Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 47 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí31 - 40další  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Orchestrace modulů multitenantních systémů
Jeřábek, Filip ; Janoušek, Vladimír (oponent) ; Smrčka, Aleš (vedoucí práce)
Cílem práce je navrhnout a demonstrovat řešení alternativního převodu aplikace do multitenantní podoby spolu s jejím přesunem ze zákaznického serveru a nasazením na sdílený server firmy, která tento systém vyvíjí. Součástí převodu není klasická modifikace původní aplikace a implementace multitenance přímo do jejího kódu. Pomocí systémů jako je Docker a Kubernetes budou vyčleňovány, kontejnerizovány a orchestrovány moduly původní aplikace, díky čemuž vznikne iluze multitenance. Práce necílí na předložení jednoho řešení, ale apeluje na poskytnutí potřebných znalostí, více variant návrhu a implementace univerzálního demonstračního řešení, kdy je před použitím nějakého z návrhů předpoklad jeho upravení dle specifických potřeb vlastního řešení a jeho následná implementace. Navrhovaná řešení mají za cíl zjednodušení procesu tohoto převodu, což souvisí s ušetřením prostředků, a také poskytnutí možnosti vytvoření iluze multitenance u systémů, kde je klasický postup příliš náročný nebo nemožný.
Chaos Testing of the Strimzi Project Using the Litmus Platform
Zrnčík, Henrich ; Smrčka, Aleš (oponent) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
The last decade in software engineering has seen a trend towards automation and abstraction with increasing use of micro-service architecture. The trend towards micro-service architecture has brought with it a need to rethink how we implement software quality assurance. Running micro-services in the cloud with multiple distributed components requires additional management of shared and inter dependent components. This in turn requires additional testing of the system's resilience. A possible answer is chaos engineering, which is often considered the next logical step after end-to-end and integration testing. This thesis will focus on the gaps in testing created by the move to micro-service architecture and how chaos engineering can fill them. In particular it will focus on Apache Kafka deployed onto a kubernetes platform (Strimzi) and how the Litmus framework can be used to implement Chaos testing against this deployment. As our use-case was to have long running Kafkas deployed on kubernetes we had to adapt and extend the Litmus framework and build experiments that could test both long running kafkas and long running kubernetes. This thesis will demonstrate how we did this.
Reengineering dvouvrstvých aplikací
Oberreiter, Michal ; Rychlý, Marek (oponent) ; Burget, Radek (vedoucí práce)
Tato práce se zabývá analýzou problematiky reengineeringu v kontextu modernizace dvouvrstvých aplikací. Na základě dostupné literatury je popsána metodologie, přístupy a možné strategie k realizaci reengineeringu. Z pohledu softwarových architektur, které práce popisuje a vzájemně porovnává, jsou diskutována konkrétní řešení vybraných problémů v různých architekturách. Pro aplikaci principů reengineeringu je zvolena ve spolupráci se společností I&C Energo reálná aplikace Systém správy kabeláže. Stávající řešení je analyzováno, nedostatky identifikovány. Na základě zmapovaných technik je navrhnuto cloud-native řešení v architektuře mikroslužeb, které je následně implementováno a popsáno. Výstupem práce je případová studie aplikace reengineeringu na Systému správy kabeláže.
Configurable Parallel Execution of System Tests within the Strimzi Project
Orsák, Maroš ; Rogalewicz, Adam (oponent) ; Češka, Milan (vedoucí práce)
In recent years, many companies have adopted Kubernetes and the microservices architec- ture it enables. This technology was opened up many new possibilities not just for large companies, but also for small software developers. Kubernetes is a container-orchestration system and recently a new concept has emerged arround how to orchestrate the containers more efficiently - the Operator pattern. One such operator is developed and maintained under an open-source project called Strimzi. The Strimzi project gathers together several tools, which take care of the deployment of Apache Kafka on Kubernetes. Since Kafka is a complex, horizontally scalable, distributed system, you can imagine that its installation is a relatively complex action. Therefore, one of the biggest challenges of using Kubernetes is how to effectively and quickly test projects such as Kafka and Strimzi and at the same time verify integration with other similar products. The resources needed by Kubernetes are much more demanding compared to the deployment of Kafka on virtual machines or typi- cal container instances. To tackle this problem, we adopt the principles of parallel execution and created a mechanism within Strimzi system tests, which runs tests in parallel against only a single Kubernetes cluster. Furthermore, we proposed a brand new architecture for the end-to-end tests. The improvements aim at scalability and reduction of execution time . Through several experiments, this paper shows that proposed mechanism with different configurations of the Kubernetes cluster (including number of Kubernetes nodes , number of tests and suites executed in parallel ) significantly accelerated execution of the tests.
Operator for MariaDB Galera Cluster in OpenShift
Javorský, Lukáš ; Malinka, Kamil (oponent) ; Januš, Filip (vedoucí práce)
The main goal of this thesis is to create an orchestrated system, that will adapt and react to the current database server load. The newest OpenShift 4 orchestration and container deployment platform, which is built on top of the Kubernetes API, is being used as a~solution to this problem. Using the operator as the mind of the OpenShift cluster, responsible for the deployment, load balancing, detecting crashes, and fail-over recovery in the MariaDB containers, we can ensure that the database will keep functioning, even in the highest peaks throughout the day. Galera replication software built into each MariaDB server ensures that the content of every database in the Galera cluster is consistent.
Rozšíření editoru Eclipse Che o modul pro UI testy
Lorinc, Marián ; Lengál, Ondřej (oponent) ; Rogalewicz, Adam (vedoucí práce)
Cieľom tejto práce je navrhnúť a naprogramovať testovací modul na testovanie užívateľských rozhraní vývojového prostredia Eclipse Che. Najhlavnejšou prioritou tejto práce je zaistiť kompatibilitu testovacieho modulu pre Eclipse Che s testovacím modulom pre editor Visual Studio Code. Aby bolo možné zaistiť kompatibilitu medzi oboma editormi, bolo navrhnuté spoločné programátorské rozhranie pre grafické komponenty editorov. Vytvorené riešenie umožňuje vývojárom rozšírení editora Visual Studio Code používať testy grafického užívateľského rozhrania aj vo vývojovom prostredí Eclipse Che s minimálnymi úpravami. Prínosom tejto práce je zníženie nárokov na údržbu testov grafického rozhrania a jednotný zdrojový kód pre rozšírenie a testy.
Setup of Application-Computation On-Premise Mini-Cloud Based on Kubernetes
Stuchlý, Samuel ; Ryšavý, Ondřej (oponent) ; Jeřábek, Kamil (vedoucí práce)
Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform for deployment and management of applications on a cluster. The goal of this thesis is to understand kubernetes and its components, and then design and set up an optimal kubernetes cluster architecture for a small kubernetes-based on-premise mini-cloud on the VUT University grounds. This Bachelor thesis explores basics of containers, container runtimes, container orchestration tools, Kubernetes architecture and its components and Ansible automation platform. It further includes description of designed architecture of the cluster, that will be implemented. Contribution of the this thesis resides in the architectural design of kubernetes cluster, that will be later installed on the university grounds and will be ready to use by university.
Natural Language Processing: Analysis of Information Technology Students’ Spoken Language
Stanković, Aleksandar ; Šťastná, Dagmar (oponent) ; Ellederová, Eva (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with the issue of new artificial intelligence technologies in natural language processing. The thesis consists of a theoretical part and an analytical part. The theoretical part approaches the issue by dividing it into three chapters: artificial intelligence and statistics, natural language processing, and IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding. Each of these chapters is elaborated on by using at least one example from the real world. In the first chapter, the main aim is to frame the theoretical framework of artificial intelligence and its practices, while in the second chapter, natural language processing and its primary functions are explained as well as its relation to artificial intelligence itself. The aim of the third chapter is to introduce natural language understanding as the primary tool for analysis which is done in the analytical part. The analytical part deals with the analysis of students’ spoken language using various methods. Collected video samples are transcribed by means of a machine translator as a natural language processing application, while the textual output is analysed through a natural language understanding engine. The applied knowledge from the theoretical part is used in the analytical part that includes the description of research methodology, presentation and interpretation of research results.
Application for OpenShift Plaform for Testing of Students Projects
Országh, Marián ; Janoušek, Vladimír (oponent) ; Smrčka, Aleš (vedoucí práce)
The aim of this thesis is to design a service for automated requirements-based testing of student programming assignments, and thereafter implement this service using the OpenShift, Python and Git technologies. By creating such a service, a foundation is set for a unified testing process, which includes executing the test suites in separate Linux containers. Such a process is intended for simplification of the grading by teachers and teacher assistants, and at the same time improvement of student's performance in such tasks.   This Master's thesis explains the basics of software testing, while focusing on requirements-based testing specifically. Furthermore, it provides insight into the container technology, as well as how these themes are applied in the project's design, and how they are reflected in the service's requirements. Afterwards, the implementation details of the service are put under examination in order to provide a reference material for any future extensions of the project.   The implemented service allows for basic operations, including testing of multiple student projects in separate containers concurrently, creating a containerized debugging session, or automatically building a testing container image for a given assignment.   
Real Time Data Processing with Strimzi Project
Orsák, Maroš ; Malík, Viktor (oponent) ; Rogalewicz, Adam (vedoucí práce)
Container technologies become broadly used in modern times. In prevailing, applications made on the micro-service architecture are rising. This thesis analyzes the design of an application that will process data in real-time. Further, the application will be built using state-of-the-art technologies used by world companies like Netflix, Uber. They are using the systems for real-time data processing such as Apache Kafka, and in recent times they raised it on a higher level by encapsulating this system in the container environment, which guaranteeing effortless scalability. Additionally, using the latest native Kubernetes technologies for processing dozens of data with Quarkus and Strimzi. The problem, which arises, is that these types of real-time data processing systems encapsulated in the containers are especially challenging to test. The main goal of this thesis is a proof-of-concept application based on Strimzi project and also show the designed long term test of the application also known as Marathon, which is the ideal demonstration of user conditions.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 47 záznamů.   začátekpředchozí31 - 40další  přejít na záznam:
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