National Repository of Grey Literature 16 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Changes in pulmonary function and cardiac activity during reflex rolling stimulation according to Vojta
Charvátová, Zuzana ; Nováková, Tereza (advisor) ; Martínek, Milan (referee)
Author: Zuzana Charvátová Title: Changes in pulmonary function and cardiac activity during reflex rolling stimulation according to Vojta Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate accompanying non-locomotive manifestations within the comprehensive response to stimulation of trigger zones from the concept of reflex locomotion according to Professor Vojta, which are a reflection of the function of the autonomic nervous system. Changes in respiratory parameters and changes in cardiac activity have been selected from these manifestations. Methods: The research was conducted on 26 healthy adult women aged 19-25 years. Reflex rolling according to Vojta from the supine position (RO - 1st phase) was chosen. Pressure stimulation was applied from the left chest trigger zone between the 6th and 7th rib for 10 minutes. Each subject also underwent apparent (sham) stimulation in the same position (RO - 1st phase), lasting 10 minutes, but on the right side of the chest between the 2nd and 3rd rib. Due to the possible lingering effect of pressure stimulation during VRL, sham stimulation was always preceded by experimental stimulation. A 10-minute break was taken between the two cycles. Data for the analysis of changes in lung function were obtained by spirometric measurements of FVC, FEV1, and PEF before...
The effectiveness of physiotherapeutic procedures on patients diagnosed with COVID-19
Trashchenko, Ekaterina ; Pavlů, Dagmar (advisor) ; Kučerová, Ilona (referee)
Background Physiotherapy represents a valuable intervention applied to COVID-19 patients suffering from respiratory symptoms. Objective To assess the effectiveness of physiotherapeutic modalities on pulmonary function, physical function, and psychosocial effect of patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Methods A comprehensive systematic literature search of CINAHL, PubMed, Embase, Cochrane library, and Scopus was done to retrieve potential peer-reviewed articles that assessed the effectiveness of physiotherapeutic modalities on pulmonary function, physical function, and psychosocial effect of patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Results Of the 1093 potential articles assessed, 9 met the inclusion criteria. The results demonstrated that respiratory rehabilitation improves respiratory function, exercise capacity, and quality of life in patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Conclusion Respiratory rehabilitation and telerehabilitation programs are effective in improving the functional capacity, quality of life, and respiratory function of patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Keywords: physiotherapeutic procedures; telerehabilitation; functional capacity; dyspnea capacity; pulmonary function.
Respiratory physiotherapy - part of a comprehensive treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients
Vargová, Zuzana ; Smolíková, Libuše (advisor) ; Slováčková, Lenka (referee)
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a progressive muscular disease. This serious disease attacks not only the musculoskeletal system, but also the respiratory system. Respiratory system is one of the most influenced systems. The risks of respiratory problems increase with deteriorating condition of the patient due to muscle weakness. This work is focused on treatment of respiratory system. The aim of treatment is early prevention and solving of complications. These complications include not only scoliosis and cardial problems, but mainly inefficient cough, night hypoventilation, irregular night breathing and failure of respiratory system even during the day. The aim of the respiratory physiotherapy is to keep the right functionality of lungs for the longest time and to choose the correct method of the rehabilitation following the patient's condition deteriorating. Interventions suitable for the patients with the DMD are techniques that leads to increasing lung volume, manual and mechanical techniques of assisted coughing, and noninvasive ventilation. NIV is one of the preferred methods of treating nowadays. Another method is continual invasive ventilation and ventilation with tracheostomy. This treatment includes keeping hygiene of the airways, which is the basis for their throughput. The work also includes...
Evaluation of pulmonary and postural functions in patients with chest wall deformity (Pectus carinatum)
Zbuzek, Daniel ; Bitnar, Petr (advisor) ; Smolíková, Libuše (referee)
Objective: The paper deals with the evaluation of the status of pulmonary and postural functions of the patients with pectus carinatum. Further, it deals with the development of pulmonary and postural functions after Welch surgery. Methods: Between the years 2010 and 2011 20 patients (19 men, 1 woman) went through Welch surgery at the Pediatric Clinic of the Faculty Hospital, Prague Motol. The average age of the group was 16,2 ± 1,2 years. Before surgery, pulmonary functions, respiratory muscle strength and posturography were evaluated. The received values were compared with the predicted, i.e. the controlled group, and in order to find mutual dependencies, also among themselves. 7 patients were repeatedly checked for pulmonary functions and posturography in the interval of 8,1 ± 3,0 months after their surgery. Pre and post - surgery values were compared. Results: Dynamic and static hyperinflation and also an increased patency of periphery respiratory tracts was found in 20 pre-surgery patients with PC. Testing of respiratory muscle strength showed significantly lower values than the predicted. Checking for posturography revealed the differences in postural system resulting, especially with complicated postural demands, in medio-lateral instability of the body. Worsening of the balance functions...
Respiratory physiotherapy affects the quality of life of children with spinal muscular atrophy - How, when and why?
Havlištová, Michaela ; Smolíková, Libuše (advisor) ; Zounková, Irena (referee)
Bibliographic identification HAVLIŠTOVÁ, Michaela. Respiratory physiotherapy affects the quality of life of children with SMA - how, when and why? Prague: Charles University, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Department of rehabilitation and sport medicine, 2012. 81 p. Supervisor Doc. PaedDr. Libuše Smolíková, Ph. D. Annotation This thesis deals with the influence respiratory function in children with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). The theoretical part provides an overview of respiratory physiotherapy techniques that can be used in the care of the airways in people with SMA. The practical part deals with the question whether it is possible using the selected techniques of respiratory physiotherapy after six weeks of training to affect ventilatory parameters in children with SMA. The group of six probands with SMA I. - III. type in the range of the age from 3.5 to 12 years participated in this study. To objectively assess changes was performed spirometry efore the beginning of the therapy and after its conclusion. The main therapy was daily training with inspiratory breath simulator CliniFlo. After the finishing of therapy there was a positive change in all measured parameters except for vital capacity (VC) and maximal expiratory flow at 75% of FVC (MEF75), where the values didn't change. Statistically significant...
Effects of Vojta's reflex locomotion on lung function
Drábková, Lenka ; Smolíková, Libuše (advisor) ; Bitnar, Petr (referee)
Introduction: The aim of this thesis is to answer a question if it is possible to influence ventilation parameters with an application of Vojta's reflex locomotion, which is one of the neurophysiologic techniques. The thesis confronts actual knowledge and relation between respiratory and postural function of "respiratory" muscles and the diaphragm and possibility of its reflex affection. Methods: With a spirometry we assess the impact of short-time activation of Reflex locomotion on the lung functions in a group of 21 healthy subjects in age 18 - 33 years. The study evaluates the effect of activation in two situations. First, it is instantaneous effect of Vojta's method on lung function. Second situation is the assessment of the time duration of evoked effect of activation and make out, if the changes are seen also after 25 minutes over the end of Vojta's stimulation. Results: Based on the interpretation of the both monitored situations, we set up an observation that short time activation of Vojta's reflex therapy has an effect on respiratory mechanics and thus on the spirometric values. At the other side we realize that not all of the changes were significant and some of them were unadvisable. Moreover all of them had very short persistency, after 25 minute none of the observed changes of lung...
Relationship between pulmonary function and function of the diaphragm in patients with obstructive pulmonary disease
Hellebrandová, Lenka ; Bunc, Václav (advisor) ; Smolíková, Libuše (referee) ; Herget, Jan (referee)
Problém: Obstrukce dýchacích cest a průtoková limitace, způsobená chronickou obstrukční plicní nemocí (CHOPN) nebo astma bronchiale (AB), může způsobit změny tvaru, pozice a pohybů bránice v důsledku zvýšení plicních objemů. Hypotézy: U pacientů s obstrukčním respiračním onemocněním se bude funkce bránice lišit oproti kontrolní skupině zdravých jedinců, což se projeví na jejím postavení a rozsahu pohybu. Existuje vztah mezi plicními funkcemi a polohou a pohyby bránice. Cíl: Cílem práce bylo zjistit, zda pozice, tvar a pohyby bránice u ležících pacientů s průtokovou limitací během maximálních dechových a posturálních manévrů se liší od tvaru, pozice a pohybů bránice za stejné situace u jedinců bez patologie respiračního systému. Zkoumali jsme rozdíly mezi pacienty s CHOPN, pacienty s AB a zdravými jedinci. Cílem bylo také stanovit tyto vztahy v kontextu vážnosti průtokové limitace, resp. obstrukce dechových cest. Metodika: Soubor tvořily 3 skupiny probandů, celkem 31 dospělých: 10 jedinců s klinicky stabilním AB (5 žen a 5 můžů), 11 jedinců s klinicky stabilním, středně těžkým CHOPN (7 mužu a 4 ženy) a kontrolní skupinu tvořilo 10 zdravých jedinců (5 mužů a 5 žen). Všichni probandi podstoupili komplexní měření plicních funkcí a kardiopulmonální zátežové vyšetření. Bránici jsme vyšetřovali pomocí...
Relationship between pulmonary function and function of the diaphragm in patients with obstructive pulmonary disease
Hellebrandová, Lenka ; Bunc, Václav (advisor) ; Smolíková, Libuše (referee) ; Herget, Jan (referee)
Problém: Obstrukce dýchacích cest a průtoková limitace, způsobená chronickou obstrukční plicní nemocí (CHOPN) nebo astma bronchiale (AB), může způsobit změny tvaru, pozice a pohybů bránice v důsledku zvýšení plicních objemů. Hypotézy: U pacientů s obstrukčním respiračním onemocněním se bude funkce bránice lišit oproti kontrolní skupině zdravých jedinců, což se projeví na jejím postavení a rozsahu pohybu. Existuje vztah mezi plicními funkcemi a polohou a pohyby bránice. Cíl: Cílem práce bylo zjistit, zda pozice, tvar a pohyby bránice u ležících pacientů s průtokovou limitací během maximálních dechových a posturálních manévrů se liší od tvaru, pozice a pohybů bránice za stejné situace u jedinců bez patologie respiračního systému. Zkoumali jsme rozdíly mezi pacienty s CHOPN, pacienty s AB a zdravými jedinci. Cílem bylo také stanovit tyto vztahy v kontextu vážnosti průtokové limitace, resp. obstrukce dechových cest. Metodika: Soubor tvořily 3 skupiny probandů, celkem 31 dospělých: 10 jedinců s klinicky stabilním AB (5 žen a 5 můžů), 11 jedinců s klinicky stabilním, středně těžkým CHOPN (7 mužu a 4 ženy) a kontrolní skupinu tvořilo 10 zdravých jedinců (5 mužů a 5 žen). Všichni probandi podstoupili komplexní měření plicních funkcí a kardiopulmonální zátežové vyšetření. Bránici jsme vyšetřovali pomocí...
Effect of yoga exercise on pulmonary function and ceompensation of bronchial asthma.
Růžičková, Julie ; Ježková, Martina (advisor) ; Demeková, Júlia (referee)
Bronchial asthma incidence constitutes a compelling health and socioeconomical problem. Patients of all ages suffer from asthma, and no methods of effective prevention or healing are currently available. Poorly controlled asthma causes increase of financial expenditure as well as remarkable restriction of activities of daily living; it might even lead to death. In Czech republic, the number of patients with asthma is estimated at 500 000. The aim of this study is to evaluate effects of yoga exercise as a potential effective adjunct treatment on bronchial asthma state in adults. Theoretic part of the thesis describes pathological changes present in respiratory system, breathing pattern disorders and postural functions characteristic for patients suffering asthma disease. It also represents a brief summary of up to date findings of possible mechanisms on which are Spiral yoga and pranayama based, especially on these which can have an influence on obstructive lung disorders. Experimental part deals with the methodology and it reveals the process of making randomized clinical pilot study. Between 11 adult participants were investigated at the start and at the end of a three-month- long therapy. Investigation included pulmonary function tests, thoracic perimeter measurement, spine mobility...

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