National Repository of Grey Literature 25,259 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 1.99 seconds. 

Research of Value Orientation in Students of Secondary School and High School, Purpose the Intervention Program.
Thesis deals with the value orientation of students in secondary schools and secondary vocational schools. The aim is to map their value system and then based on the results of research to design an intervention program to promote internalization of values desired. The theoretical part includes a systematic search of the available literature values and their hierarchy, the age period of adolescence, the ways and possibilities of educating students given age period and the role of schools in shaping values and their internalization. The main method of the practical part of the work is own questionnaire assessing the value orientation of students in selected secondary schools and secondary vocational schools. On the basis of the results was designed educational intervention program. Results are shown for better clarity in written and graphical form. The program is described in detail. There are given a specific samples teaching unit on the topic for the development of desired values of the students. The program could become educational material for teachers of health education and other relatives.

Application of art therapy elements for students at high special school (practical)
Koubská, Patricie ; Valešová Malecová, Barbara (advisor) ; Šiška, Jan (referee)
Application of art therapy elements for students at high special school (practical) The theme of this bachelor thesis is the use of art therapy procedure for pupils from practical two-year high school. The aim of this thesis is to consider the possibilities of using elements of group art therapy for the development of self-knowledge, communication, for strengthening of prosocial ties and increasing of a sense of group belonging. In the narrower sense, art therapy is underwood as a fine art therapy. Theoretical basis of the thesis will be the methods of art therapy, their possibilities and procedures, developmental aspects of maturing, specifics of maturing for pupils with handicaps (mental retardation issues, specific disorders of behavior problems of pupils with social and physical handicaps). In the practical part of the thesis there is described the use of these methods in my own art lessons.

Integrated Education of a Pupil with Special educational needs - Case Study
Habartová, Iva ; Mrkosová, Eva (advisor) ; Ptáčková, Klára (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the current situation in integrated educating of a pupil with special educational needs, or more specifically, of a child with high functioning autism combined with practical deafness. Through analysis of specialised literature, the theoretical part defines the expression integration; other definitions include hearing disability and autism as the causes limiting the pupil's inclusion in educating in a mainstream elementary school. The practical part of the thesis includes a case study - description of the pupil's case. Experience is described from the current integrated education in a special elementary school where the pupil is educated according to the Framework Educational Program for Elementary Schools, with the prospective of upcoming re-integration into the mainstream elementary school, or, as the case may be, depending on the parents' decision, his integration in an elementary school for hearing impaired children. In drawing up the case study, the following methods were applied: observation and analysis of the pupil's educational products.

Use of Interest Rate Models for Interest Rate Risk Management in the Czech Financial Market Environment
Cíchová Králová, Dana ; Arlt, Josef (advisor) ; Cipra, Tomáš (referee) ; Witzany, Jiří (referee)
The main goal of this thesis is to suggest an appropriate approach to interest rate risk modeling in the Czech financial market environment in various situations. Three distinct periods are analyzed. These periods, which are the period before the global financial crisis, period during the financial crisis and in the aftermath of the global financial crisis and calming subsequent debt crisis in the eurozone, are characterized by different evaluation of liquidity and credit risk, different relationship between financial variables and market participants and different degree of market regulations. Within this goal, an application of the BGM model in the Czech financial market environment is crucial. Use of the BGM model for the purpose of predicting a dynamics of a yield curve is not very common. This is firstly due to the fact that primary use of this model is a valuation of interest rate derivatives while ensuring the absence of arbitrage and secondly its application is relatively difficult. Nevertheless, I apply the BGM model to obtain predictions of the probability distributions of interest rates in the Czech and eurozone market environment, because its complexity, direct modeling of a yield curve based on market rates and especially a possibility of parameter estimation based on current swaptions volatilities quotations may lead to a significant improvement of predictions. This improvement was also confirmed in this thesis. Use of swaptions volatilities market quotations is especially useful in the period of unprecedented mone- tary easing and increased number of central banks and other regulators interventions into financial markets that occur after the financial crisis, because it reflects current market expectations which also include future interventions. As a consequence of underdevelopment of the Czech financial market there are no market quotations of Czech koruna denominated swaptions volatilities. I suggest their approximations based on quotations of euro denominated swaptions volatilities and also using volatilities of koruna and euro forward rates. Use of this approach ensures that predictions of the Czech yield curve dynamics contain current market expectations. To my knowledge, any other author has not presented similar application of the BGM model in the Czech financial market environment. In this thesis I further predict a Czech and Euro area money market yield curve dynamics using the CIR and the GP models as representatives of various types of interest rates models to compare these predictions with BGM predictions. I suggest a comprehensive system of three criteria, based on comparison of predicti- ons with reality, to describe a predictive power of selected models and an appropria- teness of their use in the Czech market environment during different situations in the market. This analysis shows that predictions of the Czech money market yield curve dynamics based on the BGM model demonstrate high predictive power and the best 8 quality in comparison with other models. GP model also produces relatively good qua- lity predictions. Conversely, predictions based on the CIR model as a representative of short rate model family completely failed when describing reality. In a situation when the economy allows negative rates and there is simultaneously a significant likelihood of their implementation, I recommend to obtain predictions of Czech money market yield curve dynamics using GP model which allows existence of negative interest rates. This analysis also contains a statistical test for validating the predictive power of each model and information on other tests. Berkowitz test rejects a hypothesis of accurate predictions for each model. However, this fact is common in real data testing even when using relatively good model. This fact is especially caused by difficult fulfilment of test conditions in real world. To my knowledge, such an analysis of the predictive power of selected interest rate models moreover in the Czech financial market environment has not been published yet. The last goal of this thesis is to suggest an appropriate approach to obtaining pre- dictions of Czech government bonds risk premium dynamics. I define this risk premium as a difference between government bond yields and fixed rate of CZK IRS with the same length. I apply the GP model to describe the dynamics of this indicator of the Czech Republic credit risk. In order to obtain a time series of the risk premium which are necessary for estimation of GP model parameters I firstly estimate yield curves of Czech government bonds using Svensson model for each trading day since 2005. Resulting si- mulations of risk premium show that the GP model predicts the real development of risk premiums of all maturities relatively well. Hence, the proposed approach is suitable for modeling of Czech Republic credit risk based on the use of information extracted from financial markets. I have not registered proposed approach to risk premium modeling moreover in the Czech financial market environment in other publications.

Differences between men and women in the Czech labour market
Stroukal, Dominik ; Kadeřábková, Božena (advisor) ; Pavelka, Tomáš (referee) ; Němec, Otakar (referee)
This thesis consists of five articles that apply current world research on labor economics at the Czech Republic and confirms the significant differences between men and women in this market. It shows that gender has a significant influence on the preference on the labor market and, consequently, on employment and health. First, the thesis shows that preferences are relevant determinant of career and then we study the difference in preference of salary for men and women. Subsequently it shows that gender plays a significant role in explaining the relationship between homeownership, and unemployment, as well as unemployment and health. The first chapter was able to demonstrate that the preference for a career has a positive influence on the choice of career. The influence of higher education on prioritizing career proved to be positive and significant. Probability of a career choice is reduced by the presence of children, however, is not dependent on their number, which is contrary to the theory of preferences. The second chapter shows that Czech women prefer more non-monetary rewards than men. It has also been shown that people with university education are same in the preferences of non-monetary rewards regardless of the gender of the respondents, however, compared to the world's research, the Czech higher education increases this preference. It turned out that women prefer risk less than men. The third chapter demonstrates that although the housing market undermines labor mobility and employment in the Czech Republic at the regional level, therefore, that in regions with a higher rate of home ownership is higher unemployment, at the individual level, the owners of housing are unemployed are less likely. The estimates are significantly different for men and women. Men living in owner-occupied housing have a higher likelihood of employment than women. At regional level, however, this thesis shows that the high rate of home ownership increases unemployment for both men and women, in the long run only to women. The fourth chapter showed that men transition to homeownership reduces the likelihood of unemployment next year. For women, this relationship has proved to be insignificant. In addition, as insignificant showed the opposite relationship, the transition from unemployment to the newly acquired home ownership. The last chapter shows that the change in the working status to unemployment will increase in the future probability of worse health. Influence in less than two years, however, proved to be significant. An important conclusion is that men have a significantly stronger relationship between health and unemployment than women.

Screening of the health risks of biofilms using a battery of in vitro toxicity assays
Bláha, Luděk ; Babica, P. ; Sabatier, S. ; Admiraal, W. ; Maršálek, Blahoslav
Traces of microcystin-lika compounds were detected by HPCL in biofilm samples from Netherlands. Half of the tested samples had no significant effect in any of the in vitro assays, other biofilms elicicted weak inhibitory/toxic effects mostly in high concentrations, which are not environmentally relevant. Most of observed weak effect seem to be associated with oxidative stress, an important toxicologicalĺmechanisms, as detected by depletion of intracellular antioxidantĺGHS by several biofilm samples. Potential adverse effects ofĺexterne polutants, which are known to accumulate in theĺperyphyton biomass should not underestimated. Mutagenicity andĺneurotoxicity of biofilm metabolits seems to be negligible. Weekĺadverse effects of biofilm extracts detected in a batery of inĺvitro assays indicate relatively low human health risksĺassociated with biofilm toxicity.

Determination of content substances for selected species and varieties of roses.
Slavíková, Eva ; Sus, Josef (advisor) ; Súkeníková, Tereza (referee)
This bachelor's work is focused on comparing the most significant content substance, vitamin C, in fruits of chosen rose kinds species and varieties. Herbal products are often seen by people as products of "second choice", when failure of allopathic treatment occurs, which is focused especially on suppressing symptoms of illness, but it ignores health of the human body as whole. That's why are herbal products often alternative for therapy of chronic diseases. The base of this work is extensive literary research and results of laboratory measurings. Literary part of this work includes description of botanical classification of rose plants. There is stated basic characteristic of individual rose species and their morphological features. In following chapters is composed overview of effective substances in rose fruits and their effect on human health. In practical part of this work are included results of laboratory tests for determining ascorbic acid content for chosen samples of rose species and it also includes results of weighing and measuring of fruit samples of chosen rose species. There are also stated chosen rose species and shortly their origin and description, in the beginning of practical part. For practical part were chosen samples of species. Results of practical part are compiled into statistic tables and graphs and it confirms high content of ascorbic acid in rose fruits. This content is in range of cca 300 - 900 mg.100 g-1. Due to growing interest in alternative treatment options and "clean" natural product, it can be assumed, that many plants of Rosaceae family will keep its place in treatment practice. Those plants will be used not only for treatment of acute and chronic diseases, but also for cosmetic products production, thanks to its large effects and process options.

Analysis breeding of milk cattle on the chosen biofarme
Plášková, Pavlína ; Toušová, Renata (advisor) ; Ducháček, Jaromír (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluace the conditions of dairy cattle breeding in ecological agriculture and to compare them with concrete values taken from the chosen ecological farm Bílčice, which has been part of ecological agriculture since 2011 and which is focused on czech fleckvieh breeding and bio milk production. The first part deals with dairy cattle breed characteristic, main objectives and ecological agriculture principals, welfare problems, breed cattle and utility control, housing technology, nutrition and feeding, mechanical milking technology, milk production, reproduction, health condition and breeding economy. The practical part contains the rating of milk yield index (milk production, % proteins, % fat) and reproduction index ( meantime, perioda service, insemination index and after first parturition percentage). 650 pieces of cos were stabled at farm, from that 200 pices of dairy cos were mostly czech fleckvieh. Monitoring was made in 2013. Dayily milk production was around 2 750 kg. The milk utility for lactacion was in 2013 6 100 kg of milk, 3,89 % fat and 3,34 % proteins. The dairy cos were free stabled with high bedding, They were mechanically milked twice a day in herringbone parlours. Milk is being delivered once in twodays to Olma dairy. Cows are regularly driven out to pasture in summer feeding period. They are extra fed with 10 kg of clover silage and 6 kg of scarp (barely, wheat, triticale). Cows stays in stables for winter time. The ration consists of 45 kg of clover silage, 6 kg of scarp, 2 kg of lupine and 1 kg of corn in first time of lactacion. The cow utility in transitional form of economy at farm Bilcice was 7 477 kg of milk in 2010, a value in the Czech Republic was 7 726 kg of milk. After entering the ecological agriculture in 2013 milk yield at the farm decreased on 6 100 kg of milk and the average value in the Czech Republic increased to 8 370 kg of milk. The cow utility in transitional form was 4,03 % fat in 2010 and 3,89 % in 2013 (ecological agriculture). A diference between 2010 and 2013 is 0,14 %. Proteins were 3,39 % in 2010 and 3,34 % in 2013. There was average value for every reproduction index. The service period was 96 days and the meantime was 400 days, the insemination index was 1,8 and the after first parturition percentage was 54,2 %.