is firstly paid to the flogging penalty (5) and afterwards to the analysis of the royal mockery game (6). Further it focuses on the transition scene, mainly on search for topography of the Way of the Cross (7). The Golgota chapters initially pay attention to the psychological abuse, perception of the crucifixion punishment, resemblance of Jesus' cross (8) and afterwards to the physical abuse and the search for causes of Jesus' death from the medical point of view (9). Keywords Jesus, crucifixion, cross, capital punishment, passion narratives, archaeology, antiquity
Stigmata and stigmatized persons in the Middle Age
Janatová, Nikola ; Suchánek, Drahomír (advisor) ; Drška, Václav (referee)
(in English): The diploma thesis examines phenomenon of stigmas and stigmatised persons in the Middle Ages. This diploma thesis contains of three parts. The goal of first part is description of Crucifixion symbolism from beginning of Christianity up to first stigmas about Francis of Assisi from 1224. Main part presents its own phenomenon of stigmas: their definition, base and reception in religious and expert field. Final part focuses on significant middle-aged holders of stigmas and analysis of their hagiography. Klíčová slova (anglicky): Stigmas, Jesus Christ, cross, crucifixion, bloody sweat, bloody tears, thorn crown, mysticism, self-identification.
Edith Stein and Prayer
Černá, Zuzana ; Lachmanová, Kateřina (advisor) ; Bartůšková, Ludmila (referee)
Edith Stein's prayer: Edith Stein, a philosopher of Jewish origin with religious name Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, a saint and patron of Europe, belongs to the most important personalities of the 20th century. In her eventful life she passed through various periods of her relationship to God and prayer, and finally she offered her life for peace and for her nation. Her prayers in all the periods of her life may be an encouragement for those who search for truth. Keywords prayer, search for truth, sacrifice, carmelite spirituality, intercession
The word of cross. Meaning of the motive of cross in the parenetic context of 1Cor 1,10 - 2,5
Tomeš, Jiří ; Roskovec, Jan (advisor) ; Pokorný, Petr (referee)
Thesis Word of the Cross: Significance of the Cross mofit in the peneretic context. 1. K 1,10-2,5 deals with the New Testament also discusses briefly about its author, the choir, which is the addressee. In the main section on the biblical section concerns the relation of the first section, which bears the name "The division in the congregation" (which is a division of the local church) with the rest of the text,where it is a cross, which is foolishness to those who go to perdition, but wisdom and power of God for the chosen ones. The apostle Paul shows that argument on two examples in which the Church itself, with not many noble, powerful and wise in it, but who are nevertheless chosen, which is a shame for many. The second example is the weakness in performance and fear. So preached the gospel to the cross of Christ through wisdom did not lose sense. The apostle Paul warns that the reliance on human (celebrities), his wisdom, personality and rhetorical art does not make sense, because only through the cross, which is foolishness to man, can stand on the path to salvation. Powered by TCPDF (
The Mimesis - Imitatio in the autentic Letters of Paul
Mátiková, Anna ; Brož, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Scarano, Angelo (referee)
Mimesis - Imitatio in the Authentic Letters of the Apostle Paul The first part of the thesis provides the reader with a concise overview of different semantic levels of the term mimesis as found in the ancient literature written in the Greek language. Furthermore, the author focuses her attention on the use of the concept of mimesis in the Old Testament, and the New Testament writings other than Paul's authentic letters. Such a survey prepares the ground for a detailed study of the concept of mimesis in the authentic letters written by the Apostle Paul. The idea of mimesis is present in Paul's authentic letters in five explicit passages (1 Tess 1:6-7; 1 Tess 2:14; 1 Cor 4:16; 1 Cor 11:1 a Phil 3:17). Each of the passages is studied within the whole context of the respective letter, written for a group living its own particular situation. The thesis compares different exegetical solutions from several researchers. Some of the researchers understand Paul's appeal to imitation as a call to be obedient to his teaching. Other experts are more inclined to understand this imitation as an authentic representation of the Cross in the life of Jesus' followers. The thesis tries to prove that the mystery of Christ's kenosis, expressed in a very significant way in the Christological hymn contained in the Letter to the...
Mapping of minor folk architecture elements in the microregion Stražiště
This thesis deals with mapping of the small folk architecture, such as crosses, small chapels and devotional pillars, in area of microregion of Stražiště. The introductory part of this work contains theoretical introduction to folk architecture. Next part deals with typology of the small folk architecture, its origins, functions and reasons for destruction. Third part of this work deals with field research, during that were taken photographs of each object and written necessary attributes. Based on this information was created the catalog, which can be found in enclosed CD. Last part of this work deals with selected objects in each cadastral area and statistics connected with them.

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