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Využití komponent systému MUDRLite při sdílení dat elektronického zdravotního záznamu v stomatologii.
Špidlen, Josef ; Pieš, Martin ; Teuberová, Z. ; Nagy, Miroslav ; Hanzlíček, Petr ; Zvárová, Jana ; Dostálová, T.
The goal of the project named Information Technologies for Shared Health Care is the improvement of possibilities of sharing data between hospital information systems (HIS) and electronic health record (EHR) applications. Fulfilling it led to development of a pilot EHR system called MUDRLite EHR, that provides interfaces to include user-defined components. We applied these interfaces to a high-advanced component representing the dental cross - a crucial part of healthcare documentation in dental medicine.

Progress of the system of public health insurance and health insurance companies in the Czech Republic for the period 2000 - 2015
Pecková, Tereza ; Lukášová, Tereza (advisor) ; Bartůsková, Lucia (referee)
This bachelor´s thesis analyzes the basic funds of health insurance companies for the period 2000 - 2015 in the Czech Republic, especially the creation of resources and their use and the entire system of public health insurance in the Czech Republic. Basic funds are one of the components of the overall economy of health insurance companies. First it is necessary to describe the market of the insured. The insured create and use the finances within public health insurance. Also important are contributions from the state budget for those insured by the state. We can conclude that the cost of health insurance companies are rising and that population is aging in the Czech Republic. However, this is not a balanced linear growth. The number of pensioners grew at a slower rate of growth, but according to population development forecast, there should be faster growth in the number of pensioners in the following years. Significant growth in cost is particularly noticeable in the age category of 80 and above, and increasingly more people should live up to this blessed age, also thanks to modern public health.

Effect of dairy cows housing technology on mastitis occurrence
Brzáková, Lenka ; Stádník, Luděk (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
The objective of my bachelor thesis was evaluation of quality of housing, milking and making analysis of mastitis on chosen farm. First part of the thesis contains of literature summary about housing technologies, mastitis issues, their detection, originators, therapy and factors affects against their incidence. Thereafter is this part focused on tipes of milking parlours, corect milking procedures and mechanized milking. Materials and methodes of the thesis contains the characteristics of chosen farm where the quality and technology of housing, milking and nutrition of milk cows and other factors affecting presence of mastitis such as taking care of cloven hooves was watched in 2014. The incidence, detection and curation of mastitis was watched afterwards. Montamilk s.r.o. farm cradles 1,200 pieces of cattle and milk cows are about 419 out of it. In the part of thesis named results was watched and evaluated inspection of efficiency in inspecting year 2013 - 2014, which was stated on first lactated cows and on cows which are on second and further lactation. Milk yield was far better with cows on second or futher lactation according to data gathered during the study and expressed by diagram. Diagram of milk components (fat and proteins), which was divided by lactation, was expressed in this part too. Other examinated parameters was occurrence of mastitis - which milk cows, in which season is the occurrence more often, treatment and cost of treatment for one cow. At the end the number of somatic cells for 2014 was represented in diagram for particular lactations. In part of thesis called discusion the comparison was drowed between results from chosen farm and national average of efficiency checks. From results is obvious that milk cow in Mnotamilk has been better in first lactated cows by 427 kg and in second and more lactated cows by 602 kg than is the avarage in Czech republic. Far more the milk components in Montamilk was compared with rest of Czech republic and the results was quite similar. The volume of fat of Montamilk cows was lower in every lactation in comparison with milk cows from Czech. Value of fat in Czech republic avarage first lactated cows is 3,87 % in Montamilk 3,85 % and the value of fat on second and more lactation cows is 3,86 % in Czech average and 3,81 % in Montamilk.

Effect of feeding flaxseed on the quality of goat milk fat
Malá, Kateřina ; Fantová, Milena (advisor)
Type of feed, its quality, form of adjustments and feeding technique influence the composition and quality of milk. The share of milk components is highly variable, depending on nutrition and animal health. The greatest changes occurring in milk fat content. Milk fat is responsible for the natural flavor of milk. However, in terms of the modern world, human, saturated fatty acids contained in milk fat is considered negative active ingredient with the subsequent development of cardiovascular disease and the development of atherosclerosis in humans. Currently, therefore a growing demand for polyunsaturated fatty acids in milk as a healthy alternative. For this reason, an effort to influence the composition or the content of fatty acids in the milk of dairy animals. One way to significantly increase the content of desired MUFA and PUFA acids in milk fat is the use of oils and oilseeds in the ration. Very positive influence flaxseed, which among other things contains high levels of linolenic acid. The aim of this work is to analyze and evaluate the milk fat of goats, which are fed with linseed in extruded form compared with a control group of goats without complementary food. It can assume that feeding flaxseed to increase milk fat content, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Labour costs and benefits in the selected company
Kunová, Martina ; Šišková, Jitka (advisor) ; Helena, Helena (referee)
The thesis titled is focused on the issues of wage costs and employee benefits. Literary research of the thesis defines basic terms, which are related to labor costs and employee benefits. Within the scope of the term wage costs, the core meaning of wages is captured, both in terms of wages of the employees, as well as in terms of the employer. Wages, salaries and bonuses are the basic evaluation of the workload of each employee of the given company. A payroll system is created within each company, in which the basic ranges of the labor costs for the whole hierarchy of employees is determined. Each employee has his position and job description and these two principles are correctly evaluated. Firm rules are set for the calculation of net earnings, which are determined by a costing calculation and the percentage rate of the social insurance, health insurance and advances on income tax of individuals from employment. Other possibilities of eligible employees beyond basic gross salary are employee benefits. This is a form of employee motivation in every society. Not only are they of great importance for employees, they are also an appropriate component of tax optimization from the perspective of the employer. In terms of the law on income tax, employee benefits are divided into three groups according to their impact on the tax and contribution advantages. Companies can then use these tax savings for their further development, or alternatively, for the expansion of the provision of employee benefits in society. The practical part of the thesis is based on the literature search. First, it focuses on the analysis of payroll costs for the period from 2004 to 2014. The calculation of wages is done for three different income groups of employees in the selected organization. It monitors the evolution of net wages and payments of taxes on income of individuals from employment during the reporting period. There are various recognized methods of calculation of wages according to individual changes of the law during the reporting period. The next step in the practical part of the thesis describes the system of employee benefits in the selected organization. Part of my own work is a survey among the employees of the company on this issue. The obtained data are analyzed and processed into clear graphs. The acquired results are the basis for the creation of proposals and recommendations for changes in the provision of employee benefits for the selected organization.

Knowledge economy and education in Czech Republic
Vojtěchová, Veronika ; Šrédl, Karel (advisor) ; Otakar, Otakar (referee)
Human capital and level of the education are essential components of the enterprise competitiveness and economic development. The positive perception is very important for the development of human capital. Contemporary society requires to companies care about their employees and their further education. These investments should return in the form of higher motivation, better productivity, increased use of knowledges and greater willingness to participate in innovations. Education helps reduce social differences, prevent unemployment and other negative things. The thesis deals with the issue of the knowledge economy, human resource and the impact of the education on unemployment. The first part is focused on theoretical knowledge which are knowledge economy, human resources, education system of the Czech Republic and labour market. The second part is focused on the analytical indicator of education. Indicators compares Czech Republic with other OECD countries in terms of unemployment and human resources. The conclusion of thesis is devoted to a summary and evaluation of the analytical part of the thesis.

Police of the Czech Republic as a fundamental component of the Integrated Rescue System and its role in the context of mass disruption of public order in the form of civil unrest.
CARVA, Pavel
Mass disruptions of public order present very dangerous social phenomena.Acting as a public authority warranting that these situations are handled whenever they arise, the Police of the Czech Republic need to proceed in such a way as to prevent large-scale damage to health and property and ensure that protected interests are well secured as far as possible. The following two objectives are defined in the Introduction to the present thesis. To identify social changes and changes to legislation affecting the work of the Police of the Czech Republic in ensuring internal security of the State, with special regard to ensuring public order during civil unrests. To draft a guideline serving as a basis for the Police of the Czech Republic to define a standard used to improve its procedures in tackling civil unrests. As the Police of the Czech Republic represent one of the component parts of the Integrated Rescue System (IRS), the introductory part gives a brief account of the history and component units of the IRS. This is followed by a detailed description of the organisational structure of the Police of the Czech Republic, ranging from the Police Presidium and services having a republic-wide competence to Regional Police Directorates. Moreover, an account is given of riot police forces, including their history, development, organisation and training, as well as of the history and activity of anti-conflict teams. As a basis for methodology used to achieve the above-defined objectives, a sufficient amount of documents, coming mainly from internal sources of the Police of the Czech Republic was collected and thoroughly analysed, and a research into foreign and Czech legislation relating mainly to mass disruptions of public order was carried out. A qualitative research was used to gather data on the number of interventions by the riot police forces and anti-conflict teams in each year and with regard to each security measure, and an analysis of these phenomena was undertaken, including above all the events in the Sluknov Headland in 2011 and Ceske Budejovice in 2013. The qualitative research was further applied in the chapter describing the historical record of mass disruptions of public order in the Czech Republic, and in describing how the Police of the Czech Republic perceive these phenomena in terms of their gradual evolution and related social changes. The data collected in relation to foreign and Czech legislation on mass disruptions of public order were evaluated, as was the approach of the Police of the Czech Republic toward tackling these kinds of situation. Based on the defined objectives, the following research question was formulated: Do the Police of the Czech Republic have to respond to social changes and changes to legislation that are deemed to alter their procedures in maintaining public order? The research carried out along with the analysis of the collected data showed that the Police of the Czech Republic should indeed respond to social changes resulting from mass disruptions of public order, ranging from the "techno-party" type of events and spectator violence to the actions of extremists who become increasingly better organised and prepared to stand up against riot police forces, particularly whenever such events involve national minorities. Changes to legislation, such as the adoption of Act No. 273/2008 Coll., on the Police of the Czech Republic, as amended, or amendments of certain legal norms or internal management acts change the procedures and organisation of the Police of the Czech Republic related to tackling mass disruptions of public order, and the Police of the Czech Republic have to respond to them. The thesis includes a draft guideline that will serve as a basic tool for the Police of the Czech Republic to deal with mass disruptions of public order, especially at the stage of preparation, deployment of forces and means and appointment of command crews.

Effect of algae feeding on selected qualitative indicators of milk of small ruminants
Novotná, Klára ; Stádník, Luděk (advisor)
Milk fat is one of the most important components of goat milk. Another benefit of goat milk fat is its better digestibility in comparison with cow milk, which is caused by the smaller size of lipid micelles. Goat milk fat contains more lower fatty acids (caproic, caprylic and capric), which affect the production and processing of milk and cause specific flavor of goat's milk and dairy products. In recent years, the subject of many studies the possibility of increasing the content of other health beneficial fatty acids in goat milk, such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Animal nutrition is a significant factor how to achieve these changes in the fatty acid profile of milk fat. For these purposes can be used as additives for certain species of algae which are the source of nutritionally valuable lipids with a high content of polyene fatty acids, especially omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The ability to change the composition of goat mikl fat, represents an opportunity for the development of new products. Functional foods, such as milk and dairy products enriched with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The aim of this work is to determine what effect the addition of selected algae (Chlorella vulgaris and Japanochytrium sp.) On milk production and representation of the components of milk, focusing on the composition of milk fat and fatty acid profile in goat milk. Attention was paid to reduction of saturated and increase the proportion of nutritionally beneficial unsaturated fatty acids, in particular n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The mechanism of action of anticancer drug ellipticin in target tissues of its effect
Vranová, Iveta ; Stiborová, Marie (advisor) ; Martínková, Markéta (referee)
Ellipticine is an alkaloid isolated from Apocynaceae plants exhibiting significant antitumor and anti-HIV activities. Cytochromes P450 (CYP) and peroxidases are the enzymes participating in metabolism of ellipticine. This process provides activation and detoxication metabolites of ellipticine. The CYP enzymes, which participate in oxidation of ellipticine in different tissues (liver, lung and kidney) of rat, a model organism simulating the fate of ellipticine in humans have already been identified. In this work, the effects of ellipticine on contents and catalytic activities of CYPs and other components of the mixed-function oxidase (MFO) system in this animal system were studied. For detection of contents of CYPs and other components of the MFO system, spectroscopic and electrochemical methods were used. To determine catalytic activities of CYPs and NADPH:cytochrome P450 reductase, reactions with specific substrates of these enzymes were utilized. The results found in this study demonstrate that expression and catalytic activity of CYP1A is induced by ellipticine in all of the tested organs (liver, kidney and lung) of rats treated with the drug. Moreover in liver, the cytochrome b5 expression is also induced. In addition, in this organ, expression and catalytic activity of CYP3A was increased by...

Effect of linoleic and α-linolenic acidis in pig nutrition on quantity and quality of intramuscular fat of pork with emphasis on the n-6/n-3 PUFA-spectrum
Vehovský, Karel ; Stupka, Roman (advisor)
Human nutrition is a function of nutrients' intake from food. The essential nutrients needed by the human body to produce energy, growth and repair of cells, tissues and organs and which accepts in the human diet, are fats. They are obtained from plant or animal sources. Especially animal fats are often ranged among the unpopular food components. Czech Republic is a country with traditionally high consumption of pork. Recently, about healthy foods greatly increase the interest. These include some animal products having an altered composition of fatty acids in fats. The content and composition of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in human nutrition are important for protecting of human health. The high content of saturated fatty acids in foods and unfavorable ratio between the n-6 and n-3 fatty acids may be the cause of many diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases. Fats in the diet should contain saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, in a ratio of about 1: 1.4: 0,6. From a health perspective, the most important are the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Animal fats, however, contain sufficient n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, n-3, however, a little. Pork meat quality from the viewpoint of fatty acids composition is currently not very favorable. Significant effects on the fatty acids profile of animal fats have the fats in the feed. It is thus the possibility of by using the diet to influence the composition of fatty acids in the fat in pig. The work is focused on the possibility of influencing the fatty acids composition of pork intramuscular fat using supplementation of different sources and different feeding techniques of unsaturated fatty acids in the feed in pigs. In the experiment, as a source of unsaturated fatty acids the supplement of the rapeseed or soybean oil was used. The results demonstrate that the above unsaturated fatty acid sources significantly changes the fatty acid composition of intramuscular fat.