National Repository of Grey Literature 68 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
New materials to support the teaching of biochemistry in secondary schools - vitamins in nutrition and metabolism
Budíková, Kateřina ; Martínek, Václav (advisor) ; Teplá, Milada (referee)
Vitamins are a topic that is discussed throughout various fields of human knowledge. They are especially important because they cannot be synthesized by the human body and are needed for the proper function of the body. The most common task of the vitamins is participation in antioxidant reactions and their role as cofactors of various enzymatic reactions. For these reasons, it is very important to have sufficient intake of vitamins and pass this knowledge onto students in school. As a result of my own analysis of selected secondary school chemistry textbooks, the topic of vitamins is not often presented clearly enough and the textbooks are not focused on linking the topic of vitamins with their particular function in the human body and with students' everyday life. Based on these circumstances, a set of educational materials called The Vitamins in Human Nutrition and Metabolism was created. The set includes an educational PowerPoint presentation, a worksheet and revision cards. The set contains graphic schemes and illustrations supporting connections between the vitamins and everyday life. The set of educational materials is available on website (the Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Science at Charles University). The new materials can be used to aid education of the...
Chemical experiments in the home environment and their didactic processing
Koběrská, Klára ; Teplá, Milada (advisor) ; Stratilová Urválková, Eva (referee)
Klára Koběrská: Chemical experiments in the home environment and their didactic processing. Bachelor thesis. Prague: Faculty of Science, Charles University, 2023. Abstract The bachelor's thesis focuses on home experiments in chemistry and their didactic processing. The theoretical part defines the concept of experimental teaching of chemistry, its function, and its concept in obligatory pedagogical documents. It also includes the involvement of chemical experiments in distance learning and the safety of practical chemistry teaching outside the laboratory environment. The thesis aims to conduct research and evaluate available didactic materials on the topic, thus evaluating the didactic processing, availability, safety, age of students, and relation to RVP, as well as the time demands of 16 materials. Based on the research findings, the practical part presents 5 worksheets for students supplemented with methodological instructions for teachers. These didactic materials were evaluated by 10 teachers and 69 students throughout the questionnaire, and their comments were considered in the final adjustment of the set of worksheets. Key words chemistry, experiment, didactic materials, homeschooling, elementary schools, high schools, set of experiments
Pregradual study programmes of chemistry education at universities in Czech Republic
Bílková, Petra ; Stratilová Urválková, Eva (advisor) ; Teplá, Milada (referee)
Bachelor's thesis deals with the pregradual preparation of chemistry teachers at universities in the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the current state of preparation of chemistry teachers at selected universities, specifically the curricula of the Bachelor's programmes in Chemistry Oriented toward Education and Master's degree programme Chemistry for the 2nd level of Primary Schools and Teaching of Chemistry for Secondary Schools. In the theoretical part are summarized the objectives of the undergraduate preparation of future teachers, then characterises the pedagogical competences of teachers, and the specific competences and skills of chemistry teachers related to practical laboratory activities. The practical part describes the methodology of work in data acquisition and analysis. In the results of the deductive content analysis, the curricula of chemistry teaching programs are compared, and the differences between them are described. The results show which faculties have a strong branch and didactic component and which have a stronger pedagogical-psychological component. From these ratios, it is possible to estimate what the graduates of each program will be more proficient in. Alternatively, the curriculum can be adjusted for further accreditation based on the comparison....
Influence of animations on pupils' motivation and academic achievements in Science education
Šarboch, David ; Teplá, Milada (advisor) ; Martínek, Václav (referee) ; Ganajová, Mária (referee)
The dissertation deals with the influence of interactive educational animations on the motivation and academic achievements of pupils. Currently, student motivation in teaching is a much discussed topic (Ikwuka et al., 2017). The authors of many studies, as well as the creators of national curricula, declare that it is necessary to focus on the transition from traditional teaching methods (eg. frontal teaching) to methods that activate pupils. At the same time, we are currently observing the low popularity of science subjects among primary and secondary school pupils (Szarka et al., 2014). Therefore, it is advisable to come up with methods that, on the one hand, create an interactive environment in which students can develop their knowledge, skills and competences, and on the other hand, interest and motivate students to further work. Thus, the main goal of the dissertation is to find out how animation affects the motivation and academic results of secondary school students (especially in science subjects). A didactic tool that could help fulfill these facts is educational animation. The majority of authors who deal with the issue of educational animations agree on the positive contribution of their use in classes in many aspects, however, there is currently a lack of research that has dealt with...
Analysis of Chemistry tests used in the admission procedure at the Faculty of Science, Charles University
Šrámek, Martin ; Teplá, Milada (advisor) ; Teplý, Pavel (referee) ; Kričfaluši, Dana (referee)
This thesis focuses on the prediction of academic success and item analysis of chemistry knowledge tests used in the admission procedure at the Faculty of Science, Charles University between 2016 and 2019. The first part of the thesis focuses on the possibilities of academic success prediction (earning a bachelor's degree within 4 years) based on various factors: (i) success rate in the admission procedure, (ii) study index (modified average of marks), (iii) success rate in each part of admission procedure, (iv) passing exams in selected mandatory subjects for students of Chemistry study programme, eventually (v) based on obtained marks in selected subjects (as in (iv)). Furthermore, a prediction of entering Year 2 was also completed for three of these factors (i, iii and iv). The sample consists of 1,780 applicants for Chemistry study programmes. The results of the analysis proved a medium effect on success in the admission procedure on entering Year 2 (d = 0.52) and a large effect on academic success (d = 0.67). By additional comparison of predictive ability of knowledge tests (Maths, Biology, Chemistry) we proved that the Chemistry test has a greater prediction ability compared to the others - low effect on entering Year (d = 0.22), but medium on academic success (d = 0.40). Additionally, we...
Materials to support teaching of organic chemistry at high school - carboxylic acids
Dřevínek, Martin ; Petrželová, Simona (advisor) ; Teplá, Milada (referee)
Carboxylic acids belong to a widely represented group of substances in organic chemistry. Their common occurrence in nature or interference in human lives makes them a very important group. The topic of the bachelor's thesis is the creation of new didactic materials specifically on the topic of Carboxylic acids for teachers and students at high schools. The theoretical part is made up of literature review, such as curricular documents, selected high school textbooks, online resources and previous final theses focusing on the topic of carboxylic acids. In the practical part, didactic materials were created for the given topic, such as a PowerPoint presentation, a worksheet for practice or a study text for pupils.
Materials for education in biochemistry at secondary school - smooth and skeletal muscle
Honomichl, Petr ; Martínek, Václav (advisor) ; Teplá, Milada (referee)
Modern society gives humanity many guarantees and many benefits. Although one of the biggest problems nowadays is that most of us spend much time sitting at computers or TVs. Another problem is the excess of an unsuitable diet, which threatens our health. This lifestyle harms our health and contributes to the outbreak of diseases in civilization, among other things. These diseases are the leading cause of death in civilized countries. It is no wonder that some parts of society are already aware of this issue, and its goal is to motivate people to spend their free time actively, for example, with regular exercise or sports. It is necessary to emphasize the relationship between health problems and a sedentary lifestyle by integrating such topics into teaching grammar school subjects. We could combine chemistry, biology and physical education with helping students find new ways to understand the importance of physical activity. The work focuses on skeletal and smooth muscle because it is closely related to movement and is also the subject of teaching in secondary schools. However, in the current teaching materials, this topic is conceived rather descriptively, with students learning many medical terms, and the interpretation of the mechanism of muscle activity is limited to skeletal muscles. This...
Lipids in the Context of High School Education
Staníček, Jan ; Martínek, Václav (advisor) ; Teplá, Milada (referee)
For more than 15 years, in the Czech Republic there has been the Grammar School Educational Program (here known as RVP G), which forces teachers to use more didactic and pedagogical knowledge in teaching. Unfortunately, suitable materials are not always available to provide such training (e.g., for the topic of "lipids"). This work then deals with the concept of lipids in textbooks and theses, and especially with the creation of new materials on selected subtopics to lipids and their testing in teaching. The results of this work will show that the topic of lipids is not processed well enough in selected textbooks according to selected criteria. Probably because the textbooks used are outdated. Other results will show that other authors have already solved this problem in their final theses by creating new materials that meet the selected criteria. Unfortunately, current lipid teaching aids lack recent practical biochemical knowledge, tasks to fix this knowledge and develop practical skills. Thus, this work aims to contribute to the pool of educational materials by creating new materials that will meet the requirements mentioned above, cowering these main topics - atherosclerosis, diseases of affluence, cholesterol, metabolism and relationships of macronutrients in the human body, omega-3 fatty...
Chemistry - Physics relatives in the Science education
Konečný, Martin ; Čtrnáctová, Hana (advisor) ; Teplá, Milada (referee)
Title: Chemistry - Physics Relatives in the Science Education Department: Department of Teaching and Didactics of Chemistry Abstract (in English): Within the master's degree thesis was conducted a literary research. Overview of interdisciplinary relatives in science education was done based on this research. The interdisciplinary relatives are described in the work as well as a historical development of integrated science education in the Czech Republic and in Europe. Three teaching tasks were created for use in science lessons with the following topics: The universe evolution and formation of elements, Luminescence, and The substance composition. Teaching tasks can be used during the class work or as a material for talented students and have both theoretical and practical parts. The teaching tasks were evaluated by teachers who used them during their chemistry lessons. The final part of the master thesis is a survey, in which teachers answered the questions concerning the establishing of new conference called "Chemistry Teachers' Inventions Fair" for secondary school and high school teachers. Keywords: interdisciplinary relatives, physics, chemistry, science eduaction, integrated teaching

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2 TEPLÁ, Michaela
1 Teplá, Marie
2 Teplá, Markéta
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