National Repository of Grey Literature 268 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Psychological aspects of media use and their effects on emotions
Sedláček, Mojmír ; Gillernová, Ilona (advisor) ; Jirák, Jan (referee) ; Štětovská, Iva (referee)
Psychological aspects of media use and their effects on emotions Mgr. et Mgr. Mojmír Sedláček Abstract The dimensions of new media, including news websites and social networks, are still not sufficiently explored. The aim of this dissertation was to map the effect of media content on the emotional experience of an individual, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Overview of literature was based on the findings on the impact of media content and focused on the changes in the media environment in the 21st century and cognitivist approaches to emotions with an emphasis on emotion regulation strategies. These, together with changes in emotional experience, were monitored in a quantitative study, during which 166 respondents were shown a stream of six television news reports. In the qualitative part, 14 respondents participated in semi-structured interviews focused on various approaches to the consumption of media content. The results of both studies led to several conclusions: The news content had a negative effect on the experiences of individuals who dealt with subsequent emotions in accordance with their preferred emotion regulation strategies. More frequent use of adaptive regulatory strategies has proven to be effective in mitigating the negative impacts of media coverage. Despite the declared...
Resilience in times of crisis
Zábranská, Denisa ; Štětovská, Iva (advisor) ; Mudrák, Jiří (referee)
The thesis focuses on the construct of resilience, which is conceptualised as a process of adaptation to adversity, and examines it in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in people over 60 years of age. The aim of this thesis is to understand resilience over time during a crisis in the statistically most at-risk age group. In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of this construct, the literature review section includes historical and theoretical insights along with recent research findings. The thesis describes the mechanisms, specifically cognitive appraisal, emotion regulation, and the ironing effect, that are thought to be key in the resilience process, and the findings from investigations of the specifics of resilience in older age, crisis, and a combination of the two. The empirical part presents the conducted mix-method research, in which the quantitative part was conducted first, from which a part of respondents was selected for the qualitative research. In the first part quantitative data were collected through the CD-RISC-25 scale, and in the second part a total of 15 semi-structured interviews were conducted, selected according to the scores on the CD-RISC-25 scale. The results of the exploratory analysis of the quantitative data and the thematic analysis of the qualitative data showed...
Transfer of Reciprocal Liking From Individual To Group
Rýdlo, Ondřej ; Vranka, Marek (advisor) ; Štětovská, Iva (referee)
This work deals with the phenomenon of transferred reciprocity. It represents transferred reciprocity as a situation in which an individual generalizes the reciprocal process from his original partner to his entire group. Furthermore, this thesis places transferred reciprocity in the context of other types of reciprocity and offers the perception of group cohesion as a process mediating transferred reciprocity. Specifically, the work deals with the transmission of reciprocal sympathy and examines whether the effect of the transferred reciprocity is manifested on the basis of the valence of the reciprocal act and on the basis of the strength of group cohesion. The practical part of this work leads to two main conclusions: it confirms the existence of the effect of transferred reciprocity and shows the perceived group cohesion as a mediating factor of transferred reciprocity. In the condition of strong group cohesion, the effect of transferred reciprocity was significant, while in the condition of minimal group cohesion, no. In addition, research suggests that there is a difference between behavioral reciprocal response and attitude-level reciprocal response. Participants responded more strongly to the level of attitudes depending on the valency of the ratings they received.
Gender specifics of social support
Radovnická, Kateřina ; Štětovská, Iva (advisor) ; Horáková Hoskovcová, Simona (referee)
Bachelor thesis summarizes the gender aspects of social support. It deals with the differences in the quantity and quality of provided and received social support for men and women. The thesis especially focuses on the situation of men in receiving and providing of social support and mentions a possible connection with the upbringing in the Czech Republic. The main part of the work, the theoretical part, first characterizes two main pillars of the thesis: gender and social support. Then it focuses on the comparison of men's and women's social support. The following part deals with the development of the research proposal that focuses on social support of men. It deals with the question if men in searching of social support have recourse more often to women or men.
Compliance techniques as type of conformity
Jarošová, Kateřina ; Horáková Hoskovcová, Simona (advisor) ; Štětovská, Iva (referee)
This thesis deals with conformity and compliance, respectively compliance techniques. Thesis is composed as a theoretical paper and is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter I explain what is conformity, how it arises and what affects it. In the second chapter I deal with researches which relate to the conformity. I mention so-called classic study of conformity. I focused especially on new areas of researches of conformity. In the third part I deal with various compliance techniques. We distinguish four compliance technique in social psychology - foot-in-the-door technique, face-in-the-door technique, low-ball technique and that's-not-all technique. The final part consists of a research proposal that I focused on two of these techniques - foot-in-the-door and face-in-the-door technique.
Development of psychosocial dynamics of teams in isolation
Davidová, Lucie ; Štětovská, Iva (advisor) ; Fonville, Alexandra (referee)
The thesis focuses on psychosocial dynamics of teams in isolation and its development over time. Literature review summarises various psychosocial and psychological aspects of human coexistence in extreme environments. It includes the risks and psychological countermeasures, description of stressors and other challenges, the intragroup issues and their development over time. It puts emphasis on defining the most challenging parts of missions and tries to identify patterns. Additionally, the relationship between the crew and MCC is addressed. The literature review is followed by a study focused on the development of intragroup relations and the crew-MCC relations in two analogue missions, Lunar Expedition-0 and Lunar Expedition-1. The research design consisted of a questionnaire, an interview with the whole crew, and the individual interviews with all respective astronauts. Additionally, a new visualization method, Dotty Overview of Team Interactions (DOTI), has been created as a part of this research. DOTI was described and used to visualize the data relating mutual interactions among the crewmembers. All of the results are presented, described and discussed. Keywords: team dynamics, crew, analogue space missions, interactions, relationship between crew and mission control
Attributional styles and their research on persons suffering from psychosomatic disorder
Nováková, Martina ; Slaměník, Ivan (advisor) ; Štětovská, Iva (referee)
The thesis deals with attributional styles and their research in patients with psychosomatic disorder. The text is divided into a theoretical part and an empirical part. The term psychosomatic disorder is defined in the theoretical part. The essential links between psychosomatic disorder, stress and cognitive processes are mentioned. Selected attribution theory and the concepts of attributional styles, then make up the majority theory. In the empirical part, there are hypotheses defined using three psychodiagnostic methods tested on a set of people with psychosomatic disorder and compared with the healthy population. Key words: attribution attribution theory attributional style psychosomatic disorder/psychosomatic illness somatoform disorders
The influence in the sect in the Czech Republic
Šejharová, Michaela ; Štětovská, Iva (advisor) ; Galvas, Zbyněk (referee)
This work deals with sectarian organizations and their influence on life of an individual. It aims to demonstrate the definition of a sect from various viewpoints, and to summarize major characteristics of such a community. The reasons for young people to enter sects as well as the enticements sects use to attract the young are addressed. The life in a sect is also described. A part of the work focuses on the aspects of leaving such a group and on possible ways to help people leave a sect. Prospective consequences of having been a member of a sectarian organization and means of subsequent care are briefly discussed as well. Empirical part of the work looks at the ways people perceive sectarian groups and compares the views of the public with the theory. The questionnaire that investigates these views covers individual chapters of the theoretical part and therefore provides an opportunity to confront the theory with the replies of respondents. The theory is also complemented by casuistries at the end of the empirical part which give a reader the chance to follow the theoretical link in real people's lives. The purpose of this work was to bring the problem to general public attention and thereby to help everyone become acquainted with the field, and make competent decisions. It is also intended to arouse...
The impact of premarital cohabitation on marital stability
Weissmannová, Lada ; Šulová, Lenka (advisor) ; Štětovská, Iva (referee)
Th i s s t u d y e x ami n e s t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e twe e n p r ema r i t a l c o h a b i t a t i o n a n d t h e s t a b i l i t y o f s u b s e q u e n t ma r r i a g e . Th e c o n c e p t o f s t a b i l i t y h a s b e e n d r awn f r om a n a n a l y s i s o f d i v e r s e l i t e r a r y s o u r c e s , wh i l e t h e d e f i n i t i o n o f ma r i t a l s t a b i l i t y i s t a k e n f r om Ca r y l Ru s b u l t ' s I n v e s tme n t Mo d e l . He r I n v e s tme n t Mo d e l S c a l e h a s b e e n u s e d f o r me a s u r i n g d e g r e e o f ma r i t a l s t a b i l i t y. Th i s q u a n t i t a t i v e s t u d y i s b a s e d o n d a t a f r om a s amp l e o f 8 1 r e s p o n d e n t s . S t a t i s t i c a l a n a l ys e s h a v e n o t s h own a n y s i g n i f i c a n t r e l a t i o n s h i p b e twe e n p r ema r i t a l c o h a b i t a t i o n a n d s u b s e q u e n t ma r i t a l s t a b i l i t y . An i n d i c a t i o n d i d a p p e a r , h owe v e r , t h a t n o n c o h a b i t o r s h a v e s l i g h t l y h i g h e r v a l u e s o f ma r i t a l s t a b i l i t y t h a n c o h a b i t o r s . T h e d i f f e r e n c e i n v a l u e s o b s e r v e d b e twe e n t h e two g r o u p s wa s s l i g h t l y u n d e r t h e b o r d e r l i n e o f s t a t i s t i c a l...
Active imagination. Options and risks
Kundrátová, Iva ; Štětovská, Iva (advisor) ; Junková, Vendula (referee)
Imaginace provázejí lidstvo po staletí. Je to oblast velmi fascinující. Na jednu stranu lidé využívali představ při objevování zákonitostí světa kolem sebe a konstruování nových vynálezů. Na straně druhé je imaginace vedla hluboko do nitra při meditacích a duchovním cvičení. To bylo inspirací i C.G. Jungovi při koncipování, v té době zcela nové, psychoterapeutické metody - aktivní imaginace. Uvedení imaginace, jako člověku přirozeně blízkého způsobu uchopení a zobrazení skutečnosti, do terapie se ukázalo jako velmi prospěšné. Aktivní imaginace zde našla své místo. V současnosti je jednou z běžně používaných terapeutických metod a proto i my, v rámci naší práce, vstupujeme do oblasti psychoterapie a dotýkáme se některých jejích principů a pravidel (například etického kodexu a některých obecných zásad práce terapeuta). Teoretickým východiskem a základem naší práce Je analytická psychologie. V jejích intencích se budeme pohybovat a také budeme užívat její terminologii, kterou nejprve vymezíme. Inspirací k napsání rigorózní práce na toto téma, byla autorčina diplomová práce. Ta shrnula dostupné informace o aktivní imaginaci a mapovala, zda a jak je používána mezi českými psychoterapeuty. Další vzdělávání a nové profesní zkušenosti poskytly autorce mnoho podnětů k vypracování obdobně tématicky zaměřené rigorózní...

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