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Kojetská, Monika ; Trnková, Barbora (referee) ; Kohoutková, Karolína (advisor)
In my thesis the focus is on the attraction with which I work in multiple planes. I focus on the essence of the material and its predictive value. I place emphasis on the significance of the use of specific material and use the category of its surface, superficies, fashion, luxury, kitsch, goodliness, atracction,object and desire. I work with visual, physical and sensual attraction.
Quarter century of Eugene Rastignac's life: analysis of the development of the character in The Human Comedy
Vidímová, Sára ; Voldřichová - Beránková, Eva (advisor) ; Pohorský, Aleš (referee)
The aim of my thesis is to observe and to analyse one of Balzac's characters who appears mainly in The Human Comedy. Eugene Rastignac's character changes in the course of novels. And the change is caused by his environment and also by the surrounding characters. Concerning the methodological part of my work, I use two Czech theorists who deal with the typology of characters (František Všetička, Bohumil Fořt). I will try to choose relevant fragments of Balzac's novels where I will describe change of the character. At the end I point out the future development of the subject and also the actual usage of Rastignac's fate as a pattern of ambitious young man.
The concept of evil in Plato's dialogues Protagoras and Gorgias
Kotoč, Branislav ; Jirsa, Jakub (advisor) ; Jinek, Jakub (referee)
The goal of this paper is to show what is the nature of ethically wrong action considering two of Plato's dialogues - Protagoras and Gorgias. By examining the possibility of different sorts of motivational forces, we will show that Socrates was well aware of the relevance of emotions and desires in the process of decision making. Still, he maintains the idea of reason and knowledge as the superior motivational force. We will argue that the reason why people make wrong decisions is that they do not have true knowledge of the good, moreover, they are ruled by the power of desires. We will also focus on the detrimental effect on human's soul if he follows the path of wrongdoing. Finally, we will show that Socrates offers a solution to those with miserable souls - dialogue and punishment.
Problem of Grace in St. Augustin
Spiegelová, Veronika ; Rybák, David (advisor) ; Hauser, Michael (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with St. Augustine and his theology of grace. It briefly introduces the context of Augustine's philosophy, explains the basic terms, and mainly focuses on the interpretation of Augustine's study of grace. It first analyses the thoughts and ideas of Saint Paul, the Apostle, which are relevant to the subject. Then it moves on to explaining the continuous development of Augustine's study of grace: how it is portrayed in his early works, the way in which it developed in his argument with Pelagius, and finally it introduces Augustine's most radical idea - the concept of predestination from his work To Simplician. The last part of the thesis covers the corresponding topic of love, specifically the love of neighbour, as it is discussed by Hannah Arendth in her work Love and Saint Augustine.
Through the Profane Desire to the Desire for Eternity
Benešová, Hana ; Vopřada, David (advisor) ; Šmejdová, Barbora (referee)
Hana Benešová Skrze touhy profánní k touze po věčnosti. Abstrakt V sekulární společnosti není touha po Bohu častým tématem reflexe. Avšak právě ona vede k lidskému naplnění a integritě. Tato práce zkoumá touhu po Bohu skrze poznání profánních tužeb a jejich nedostatečnosti. Prostřednictvím tohoto poznání je jim dáno správné místo v Augustinově konceptu řádu lásky (ordo amoris). Příkladem tohoto procesu transformace tužeb jsou také Augustinovy reflexe nad ztrátou jeho milovaných příbuzných a přátel prizmatem věčnosti a poznání, že v Bohu není nikdo ztracen. Pro upřesnění a pochopení průběhu přeměny vnímání tužeb je použita fenomenologická metoda. Podrobně je popsán pohyb a odstup jakožto důležité součásti percepční změny. Rovněž je zkoumáno téma ženské spirituality v kontextu touhy. Práce se proto zaměřuje na snahu ženy osvobodit se od toho, co je dočasné, aby se otevřela bezpodmínečné lásce a sama takovou láskou milovala. Objevování touhy po Bohu prostřednictvím uvědomování si pomíjivosti profánních tužeb a jejich neschopnosti uspokojit nepokojné srdce může být důležitým úkolem pro další bádání v oblasti spirituální teologie.
Unfulfilled Desires in the Story Collection Lettipark by Judith Hermann
Bejčková, Šárka ; Glosíková, Viera (advisor) ; Tvrdík, Milan (referee)
This diploma thesis focuses on thematic interpretation of the short stories collection Lettipark by Judith Hermann, which was released in 2016 in German language. The Czech translation was published in 2018. Within individual interpretations never realized images, expectations and dreams will be accented. They may be regarded as unfulfilled desires of the main characters of the short stories. One part of this diploma thesis also includes the categorization of the author into German literature since the middle 90's of the last century until today. The prose writer's reception in the Czech Republic is also taken into consideration. KEY WORDS German literature, short story, desire, Judith Hermann, character analysis, thematic interpretation
The Book Song of Songs as an Answer to Qohelet's Vanity
This thesis is concerned with, in the words of Song of Songs, finding an appropriate answer to Qohelet's vanity - vanity of a human life and things that inherently come with it, as Qohelet himself proclaims in his book. The first chapter introduces the Book of Qohelet and aims to capture the main themes of vanity and transience, while also providing the ways out from this situation, as presented by Qohelet. The second chapter introduces the reader to the Song of Songs book while also describing its content which concerns the interpretation of love between a man and a woman. The third chapter brings forward efforts of the author and the main themes and conclusions of the book are analysed. This allows - in the conclusion of this thesis - to answer the question of whether the love in the Songs of Songs is a possible answer to Qoheleth's vanity - the transience of a human life, as brought out by Qohelet in his work.
Problem of Grace in St. Augustin
Spiegelová, Veronika ; Rybák, David (advisor) ; Hauser, Michael (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with St. Augustine and his theology of grace. It briefly introduces the context of Augustine's philosophy, explains the basic terms, and mainly focuses on the interpretation of Augustine's study of grace. It first analyses the thoughts and ideas of Saint Paul, the Apostle, which are relevant to the subject. Then it moves on to explaining the continuous development of Augustine's study of grace: how it is portrayed in his early works, the way in which it developed in his argument with Pelagius, and finally it introduces Augustine's most radical idea - the concept of predestination from his work To Simplician. The last part of the thesis covers the corresponding topic of love, specifically the love of neighbour, as it is discussed by Hannah Arendth in her work Love and Saint Augustine.

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