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Land cover/ land use in the suburban rural backrground of the city České Budějovice
The bachelor thesis deals with the land use and land cover in the suburban rural background of the city České Budějovice. The area is defined by 39 cadastral areas of the municipalities which are situated in the surrounding of České Budějovice. These municipalities are specified by the share of commuting to work into regional capital city České Budějovice. This limit of the share is 50 % and more. This thesis describes and presents the land use and land cover changes between 2008 and 2012. In the attachment there are 5 case studies where the changes are captures in 2003, 2008 and 2012. The work is divided into theoretical and analytical part. In the first one there is described the problem of the suburbanization, changes in land cover and land use and rural issues. In the work there are included maps of land use/ land cover of each cadastral area in 2012. In the second (analytical) section there is each cadastral territory described and its changes in land use/ land cover, which are based on the field research. The issue of suburbanization is evidenced by the table of the development of population in each territory or there are described some others aspects which affect the trend of suburbanization. The summary of the whole studied area is described in the conclusion.

Analysis of the EU regulations in the field of Information and Telecommunication technologies and their effect on the single market
Hart, Ludvík ; Procházka, Pavel (advisor) ; Strejček, Ivo (referee)
The bachelor thesis describes the EU regulations in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT), particularly the Digital agenda for Europe strategy. These regulations are then tested for their influence on the European single market. The major question answered here is whether the EU regulations in field of ICT have a positive impact on the EUs single market. Answer to this question helps us evaluate the ongoing Digital agenda strategy. The impact of the regulations is analysed by induction of the following indicators, international trade, ratio of population buying online, DESI index and NRI index. With this method it is possible to tackle the wide range of fields the Digital agenda covers. I conclude this work with the statement, that European ICT regulations do have a positive impact on the single market, although are problematic due to the slow legislative process and low efficiency in addressing the regulated issue.

Time management
Hanus, Filip ; Franková, Emilie (advisor) ; Motlová, Veronika (referee)
It is of great necessity to know how to manage time. The theoretical part of this thesis is concerned with the definition of time management, its origin and evolution. It covers the basic rules of efficient time management and the principles of efficient work organization. It describes the usage of goals and their setting, circadian rhythms and their influence on our productivity and the most common factors that steal our time. Based on the analysis of time frames and half-structured interviews, the empirical part follows the lives of six university students for two weeks. Our goal is to find out how the respondents use their time, what is their knowledge of time management and also to cover the difference between students living in a room alone and students sharing a room with one or multiple roommates.

Analysis and design of intranet structure
Novák, Miroslav ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Šedivá, Zuzana (referee)
Nowadays, Intranet is an inseparable part of every company, notwithstanding of their size or field of activity. Both, in my work and personal life, I often come across different intranets that usually do not get a positive response. But they usually have the same source of the problem, which is based on their wrong structure. This is why is chose this topic for my thesis. The goal of my thesis is to perform an analysis of an existing intranet of a particular company and subsequently create a design of the intranet new structure using the card-sorting method. This thesis primarily represents a generalized method of how to proceed during such realization and which areas to look into. Theoretical part of this thesis covers the topics of information architecture and also the term intranet itself, where the most frequent issues I came across in the intranets are pointed out. Practical part covers the analysis itself, where I focus on the structure of the existing intranet, categorization of its content, connections with other systems, customization, permission management, surveys of contentment, and intranet usage. The analysis is performed manually by scanning through the existing intranet of the company, since other methods or approaches could not be applied due to technical limitations or insufficient permis-sions. Based on the outputs of the analysis, web categorizations and the card-sorting method, a design of a structure of the new intranet has been proposed. The design itself is a demonstration of the method how to approach the new intranet design.

Míry podobnosti pro nominální data v hierarchickém shlukování
Šulc, Zdeněk ; Řezanková, Hana (advisor) ; Šimůnek, Milan (referee) ; Žambochová, Marta (referee)
This dissertation thesis deals with similarity measures for nominal data in hierarchical clustering, which can cope with variables with more than two categories, and which aspire to replace the simple matching approach standardly used in this area. These similarity measures take into account additional characteristics of a dataset, such as frequency distribution of categories or number of categories of a given variable. The thesis recognizes three main aims. The first one is an examination and clustering performance evaluation of selected similarity measures for nominal data in hierarchical clustering of objects and variables. To achieve this goal, four experiments dealing both with the object and variable clustering were performed. They examine the clustering quality of the examined similarity measures for nominal data in comparison with the commonly used similarity measures using a binary transformation, and moreover, with several alternative methods for nominal data clustering. The comparison and evaluation are performed on real and generated datasets. Outputs of these experiments lead to knowledge, which similarity measures can generally be used, which ones perform well in a particular situation, and which ones are not recommended to use for an object or variable clustering. The second aim is to propose a theory-based similarity measure, evaluate its properties, and compare it with the other examined similarity measures. Based on this aim, two novel similarity measures, Variable Entropy and Variable Mutability are proposed; especially, the former one performs very well in datasets with a lower number of variables. The third aim of this thesis is to provide a convenient software implementation based on the examined similarity measures for nominal data, which covers the whole clustering process from a computation of a proximity matrix to evaluation of resulting clusters. This goal was also achieved by creating the nomclust package for the software R, which covers this issue, and which is freely available.

Communications Intercultural Aspect in Working Environment of a chosen Firm
Jenšovský, Šimon ; Hiršová, Miloslava (advisor) ; Balgová, Dagmar (referee)
The thesis covers cultural differences among employees of a multi-national corporation in relation to communication and task execution. Thesis aims to construct a theoretical framework to map these cultural differences and apply gathered insights in practical research targeting the effect of cultural differences on communication and task execution. Research questionnaire replicates Hofstede's work and also builds on practical application of Hofstede's work by several authors. Research data were gathered via digital questionnaire. Data refinement and evaluation was conducted using frequency description and statistical methods of structure comparison. The thesis provides a set of practical recommendations as a result. These are aimed to help reduce or possibly eliminate negative effects of cultural differences in the workplace.

Analysis of Reporting in Business and its Technological Coverage by Microsoft BI
Lučan, Martin ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Pavlíčková, Jarmila (referee)
This master thesis deals with an analysis of reporting in business and its technological coverage by Microsoft Business Intelligence portfolio. The main objective of this work is to analyze the individual organization's requirements on reporting and coverage options. This work can serve as a tool for implementation of reporting in a company or for increasing the efficiency of reporting. The first part is theoretical. It deals with Business Intelligence as an environment for reporting. It also defines the basic concepts. The next part covers the area of reporting. This section provides an insight into the history, definition of outcomes and detailed classification of reporting from different perspectives. Furthermore, the definition of users reporting and the reporting standards in companies is also covered. At the end of this chapter, there is the definition of the benefits of reporting for companies. The main part of this master thesis is an analysis of the requirements for reporting in companies. The chapter defines five key perspectives which are described in a greater detail. The methods how companies should methodically approach these requirements are also discussed. The chapter further looks at the requirements for a concrete report. An output of this chapter is an effective template for gathering requirements for a specific report. The last chapter focuses on reporting portfolio analysis of Microsoft and defines the concept of Microsoft. It provides detailed information about reporting products that Microsoft offers. An analyses and a mapping of the individual characteristics of the products and the requirements is defined in this thesis.

Transformation of Network Data Reporting Process
Tolar, Tomáš ; Matuštík, Ondřej (advisor) ; Malinová, Ludmila (referee)
This thesis deals with transformation of network data reporting process in a Telecom company. The current process is MS Excel based and is inadequate and inefficient. The goal is to find the right tools and to implement them. The thesis is divided into three parts. First part is focused on theoretical background of reporting, i.e. Business Intelligence and other approaches. Second part explains general Network reporting principles and trends. In contrast with these theoretical recommendations, the actual level of the company's process is depicted. The last part of this thesis covers a practical implementation of selected applications. First, a choice is made within a variety of tools based on department's needs then the architecture is proposed and applications are implemented. The final part of the thesis provides an assessment of the benefits attained by this project.

Effect of snowpack on runoff generation during rain on snow event.
Juras, Roman ; Máca, Petr (advisor) ; Ladislav , Ladislav (referee)
During a winter season, when snow covers the watershed, the frequency of rain-on-snow (ROS) events is still raising. ROS can cause severe natural hazards like floods or wet avalanches. Prediction of ROS effects is linked to better understanding of snowpack runoff dynamics and its composition. Deploying rainfall simulation together with hydrological tracers was tested as a convenient tool for this purpose. Overall 18 sprinkling experiments were conducted on snow featuring different initial conditions in mountainous regions over middle and western Europe. Dye tracer brilliant blue (FCF) was used for flow regime determination, because it enables to visualise preferential paths and layers interface. Snowpack runoff composition was assessed by hydrograph separation method, which provided appropriate results with acceptable uncertainty. It was not possible to use concurrently these two techniques because of technical reasons, however it would extend our gained knowledge. Snowmelt water amount in the snowpack runoff was estimated by energy balance (EB) equation, which is very efficient but quality inputs demanding. This was also the reason, why EB was deployed within only single experiment. Timing of snowpack runoff onset decrease mainly with the rain intensity. Initial snowpack properties like bulk density or wetness are less important for time of runoff generation compared to the rain intensity. On the other het when same rain intensity was applied, non-ripe snowpack featuring less bulk density created runoff faster than the ripe snowpack featuring higher bulk density. Snowpack runoff magnitude mainly depends on the snowpack initial saturation. Ripe snowpack with higher saturation enabled to generate higher cumulative runoff where contributed by max 50 %. In contrary, rainwater travelled through the non-ripe snowpack relatively fast and contributed runoff by approx. 80 %. Runoff prediction was tested by deploying Richards equation included in SNOWPACK model. The model was modified using a dual-domain approach to better simulate snowpack runoff under preferential flow conditions. Presented approach demonstrated an improvement in all simulated aspects compared to the more traditional method when only matrix flow is considered.

Bakule, Lubomír ; Papík, Martin ; Rehák, Branislav
DCTOOL-A3 is a documentation of Matlab routines developed for the design of decentralized control of large scale complex systems. The current beta version covers three areas as follows:\nReport 4.1 deals with the event-triggered control design for unstructured uncertain systems. Both non-quantized and quantized feedback is analyzed. The results are given in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Logarithmic quantizer is used. Numerical example illustrates the effectiveness of the presented results.\nReport 4.2 presents a new decentralized overlapping wireless control design with a switched communication protocol. The method is applied by simulations on the 20-story building structure including the test of robustness of the methods against sensor failures and network node dropouts of a digital network.\nReport 4.3 presents the construction of a new decentralized wireless controller and a set of heuristic algorithms for evaluation of packet dropouts, sensor faults and actuator faults. The digital network operates at the standard frequency used in well-known widely-used industrial protocols. The results are tested at the Benchmark model decomposed into two disjoint substructures. The results are published. Thus, the details are omitted here.