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COUNTRY REPORT. Social Sciences and Humanities in the Czech Republic. 2012 Report
Kostelecký, Tomáš ; Patočková, Věra
The general overview of the SSH system in the Czech Republic in 2012 is given, and then the attention is focused on Policy Setting System, Funding System and Performing System all concerning situation in 2012. The report was prepared within framework of Metris, which is a project launched by the European Commission, DG-Research, Directorate L, "Science, Economy and Society" in order to provide an overview of these fields in Europe. The report followed the Metris prescribed structure.

The Effect of System of Financial Reporting on Financial Performance of Business Corporation
Prokešová, Gabriela ; Strouhal, Jiří (advisor) ; Roubíčková, Jaroslava (referee)
This thesis deals with the effect of system of financial reporting on financial performance of business corporation. Czech accounting regulations and International financial reporting standards are compared within the framework of system of financial reporting. The effect on financial performance is then analysed through financial analysis. In theoretical-methodological part the terminology, approaches and methods used in individual systems are defined and then comparative analysis is performed. Theoretical definition of financial analysis follows and then basic information about business corporation is mentioned, which begins the practical part. Then financial analysis of the firm is performed whereas data are analysed separately for every system. The purpose of this thesis is to point out different values of indicators of financial analysis coming from differences of analysed systems of financial reporting through concrete business corporation and to explain their cause.

Internal equity principle in the context of company strategy
Kopecký, Martin ; Nový, Ivan (advisor) ; Háša, Stanislav (referee) ; Blažek, Ladislav (referee)
The thesis deals with the scientific problem of the link between the strategic management and the compensation system using the principle of internal equity. The work is based on two pillars, namely the qualitative research and own proposed solution. The first part of the thesis describes the qualitative research and the possibilities and the synergistic effects of linking business strategy and compensation system. The qualitative research is performed as a multi-case study and investigates the phenomenon in the practice of three companies from various markets (the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bosnia and Hercegovina) and industries (finance, IT/Telco and FMCG). The research tries to find answers to the four research questions: How does business strategy influence compensation process? How can compensation support the realization of a business strategy? How can business strategy be linked with a compensation system within the principle of internal equity? How can compensation reinforce the strategic function of the human resources management? The research is based on the study of theoretical sources as well as on practical fieldwork. The qualitative research itself uses qualitative research methods for data collection, such as observations, questionnaires, and document analysis. The population questioned was top managers, line managers and representatives of HR department. In total, 142 interviews were performed by a single person. The collected data were analyzed and the triangulation was applied. The findings were summarized and generalized into a final report that brings answers to the research questions above. The research brings valuable findings used in the second, design part of the thesis. The own proposed solution consists of two main models. The first one is a simplified scheme of the compensation system and the second one is a model of strategic segmentation of jobs. The first model could be used successfully in the business practice as well as in education. The second model of the strategic job segmentation brings answer to the question of synergistic linking of business strategy and the compensation system within the principle of internal equity. The model brings valuable findings and a foundation for further theoretical research and its further development. The model also brings practical solution to the design of related policies and processes in the strategic management of human resources. By the design of both proposed models the main objectives of the thesis were achieved.

Business Intelligence solutions in a company Topaz
Kochkonyan, Gretta ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Fortinová, Jana (referee)
The main objective of this bachelor thesis is to analyze the business environment of the company Topaz and to design a BI solution prototype based on this analysis and requirements of company. The solution will be used in subsequent support for the managerial decisions of the business owner. The necessary condition for fulfilling the objective of this thesis was the access to the in-formation system of the company and to the data that were used as a basis for the analysis and design of the Business Intelligence solution. Access to the IS and its data has been granted by the owner of the company Topaz. The work is divided into theoretical part, which describes the basic characteristics of BI, or the Self-Service BI respectively, and to the practical part, where the running of the company is described with an emphasis on the support of an established information system. Then, an initial study is conducted, including requirements, with which the dimensional model is made. Finally, samples of the respective reports are presented.

Transformation of Network Data Reporting Process
Tolar, Tomáš ; Matuštík, Ondřej (advisor) ; Malinová, Ludmila (referee)
This thesis deals with transformation of network data reporting process in a Telecom company. The current process is MS Excel based and is inadequate and inefficient. The goal is to find the right tools and to implement them. The thesis is divided into three parts. First part is focused on theoretical background of reporting, i.e. Business Intelligence and other approaches. Second part explains general Network reporting principles and trends. In contrast with these theoretical recommendations, the actual level of the company's process is depicted. The last part of this thesis covers a practical implementation of selected applications. First, a choice is made within a variety of tools based on department's needs then the architecture is proposed and applications are implemented. The final part of the thesis provides an assessment of the benefits attained by this project.

Design of the pilot Business Intelligence solution for e-commerce platform
Kabrhelová, Kateřina ; Novotný, Ota (advisor) ; Vysoký, Ondřej (referee)
This thesis deals with the design of the pilot Business Intelligence solution for e-commerce platform Shopio. The first part describes the theoretical concepts of Business Intelligence and e-commerce focused on possible approaches to performance measurement of electronic commerce. Furthermore there is a comparison of analytical tools for measuring performance of e-shops which are available on the Czech market. The second part of the thesis first describes the e-commerce platform and the current status of the reporting module. Then the requirement analysis is conducted for the purpose of identifying the current company client's needs and requirements. The new Business Intelligence solution is designed based on the identified requirements described in the previous chapters. This solution is then tested and verified with the use of real e-shop data. The main purpose of this thesis is to refine the current status of the reports and provide a better tool to measure the e-shop performance for the e-shop owners.

Transient and Average Markov Reward Chains with Applications to Finance
Sladký, Karel
The article is devoted to Markov reward chains, in particular, attention is primarily focused on the reward variance arising by summation of generated rewards. Explicit formulae for calculating the variances for transient and average models are reported along with sketches of algorithmic procedures for finding policies guaranteeing minimal variance in the class of policies with a given transient or average reward. Application of the obtained results to financial models is indicated.

Partial Report IV / 2016 - Rating of the deformation stress monitoring the state of the rock mass during mining coal seam 30 (634) within the trial operation of mining method corridor - a pillar in OPJ ČSM - NORTH
Waclawik, Petr ; Ptáček, Jiří ; Kukutsch, Radovan ; Kajzar, Vlastimil ; Koníček, Petr ; Souček, Kamil ; Staš, Lubomír
Monitoring of the deformation stress state of the rock mass is a prerequisite for the verification of unapproved new mining methods hall-pillar and its further application in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian coal basin. This mining method is designed on the basis of experiences and practices that are verified in different natural conditions and depths below the surface and is therefore essential for the verification of conditions for the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin based on geotechnical monitoring. The present report is prepared on the basis of a contract no. 942/50/10, where the Institute of Geonics, v.v agrees to make periodic evaluation of monitoring data napěťodeformačního state of the rock mass. In accordance with the aforementioned agreement, the message is processed in the six-month period and continues in the interim report III / 2015 (Waclawik et al. 2015) passed buyers in April this year. Interim results of the geotechnical monitoring, such as the experience gained during the first conquest dobývky V show specifics of natural conditions in trial operation unapproved new mining methods hall-pillar.
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: UGN_0464907 - Download fulltextPDF

Comprehensive research report to experimental work on fatigue crack initiation in the sandstone and research of influences of the consolidation for fracture behavior in cases of cracks
Šperl, Martin ; Drdácký, Miloš ; Jandejsek, Ivan
Fatigue crack initiation in the sandstone specimens (location – Božanov) was made using a resonant testing machine in three point bending mode. It produced the geometrically similar damage. Subsequent fracture tests made it possible to assess the effect of the consolidation solutions on fracture properties of the material investigated.

Multimedia Data Processing in Heterogeneous Distributed Environment
Kajan, Rudolf ; Ferko,, Andrej (referee) ; Míkovec, Zdeněk (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
Pervasive computing sa zameriava odstránenie zložitostí pri interakcii s výpočtovou technikou a zvýšenie efektivity pri jej každodennom používaní. Ale i po viac ako 15 rokoch od sformulovania hlavných cieľov Pervasive computingu existujú aspekty interakcie ktoré stále nie sú súčasťou užívateľskej skúsenosti s dnešnou technológiou. Bezproblémová integrácia s prostredím vedúca k technologickej neviditeľnosti, alebo interakcia naprieč rôznymi zariadeniami predstavujú stále veľkú výzvu. Hlavným cieľom tejto práce je prispieť k tomu, aby sa ciele Pervasive computingu priblížili k realizovaniu tým, že predstavíme spôsob intuitívneho zdieľania informácií medzi osobným a verejne umiestneným zariadením. Predstavili sme tri interakčné techniky, ktoré podporujú intuitívnu výmenu obsahu medzi osobným zariadením a zdieľaným displejom. Tieto techniky sú založené na prenose videa, rozšírenej realite a analýze pohľadových dát. Okrem interakčných techník sme tiež predstavili mechanizmus pre získavanie, prenos a rekonštrukciu aplikačného stavu na cieľovom zariadení.