National Repository of Grey Literature 1,813 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.22 seconds. 

Theoretical basic of the organ interpretation
Dvořáková, Jiřina ; HAVLÍK, Jaromír (advisor) ; TICHÝ, Vladimír (referee)
This work tries to explaine the history of organ interpretation and it´s evolution in Czechoslovakia between 1945 and 1989. Determining the cause of the organ interpretation, the work presents a new system ? the analysis of the musical interpretation in general. This analysis tries to describe musical interpretation as a logical and paradigmatical system based on elements of interpretation during the performing event. These elements are characterized as two hierarchical levels expalined by semantic and structural categories of the composition.

Contribution to long-term observation of the seismic regime in the Ostrava-Karviná coal basin
Holub, Karel ; Rušajová, Jana
Seismic activity in the Ostrava-Karviná Coal Basin is continuously monitored by networks of seismic stations within the local as well as regional networks. Results of interpretation of seismic data proved the seismic method to be an valuable tool in geomechanical practice.

The Importance of Myth for Modern Man
Najbrt, Tomáš ; Balabán, Milan (advisor) ; Hošek, Pavel (referee)
"The Importance of myth for modern man" is a study which deals with myth and its importance for modern man. It describes several essential views on myth and indicates different types of myth and its interpretation. It tries to define modernity, modern society and modern man as a part of this society. There is a concrete example of historical myth: cosmogonic myth. It demonstrates context with conception of creation in general in different mythologies which work with theme of water and world formation from waters. This study evaluates importance of this myth for modern man. Example of unhistoric myth was defined and termed as "myth of Man". It tries to document, modern man needs myth as much as man of archaic society. Comparing of historical and unhistorical myth displays, that it is still a myth on principle, which has only different form. This work continues with general valuation of importance of myth for modern man. Study evaluates this importance as very serious and interprets myth as an integral part of human way of thinking about world and human being in this world. Powered by TCPDF (

Analysis of the activities of South Korean companies from music industry in the European markets
Vohradská, Zuzana ; Zamykalová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Gullová, Soňa (referee)
This master thesis analyzes activities of South Korean companies from music industry in the markets in Europe and this analysis is based on a questionnaire survey. The first part focuses on the theory and describes the Korean popular music, cross its history, major companies in the sector and their activity in foreign markets. In following theoretical chapters there is the definition of basic marketing terms, the theory of marketing research, its methods and evaluation and use of marketing research in culture, a summary of the economic situation in South Korea and differences in business negotiations between Koreans and Europeans. The practical part of the thesis describes in detail the selected companies, their products and activities in Europe. Furthermore there is an introduction to research and information about the survey. The final part deals with the evaluation and interpretation of the findings, conclusions drawn from the information obtained and the proposed solutions.

Personality typology during the choice of career
Buriánková, Veronika ; Franková, Emilie (advisor) ; Maňák, Radim (referee)
My dissertation is focused on analysing the importance of personality typology during the choice of career. The theoretical part is aimed at the clarification of related key concepts, summary of knowledge concerning the personality typology and explanation of chosen theories dealing with personality typology. I paid particular attention to the type indicator MBTI, which is subsequently used in the practical part. The methodological part follows the theoretical part. The methodological part delimits the particular phases of the research and together with the theoretical part serves as a basis for the practical part. Within the practical part the personality typology issues used during the choice of career are analysed through the research and subsequently the interpretation of ascertained results is mentioned.

Communication of the Glass Art Centre Glassworks František in Sázava
Chuchrová, Jana ; Tyslová, Irena (advisor) ; Prokůpek, Marek (referee)
Bachelor thesis deals with present direction of the communication of the Glass Art Centre, Glassworks František in Sázava. The theoretical part focuses on the analysis of different interpretation of the concept of communication across the specialized social sciences with emphasis on economic disciplines -- especially management, PR, marketing and fundraising. Introduction to the theory of communication also includes communication in sociology and psychology, as they define the basic concepts of communication, which the economic disciplines take over. The main aim of the theoretical part was to find out how the particular approaches to communication differ, set out the procedure for the construction of a communication strategy and define the tools and principles of external communications organization which will benefit the communication of the Centre. The aim of the practical part of my thesis was to analyze, how the current management of external communication of the Glass Art Centre coincides with the theory. The main sources of information for the practical part were interviews with current director of the Glass Art Centre, Martina Kulhavá, on the basis of which we've identified fundamental shortcomings in communication of the Centre. The conclusion includes proposals of the intermediate strategic steps for reduction of these shortcomings, and thus has practical implications for the future direction of the marketing communication of the Centre.

Analysis of selected financial indicators of the Big Four
Demjanovičová, Nikola ; Šnajberg, Oxana (advisor) ; Poborský, František (referee)
This bachalor's thesis is focused on analysis of selected financial indicators of Big Four, which is performed between 2010 and 2013. The thesis consists of two parts, the methodical and the practical. In the methodical part is the objective to outline the nature , objectives and methods of financial analysis and most of the time is devoted to individual financial indicators . The practical part contains the performance of the Big our and then especially the application and interpretation of the indicators mentioned in the methodical part. There will be the benchmarking for each indicator within the Big Four.

The psalter of Wenceslas IV. Connections of previous studies and an interpretation of its emblems
Kluková, Lenka ; Homolka, Jaromír (advisor) ; Kubík, Viktor (referee)
Resume V první cásti diplomové práce (II. kapitola) jsem se pokusila strucne uvést ctenáre do tématiky rukopisu Václava IV. Ža1tár Václava IV. tvorí soucást dochované sbírky osmi rukopisu Václava IV., které predstavuje jeden z duležitých prvku v dejinách ceských iluminovaných rukopisu. Tato skupina svými iluminacemi navazuje na umení Mistra Liber Viaticus v rukopisech, které patrily Janu ze Stredy. V této cásti textu je popsán obsah sbírky, koreny této skupiny v ceské knižní malbe a historie knihovny. Poznatky k této kapitole jsem cerpala z velké cásti z publikace Josefa Krásy. Po 'této kapitole (III. kapitola) uvádím ikono grafický popis emblému: lazebnice, muže v kláde, tocenice, lednácka, divého muže, monogramu a devíz, heraldických a dalších postav. Ty tvorí podstatnou soucást výzdoby všech rukopisu Václava IV. a jsou jejich spojujícím clánkem. Ctvrtá kapitola mé práce je predstavením základních i dílcích studií venujících se problematice emblému v rukopisech Václava IV. Vytkla jsem si za cíl predstavit jejich bohatou názorovou pluralitu a vzájemnou provázanost. Studie Julia von Schlossera: Die Bilderhandschriften Konigs Wenzel je príznacná velkým množstvím príkladu z dobové literatury, jimiž dokládá svá tvrzení a etymologický rozbor slov. Težište jeho práce leží v interpretaci emblému z hlediska...

The emergency response organization of NPP Temelín operator
KOŠŤÁL, Jaroslav
This work deals with Organization of Emergency Response in NPP. According assignment this work summarizes its legal preconditions and consequently gives description of its practical realization. The necessary terminology is gathered and the basic overview of OER functioning is given. An attention is paid to staffing, structure and number of workplaces, the used documentation and also to the system of its readiness and functionality verification. The intent is to define the essential aspects of nuclear safety and to describe system of emergency planning and response in condition of real nuclear facility. In the second part of work a comparison of Stress Tests of EDU and ETE NPPs in the reason to evaluate how the goals of Emergency Response are met. The comparison of Stress Tests results is done in shape of tables. My interpretation of the established facts is: 1.The probability of earthquake exceeding the design resistant of structures, technological systems and structures is practically insignificant. The results are for both locations virtually identical. The project robustness of ETE NPP to earthquakes is slightly higher than EDU. 2.The flooding robustness of both our NPP sites is high. Both NPPs are due to its location very resistant to rain water flooding. To ensure a high level of resistance to rain water flooding requires regular maintenance of drainage systems. 3.EDU and ETE NPPs are resistant to earthquakes and in this way they are resistant to the extreme weather condition especially to the gusty wind too. 4.Secured power internal consumption supply systems on EDU and ETE NPPs are projected according to analogical basics and are enough robust to failure from common cause. To secure safe down-cooling of reactor unit the only one independent power supply system is sufficient. In project of ETE NPP there is in comparison with EDU NPP the next system of common independent power consumption supply. It is primarily intended to prevent damages in technology of secondary circle. Two DGs strongly improve the resistance of unit to SBO accident. 5.Heat removal from separate technological systems is on both power stations realized by using of analogical cooling system. Constructional differences in projects of our power stations are given by different time of their project works. There is a possibility that cooling systems of EDU NPP will be improved. 6.System of severe accident management is organized in the similar way at both facilities. The staff of Accident Board and Technical Support Centre is analogical. Recently the staff of TSC was reinforced to improve its ability to cope the multiply accident on several units. The documentation for solving of abnormal states, accidents and severe accidents has got the same basic structure. Procedures and guidelines are continually improved. Attention is paid to verification and validation of these procedures. 7.On the basis of performed Stress Tests there is a high possibility of gradual realization of partial administrative, personal and technological improvements that will be done in reason to improve Nuclear Safety and Organization of Emergency Response. The specific measures are summarized in the National Action Plan. An absolute elimination of an accident is impossible, but the probability of an accident with fuel degradation must be as low as it is reasonably possible to achieve. The NPP must be able to diminish the impacts of such event to the generally acceptable low. The ability to manage such events is the major goal of Emergency Response that should be taken as a sophisticated interdisciplinary system.

The Interpretation of Oldřich Mikulášek's Late Work (Šokovaná růže, Agogh, Žebro Adamovo)
Pirner, Jan ; Křivánek, Vladimír (advisor) ; Peterka, Josef (referee)
Práce je prvním pokusem o komplexní analýzu a interpretaci prvních tří sbírek pozdního tvůrčího období Oldřicha Mikuláška, Šokované růže, Agoghu a Žebra Adamova. Každé sbírce je věnována zvláštní pozornost; na pozadí složitého a dosud málo probádaného kontextu české literatury přelomu 60 a 70. let a výběrově i kontextu Mikuláškova celoživotního díla jsou hledány a hodnoceny společné konstanty interpretovaných sbírek, jejich klíčové motivy, témata a celkový smysl, prostor je věnován básníkovým specifikům - mýtickému světu, zaumnému jazyku, mistrovství point a kombinační schopnosti. Práce na ukázkách dokumentuje zažité atributy Mikuláškovy poezie, dramatičnost, pulsování a tvorbu sémantických oblouků, zvláštní zřetel se klade na klíčové téma existence. Komparací je přiblížena Mikuláškova vazba na jeho básnické vzory, K. H. Máchu, R. M. Rilkeho, F. Halase a V. Holana.