National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.03 seconds. 
Quality of domiciliary services from a user's perspective
Slaná, Petra ; Štegmannová, Ingrid (advisor) ; Wichsová, Jana (referee)
Petra Slaná ABSTRACT The thesis "Quality of domiciliary services from a user's perspective" deals with issues of quality of care services. Its aim was to find out what users expect from a quality service. Based on qualitative research and knowledge gained from practice was also to create a methodology for user satisfaction domiciliary services. The thesis consists of two parts, theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part contains the definition of old age, approaching the issue of aging, self-sufficiency and human needs in old age. It provides demographic and statistic data about the aging population. It focuses on social services in general, their definition, types and forms. It outlines the form of social services for seniors in the Czech Republic and in selected countries of European Union. It describes systems of quality used in the commercial sphere and in the service area. The theoretical part concludes with an overview of the factors which determine user satisfaction. The aim of the empirical part was to identify areas that may be an important quality of service criteria. Thanks to these users can evaluate the quality of services. To achieve this aim, was chosen qualitative research method. The empirical part of this thesis is therefore devoted to qualitative methodology of the research,...
Impact of the Application of the Quality Management Systems on the Satisfaction of the Students of Secondary Vocational Schools
Liška, Roman ; Veteška, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Chvál, Martin (referee) ; Švec, Václav (referee)
The subject of the dissertation is the issue of school quality, resp. quality management systems used by secondary vocational schools in the Czech Republic. The use of these customer-oriented quality management systems is common abroad, in some countries even mandatory. According to the available information, these systems are not widely used in the Czech Republic, their use in the education sector is not registered. The aim of the work was to evaluate and compare the impact of the most frequently used systems (self- assessment framework CAF, EFQM and ISO standards: 9001) on the student's satisfaction and their attitudes to school. An experimental, exploratory and ex-post-factual study was carried out in 2020 using a standardized questionnaire developed by the Institute for Pedagogy and Adult Education at Leibniz Universität Hannover. The questionnaire has been used since 2011 to assess student's satisfaction and the quality of vocational secondary schools in Lower Saxony. Through factor analysis, the questionnaire was divided into three main and five sub-indices. The questionnaire was piloted on a sample of 741 respondents in a Prague secondary vocational school. The data collection itself was carried out at 21 secondary vocational schools of various sizes and founders, with the exception of one...
Quality of domiciliary services from a user's perspective
Slaná, Petra ; Štegmannová, Ingrid (advisor) ; Wichsová, Jana (referee)
Petra Slaná ABSTRACT The thesis "Quality of domiciliary services from a user's perspective" deals with issues of quality of care services. Its aim was to find out what users expect from a quality service. Based on qualitative research and knowledge gained from practice was also to create a methodology for user satisfaction domiciliary services. The thesis consists of two parts, theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part contains the definition of old age, approaching the issue of aging, self-sufficiency and human needs in old age. It provides demographic and statistic data about the aging population. It focuses on social services in general, their definition, types and forms. It outlines the form of social services for seniors in the Czech Republic and in selected countries of European Union. It describes systems of quality used in the commercial sphere and in the service area. The theoretical part concludes with an overview of the factors which determine user satisfaction. The aim of the empirical part was to identify areas that may be an important quality of service criteria. Thanks to these users can evaluate the quality of services. To achieve this aim, was chosen qualitative research method. The empirical part of this thesis is therefore devoted to qualitative methodology of the research,...
Healthcare Quality Measurement through the Analysis of Patient Satisfaction with the Services of a Healthcare Laboratory
Čajková, Magdaléna ; Vrzáček, Petr (advisor) ; Petr, Tomáš (referee)
In current market conditions, even a healthcare facility has to stack up against competition. An effective quality control of the health care provided, and an excellent perception of customers' needs are crucial, in order to achieve this objective. Customer satisfaction represents important feedback from the clients. Taking this into account, any healthcare facility should measure and evaluate satisfaction of the customers, having as an objective, a permanent improvement of the services provided. The aim of this thesis is to measure healthcare quality in a healthcare laboratory through evaluation of a questionnaire survey on patient satisfaction. The thesis consists of a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part describes quality control systems in healthcare laboratories, defines the concepts of product, marketing and marketing mix "C". It also focuses on the patient, as a priority customer of the healthcare system, and defines the main reasons for examining their satisfaction. The empirical part gives firstly, an overview of activities of a particular healthcare laboratory. Subsequently, it describes the research performed and interprets the data received. There are 69.7 % of patients satisfied with the provided laboratory services. The satisfaction is determined by their age and by...
Implementation of Quality management systém according to ISO 9001
Kožner, Vojtěch ; Hykš, Ondřej (advisor) ; Kořánová, Helena (referee)
This thesis is dedicated to creating quality manual for a small company. The manual describes quality management system, which is being developed in accordance with ISO 9001. This manual provides information about processes present in the company and also provides information on how are these processes managed and evaluated.
The Methods of Quality Management at receiving raw meat
The diploma thesis deals with the matters of meat, compositon of meat and systems for quality management, especially BRC (British Retail Consortium), IFS (International Food Standard), HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) and ISO ((International Organization for Standardization). There are described the importace of Quality management system for food safety and enterprise management too. The chosen company has got certification HACCP and EN ISO 9001 : 2000. In the next part of this work I describe requirements of meat Processors. These requirements are very determined by kind of meat and Quality Policy of certain meat processing company. Next I study the real consumer?s and shopping manners on the market with meat, trends in consumption meat in Czech republic and also in the world. The world market for meat is relatively dependent on what is happening in Asia, since there is a dynamically growing production and consumption of meat. This is most significant in China, which has great potential in the export of pork and poultry meat. There is also a prediction of meat consumption in the future based on the identified trends. Developments in Czech meat market follows world trends, so we can also expect increased consumption of poultry meat. At the same time the consumption of beef and pork meat tends to decrease because of the absorption of agricultural subsidies. Mutton and venison hold their current portion of production, thanks to the stable customer base.For creating this work I used the study of expert literature. The acquired informations have been compiled into graphs for making results more transparent. In addition I tried to describe or analyse the graphs by words.
Functional efficiency of the municipal subjects owing to the implementation of the quality system
Jašková, Petra ; Ševčík, Miroslav (advisor) ; Peková, Jitka (referee)
V diplomové práci se věnuji analýze vlivu implementace jednoho ze systémů řízení jakosti na subjekt územní samosprávy. V první kapitole proto uvádím základní definice a pojmy územní samosprávy. Zaměřuji se na kvalitu ve veřejné správě, na její vývoj a důvody, které vedou veřejnou správu k implementaci a využívání metod řízení kvality. Z možných metod kvality jsem si vybrala systém řízení jakosti pomocí sebehodnocení ? Common Assessment Framework (CAF) a hledám přínosy, které subjekt územní samosprávy může díky modelu CAF získat. Následně analyzuji jednotlivé kroky, které úřad při zavedení systému sebehodnocení musí provést. V závěru této práce analyzuji kvalitativní a kvantitativní přínosy modelu CAF pro občany, zaměstnance, společnost a pro konečné hospodaření úřadu.

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