National Repository of Grey Literature 585 records found  beginprevious576 - 585  jump to record: Search took 0.14 seconds. 

Ontogenetic changes of the face.
Benešová, Eliška ; Eliášová, Hana (advisor) ; Dvořák, Daniel (referee)
The human face is characterized by a combination of morphological characters, which are unique for each individual. These characters are subject to change during ontogeny influenced by age, pathological conditions, injuries. The aim of this diploma thesis was an observation of age changes in the face of individuals in the age range from one to eighteen. Resource material were black and white photographs of girls and boys. Analysis of age changes in facial area was performed using methods of geometric morphometrics, specifically thin plate spine (TPS). The shape analysis confirmed, that between age and face shape exists significant relationship. It was found, that is mainly due to significant changes in height and width ratios. Face extends and narrows, forehead height is reduced and lower jaw grows to lenght. Facial changes are also influenced by the sex of individuals, while for girls the overall growth in the face stopps about age of fifteen, for boys continues to the age of eighteen years. Keywords Geometric morphometrics, thin plate spline, ontogenetic development of the face, age changes.

Profile of the internal visitor of South Bohemian Region
The main aim of this thesis is through the analysis to monitor the domestic tourism in the Region of South Bohemia, to determine participant satisfaction and domestic tourism, and build its profile. A partial aim is to prepare the methodology of investigation of domestic tourism in a chosen area. A part of this thesis is a questioning, which was realised during the summer of 2010 in selected locations in the Region of South Bohemia. Locations were chosen deliberately (based on information from secondary sources). Specifically, the recreational area around the left bank of the Lipno lake, the State Castle and Chateau Český Krumlov, the State Chateau Hluboká, the State Chateau Červená Lhota, the Rosenberg Castle and the Tourist Information Centre Tábor. The outcome of this thesis is the profile of domestic visitor in the Region of South Bohemia and the methodology of build the profile of domestic visitor in an arbitrarily selected area.

Experiment E3/2 - Vliv teploty na boční tlak sypkého tělesa
Valach, Jaroslav ; Koudelka, Petr
The first part of long-term experiment E3 with passive pressure has been started in the second half of 2001 and carried out during 2002. The partial experiment has been marked E3/2 according to the second type of the wall movement (rotation about the top). The paper presents the analysis of temperature changes of the stand structure at the results of the experiment E3/2.

Medieval mural paintings in the Church of Saint Apollinaire at new city in Prague
Skalický, Petr ; Royt, Jan (referee) ; Hlaváčková, Jana Hana (advisor)
Chapter of St. Apollinaire was transfered to Prague from Sadská next to Nymburk town in 1364. Recent knowledge was showing that Karel IV. got an important role in fundation of that. I think, that there is a more important to highlight a role of Prague archbishops there. These mural paintings where perhaps ordered by the third prague arcibishop Johannes of Jensenstein, at least he was probably participating on it. He was probably the most important medieval latin writer in Bohemia. We also can recognise the original iconography of murral paitings in the church through his literary output. These paintings are not only ilustrations of his literary output. They are even a way how to thing about it. Their main idea is an united church with only head, Jesus Christ. His represetative was St. Peter and his followers from papst throne. The style of these paintings is created by painting style of workers from Karlstein castle. They are showing court painting style from the end of seventies and beginnig of eighties of 14. century as well. That's why we can say that they where done in the first half of eighties of 14. century. They are done in interim style. These paintings are the most inportant and the best done after court paitings (Karlstein castle, Na slovanech monastery and The Catedral).

Negotiations and processes of dividing of the Czechoslovak Federation
Vodsloň, Ondřej ; Bureš, Jan (advisor) ; Buben, Radek (referee)
Themes of this thesis are negotiations and processes leading to the division of Czechoslovak federation. At the beginning this work describes common history of Czechoslovakia till the year 1989. This part of the thesis is primarily focused on problems and common issues of both nations present in Czechoslovakia. There is also brief analysis of national policy towards other nations. Second part of the beginning is dealing with the political history of Czechoslovakia between November 1989 and June 1992. This part describes in detail the biggest difficulties both nations had to solve. Special attention is paid to the "dash-war", dispute about competence between republics and federation, negotiations about state agreement and constitutions. From the opening analysis results, that till the election in June 1992 was achieving a compromise between both nations difficult but still possible. Next part of this thesis describes its main theme, the negotiations between political elites of ODS and HZDS, rule parties elected in the year 1992. In this detail interpretation of conferences is revealed role of each of the main politicians involved in the process of the partition, starting with problematic role of Václav Havel, who unwillingly but significantly contributed to the division, continuing with uncompromising...

Project Economic and Social History of World War
Mádlová, Vlasta
Paper treats of a project of the Carnegie endowment for international peace. The contents of the project was to be a publication of the extensive undertaking Economic and Social History of the World War. The intended collected work was to be devoted to economic and social influences of the Great War in sixteen European countries, incl. Czechoslovakia. The project began to be realized from 1920, and more than 200 researchers participated in it. From the Czechoslovak part only one volume, Alois Rašín, dealing with financial policy of Czechoslovakia, was issued.

Sports slang and variability - the emivonment of volleyball
Ševčíková, Božena ; Palkosková, Olga (advisor) ; Chejnová, Pavla (referee)
The subject of this thesis is the in time variability of sport slang, namely from the environment of volleyball. In Západočeská vlastivěda devoted to language from 1992 I found a study by Marie Terčová focused on sport slang. Slang of sport shooting and volleyball are compared there. The study also includes a dictionary of volleyball slang from 1987 comprising about 444 entries. I decided to compare the vocabulary of 1987 and contemporary. It was necessary to gather the expressions used by contemporary speakers to contemporary dictionary and then compare the two of them. The initial hypotheses were a higher number of expressions in the older dictionary and also higher number of synonymy expressions, changes in the meanings of many of words. Next hypotheses were a higher concentration of borrowed words in the contemporary dictionary and the majority of transpositional mechanisms in the creation of expressions. The last hypothesis was, that the meaning of the expressions occurring in the older dictionary only, are unknown to contemporary speakers. The former four were discussed by the comparison, the last one by a questionnaire.

Monetary policy in Czechoslovakia 1919 - 1929
Prokeš, Jan ; Szobi, Pavel (advisor) ; Jakubec, Ivan (referee)
This study focuses on describing and analyzing monetary policy in Czechoslovakia between 1919 and 1929. Initially devoted to theoretical definition of monetary policy and approaches to the nature of money. The analytical part describes the most important events of the decade in terms of monetary policy. Particular emphasis is placed primarily on monetary reform, which made Alois Rašín in 1919. The work also describes a change in direction from the deflationary policy to monetary stabilization, on which has the largest merit Engliš, second significant figure in the Czechoslovak monetary policy in those years. As Rašín and Engliš contributed significantly to successful monetary developments in postwar Czechoslovakia. Rašin deal with strong inflationary pressures and gave rise to solid and credible crown. Engliš is behind the most significant economic boom in the history of republic.

Outline of the history of the elementary school in the Zlatá Koruna since 1918 to the dissolve of the scholl at the end of the 20. century
In this diploma-work we try to describe historical development of the basic Zlatá Koruna in the era between the years 1918-1998. That means the era after the fundation of the republick of Czechoslovakia tp the end of this institute in 1998. The main theme of this work is the exploration and interpretation of preserved archive documents, which inform us about history of examined institute in time of the 1. st. world war to the year 1998. This year, history of the school was closed. The theoretical part is based on provided publications concerning history of CZ, Austria-Hungaria principles and funccioning of the education in each epogue (season) of czech history of the school from the wide perspective. The rare consideration is placed on examination of, the influence of history of the state, the region of Český Krumlov, the Zlatá Koruna and surrounding villages which influed living og this school. So we try to describe everyday life of the school, which done from specificaly funcioning of the parished institute.

History of church administration in the Protectorate and Sudeten County
Beringer, Jaromír ; Kvaček, Robert (advisor) ; Radvanovský, Zdeněk (referee) ; Šebek, Jaroslav (referee)
Po roce 1989 vyšla celá řada monografií a vědeckých článků, které se soustředily na oblast českých dějin v době tzv. Protektorátu Čechy a Morava. Bezesporu je to téma, které ještě není zcela probádané, a proto zde čeká na svá odhalení celá řada zajímavostí. Pozoruhodný však zůstává fakt, že tak důležité historicko-religionistické téma, jako jsou dějiny církevní správy od Mnichovské dohody do osvobození naší vlasti v květnu 1945, z velké části uniklo badatelské pozornosti. Zábor, který postihl naši republiku po mnichovském diktátu 30. září 1938, ochromil chod i tak významné instituce, jakou byla římskokatolická církev. V této souvislosti je třeba upozornit na důležitou skutečnost, že až do roku 1950 se vedly matriky právě na farních úřadech. S nesmírnou pečlivostí se zde zaznamenávaly veškeré údaje o narození, úmrtí, o uzavřených manželstvích, ale také všechny úkony, které vyplývaly z duchovenské činnosti. České diecéze dostaly po třicetileté válce a v josefínské době novou podobu. V roce 1654 vzniklo nové biskupství v Hradci Králové, dále v roce 1655 severočeské biskupství v Litoměřicích, které mělo sehrát úlohu obranného valu před šířícím se luteránstvím ze Saska, a v roce 1785 bylo ustaveno biskupství v Českých Budějovicích. Tyto diecéze pak byly začleněny se svými biskupy jako sufragány pod pražskou...