National Repository of Grey Literature 28 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The current development of AI tools in the Czech Republic and their possible use, limits and predictions in the strategic fight in the imformation War
Štěpánová, Barbora ; Klabíková Rábová, Tereza (advisor) ; Koblovský, Petr (referee)
This work will discuss the current state of AI technologies in connection with disinformation and information warfare, their possible development, limits and concerns. Theoretical part will start with established concepts, works mapping the current state, but also predictions for the future and formulating possible limits. To understand the current state,various relevant case studies will be presented. In the practical part, Focus Group research will be conducted, which will discuss the conclusions and topics arising from the theoretical part and analysis. A discussion of the results and a conclusion will follow.
Materials for education in biochemistry at secondary school - smooth and skeletal muscle
Honomichl, Petr ; Martínek, Václav (advisor) ; Teplá, Milada (referee)
Modern society gives humanity many guarantees and many benefits. Although one of the biggest problems nowadays is that most of us spend much time sitting at computers or TVs. Another problem is the excess of an unsuitable diet, which threatens our health. This lifestyle harms our health and contributes to the outbreak of diseases in civilization, among other things. These diseases are the leading cause of death in civilized countries. It is no wonder that some parts of society are already aware of this issue, and its goal is to motivate people to spend their free time actively, for example, with regular exercise or sports. It is necessary to emphasize the relationship between health problems and a sedentary lifestyle by integrating such topics into teaching grammar school subjects. We could combine chemistry, biology and physical education with helping students find new ways to understand the importance of physical activity. The work focuses on skeletal and smooth muscle because it is closely related to movement and is also the subject of teaching in secondary schools. However, in the current teaching materials, this topic is conceived rather descriptively, with students learning many medical terms, and the interpretation of the mechanism of muscle activity is limited to skeletal muscles. This...
Safety problems of modern nuclear reactors
Kukla, Jaroslav ; Přibil, Rudolf (advisor) ; Matějíček, Luboš (referee)
Jaroslav Kukla Otázky bezpe nosti moderních jaderných reaktor Bakalá ská práce Abstract: This study is concerned with safety factors of nuclear reactors. It summarizes history of nuclear reactors development and analyses causes of some serious accidents, which occurred in the past. It describes physical characteristics of radioactive radiation and mentions a basic survey of quantities and units. Then it describes the influence of radioactive emission on man and other living organisms. It also defines some reactor components and focuses on general security principles, which are further developed. It shortly explains the methods of evaluation of safety factors of nuclear reactors and a role of nuclear supervision. It puts nuclear reactors into several generations and every type of reactor is described as for technical and safety aspects, respectively. It refers to contemporary trends in development of nuclear reactors and in development of their safety.
Crisis and personal growth. Possibilities and metaphors of crisis
Veselá, Ivana ; Bahbouh, Radvan (advisor) ; Šípek, Jiří (referee)
Each person has an experience with crisis, it is a natural part of human life. A crisis has an inner potential in the form of a challenge and it brings a new possibility for people in percieving reality and themselves. In this thesis I focuse on possibilities which open for those people who seek a professional advice. I suppose that crisis is a part of the process of personal growth. Therefore the main theoretical chapters refere to these two themes. First I define what a crisis is including it's course and various types. Than I place crisis into the context of difficult life situations including coping strategies. Personal growth is defined in the view of development and change. Both are focused on the process. The goal of personal growth is described in a sub-chapture on optimal personality. The following chapter is on positive psychology which pays attention to the quality of life. I suppose that the most important concepts of these fields of study are Rotter's Locus of control and Seligman's learned helplessness. Out of psychoterapeutical schools I have chosen existencial-humanistic tradition which corresponds to my research question the most. I put attention to the founders of main schools - V. E. Frankl's Logotherapy, A. Maslow's Humanistic psycholgy, C.R. Rogers's Client-centred therapy and F....
Drop-out of seminarians
Krampl, Petr ; Eliáš, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Mrňávek, Tomáš (referee)
Author: KRAMPL Petr Corporation: Catholic Theology Faculty of Charles University The thesis primarily deals with the topic of preparation for priesthood according to the literature and Church documents published after The Second Vatican Council. The phenomenon of leaving seminary is being analyzed on the basis of interviews with drop-out seminarians. Based on Grounded theory, a qualitative research method, the thesis characterizes basic processes the seminarians go through both before and after leaving the seminary and denominates areas of their possible inner conflicts. Keywords: seminarians, vocation, training course, drop-out, disillusion, reintegration, Number of characters: 110364, Number of pages: 62, Number of appendices: 4, Number of literature: 16
Spatial and temporal variation of UV reflectance in relation to environmental factors in genus Pieris and Colias.
Stella, David ; Kleisner, Karel (advisor) ; Bogusch, Petr (referee) ; Morehouse, Nathan (referee)
A bst r a ct Ultravi olet ( U V) mea ns' bey o n d vi olet' (fr o m t he Lati n - ultra - bey on d), w here by vi oletis t he c ol o ur wit h hig hestfre q ue nciesi n t he'visi ble'lig ht s pectr u m. By'visi ble' we refer t o h u ma n visi o n b utit m ust be ta ke n i nt o acc o u nt t hat h u ma n vis ual perce pti o n is i n c o m paris o n t o ma ny ot her orga nis ms rat her li mite di n ter ms of wavele ngt hsit ca n perceive. isis w hy c o m m u nicati o ni n t he U V s pectr u mis of- te n calle d hi d de n, alt h o ug hit m ostli kely plays a ver yi m p orta nt r olei n t he c o m m u nicati o n of vari o us ki n ds ofi nf or mati o n a m o ng a wi de variet y of orga nis ms. e ai m of t he prese nt t hesis is t o el uci date t he fu ncti o ns a n d relative i m p orta nce of U V pa er ns mai nl y i n L e pi d o ptera fr o m a h olistic ec ol o gical a n d ev ol uti o nar y pers pective. U V re fl ecta nce ca n- n ot be st u die d i n is olati o n: i m p orta nt i nteracti o ns a m o n g several ot her varia bles s uc h as li g ht c o n - dit i o ns, ge neral o ptic pr o perties of nat ural o bjects, t he vis ual s yste m, a n d si g nal pr ocessi n g are t h us disc usse d as well, b ut a n overall e m p hasis o n U V re flecta nce is mai ntai ne d t hr o u g h o ut. M ore over, t his w or k...
Person centred approach in addiction treatment: theoretical background, application possibilities and compatibility with the current system of outpatient care and practice.
Sklenářová Francová, Kateřina ; Nevoralová, Monika (advisor) ; Reichelová, Lenka (referee)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze 1. léka ská fakulta Studijní program: Specializace v léka ství Studijní obor: Adiktologie Bc. Kate ina Sklená ová Francová ístup zam ený na lov ka (PCA) v psychoterapii závislostí: teoretická východiska, aplika ní možnosti a kompatibilita se sou asným systémem ambulantní pé e a jeho praxí. Person centred approach in psychotherapy of addiction: theoretical background, application possibilities and compatibility with the current system of outpatient care and practice. Diplomová práce Vedoucí práce: PhDr. Monika Nevoralová Praha, 2013 Abstrakt diplomové práce: Východiska: Mezi základní charakteristiky p ístupu zam eného na lov ka (PCA) ve vztahu klient- terapeut pat í mimo jiné pojmy bezpodmíne né p ijetí, empatie a autenticita. V minulosti se tento psychoterapeutický sm r nazýval nedirektivním. Dnes je tento název p ekonán pro jeho redukující edur ení, nicmén pojem nedirektivita by se dal ozna it jako další z jeho p ízna ných rys . Sou asný systém lé by a rehabilitace závislých v psychiatrických lé ebnách, terapeutických komunitách i ambulantních typech lé by je založen na kontrole, režimu, vedení, tvorb terapeutického plánu a jiných, zejména kognitivn -behaviorálních metod, které jsou v sou asné adiktologii "dominantní". Nabízí se proto otázka, zda PCA m že najít v adiktologii...
Phototoxicity and influence of the human health
Záborcová, Tamara ; Vytlačilová, Jitka (advisor) ; Jahodář, Luděk (referee)
When the UV radiation strikes on the organism, it interacts with bioactive molecules, which leads to their changes with various consequences including mutations, cancerogenesis, photosensitivity and other disorders. This writing deals with UV radiation negative effects on human, diseases, which are induced by it, its utilization in medicine and also with photoprotection and possible modulation of damage induced by this radiation.
Monoxenous trypanosomatids of invertebrates
Havlová, Jolana ; Votýpka, Jan (advisor) ; Varga, Vladimír (referee)
The class Kinetoplastea contains free-living and parasitic species. One of the most dominant group within the class is the order Trypanosomatida which includes obligate parasites (Trypanosoma, Leishmania) infecting a wide range of hosts. Some species are serious pathogens of humans and domestic animals and cause considerable losses. However, the majority of trypanosomatids belongs to monoxenous parasites of insect which are usually harmless to their hosts. Monoxenous trypanosomatids predominantly infect Hemiptera and Diptera. This diploma thesis is focused on the detection of monoxenous trypanosomatids in cockroaches captured in the Czech Republic and cockroaches from different breedings. Cockroaches are very suitable mechanical vectors of many different pathogens (including parasites) and are significant health threat for humans and animals. First trypanosomatids in cockroaches were documented at the beginning of the 20th century, but there is no study focused on this topic specifically. Another aim of this thesis is morphological and ultramicroscopic analysis and the study of the host specificity of the recently described species Herpetomonas tarakana, isolated from a cockroach. My findings were partly used in the already published study "Diversity of trypanosomatids in cockroaches and the...
The disappointment of the Western intellectual in the twentieth century (in Saul Bellow's novels Mr. Sammler's Planet and Herzog)
Slováčková, Hana ; Ulmanová, Hana (advisor) ; Roraback, Erik Sherman (referee)
Saul Bellow's main characters are frequently persons who convey their experience with reality in the contemporary Western society. The concrete phenomena - their individual experiences fold up into a more conclusive reflection and lead to the comprehension of reality on a general level. And it is disappointment that best characterizes the resulting knowledge. The novels I selected for the thorough analysis, Mr.Sammler's Planet and Herzog, both depict and encounter of man with reality. The reflection of this encounter is presented by scholarly men, Mr. Sammler and Moses E. Herzog. Despite the fact that they are fictitious characters, their knowledge of Western thinkers makes them 'real' intellectual critics of the contemporary time. They connect through their theoretical scholarship and their personal lives, observations and experiences. The outcome is an account of the state of the contemporary Western society in the light of a broader understanding of its development. The course of that development or transformation can be analyzed with the help of works of influential Western thinkers for their reasoning always arises from the conditions of their present time. Their works containing novel concepts have impact on the future development but also inevitably reflect the past development. This is the reason...

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