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Scholz-Wende by the perspective of CDU
Řežábková, Kateřina ; Handl, Vladimír (advisor) ; Nigrin, Tomáš (referee)
The thesis examines the transformation of German foreign and security policy after the Russian invasion of Ukraine specifically during the period from February 2022 until June 2023 and the perspective of the oppositional CDU party during this time. The introductory part presents the historical context of the development of German foreign and security policy, the institutional framework for its formation, and the character of German in foreign policy culture. The theoretical framework presents three concepts for interpreting Germany as an actor in international relations: civil power, geo-economic power, and divided power. In the practical part, the fulfillment of the goals of Chancellor Olaf Scholz is being examined. Namely in the supply of weapons to Ukraine, in the anti-Russian sanctions, in the deepening of Germany's involvement in NATO missions, in the reformation and modernization of the Bundeswehr, and in the new quality of German diplomacy. The results of the research showed Germany's willingness to abandon some of its previous taboos, to bear the economic costs of its policy towards Russia and even at the cost of debt, to invest more in its own armed forces and in supporting Ukraine. However, the German government had to face both structural and institutional limits as well as the limits of...
Christian parties in Switzerland, in Austria and in Germany - a comparison
TRAPL, Dominik
This bachelor's thesis deals with the three most important Christian parties, namely the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, including its sister Christian Social Union of Bavaria (CSU) operating in the territory of the Free State of Bavaria. Furthermore, Die Mitte in the Swiss Confederation, which was cre-ated on 1/1/2021 by the merger of the Christian Democratic People's Party (CVP) and the Civic Democratic Party (BDP). Then the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) in the Republic of Austria. These are political parties that have a common basis in the Christian traditions to which they subscribe. Nevertheless, over the years there has been a permissive aban-donment of these traditions, which is particularly noticeable in the Austrian People's Par-ty, which already wants to be the party of all citizens of Austria, regardless of their reli-gion. In my theoretical part, I focused on the characteristics of Christian parties, including youth organizations. In the following practical part, I analyse the elections to the lower houses of the parliaments for the last 10 years, i.e. the electoral successes of the men-tioned Christian parties and their subsequent representation in the lower house between 2011 and 2021. Then I deal with the election programs of the Christian parties on the se-lected topics. So, my goal is to look for common aspects to certain social problems, but also different attitudes.
The position of the CDU in Baden-Württemberg on the issue of asylum policy
Prokhoshin, Aleksei ; Kunštát, Miroslav (advisor) ; Filipová, Lucie (referee)
This bachelor's thesis deals with the topical issue of the asylum policy, which is one of the most pivotal topics in contemporary German politics. It focuses on the state politics of Baden- Württemberg and deals with one political party, namely the Christian Democratic Union of Germany, which is one of the key actors on the state level. This thesis analyses the period 2011-2021, so it intentionally avoids the Ukrainian refugee crisis as a consequence of Russian aggression. The bachelor's thesis presents basic information about the position of the CDU on asylum policy and provides the historical context of immigration to Germany and specifically to Baden-Württemberg. Afterwards, it analyses the development of the attitude towards the asylum policy of CDU Baden-Württemberg's key personalities chronologically, also analysing the argumentation of their stances, for which primary and secondary sources are used. The primary sources are session protocols from the Landtag of Baden-Württemberg; the secondary sources are regional news articles and several chosen monographs, which serve to provide the thesis with political and social context, which is crucial for a more precise interpretation of CDU Baden-Württemberg politicians. Based on the conducted analysis, one may conclude that the biggest shift in...
The policy of the parliamentary parties in the Federal Republic of Germany towards the countries of the Eastern Bloc within the years 1963-1966
Matějů, Petra ; Nigrin, Tomáš (advisor) ; Kunštát, Miroslav (referee)
The thesis "The policy of the parliamentary parties in the Federal Republic of Germany towards the countries of the Eastern Bloc within the years 1963-1966" studies the policy of the parliamentary parties in the Federal Republic of Germany - CDU/CSU (Christian Democratic Union of Germany and Christian Social Union of Bavaria), FDP (Free Democratic Party) and SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) - towards the countries of the Eastern Bloc during the Federal Cabinet of Ludwig Erhard between the years 1963-1966. The thesis hypothesizes that a significant shift in the approach to the German question and Ostpolitik occurred in all the parliamentary parties in the FRG during the years 1963-1966. This hypothesis is tested by means of a detailed chronological description and analysis of the progress of the policies and a comparative analysis of the parties' policies towards the Soviet Union, the German Democratic Republic and other communist states of Eastern Europe. The thesis is focused on both the official policy of the Federal Cabinet and the policies of all the parliamentary parties and also on the opinions of the parties' individual members. Furthermore, it shows the process of shaping of collective opinions which react to changes in the world politics and home affairs. The analysis is put into...
German nuclear phase-out in 2011 and political motivations of CDU/CSU
Bundová, Klára ; Nigrin, Tomáš (advisor) ; Mlsna, Petr (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the German nuclear phase-out in 2011 and political motivations of CDU/CSU. The main objective of this paper is to confirm or reject the statement that CDU/CSU was politically motivated in order to attempt to prevent large vote losses in the upcoming Landtag elections. Nuclear phase-out was not an entirely new development for Germany; there is a long tradition of a strong opposition to nuclear technology and already during the government of red-green coalition after 1998 the first nuclear phase-out was agreed. Nuclear energy was nevertheless considered to be a convenient bridging technology for CDU/CSU before Germany could fully rely on renewable sources of energy and belonged to the front supporters of nuclear energy. With the inauguration of the new federal government in 2009 formed by CDU/CSU and FDP, an amendment to the atomic law was agreed and the coalition managed to extend the operational lifespan of nuclear power plants. Their attitude to nuclear energy remained unchanged until the Fukushima accident in Japan in March 2011, which provoked a U-turn in their policy and they suddenly decided to support nuclear phase-out. The official explanation of the government seems to be insufficient since in no other country had the Japan nuclear accident such a big impact....
The Differences in Gender Equality Implementation in the Policies of Ano 2011 and CDU/CSU
Sutterová, Dita ; Pavlík, Petr (advisor) ; Kobová, Ĺubica (referee)
The diploma thesis Differences in the promotion of gender equality in the politics of the Ano 2011 party and the CDU / CSU union deals with a comparative analysis of two political parties, the Czech party Ano 2011 and the German Union CDU / CSU, and their approach to gender equality. Both ruling parties since 2018 influence establishing greater gender equality in society than is currently the case. That's why I chose to answer the questions for the research How do both political parties view gender equality? How do they enforce it in their policy? And are they trying to set greater gender equality in their policies in society, or are they just using it as a form to win the votes of more voters? I tried to find the answers using the method content analysis of political, government and election programs, and other party documents.
The attitude of CDU/CSU to the eastern and Germany policy of the social-liberal coalition in 1969-1973 and its influence on the then government
Mourková, Petra ; Nigrin, Tomáš (advisor) ; Handl, Vladimír (referee)
Bachelor thesis The attitude of the CDU/CSU to the Eastern and German policy of the social- liberal coalition in 1969-1973 and its influence on the then government focuses on the attitude of the CDU/CSU to Eastern and German politics in 1969-1973. This is the policy towards the Eastern Bloc countries that was pursued by Willy Brandt's social-liberal government. The presented thesis also deals with the influence of the Union on the promotion of Eastern and German policy in this period. After exactly 20 years in power, the Union had to accept the new role of the opposition party after the 1969 elections to the Bundestag. After three years of "unity" in a grand coalition led by Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger, an imaginary period of ideological war with the SPD began, caused in particular by the question of Eastern and German politics. The thesis describes the main events in the promotion of German and Eastern policy, starting with the German-German summits in Erfurt and Kassel, through negotiations on agreements with the Eastern bloc countries to the accession of Germany and the GDR to the United Nations. The thesis is the assumption that the Union influenced the course of German and Eastern policy of the newly ruling social-liberal coalition, mainly through the main opposition figures.
Asylum Policy of CSU on the background of two migration crises.
Duháčková, Klára ; Dimitrov, Michal (advisor) ; Lizcová, Zuzana (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with the asylum policy of the Christian Social Union in Bavaria (CSU) in the period of two migration crises, i.e., in 1990-1993 and 2015-2017. Since the 1980s, the party has profiled itself as a major advocate of national interests in an effort to limit the high influx of immigrants and refugees, arguing not only by the enormous financial burden and frequent abuses of asylum law for the economic benefit of refugees. In response to these arguments, CSU made an asylum compromise in the early 1990s, an amendment to the Basic Law that defined the conditions under which a politically persecuted person can invoke the right to asylum, which is still part of German asylum law. However, since 2013, the German media has begun to pay attention to the CSU's friendlier rhetoric in the areas of migration and asylum, especially regarding the statements of the new Bavarian Minister of Labour, Social Affairs, Family and Integration, Emilia Müller. The text of the diploma thesis outlines the CSU's asylum policy approach in the background of both migration crises. Based on the analysis of official documents and party's periodical called Bayernkurier, the thesis states that there is a partial shift of Christian social rhetoric in the asylum policy of CSU. In conclusion, the thesis is devoted...
Between Westbindung and Ostpolitik: Reconceptualising German-Russian Relations 2014-2017
Jacobs, Jonathan ; Stepanovic, Vera (advisor) ; Escriba, Abel (referee)
German-Russian relations have remained strong since the Cold War, despite continuing in traditions of multilateralism and integrated into the Western order. Despite recent tensions and deterioration since the Ukraine Crisis, German-Russian relations are a subject of intense debate between the political parties CDU/CSU and SPD that governed Germany in a coalition from 2014-2017. This thesis utilises a social constructivist method to focus on social factors and party-political legacies relevant in the evolving relationship. It then analyses the evolving discourse of the parties about Russia in the years 2014-2017, focusing on the different ways the discourse uses and connects with the factors and legacies. Although a parallel movement is discerned between the foreign policy positions of the CDU/CSU and SPD, the parties' positions do not converge but remain in conflict about the future of European security, cooperation with Russia and the desired foreign policy role of Germany. Throughout, the analysis suggests that contemporary theories about German-Russian relations and about Germany's foreign policy role should look at the internal debates and factors to get a more complete picture of German foreign policy. Powered by TCPDF (

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