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Pop-cultural Symbols in Visual Publicism in Tenth years of the Twenty-first Century In Pictures by Teo Adamy
Dvořáková, Anna ; Šoltys, Otakar (advisor) ; Láb, Filip (referee)
AbstractAbstractAbstractAbstract This thesis presents one of the first attempts to uncover and analyze the phenomenon of immediately apparent digital photomontage born and developed in the context of the Czech internet, that does not attempt to simulate a photographic reproduction of reality, but instead to regularly comment on political events of the Czech Republic. Using an analysis of photomontages of Teo Adamy (aTeo), the thesis explores their specific hybrid means of expression and the methods through which it completely fulfills the essence of pictorial commentary. Besides describing the creative basis and inspirational founts of the montage artist, it also provides an in-depth insight into the category of the so-called pseudofilm, a specific part of aTeo's internet production, that consists of photomontages feeding off the medium of film, using meaningful parallels in film stories and pop-cultural film references, or even directly inserts chosen political representatives into well-known film scenes and thus draws upon universal mythological structures activated by popular films. The Pseudofilm category is then subjected to a detailed analysis, whose output is a comprehensive description of aTeo's fictionally-realistic film-political photomontage and an understanding of specific features of its...
Mythology and ideology of advertisemrnt in magazine Vlasta from 1947 and 2009
Kusá, Iva ; Šoltys, Otakar (advisor) ; Köpplová, Barbara (referee)
Diploma thesis ,, Mythology and ideology of advertisement in magazine Vlasta from 1947 and 2011" deals with a specific way of understanding of values by current society, of a role of woman and family expressed by advertisement and where we can find modern myths and ideology. I chose two issues for analysis, issue 1 from year 1947 and issue 65 from year 2011. In theoretic part we described the origin of myths, their changes and understanding modern myths by current society. We tried to explain meaning of ideology, understanding of character man and woman in advertisement before and now, semiotic codes as per Barthes, Saussure and Peirce and stereotype usage. In practical part we tried to find out how myths are connected with theme family, place and a role of woman and ideology of current society. We tried to find modern myths in nowaday and past advertisements. We applied semiotic and visual analysis on every advertisement from both issues, tried to find signs and how they changed. Changes in mythology are affected by ideology of society, we can see changes in form of advertisement, in issue 65 are mainly colourful photographs, competitions and advertisement for next Vlasta issue.
Gender and Media in the Age of Post-Modernity: Revealing Gender Stereotypes in the Contemporary Czech Advertising Discourse
Olbertová, Martina ; Šoltys, Otakar (advisor) ; Nečas, Vlastimil (referee)
ENGLISH SUMMARY The main objective of this thesis was to provide a complex perspective on the mutual relationship of gender and media in the age of post-modernity with a special attention to the stereotypical gender portrayal presented to us by the contemporary Czech advertising discourse. We chose to demonstrate this problematics through the methods of semiotic analysis on the analytical sample of 5 advertisements (consisting of selected TV commercials) representing various aspects of stereotypical gender images appearing in the today's Czech advertising contents. We then subjected these selected advertisements to the analytical methods in pursuit of finding the answers to the questions related to the media image of men, women and our society that the stereotypical gender depictions contained in these advertisements help to construct. Although many of these advertisements appear to be openly sexist or even misogynic on the first sight, using the mechanisms of semiotic analysis we came to a rather opposite conclusion proposing the analyzed contents are rather pro-feminine tending toward an extensive masculine critique. This result, however, is based mainly on the mechanisms of oppositional reading of the subjected texts. On the other hand, it is presumable that the "average media consumer" not having access...
Valentová, Hana ; Jirák, Jan (advisor) ; Šoltys, Otakar (referee)
This diploma thesis on the "Non-Parliamentary Political Parties in Media Communication Process. Communication Behaviour of Non-Parliamentary Parties in the Czech Republic prior to the Parliamentary Elections of 2006" suggests that political parties wishing to succeed in the dynamically changing media environment today need to present themselves through the refection of contemporary trends in the development of political communication. Based on the hypothesis that the non-parliamentary (i.e. small) political parties fail to master these principles of media and political communication, which is one (but not the single) reason why they fail to reach spectacular results in elections, this diploma thesis investigates four Czech non-parliamentary political parties participating in the parliamentary elections of 2006. The theoretical part of this diploma thesis introduces the current phenomena of political communication, including the mediatisation and personalisation of politics and the concept of politics as entertainment, with a focus on the examples of professionalization of political communication, political marketing and the importance of public opinion. In the practical part of this diploma thesis, the fundamental definitions are used and the method of semiotic analysis applied to the media...
Czech EU Presidency seen through the eyes of the member and non-member country: Semioticanalysis of the czech and swiss printed media in the period of the Czech EU Presideney
Lišková, Radka ; Šoltys, Otakar (advisor) ; Nečas, Vlastimil (referee)
The master thesis "Czech presidency through the eyes of the member and non- member country" considers with the confrontation of articles from the time period of the EU-Czech Presidency which were published in the Czech newspaper Hospodarske noviny a in the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung. The work concerns with that point how both newspapers constructed the reality of the Czech Republic during its EU-Presidency. The analysis will proceed through the framing method and semiotic analysis. From the framing analysis will result the quantitative data and in the semiotic analysis is included the critical discoursive analysis. The CDA will be discussed in the thesis. Media shows to the audience the secondary reality and they have impact to that what the people think about and what attitude they contain to which event. At this process participates the language. In the master thesis we would like to prove that the Swiss media Show another reality than the Czech one.
2010 - "Počítáme s dětmi v České televizi": Programmes for Children and Youth in the Czech Television
Vraspírová, Pavla ; Wolák, Radim (advisor) ; Macků, Lucie (referee)
The diploma thesis "The Year 2010 - Pocitame s detmi v Ceske televizi: Programmes for Children and Youth in the Czech Television" deals with broadcasting for children and youths on Czech Television and focuses on the production of cyclic programmes. It summarizes the production of these programmes since the beginning of Czech Television in 1992 until 2010. The author also describes the structure of production centers in Czech Television that used to produce and are still producing those programmes. Furthermore, the author analyzes the strategy Pocitame s detmi v Ceske televizi which followed the previous projects - "Osudove osmicky v nadich dejinach" (the Fateful Eights in our history) and "Rok svobody" (the Year of Freedom). The analysis consists of an overview of existing, new cyclic and also planned programmes which Czech Television started or planned to broadcast during this strategy. The thesis provides quantitative conclusions such as the amount of all the programmes for children and youths broadcast during the existence of Czech Television, average time spent by children, youths and adults watching TV and especially Czech Television and the share of audience that was watching Czech Television. The author uses the tool of semiotic analysis to examine what means of expression are used to display real...
The image of eldery people in children programmes
Charvátová, Denisa ; Jirák, Jan (advisor) ; Bednařík, Petr (referee)
The subject of the thesis is the problem of portrayal of the elderly in Vecernicek animated cartoons for children. Content analysis is conducted on twenty-two selected animated Vecernicek stories that portrayed older characters (371 cartoons for a total of 2974 minutes). The objective of this paper is to examine the depiction of the elderly in Vecernicek cartoons and to point out age stereotypes. The first part of the paper consists of a theoretical framework necessary for the subsequent analysis, particularly media depiction, media representation, construction of reality, the relationship between media depiction, reality and stereotyping, which are then accompanied by characterization of the stories, their meaning and also by definition of old age. Next, all twenty-two analyzed cartoons are briefly introduced. Quantitative content analysis is conducted to examine the frequency and context of depiction of male and female elderly characters, and the overall message. Using qualitative content analysis, six coherent groups of media depiction of the elderly are created, then using semiotic analysis, six specific examples of age portrayal in Vecernicek cartoons are introduced.
Comparative semotic analysis of selected propagandistic poster from Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and early socialist era in former Czechoslovakia
Baláková, Zuzana ; Šoltys, Otakar (advisor) ; Podzimek, Jan (referee)
The diploma thesis focuses on the analysis of the selected protectorate and socialist propaganda posters from the forties and early fifties of the 20th century. The analyzed period ends with year 1953. This particular piece of work strives to set the whole subject in a larger theoretical framework. Furthermore the characteristic features of the given ideologies, the theory of semiotics and a brief description of the given historical period is also encompassed. Within the theory of semiotics the main inspiration is drawn from the works of Ferdinand de Saussure, Charles Sanders Peirce and Charles Morris. The most crucial source for the semiotic analysis is the book Mythology from Roland Barthes, especially its second theoretical part of Myth today, from which the methodological approach was gathered. The semiotic analysis allows one to uncover and expose the hidden meanings of texts. Ten posters were chosen in total for the analysis, five from the protectorate era and five from the late forties and early fifties. This was carried out in order to juxtapose pairs of images which portray the same motif or theme. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the applied semiotic components of the individual posters and then to compare the respective motifs and elements within the two ideologies and the extent to...
Semiotic analysis of a student film
Kučera, Jan ; Sigmund, Tomáš (advisor) ; Phung, Hyu Nghia (referee)
My thesis deals with the semiotic analysis of schizophrenic perception and its application in the creation of a script for a student film. The theoretical part describes the perception of mental illness in the context of culture and society and the development of this perception because it is crucial in defining and understanding the term mental illness. An integral part of the thesis is the definition of schizophrenia as a mental illness, a description of its symptoms and the interpretation of the world of a schizophrenic. The analytic part, excluding the semiotic analysis, includes a detailed examination of the script and the application of the theme to the medium film.

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