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The Role of Uzbekistan in Afghanistan and Tajikistan Civil Wars
Kantner, Pavel ; Horák, Slavomír (advisor) ; Jordanová, Anna (referee)
This thesis focuses on the foreign policy of Uzbekistan under the highly personalized regime of first Uzbek president Karimov in regards to the Tajikistani civil war. The thesis is based around two interconnected research questions. First which goals motivated Karimov to intervene in Tajikistan civil war; second to extend were those interventions successful (i.e. to what extend was he successful in pursuing those goals). The thesis draws from existing publications about the Tajikistan civil war, foreign policy of Uzbekistan and conflict factors in the wider Central Asian region, such as islamism, inter-ethnic relations and water conflicts. Uzbek intervention in Tajikistan as such is a new research topic. None of the source publications examines it, rather it is touched upon from the perspective of their research topic. The thesis has theoretical part, which defines foreign policy of Uzbekistan and current state of research into the Tajikistani civil war. The following analytical part abstracts information relevant to Uzbek intervention in Tajikistani civil war in dozens of sources, which are analyzed by prism of Uzbek foreign policy defined in theoretical part, and based on those findings answers the research questions.
The Islamic Movement Interactions within the Arab Uprisings: The impact of the Islamic movements interactions on thedemocratization process and the level of radicalization
Saad, Mohamed ; Salamon, Janusz (advisor) ; Esposito, John L (referee) ; Muhammad Mady, Abdel-Fattah (referee)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of Political Studies Department of Political Science Dissertation Abstract The Islamist Movement Interactions within the Arab Uprisings The Impact of the Islamist Movements' Interactions on the Democratization Process and the Level of Radicalization Author: Mohamed Saad Supervisor: Janusz Salamon, Ph.D. Year of the defense: 2023 Abstract The Islamist movements played a socio-political role in many Arab and Middle Eastern countries. They provided social services and a resistance ideology, either for the West or local political regimes. They mobilized their supporters in a large social movement that crystallized the Islamic Ummah's relative deprivation and common grievances. In some cases, Islamism was used as a justification ideology to legitimize the ruling regime. Also, it has been used as an ideology to justify the use of radical and jihadist violence. The Islamism involvement in the Arab Spring raised the classic dilemma in a new shape, either to integrate the Islamists in an open political process; however, this integration may undermine democracy and individual rights in the long term, or to exclude the Islamists from the political life in a way that may encourage more Islamists to resort to violence to achieve their goals. The dissertation tests...
An Effort to gain the first hegemony vs. the dissemination of the fragmentation of the power after the Cold War
Štaif, Vít ; Voráček, Emil (advisor) ; Eichler, Jan (referee) ; Anděl, Petr (referee)
An Abstract The text focuses on the aim of the state politics to gain the position of the first global hegemony after the end of the Cold War. It observes, with the regard to the wide-ranging influence of the USA at that time, and to the important American visions about its character, especially their particular decisions. It tries to describe the way, which the other influential participants of the global politics, the states as well as those of other kind, used to express their reactions to this activity, and their relation to the USA, the strongest contender in the effort to acquire the first global hegemony. The power contest is here mainly introduced by the insight into the course of the conflicts, which they, after the end of the Cold War, faced and influenced. The text concentrates on those political and security challenges with, apart from the policies of the USA, the strong presence of the intervention of the international organizations, above all the UN, the NATO and the EU, or of the occassionally created alliances. The prospects of hegemonial possibilities is presented in the conclusion.
German Salafi Jihadism: Radicalizing messages in the lectures of the German jihadi preacher Denis Cuspert
Křížková, Hana ; Aslan, Emil (advisor) ; Hokovský, Radko (referee)
The diploma thesis "Salafi Jihadism in Germany: Radicalizing Messages in Lectures of a German Jihadi Preacher Denis Cuspert" deals with the analysis of the internet video messages disseminated by Denis Cuspert - the most significant German-speaking Jihadi-Salafi leader, in terms of the radicalization potential that is spread through his lectures. The aim of the thesis is firstly to identify the basic radicalization formulas relevant for the given research, which are to be found in the models of radicalization. In the analytical part, these radicalization categories will be applied to the argumentation strategies present in the lectures of Denis Cuspert. In order to analyse the given messages, a qualitative content analysis along with a framework analysis will be used. In connection with aims of the thesis, the framework analysis appears to be a fitting method, as it focuses on the issue of communication in terms of its mobilization potential, with an emphasis on the strategic use of language. This method can therefore be a good indicator of the extent to which the statements succeed in addressing the sympathizers of the movement and making them act. In addition to the analysis of the radicalization messages, the thesis also deals with the character and dynamics of the German Salafi movement, with...
The connectivity of an American invasion to Iraq in 2003 in relation to the current spread of the Islamic State in the Middle East region
Vejvodová, Nela ; Bečka, Jan (advisor) ; Raška, Francis (referee)
Islamic radicalism is currently one of the most debated topics worldwide. We got into a new era, which started at the beginning of the century by attack on World Trade Center in 2001 - later President Bush declared war on global terrorism. Organization of the Islamic State is a new form of radicalism, beyond both his cruelty, and even the number of foreign fighters who have joined them. It poses a huge threat to the fragile stability in the region and, by extension, in Europe. In the first part of my thesis entitled "The connectivity of an American invasion to Iraq in 2003 in relation to the current spread of the Islamic State in the Middle East region" I'm dealing with the US invasion of Iraq and in the second part I'm describing the emergence of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda, the Islamic State afterwards. In the third section I'm analyzing the various factors and specific events that, in result, provide an answer to the question whether the invasion of Allied troops under the command of Americans is the only cause of the current crisis in Iraq, by extension, the entire Middle East region.
Salafi da'wa: missionary methods of german movement Salajifa on the example of campaign "Lies!"
Křížková, Hana ; Kunštát, Miroslav (advisor) ; Matějka, Ondřej (referee)
An increasing number of supporters of Salafi Islam in Germany has recently been a much discussed topic. The German Salafist movement is a radical branch of Islam, which is characterized by a fundamentalist way of life according to a literal interpretation of the Koran. To the German public, this movement is known mainly for its major propaganda activities. In Germany this movement has grown in popularity within a short time and now holds a special position. Salafists have earned acclaim for their numerous activities, such as "Islamic seminaries" or their significant Internet propaganda. The activities of the movement are viewed with concern not only by the media, the political scene and the German public, but also by the German secret service. In particular the German intelligence service is currently struggling with the problem of the growing number of supporters of an Islamic state and their departure to Syria and Iraq. The question of preventing this radicalization, especially of young German Muslims, remains in many respects still unanswered. Since Salafiyya is a movement that is primarily focused on the German image of Islam, and therefore on missionary activities aimed at the German public. There are many German converts, who operate in Salafi structures. Unlike the immigrant community these...
The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt: The Ideological Development, Contemporary Positions and Prospects in the Context oof Post-Mubarak Transition
Hladová, Magdaléna ; Kučera, Rudolf (advisor) ; Riegl, Martin (referee)
The PhDr. thesis explores the ideological development, contemptorary positions and political prospects of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. It follows the movement's long evolution on the background of its relations with the successive regimes of Nasser, Sadat and Mubarak, examines its current discourse on "Islamic democracy" including its stated commitment to political pluralism, the principle of citizenship as well as the related subject of women's and non-muslim's rights, analyses its recent attempt to formulate a party platform and discusses the Brothershood's role and prospects in the context of transition after the fall of authoritarian regime of Hosni Mubarak.
Proces radikalizace a analýza pachatelů vybraných teroristických útoků
Cupalová, Michaela
The diploma thesis deals with the problem of Islamic terrorism. The theoretical part explains the key concepts related to this topic and introduces some major terrorist organizations. The main topic of the theoretical part is radicalization and its process. Furthermore it is investigated why some individuals are threatened by radicalization more than others. The practical part analyzes the perpetrators of selected terrorist attacks. Typical characteristics that most attackers have are identified. The work is concluded with a discussion that addresses possible developments in terrorism in the coming years.
Politico-geographical analysis of position of the Islamist parties in Egypt and Tunisia
Jelínek, Antonín ; Jelen, Libor (advisor) ; Černý, Karel (referee)
The Islamist movements operate in all the countries of the Middle East and North Africa region. The mother organization, which is also best-known among the movements, is the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, whose ideas spread quickly into other countries in the region. Although the Islamist movements are ideologically different, they have one similar attribute - focus on various social issues as well as the fact that they originally profiled as charity organizations and they have only recently entered the political scene. The main goal of this diploma thesis is to analyze and compare the activities and achievements of the Muslim Brotherhood (The Freedom and Justice party) and The Movement of Islamic Tendency (The Ennadhda party) within the political systems in Egypt and Tunisia. The thesis also aims at verifying explanatory cleavage of Islamist electorate based on the cleavage theory within Egypt and Tunisia. The biggest success of the Islamist movements so far meant the changes after the Arab Spring. Following this event the Islamist movements won the first free parliamentary election in both countries. However, the political activities of the Muslim Brotherhood did not last so long in Egypt - nowadays the movement exists only illegally and it has been in a difficult position. On the contrary, the...
German Salafi Jihadism: Radicalizing messages in the lectures of the German jihadi preacher Denis Cuspert
Křížková, Hana ; Aslan, Emil (advisor) ; Hokovský, Radko (referee)
The diploma thesis "Salafi Jihadism in Germany: Radicalizing Messages in Lectures of a German Jihadi Preacher Denis Cuspert" deals with the analysis of the internet video messages disseminated by Denis Cuspert - the most significant German-speaking Jihadi-Salafi leader, in terms of the radicalization potential that is spread through his lectures. The aim of the thesis is firstly to identify the basic radicalization formulas relevant for the given research, which are to be found in the models of radicalization. In the analytical part, these radicalization categories will be applied to the argumentation strategies present in the lectures of Denis Cuspert. In order to analyse the given messages, a qualitative content analysis along with a framework analysis will be used. In connection with aims of the thesis, the framework analysis appears to be a fitting method, as it focuses on the issue of communication in terms of its mobilization potential, with an emphasis on the strategic use of language. This method can therefore be a good indicator of the extent to which the statements succeed in addressing the sympathizers of the movement and making them act. In addition to the analysis of the radicalization messages, the thesis also deals with the character and dynamics of the German Salafi movement, with...

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