National Repository of Grey Literature 6,670 records found  beginprevious6661 - 6670  jump to record: Search took 0.20 seconds. 

Social advertising
Grossová, Lenka ; Matějů, Martin (referee) ; Hubáček, Ondřej (advisor)
The social advertising is a cultural phenomenon, the objective of which is to point out the problems of society and to change the public attitude and behaviour. These objectives are reached by the same principles and strategies used in the commercial advertising. The social advertising, as well as its hybrid and transitional forms, are a branch of the social marketing. While the submitters of the social advertising are mostly non-profit organizations, even more private companies are involved in Corporate Social Responsibility programme, trying to reach not only their company (commercial) goals but also the sociality beneficial goals in order to distinguish from the competition. The marketing instrument which puts on the notifications about this activity into the company communication strategy is called Cause Related Marketing. Considering the social advertising in the Czech Republic (or CSSR) we can only talk about it when regarding the change of the regime in 1989. Even if we can find this kind of advertising in the era of communism, it was mostly only the propagandism. For this reasons, the social advertising is at the higher level in Western Europe and The United States of America, as more space and assets are devoted to it then in our country. In my thesis I tried to plot its problems, to consult it...

State vs. Market in Provision of Health Insurance
Janíčková, Martina ; Chalupníček, Pavel (advisor) ; Běláčková, Vendula (referee)
The present work deals with the health insurance, the views of how health insurance is provided and with the related problems. The objective is to outline theoretically and from the aspect of insurance the principles of insurance, to define the estate of health and its specificity and the problems associated with insurance. The next theoretical part deals in general with the arguments favouring the interventions by the government and with the government failures. In the analytical level, there is the effort to describe how the health insurance system in the U.S.A. is working, namely in the country the health system of which is the closest to the market model, and to compare it with the European systems. The main problems of the health care systems in the U.S.A., namely the high prices, number of uninsured persons that are attributed right to the market failures, are viewed from the perspective of government failure and regulations. A historical view of the operation of fraternal societies is included. Such societies successfully operated without any government interventions and their original legacy was practically destroyed through government interventions.

e-elarning in human resources management
Liška, Tomáš ; Šikýř, Martin (advisor) ; Stříteský, Marek (referee)
The work introduces the reader the concept of e-learning and provides a structured view of the issue. Explanations of basic terms, forms, methods of implementation or inclusion e-learning in the education system forms makes the basis for understanding the importance of e-learning. The work is explained the issue of standardization, including a summary of the most used standards and the principle of their operation. Issue of e-learning implementation konstitute the fundamental part this work, and it is demonstrated by the example of a model society. There are recognized problem parts in the e-learning implementation, a comparison of possible solutions including design courses, which could be implemented. Component part of this work is the questionnaire survey among employees, potential students, to determine their perceptions of e-learning and in particular their requirements and expectations. For the sake of completeness are recognized developments and trends to e-learning step, and which have promising potential.

Welfare state's crisis: France
Kubíková, Adéla ; Kotýnková, Magdalena (advisor) ; Kubelková, Karina (referee)
The purpose of my thesis is to explain the issue of the welfare state's crisis. To describe its current situation and impacts in modern world of capitalism. I have chosen France as a case study. Social disorders are common and becoming stronger and the sustainability of the social state causes considerable difficulties. In the first part of my thesis I describe the development of the modern welfare state, its basic principals and individual theoretical approaches criticizing the concept. In the second part I illustrate characteristic features of French welfare state: interests groups, primary values of the society and its specifics, situation on labor market, entrepreneurial environment and political progress. The thesis shows that France makes efforts to reform its welfare state. However, suggested solutions are only partial and even deepen social problems in France.

European information society at the beginning of the third millenium
Černíková, Adéla ; Vlasák, Rudolf (advisor) ; Hradilová, Jitka (referee)
Cílem práce je vytvoření uceleného přehledu o evropské informační společnosti, o aktivitách Evropské unie týkajících se budování evropské informační společnosti a o oblastech, jež jsou těmito aktivitami ovlivněny. V počátku práce je stručně zmíněna samotná Evropská unie, shrnuty základní údaje o Evropské unii, připomenuty významné mezníky v její historii, základní principy fungování EU a její nejdůležitější orgány. Následují kapitoly nastiňující obecně problematiku informační společnosti a její definování, zmíněn je vývoj informační společnosti ve světě, historie informační společnosti v EU i aktuálně platný program i2010. Jádro práce spočívá v kapitole pojednávající o oblastech tvorby evropské informační společnosti. Tato kapitola je rozdělena na šest základních podkapitol, tedy šest oblastí, a sice Práce a ekonomie, Kultura a společnost, Vzdělávání a školení, Výzkum a vývoj, Kvalita života a Komunikační průmysl. V závěru je vyjádřeno zamyšlení nad současným stavem informační společnosti v Evropě.

Informative society and psychology
Teichman, Viktor ; Slaměník, Ivan (referee) ; Uhlář, Pavel (advisor)
Mankind today seems to find itself in new era in context of information technologies. Following the era of industrial revolution with its stress on "the more is, the better is", now the subtle, complex and multi-meaningful era of information technologies seems to take over. We seem to see general increase of stress on cognitive actions of mental modelling, requiring some cognitive competence, like ability to deal with symbols. lntellective skills are not equally distributed in population, and having said that we can see there is a space for new hierarchies. Digital information processing seems to be more detached from direct sensory feelings. The experience is thus not any more gained by repeated exposure to known sensory-physical procedures, but it is gained by own private ideation and by symbolic action of mind. These kinds of thoughts bring with them number of philosophical and ethical questions, requiring to redefine for example What is the nature of human. ls it, that by developing new tools ba sed on electronic technologies, which can exceed traditional natural means, mankind is creating new world of such complex way, that it will have difficulties to deal with it?

Resistance strategies in individualizated, commodified and consum society: Food not Bombs Prague
Stašová, Adéla ; Novák, Arnošt (advisor) ; Slovák, Ľuboš (referee)
The thesis offers an analysis of the Prague Food Not Bombs collective using the optics of the newest social movements as defined by Richard Day. Based both on theory and qualitative research, it enquires whether and how the group resists individualization, commodification, and excessive consumption in society. Using her experience of several years of field work, semi-structured and informal interviews, and her field notes, the author describes the collective in question, maps out its mechanisms and internal organization, illustrates the attitudes and tactics of the activists, and exposes the troubles and hurdles they face. She surveys the activists' attitudes to such concepts of the newest social movements as direct grassroot action, solidarity, decentralization, anti-authoritarianism, consensus, and pre-figurative politics, to see if the activists employ them in their resistance strategy. In more general terms, the author attempts at a (so far missing) insight into the Prague collective as a social resistance group and a chapter of the worldwide Food Not Bombs movement. Key words Food Not Bombs, newest social movements, individualisation, commodification, consumption, protest

Moral hazards in terms of the financial crisis
Jagošová, Petra ; Žamberský, Pavel (advisor) ; Neumann, Pavel (referee)
This diploma thesis focuses on the moral hazard aspects in the financial crisis on the USA market in the years 2007-2009, that later became known as a global crisis of real economic. The thesis aim is to prove a role of moral hazard in the financial crisis origins, role that can be detected in the activities and behavior of the market participants. There is a survey of the individual causes of the crisis and interpretation in the terms of moral hazard. First part of the thesis focuses on the theoretical basics of moral hazard that is being represented by the Principal-Agent Problem. This theory is further applied on the financial market theories. Second part of the thesis describes the origin and development of the financial crisis. It represents the introduction of the crisis without exploring the causes. The third part of the thesis is the core part, there is presented the role of moral hazard in the financial crisis due to the synthesis of the two previous parts. Item by item there are introduced the activities on the crisis market, where the principle of these activities is presented in terms of moral hazard. This part also includes moral hazard in the society that influences also the financial market. The last part focuses on the regulation of the financial markets in connection with the possibilities of moral hazard elimination.

Regulation of Advertising of Drugs - Education of Consumer
Rojko, Ivan ; Durdisová, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Minárik, Pavol (referee)
The main objective of my diploma thesis was to explain the principles and basic terms of drug policy in the Czech Republic, and to illustrate all the issues of government regulations in this area. This paper is trying to confront two different kinds of health services. The first one based on liberal principles, without any government intervention (system in USA), and the second one demarcating with regulations and restrictions, devoid of any free market fundamentals (system in EU). It describes the relationship between patient and doctor, and points out the different number of information, they dispose of. This paper is trying to explain the problem of skewed distribution of information in society. It presents how the government regulations in the free market area destroy the source allocation efficiency and goes against the satisfaction of customers' needs.

Economic aspects of health in modern society
Mertl, Jan ; Krebs, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Slaný, Antonín (referee)
Předmětem zkoumání jsou specifika zdravotní péče jako ekonomické kategorie, zdraví a jeho determinanty, význam a postavení zdravotnictví v moderní společnosti, ekonomické a institucionální charakteristiky tří odlišných zdravotnických systémů (Německo, Spojené státy americké, Velká Británie) a zejména vývoj a perspektivy českého zdravotnictví. Cílem práce je analyzovat ekonomické aspekty zdravotnictví v moderní společnosti v kontextu historie a současnosti zdravotnických systémů a zhodnotit relevantní implikace pro české zdravotnictví. Práce vychází z vlastností zdravotní péče jako ekonomického statku, konceptu investic do zdraví a významu zdraví pro lidský kapitál. Diskutuje rizika a příležitosti rostoucí potřeby a spotřeby zdravotní péče vyplývající z ekonomického rozvoje, stavu determinantů zdraví a změn v chování lidí, které sebou přináší rychlý vývoj současného světa. Přibližuje měnící se roli státu ve zdravotnictví a zkoumá otázky obecné dostupnosti zdravotní péče v moderní společnosti. Zabývá se vymezením vazeb ekonomických aspektů zdravotnictví ve vztahu k souvisejícím medicínským, etickým, sociálním a institucionálním aspektům, jež zpětně determinují prostředí a podmínky pro racionální rozhodování a jednání aktérů zdravotnického systému. Identifikuje a srovnává významné ekonomické a institucionální charakteristiky zdravotnických systémů v rámci zvolené typologie, včetně zhodnocení problematiky jejich konvergence. Ukazuje logiku jejich vnitřního fungování a příčiny jejich typických problémů (čekací seznamy, deficity, nerealizovaná péče). Zjištěné poznatky jsou využity v diskusi o perspektivách českého zdravotnictví a vyúsťují v analýzu možností využití ekonomických nástrojů se zaměřením na implementaci spoluúčasti pacientů a na další rozvoj pluralitního prostředí zdravotních pojišťoven (variabilní sazba zdravotního pojištění a stropy pro spoluúčast).