National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Myth in American Advertising after 1945
Linhart, Marek ; Procházka, Martin (advisor) ; Roraback, Erik Sherman (referee)
This thesis is designed as a comprehensive analysis of the advertising discourse within some pre-set constrains. Specifically, the main area of interest is the realm of American print advertising after 1945. Within these limits, advertising is understood as a mode of language, the chief semantic unit of which is a form of Barthesian myth, a superstructure divorced from reality that supersedes de Saussure's semiotics of the sign. The bulk of this thesis is then a diachronic analysis of the development of these myths and their role as both mirrors and catalysts of a whole range of stereotypes, value hierarchies or fixed ideas firmly embedded within American collective consciousness. The primary materials for this analysis are then various specimen of the advertisements themselves, carefully selected because of their representativeness, influence or significance within the advertising realm. The main theoretical framework rests on Marx's understanding of the commodity as a certain type of fetish, Barthes's description of the structure and social function of the myth, Baudrillard's and Debord's theories on such notions as the society of spectacle, the reign of simulacra and hyperreality, Benjamin's understanding of the uniqueness of representation and its aura and finally McLuhan's detailed accounts of...
Manipulation of children in the prose of Aldous Huxley and George Orwell
Linhart, Marek ; Wallace, Clare (advisor) ; Clark, Colin Steele (referee)
The focus of this thesis are two of the most prominent specimen of utopian literature, namely George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Despite the fact that Brave New World, which was published in 1932, predates Nineteen Eighty-Four by seventeen years and was written in a quite different social and political climate, both these books share many important elements. While depicting vastly different societies with diverse structures of power distribution, they both express certain fears and worries that their respective authors had about the future of civilisation, which is why they were chosen as primary texts for this thesis. More specifically, the main area of discourse is going to be the treatment of children and their relation to the state as depicted in these books. In this field, both Orwell's Oceania and Huxley's World State share the same objective, which is to turn children and the young generation in general into an obedient tool to be at the system's disposal. This aim is very prominent for many reasons in both books, but the results are the same; children willingly submit themselves fully to the state and become one of the major means the state possesses to achieve its goals. The degree of control over children both in Brave New World and Nineteen Eighty- Four is...
Public prosecution offices at extraordinary people's courts taking into account the courts Kutná Hora and Mladá Boleslav
Linhart, Marek ; Dobeš, Jan (advisor) ; Šouša, Jiří (referee)
(english): This bachelor's thesis deals with the activities of extraordinary people's courts in Kutná Hora and Mladá Boleslav, focusing mainly on the activities of the Public Prosecutor's Office and public prosecutors as such in the above-mentioned extraordinary people's courts. It deals with the general characteristics and specific features of these extraordinary people's courts. Their origin, development, organization and functioning with regard to the aspect of popularity in these courts in the form of judges from the people and their issues. Then it will focus specifically on public prosecution offices - on their staffing and related difficulties, eg in communication with district national committees. It also discusses the issue of the functioning of post-war justice and how it manifested itself in this office, for example, the constant regulations of the Ministry of Justice. It also deals with the proposed penalties and how their amount and character were determined by nationality. Last but not least, it deals with individual types of documents stored in the relevant fonds. Key Words (english): Extraordinary People's Court, Retribution, Public Prosecutor, Ministry of Justice, District National Commitees, Judges from the people
Myth in American Advertising after 1945
Linhart, Marek ; Procházka, Martin (advisor) ; Roraback, Erik Sherman (referee)
This thesis is designed as a comprehensive analysis of the advertising discourse within some pre-set constrains. Specifically, the main area of interest is the realm of American print advertising after 1945. Within these limits, advertising is understood as a mode of language, the chief semantic unit of which is a form of Barthesian myth, a superstructure divorced from reality that supersedes de Saussure's semiotics of the sign. The bulk of this thesis is then a diachronic analysis of the development of these myths and their role as both mirrors and catalysts of a whole range of stereotypes, value hierarchies or fixed ideas firmly embedded within American collective consciousness. The primary materials for this analysis are then various specimen of the advertisements themselves, carefully selected because of their representativeness, influence or significance within the advertising realm. The main theoretical framework rests on Marx's understanding of the commodity as a certain type of fetish, Barthes's description of the structure and social function of the myth, Baudrillard's and Debord's theories on such notions as the society of spectacle, the reign of simulacra and hyperreality, Benjamin's understanding of the uniqueness of representation and its aura and finally McLuhan's detailed accounts of...
Manipulation of children in the prose of Aldous Huxley and George Orwell
Linhart, Marek ; Clark, Colin Steele (referee) ; Wallace, Clare (advisor)
The focus of this thesis are two of the most prominent specimen of utopian literature, namely George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Despite the fact that Brave New World, which was published in 1932, predates Nineteen Eighty-Four by seventeen years and was written in a quite different social and political climate, both these books share many important elements. While depicting vastly different societies with diverse structures of power distribution, they both express certain fears and worries that their respective authors had about the future of civilisation, which is why they were chosen as primary texts for this thesis. More specifically, the main area of discourse is going to be the treatment of children and their relation to the state as depicted in these books. In this field, both Orwell's Oceania and Huxley's World State share the same objective, which is to turn children and the young generation in general into an obedient tool to be at the system's disposal. This aim is very prominent for many reasons in both books, but the results are the same; children willingly submit themselves fully to the state and become one of the major means the state possesses to achieve its goals. The degree of control over children both in Brave New World and Nineteen Eighty- Four is...

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