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Marketing conception of Czech cup in white water slalom
Beneš, Jindřich ; Malecha, Petr (advisor) ; Bureš, Jan (referee)
Title Marketing conception of Czech cup in white water slalom Dissertation purposes Analysis of present situation of Czech cup by the help of SWOT and STEP analysis, use this results together with another observation to create effective and elaborate marketing strategy. Thanks to the information that were get I propose also some sponsor packages divided according to different types of partnership that could be used for the Czech cup in the next sesion (i.e. 2009). Method Presentive analysis is used in all of this dissertation which interprets data obtained by STEP analysis, SWOT analysis and interview. Results Comprehensive analysis of Czech cup in white water slalom, suggestion of suitable partners leading to improving present situation and suggestion of cooperation including the marketing's campaign schedule. Keywords Czech cup in water slalom, marketing conception, SWOT analysis, sponsorship, communication 3
Foreign policy of Russian federation towards the countries of former Soviet Union
Hrušík, Michal ; Barša, Pavel (advisor) ; Bureš, Jan (referee)
Ruská federácia (RF) nikdy nebola ani nebude krajinou, ktorej globálny vplyv by bolo možné podceňovat. Obrovský štát, rozkladajúci sa na ploché takmer dvojnásobnej, ako je tomu u jeho najvýznamnejšieho "konkurenta" čo do rozlohy Kanady3, historicky permanentne expandujúci s cielom zváčšit mieru svojej rozlohy na maximálnu možnú mieru4. Táto kolonizácia přitom prebiehala v praxi "prirodzene a mierumilovne"5, akokolVek paradoxně sa to dnes pri pohláde na početné konflikty v ruských autonómnych republikách móže javit. Ruský medved, Vel'ký východný sused, či Brat na věčné časy a nehynúci vzor - toto je len stručný výběr zo súsloví, ktorými bol či stále je pomenúvaný štátny útvar, nachádzajúci sa na východ od štátov strednej Európy. Vývoj na tomto území přitom připomíná sinusoidu v jej úvodných fázach. V prvej časti sledujeme ohromujúcu expanziu - prisvojenie si všetkej tej obrovskej plochy ruského dalekého východu, ktorá dnes tvoří váčšinu územia Ruskej federácie. Týmto však prvá fáza sinusoidy nekončí, ale naopak napreduje.
Lobbying of the Czech non-profit organizations in the policy-making procces on the national and European level
Kopečný, Ondřej ; mimo FF UK, (advisor) ; Bureš, Jan (referee)
Diploma thesis Lobbying of the Czech Non-profit Organizations in the Policy-Making Process on the National and European Level focuses on the Czech non-profit organizations' possibilities to lobby for their interests on the national and European level. This thesis gives a basic idea about policy and decision-making processes and about the decision-makers. It describes forms where and how can politicians', public servants'/European officers' decisions intersect with the aims of non-profit organizations. Also this thesis focuses on quality of interactions between the Czech non-profit sector and the Czech/European political power. It also tries to identify weak places which cause communication failures between both sides.
Legacy Finlandisation in an era of change: Finnish security policy after the Cold War
Jireš, Jan ; Barša, Pavel (advisor) ; Bureš, Jan (referee)
V Evropě dnes existuje pět států, se kterými se pojí dlouhá tradice neutralitní politiky - Švýcarsko, Švédsko, Irsko, Rakousko a Finsko.1 Prostřednictvím své neutrality všechny tyto země vyjadřovaly záměr působit v mezinárodních vztazích pokud možno nezávisle, vyhnout se soupeření velmocí a stát mimo jakékoli vojenské aliance. Všech pět zmíněných zemí zastávalo neutralitní politiku po mnoho desítek nebo dokonce stovek let a je proto jasné, že konkrétní podmínky, za kterých neutralitu přijaly a po většinu doby praktikovaly, už dnes neexistují. Posledním ze zásadních mezníků v evropském mocenském a bezpečnostním uspořádání byl konec studené války a kolaps Sovětského svazu. V souvislosti s tím, že po roce 1991 už v Evropě žádné velmocenské soupeření neprobíhá (alespoň ne v takové podobě, jakou známe z předchozí éry), prochází koncept neutrality v každé dříve neutrální zemi zásadním přehodnocováním, které má najít odpověď na elementární otázku, zda má neutralitní politika v současné Evropě ještě vůbec nějaký smysl. A pokud má, tak v jaké podobě. V důsledku toho, že dnes jsou "bývalé" evropské neutrální státy2 - zejména ty, které jsou členy EU - často považovány za sobě navzájem velmi podobné a v některých záležitostech skutečně tvořící jeden politický blok, poněkud zaniká skutečnost, že z historického a...
Parliamentary immunity in the Czech political system
Jareš, Jakub ; Bureš, Jan (advisor) ; Wintr, Jan (referee)
The thesis "Parliamentary Immunity in the Czech Political System" examines the history of parliamentary immunity in the Czech lands from 1848 until today. Primarily, it focuses on allowing prosecutions of deputies and senators and the attempts to reduce immunity in the Czech Republic after 1993. The thesis looks in detail at the provisions on immunity in the constitutions which were in force in the Czech lands after 1848; it also gives an overview of the cases of allowing deputy prosecutions during 1918-1938 and under the communist rule (1948-1989). In addition, the thesis includes chapters on the origin and legal implementation of parliamentary immunity, on its broad definition and on the immunity provisions in the constitutions of other countries.
Drugs: the political problem in Czech Republic (1993-2006)
Škorvaga, Marek ; Bureš, Jan (advisor) ; Zbořil, Zdenek (referee)
v českém jazyce není součástí práce. Úryvek z Úvodu: Cílem předkládané práce je specifikovat postoje politických stran k problematice drog v České republice v období 1993 až 2006. Časové ohraničení je zcela logické. Rok 1993 je nejen vznikem samostatné České republiky, ale i počátkem systematické realizace protidrogové politiky. Zároveň se záhy po tomto datu začaly některé politické strany kriticky vyjadřovat k oficiální linii vládní protidrogové politiky. Po celé námi sledované období byly zpochybňovány její cíle i efektivita a vládní protidrogová politika neměla plnou podporu ani v samotné vládě. To vedlo opakovaně k jejímu přehodnocování a hledání určité rovnováhy, které však často bylo doprovázeno vyhrocenou diskuzí na politické úrovni. Ve své diplomové práci si tak kladu především tyto otázky: jaké byly důvody politizace drogové problematiky, jaká témata byla akcentovaná, s jakými požadavky politici přicházeli, jak se tyto požadavky promítly ve vládní protidrogové politice a jak se měnily postoje politiků k tomuto tématu v námi sledovaném období. Powered by TCPDF (
Dolejší's "Analysis" as an Example of Conspiracy Theory
Kantor, Lukáš ; Bureš, Jan (advisor) ; Voráček, Emil (referee)
This magistr thesis examines the first two parts o f the significant conspiracy theory about Charter 77 and the velvet revolution: "Analysis o f 17th November and the changes in eastern Europe in 1989" written by Miroslav Dolejsi, a long-time political prisoner of communist regime. The submitted thesis tries to demonstrate which o f Dolejsi's assertions are truthful or at least probable, but also what is speculation or even disinformation. In this regard, the magistr thesis refutes Dolejsi's gravest charge, that the Charter 77 represented right from its inception an intentionally created political reserve, or even the so- called "guided opposition" led by people linked to Czechoslovak and Soviet secret police. Rather, we suggest thinking about Charter 77 as a "controlled opposition" consisting of a contra elite potentially capable of replacing the discredited communists. 3The magistr thesis also did not find evidence to prove Dolejsi's claim that the power handover in 1989 was arranged in advance, although both dissidents and elites o f the old regime calculated on forthcoming changes and contacts between these two camps did exist. Pragmatic communists had probably been preparing themselves for the new conditions and some even helped to trigger the revolutionary events. Later during the talks between Civic...
Revolutionary effort of social democracy in 1920s. Events in Kralupy region.
Nohejlová, Kateřina ; Bureš, Jan (advisor) ; Doubek, Vratislav (referee)
The diploma thesis describes evolution of social democracy in 1920s in Kralupy region. This will be describes on the background of general events of social democracy party in Czechoslovakia. The thesis describes also local party elite and activities of some citizen of Kralupy nad Vltavou, discussion about social democracy program and reaction on local and national events.
How to refort the electoral system for the czech chamber of deputies? Analysis of current electoral system and reform options
Charvát, Jakub ; Bureš, Jan (advisor) ; Just, Petr (referee)
The aim of this study is to analyse a proposal of bill of electoral reform for electoral system to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, and especially by the Czech government prefered so-called Greek variant, and to show its weaknesses. The main problem of this proposals is, according to the author of this study, the bonus for the winner of electoral competition. By using the analysis of current electoral system the author tries to prove that the more important in the Czech political reality is the proportionality of electoral results than the bonus for winning political party. In the end, author presents his project to reform the current electoral system. These changes are likely to have minimal effect on the electoral behaviour of voters and political parties. This proposal modifies the number of electoral districts from current fourteen to nine (by means of combination of current small electoral districts), it also modifies the process of preferential voting (four preferential votes for each voter and variable threshold for being elected by means of preferential voting between four and five per cent, depending on electoral district magnitude) and aborts additive legal threshold for electoral coalitions. This project may produce more proportional electoral results than the...
The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and the Process of Perestroika
Štefek, Martin ; Bureš, Jan (advisor) ; Kocian, Jiří (referee)
The aim of my diploma thesis is to analyse the Communist party of Czechoslovakia in the years of 1985-1989 and its response to the process of perestroika, which was initiated in the Soviet Union after Gorbachev's election as a General Secretary of the Communist Party. The analysis proceeds in three steps. First, it explains functioning of the Central Commitee of the KPC and its presidium, and describes the decision-making process inside the party. Second, the third chapter reveals the fact that the January 1987 plenary session of the Central Commitee of the CPSU was a decisive impetus for accepting and initiating a specific process of the perestroika in Czechoslovakia. Third, principles of economic, political and intra-party restructuring are introduced. However, there were limits to the process which were due to the tension between "conservatives" and "progressives" in the leadership. In addition, the thesis notes that personal changes in the central commitee, which were very important for the outcome of the reforms. Last, the empirical evidence is compared with assumptions of theories of non-democratic regimes, and discussed upon the evidence of well-documented changes.

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