National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Constitution for Europe
Feichtinger, Jiří ; Jirásková, Věra (advisor) ; Tomášek, Michal (referee) ; Klíma, Karel (referee)
of Content and Conclusions of Dissertation Constitution for Europe JUDr. Jiří Feichtinger The central subject-matter of the dissertation is the assessment of the Treaty establishing the Constitution for Europe ("constitutional treaty") and the co called founding treaties, i.e. the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union ("founding treaties") from the viewpoint of the constitutional law and the general theory of state. From the same viewpoints I also examine the nature of the European Union itself. When choosing this topic of my dissertation I was inspired by ever growing discussions on the extent of the European integration and its purpose, whether it is at all necessary, and whether the European Union is becoming a state or rather remains an international organization sui generis. I am trying to answer, to what extent the content of the constitutional treaty corresponded to its name and whether this document could at all be called a constitution; the same question is being answered with regards to the founding treaties. I further examine, whether the constitutional and/or the founding treaties lead to the united Europe as perceived not only within the notion of the European integration, but also by the general theory of state, i.e. whether these treaties...
Specific Contribution of the Roman Catholic Church to the European Integration according to the Article 17.3. of the TFEU: EU perception of the dialogue with COMECE
Kubiš, Vojtěch ; Knutelská, Viera (advisor) ; Jeřábek, Martin (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to analyse how the EU perceives the specific contribution of Churches to the European integration as stated in the Article 17.3 of the TFEU. The specific contribution is analysed on the case of Roman Catholic Church (RCC) which predominates in the dialogue under the Article 17.3. There are two time periods addressed in the thesis. Firstly, the specific contribution is addressed in the context of the debate on the EU constitution. It is examined, based on the analysis of politicians' speeches and MEPs amendments, whether the specificity is rooted in the area of values. Second period is marked by the year 2009 when the TFEU entered into force, and 2014 when the dialogue with Churches was somewhat degraded. In fact, the new body responsible for the interaction became DG JUST, thereby replacing BEPA, i.e. organization directly reporting to the President of the Commission. Based on the analysis of the speeches and other relevant documents regard all the official meetings, I examine what the EU politicians expected from the Church and what was Her specificity according to them. Against this background is also analysed the fact that the dialogue with Churches was separated from the civil society organizations. It results from the research that the EU perceived the specific...
Constitution for Europe
Feichtinger, Jiří ; Jirásková, Věra (advisor) ; Tomášek, Michal (referee) ; Klíma, Karel (referee)
of Content and Conclusions of Dissertation Constitution for Europe JUDr. Jiří Feichtinger The central subject-matter of the dissertation is the assessment of the Treaty establishing the Constitution for Europe ("constitutional treaty") and the co called founding treaties, i.e. the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union ("founding treaties") from the viewpoint of the constitutional law and the general theory of state. From the same viewpoints I also examine the nature of the European Union itself. When choosing this topic of my dissertation I was inspired by ever growing discussions on the extent of the European integration and its purpose, whether it is at all necessary, and whether the European Union is becoming a state or rather remains an international organization sui generis. I am trying to answer, to what extent the content of the constitutional treaty corresponded to its name and whether this document could at all be called a constitution; the same question is being answered with regards to the founding treaties. I further examine, whether the constitutional and/or the founding treaties lead to the united Europe as perceived not only within the notion of the European integration, but also by the general theory of state, i.e. whether these treaties...
Euroscepticism of Dutch and Luxembourgian Political Parties on the Example of their Campaigns against the Adoption of the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe
Kuznická, Anna ; Drulák, Petr (advisor) ; Rovná, Lenka (referee)
This thesis entitled "Euroscepticism of Dutch and Luxembourgian Political Parties on the Example of their Campaigns against the Adoption of the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe" compares campaigns of Dutch and Luxembourgian opponents of adoption of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe before the referendum on the adoption of that document in the first half of 2005. This thesis finds out that during the campaign against the adoption of that treaty the Dutch political parties were more active than the Luxembourgian parties and the Dutch Socialist Party and the fraction WildersGroup (which consisted of the only member Geert Wilders) were the most involved in the debate. The second aim of this study is to compare the arguments of the political parties to that treaty, in terms of euroscepticism using Paul Taggart's and Aleks Szczerbiak's theory dividing euroscepticism to hard and soft. The arguments indicating hard euroscepticism were held by Luxembourgian party the Left and two Dutch orthodox protestant parties the ChristianUnion and the Reformed Political Party. In general arguments protecting national interests (which is one of the features of soft euroscepticism) prevailed in both countries. Only non- governmental parties from the edge of the political spectrum both...
Communication of the Treaty of Lisbon before its ratification
Kroulík, Josef ; Postler, Milan (advisor) ; Lehmannová, Zuzana (referee)
This work deals with communication of the Treaty of Lisbon to the Czech public before its ratification. Its aim is on the basis of the theoretical background of marketing communications and promotion to analyse the communication strategy used to inform the Czech public about the Treaty of Lisbon and to provide a proposal for its improvement. Findings made on the basis of this particular case may serve as a guide for improving communication of other European affairs and for finding ways to achieve increased awareness of the Czech public on European issues.
The legislation of the European Commision in the Treaty of Lisbon
Podhrázská, Lucie ; Grmelová, Nicole (advisor) ; Šťastný, Tomáš (referee)
The European Commission presents one of the most important institutions of the European Union. The legislation of the Commission developed together with the gradual development of the EU. This Bachelor thesis focuse on the changes established by the Treaty of Lisbon. The aim is not only to describe the legislation of the Commission according to the Treaty of Lisbon but also compare it with both previous legislation included in the Treaty of Nice and proposed legislation included in the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe.
Arguments against the "European constitution" -- case studies of France and Ireland
Babický, Vojtěch ; Dvořáková, Vladimíra (advisor) ; Faturová, Marie (referee)
Problems of constitutional treaties of the European Union are the main topic of the thesis. The thesis concerns arguments which were causes of rejection of the European constitution in France and the Treaty of Lisbon in Ireland two years later. At first, the thesis focuses on historical circumstances on which the creation of "constitutional" treaties is based. Secondly, the thesis analyses the campaigns in respective countries and concentrates on main arguments against these two documents in terms of how much the arguments were connected with texts of the treaties themselves. Finally, the thesis compares arguments in both countries and examines their similarity for rationale rejection of "constitutional" treaties.
Problematika ústavnosti Evropské unie
Pešek, Pavel ; Jeníček, Vladimír (advisor) ; Jelínek, Jiří (referee)
Práce se zabývá charakteristikou evropského práva jako autonomního právního řádu a zkoumá tu jeho část, která může nabývat ústavní povahy. Dále analyzuje Smlouvu o Ústavě pro Evropu a její možný dopad na evropské právo. Práce se v závěru zabývá budoucím vývojem konstitucionalizace evropského práva.
50. výročí podpisu Římských smluv a budoucnost EU
Michlerová, Zuzana ; Hitzgerová, Gabriela (advisor) ; Komárková, Ingeborg (referee)
Dne 25. 3. 2007 si EU připomněla 50. výročí podpisu Římských smluv a u této příležitosti vydala Prohlášení, v němž poukazuje na dosavadní výdobytky integrace a deklaruje úsilí postavit Evropskou unii do voleb do Evropského parlamentu v roce 2009 na obnovený společný základ. Dosavadní vývoj evropské integrace a jeho perspektivy jsou předmětem této bakalářské práce. Pozornost je věnována rovněž dokumentu Smlouva o ústavě pro Evropu, který je úzce spjat přirozeně i s řadou dílčích otázek, jež vyvstávají před EU a které se od Smlouvy o ústavě pro Evropu řetězově odvíjejí. Bakalářská práce se rovněž zabývá oblastí spolupráce, která dozajista patří k tématům neméně důležitým, a to spoluprací států Evropské unie v kulturních záležitostech.

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