National Repository of Grey Literature 84 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.14 seconds. 

Risk management of nursing care
The aim of our work was to map the process of identification, evaluation, and implementation of activities directed at prevention or management of nursing safety risks in organizations providing urgent ward care in the Czech Republic from the point of view of top management of nursing. Our work traced a quantitative research. For collecting data we used a non-standard questionnaire made up only for the purposes of this work. The questionnaire was distributed by the top representative of nursing management (ward sister/deputy in charge of nursing care) of the above specified health centres. The research was carried out in the period February - April 2008 and for assessment of the results obtained we used 110 questionnaires. For the purposes of our work we determined six hypotheses. Hypothesis 1 saying that hospitals create conditions for the development of safe organizational culture proved true. For the future it is essential to discuss this topic more profoundly, as well as to get rid of the fear of punishment for acknowledging a mistake and accept the fact that we all make mistakes, therefore we must minimalize their frequency and consequences and above all learn from them. Hypothesis 2 stating that hospitals watch risk factors for occurence of emergencies proved true, too. As a negative finding we can consider proving hypothesis 3 saying that hospitals do not reveal particulat risks of nursing care until the elimination of their consequences. Uncovering insufficient use of proactive strategy led us to a more detailed description of a FMEA method. Hypothesis 4 saying that hospitals have created a procedure for occurence of emergency and hypothesis 5 - nursing personnel is obligated to observe and report at minimum three kinds of emergencies related to nursing care proved true, too. The last hypothesis 6 presenting the fact that hospitals do not make their patients/clients involved in prevention of mistakes of medical workers was also confirmed by the results, but it was pleasant to find out that 43,3% of respondents stated that this possibility is being used at their place. We suggest to include the prevention of mistakes in the nursing process whether by means of particular nursing diagnoses or global education of patients/clients. As a suggestion of a feasible content of education we translated and adapted a document SPEAK UP into Czech named 7P.

The role of the nurse is to aid in the improvement of the quality of life for children who have been through meningitis
The role of the nurse is to aid in the improvement of the quality of life for children who have been through meningitis. In recent years, the issue of quality of life has become of interest in many disciplines and the general public. In health care, the quality of life is known as HRQoL - Health Related Quality of Life - loosely translated as ?the quality of life related to health?. The term of ?diagnostic quality of life in children and adolescents? is primarily used for the area of professional health care and it is an important indicator of disease severity and the outcomes of provided care. The objective of this thesis was to assess the quality of life of children who have been through meningitis, to identify the main areas in which the quality of life of these children is reduced, and to suggest nursing interventions aimed at improvements. The data collection took place in the period November 2009 - June 2010 at the Clinic for Childhood Infectious Diseases, University Hospital Brno. A qualitative research used the technique of studying written documents and, subsequently, non-standardized in-depth interviews with respondents were carried out. Prior the beginning of the qualitative survey, five research questions were established. Question 1: What kind of care and what interventions do children expect from nurses? Question 2: What kind of care and what interventions do parents expect from nurses? Question 3: How to evaluate subjectively the quality of children?s? life after meningitis as compared to the state prior the disease? Question 4: How do parents see the quality of life of their child after meningitis as compared to the state prior the disease? Question 5: In which areas is the quality of children?s life reduced most? Question 6: What nursing interventions can help nurses to improve the children?s lives? All of the questions were answered using a quantitative research method involving a standardized questionnaire named ?HEALTH AND SATISFACTION QUESTIONNAIRE?. This questionnaire is used in the project ?QOLOP? ? Quality of Life Longitudinal Study of Paediatric Oncology Patients. Hypothesis H 1 was defined prior the start of the quantitative research: The quality of life of children who have been through meningitis is lower than in healthy children. This hypothesis was not confirmed. It is clear, from what has been mentioned above, that the objective of this thesis has been met. This project will be useful in practice. The generated ?Algorithm of Initial Care for a Child with Meningitis? and ?Subsequent Care of a Child with Meningitis? should help nurses orientate and identify the basic needs of children with this disease. Moreover, this thesis can be used as a theoretical basis for the education of nursing students.

The noise of death: Raul Brandão's Humus and the problems of its translation into Slovak
Štubner, Juraj ; Voldřichová - Beránková, Eva (advisor) ; Grauová, Šárka (referee)
Raul Brando's Humus is incontestably one of the most important works of fiction in Portuguese literature of the beginning of the twentieth century and it brings a number of innovations on the formal as well as on the ideological level. The specificity due to these innovations makes it a book the translation of which represents very particular difficulties. The paper, based on a philological analysis of the novel, identifies these difficulties and searches for usable solutions, bringing a translation of selected parts of the book into Slovak. It is divided into three parts. The first is a brief presentation of the author's work and places him in the context of portuguese and european literature. The second analyses Humus with regard to the aspects of the novel which are crucial for the understanding necessary as a base for a translation attempt. The third part exposes the general conception of the translation and its theorical bases not omitting the explanation of the choice of tha parts of the text to be translated. Expected specific problems of the translation are presented as well as suggestions of possible solutions to these. Follows the translation itself, several encountered problems are subsequently analyzed and the choices of solutions reasoned and exemplified. The conclusion establishes a hierarchy...

Formal Systems Based on Automata and Grammars
Čermák, Martin ; Rybička, Jiří (referee) ; Šaloun, Petr (referee) ; Meduna, Alexandr (advisor)
Tyto teze navazují na studium gramatických a automatových systémů. Na začátku, práce pojednává o regulárně řízených CD gramatických systémech využívající frázově strukturované gramatiky jako komponenty. Do systémů jsou zavedena tři nová omezení na derivacích a je studován jejich vliv na vyjadřovací sílu těchto systémů. Poté, tato práce definuje dva automatové protějšky ke kanonickým multi-generatiním nonterminálem a pravi\-dlově synchronizovyným gramatickým systemům, generujících vektory řetězců, a ukazuje, že všechny tyto vyšetřované systemy si jsou vzájemně ekvivalentní. Dále táto práce tyto systémy zobecňuje a zakládá fundamentalní hierarchii n-jazyků (množin n-tic řetězců). V~souvislosti se zavedenými systémy tyto teze zavádí automatově-gramatický převodník založený na konečném automatu a bezkontextové gramatice. Tento převodník je pak studovaný a použitý jako nástroj přímého překladu. V~poslední části jsou v této práci zavedené automatové systémy jádrem pársovací metody založené na stromově řízených gramatikách s n omezenými cestami.

Two perspectives of language in Nietzsche's early thinking
Roreitner, Robert ; Petříček, Miroslav (referee) ; Kouba, Pavel (advisor)
This article presents the early Nietzsche's work from 1856-73, which is placed here into context of its plentiful reception in the eighties and nineties and from which it offers czech translations of some important texts. The first chapter shows how in the connection with autobiographical notes from 1856-65 the theme of language enters into Nietzsche's thinking, namely as a milieu able to let some moments of past endure. In the second chapter it is in particular in confrontation with Schopenhauer, but also on the background of Langes and Hartmanns works, demonstrated how the concept of music articulates itself in Nietzsche's notes from 1869-71. It becomes clear that Nietzsche's music, which unhides the process of becoming, the mode of succession (Aufeinander), through which everything passes without regard on its quality and which is specified in oposition to language displaying everything in the mode of coexistence (Nebeneinander), thus as ideas, representations, symbols, that this music represents together with its counterpart in language a pair of concepts much more general than are the usual concepts of language and music. Language and music are two respects of symbolic system, into which we have always already entered. In the third chapter breakdown of Nietzsche's conception of culture is firstly...

The Interpretation of Matthew 23
Muráň, Benjamín ; Mrázek, Jiří (advisor) ; Roskovec, Jan (referee)
This thesis is an interpretation of Matthew 23. It is an exegesis of a New Testament text focusing only on the text alone and its interpretation; moreover, it does not include history of interpretation and its use in liturgy. Individual chapters are gradually dedicated to textual criticism, comparison of various translations, synopsis, structure of the text, language analysis - where an excursion of the term "ouvai" is added, historical context of Mathew's church, historical connections, addressees, literary context, and finally interpretation of the text alone, which is built on the knowledge of the previous chapters. At the end of this thesis is placed concise summary of the exegesis, which includes results of the exegesis followed by a conclusion, where the message of the text is put in a way it touched me. I understand Jesus' speech toward the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees as a polemic, critical speech, but at the same time as an appeal to repentance. "Ouvai" should lead the listener to realization of wrongdoing and resolution to change. Powered by TCPDF (

Jan Nepomuk Hejčl, his Academic Dispute with Vojtěch Šanda
Jäger, Pavel ; Petráček, Tomáš (advisor) ; Brož, Jaroslav (referee)
English summary Title of this Master's thesis is Jan Nepomuk Hejcl, his academic dispute with Vojtech Šanda. Work deals with an academic dispute of two respected professors from Czech faculties of theology, which took place in the first third of the 20th Century. Professor Jan Nepomuk Hejcl (1868-1935) is an author of a far-reaching Catholic translation of the Old Testament with scripture notes and commentary. It was published in Bible Ceská (Czech Bible) between 1917 and 1925. The work was altogether accepted by academic community. ln 1925 professor of dogmatics in Prague Vojtech Šanda (1873-1953) submitted a formal complaint to the Ecclesiastical tribunal, stating that Hejcl "falsi.fies and perverts the I meaning the Holy Scripture ". Hejcl subsequently tried to reject such allegation and responded by a civil action against Šanda to deter defamation. Hejcl noticed that this dispute arised from the fact he intended (1925) to become a professor at the Prague University, where Šanda already worked. He reminded also that both of them Hejcl and Šanda tried to attain a position ofprofessor at Olomouc Faculty ofTheology (1909), and it was Hejcl who succeeded. František Kordac, Archbishop of Prague, involved himself in secret ecclestiastical investigation and tria1. Šanda's allegations were considered false by...

Italian noun denoting colors and their collocations - a corpus analysis
The subject of this thesis is to investigate the Italian names of colours, placing them into context and issue of translation of the names of colours into Czech. The thesis has two parts. The first part theoretical deals in general with colours and colour terms, colour perception, symbologies, research and etymology. This thesis also analyse the process of colour perception throughout history and in the evolution of humans. In the practical part we will then get through five subdivisions to the terms from the area of biology (the names of plants and animals), in which there occurs any of Italian names of colours then we get to idiomatic expressions, uniting with the verb, comparison and collocation, in which there also occur terms indicating colours. In all of these five areas, we analyse similarity between the two languages by using analogous databases in Czech language and translation into Czech language. The aim of this thesis is delimitation of colour terms in the Italian language, their definition, putting into context, confrontation of loose and established closer links and also their comparison with Czech.

The literary critical and translation work of Albert Vyskočil
Hromek, Jakub ; Kořená, Markéta (referee) ; Wiendl, Jan (advisor)
The diploma thesis The Literary Critical and Translation Work of Albert Vyskočil focuses mainly on the two activities of Vyskočil mentioned in the title, his other work spanning many more fields. As for the literary critical work, the thesis addresses, first, the writers and poets he considers the best (Karel Hynek Mácha occupying the foremost place), and, second, the nature of his critiques. Vyskočil looks for genuineness in art, such art having its origin in God. By analyzing four translated texts and the source texts, the part concerning Vyskočil's translations aims at finding constant principles that guide his work. Apart from trying to adequately render the meaning and style of the original, Vyskočil aims at achieving naturalness of language, therefore, he uses substitution, on many levels; furthermore, he uses compensation, condensation and explicitation. At its end, the thesis comments on the interconnection between the two Vyskočil's activities, there being similarities of language and style, and also of themes and opinions expressed in both. Apart from the above mentioned the thesis states general biographical data and briefly introduces the author's other works.

Sight translation - double transfer
Hradecká, Emma ; Čeňková, Ivana (referee) ; Abdallaova, Naděžda (advisor)
In this thesis we addressed the subject of sight translation. This special type of interpreting is often not given adequate academic attention even though it can be considered one of the most difficult exercises due to its dichotomic character. Sight translation is not mere transfer from one language to another, it is also transfer from written mode to oral mode. The most important characteristics, as well as the largest area of differentiation, of written and oral texts is syntax. Therefore, we centred our research on this issue. Our research is qualitative, with no hypothesis. We merely describe the situation in sight translation from English into Czech. We chose non-participant observation as the method of our research, thus decreasing the number of variables. The observation took place from January 2006 to September 2007 during State Final Exams at the Department of Translation Studies of the Charles University in Prague. All students specialized in interpreting. The empirical material consists of 13 original texts, 13 interpreters' renditions and 4 official translations that were available on official websites of the relevant institutions. In the theoretical part of our thesis we briefly characterise sight translation, drawing mainly on the doctoral thesis of Jimenez-Ivars (1999). Then we discuss the...