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Use of Dog in Occupational Therapy
Fílová, Zuzana ; Machová, Kristýna (advisor) ; Chaloupková, Helena (referee)
Main topics of the bachelor´s thesis are possible ways of the dog´s use in occupational therapy. Occupational therapy, as a therapeutic method, its history, definition and main goals are described in the thesis. The following part is depicting animal assisted therapies, their application and functioning principles. Various studies show that animal assisted therapies have a whole range of positive effects on clients´ physical and mental health as well as they can help clients with social integration. All these areas simultaneously belong to occupational therapy practice and comply with main goals of occupational therapy. Thus use of dogs in occupational therapy has been well justified. Possible ways of dog´s use in occupational therapy in area of mental health are listed in the thesis, such as the effect of the presence of the dog on the psychological well-being of patients and the use of dog to relieve the feeling of inferiority among mentally ill patients. The dog also seems to be very appropriate and effective incentive element for communication and cooperation with the therapeutist and social interaction. The dog can also motivate people to physical activity. Possible ways of dog´s use in occupational therapy in area of physical health are also listed in the thesis. This work describes the effect of the dog to cope with pain in hospitalized patients. Very important is the use of the dog as a compensatory tool. In this thesis is mentioned that the animal assisted therapies and the use of the dog in occupational therapy needs further research supported by adequate evidence. Integral parts of the thesis are several designs of canistherapeutical units, which show particular use of the dog in occupational therapy. These canistherapeutical units were designed in collaboration with occupational therapists.

The influence of nutrition on the incidence of obesity among children aged 10 - 15 years.
Svobodová, Hana ; Hučko, Boris (advisor) ; Markéta , Markéta (referee)
The main aim of this thesis was identify nutritional status, especially the incidence of overweight and obesity among children aged 10 - 15 years and evaluate the qualitative and quantitative aspects of eating, eating habits and regularity of eating in relationship to physical parameters. This research deals with the frequency and type of physical activity, which is also an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. The research was conducted at children´s department in Klaudián´s hospital in Mladá Boleslav, in the presence of person, who was carried out this research. Data collection was carried out by filling questionnaires and real measurements of physical parameters or using data measured in the doctor´s office. Obtained anthropometric data were analyzed by using percentile graphs. Questions regarding eating and physical activities were evaluated separately. It was found that 16,25 % of the 80 examined individuals were overweight and 22,50 % obese. It was found that the BMI and subsequent inclusion in the percentile graphs correlates well with the values of the waist circumference.The link between diet and the prevalence of overweight or obesity was not proven. The most commonly consumed inappropriate nutrition component are sweetened beverage. Half of individuals do physical activity at least 3 times a week. H1 hypothesis, which assumed the prevalence of obesity among examined individuals greater than 13 % was confirmed. It also was confirmed hypothesis H3, which was supposed to sweetened drinks daily drinking less than one third of respondents. Other hypotheses H2 and H4 were rejected.The research confirmed the current trend of increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity. At the same time, there was found deficiency in the quality of consumed food and the frequency of physical activity. Nutrition and principles of healthy eating are not the only one cause of this problem, although they have large share on development of overweight and obesity.

Using of environmental enrichment for cats bred like pets
Benešová, Lucie ; Gardiánová, Ivana (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
Environmental enrichment includes various forms of mental and physical stimulation. It is one of the ways how to improve the life of the animals in a breeding facility, a zoo or home. The appropriate form of enrichment can help reduce or even eliminate problem behavior, and in some cases even behavioral problems. Enrichment can be divided into 5 types - social, occupational, physical, sensory and nutritional enrichment. For cats and felids is suitable nutritional (feeding) enrichment and sensory enrichment. The nutritional (feeding) enrichment and sensory enrichment is the most suitable for cats and felids. The other three types of enrichment can also be enriching. The aim of the thesis was to describe the possibilities of environmental enrichment for cats bred in captivity, primarily focusing on domestic cats. The thesis also includes a chapter about enrichment for zoo animals (both large and small felids) and for domestic cats which live in shelters. In addition to the theoretical part, questionnaire for interviewees (cat breeders) which contained several questions concerning breeding cats, knowledge of the term enrichment and the use of environmental enrichment by cat breeders was also prepared. During which some interesting results were found. Most interviewees keep cats in the household as a companion (85 %), only 15 % of respondents leads kennel. Most respondents keep cats without certificate of origin (pedigree) and only less than 30 % have a registered cat with the certificate. Most of the breeders keep the cats at least 3 years (75 %) and only 25 % keep the cats less than three years. Over 66 % of the breeders own more than one cat. More than 58% of cats are kept indoors only and a additional 10% of cats are kept indoors with access to enclosed outdoor aviary, only less than 19% of cats have unlimited access outside. More 66% of responders have another pet (e.g. dog, rodents, reptiles, fish, parrot). Regarding the knowledge of the term enrichment as such most of the interviewees did not know the meaning of the term enrichment (only 29 % knew the meaning). However, it was found based on answers of additional questions that a significant number of interviewees use the enrichment (over 43%). Over 21% of breeders are using social enrichment, 21% physical enrichment, almost 6% nutritional enrichment, more than 1% of breeders use occupational enrichment and only 0.8% use sensory enrichment.

Aerosol Dynamics – Mathematical Formulation, Numerical Solution
Pušman, Jan ; Ždímal, Vladimír
Mathematical and computer modeling of aerosols is used in a wide range of applications including atmospheric physics and chemistry, environmental protection, nuclear safety and industrial applications such as the production of nanomaterials. The aim of this work is twofold. We present a closer look at some aspects of mathematical modeling of aerosols as sub-discipline of continuum mechanics. We provide an overview of common methods and we discuss limitations on their applicability. The long-term goal of authors is to create a new solver of aerosol dynamics based on OpenFOAM platform. A mathematical formulation of the problem is given in terms of Navier-Stokes- Fourier system coupled with evolutionary equation governing aerosol size distribution. Trial numerical simulations in a 2D channel were performed under physically simplified conditions.
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: SKMBT_C22012102615340 - Download fulltextPDF

Evaluation of Screening Mammograms by Local Structural Mixture Models
Grim, Jiří ; Lee, G. L.
We consider the recently proposed evaluation of screening mammograms by local statistical models. The model is defined as a joint probability density of inside grey levels of a suitably chosen search window. We approximate the model density by a mixture of Gaussian densities. Having estimated the mixture parameters we calculate at all window positions the corresponding log-likelihood values which can be displayed as grey levels at the respective window centers. The resulting log-likelihood image closely correlates with the original mammogram and emphasizes the structural details. In this paper we try to enhance the log-likelihood images by using structural mixture model capable of suppressing the influence of noisy variables.

Influence of application of activators of vital soil functions on selected soil characteristics at ZS Sloveč, a.s.
Novák, Václav ; Šařec, Petr (advisor) ; Šařec, Ondřej (referee)
This thesis covers issues of soil physical properties changes after the application of farmyard manure, industrial fertilizers or substances which aim for improvement of vital soil properties. The first part of the thesis is focused on soil issues and besides other things it covers types of soil degradation or physical soil properties. In the next part of the thesis there is a focus on substances which improve physical soil properties. Biochar and other representative products of company PRP Technologies are described in this part. The practical part of this thesis describes selected properties changes which have arisen after a year of field trials in company Zemědělská společnost Sloveč, for example changes in traction or penetration resistance. The last part includes the summary of results, conclusion and the recommendation of author.

Physical Properties of Soil-Biochar Mixtures - a Laboratory Study
Kidane, Hailemelekot Teklu ; Doležal, František (advisor) ; Petr, Petr (referee)
Recently, biochar´s potential use in soil management and amendment has gained a considerable interest globally. Growing evidence demonstrated that biochar results in sustainable property management when it is applied to the soil. However, biochar vary considerably in terms of physical and chemical properties and its benefits. Previous studies on biochar have been mainly focused on the chemical and nutritional effects. Little is known about the effect of biochar on the physical properties of soils. Therefore, the objective of this thesis was to determine the influence of biochar on the physical and hydrophysical properties of some soils from the Czech Republic. Three model soil types were investigated used such as; a standard fine silica sand (SA), the Suchdol silty loam Chernozem (CH), and a light Cambisol (CM). The biochar concentration treatments were a control without admixture of biochar (B0); a treatment with addition of 0.001 g/g (B1) and a treatment with addition of 0.01 g/g (B2). Each treatment was carried out in triplication. The data collected were soil porosity, bulk density and particle density measured by standard methods (drying, weighing, pycnometer). Then the saturated and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, wettability and retention curve (up to the suction about 80 kPa) were measured with Decagon Minidisk tension infiltrometer and UMS Hyprop evaporation equipment. The experiments were carried out in the Department of Water Resources laboratory. Altogether, we can say that the effect of biochar addition on the soil physical properties is clearly perceivable but not as strong as one might expect. The identified effects of biochar addition are the decrease in sorptivity, the increase in saturated hydraulic conductivity and the increase in the water retention capacity. However, these effects are not obvious and are not always observed. This would probably happen with the higher doses of biochar above the economic limits.

Influence of phenylketonuria on osteopenia
Tůmová, Linda ; Hučko, Boris (advisor) ; Adéla, Adéla (referee)
The Masters thesis deals with The influence of external factors on bone loss in patients with phenylketonuria. The phenylketonuria is relatively rare disease, but it is one of the most common inherited metabolic diseases, with the incidence of 1:10000 newborns in Europe. It is an autosomal recessive disease, caused by the deficiency or low activity of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase in liver. This enzyme catalyzes the hydroxylation of phenylalanine to tyrosine in the presence of cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin. Mutations in the gene for this enzyme (previously described more than 800 mutations) or in the gene for the cofactor (2% of cases) results when received normal diet, a large amount of unprocessed phenylalanine can accumulate in the blood and other bodily fluids while the levels of tyrosine and its metabolites are low. This situation leads to severe mental retardation, eczema, microcephaly, growth retardation, physical disability, psychiatric problems, etc. Due to the fact that mental retardation is usually irreversible, testing and early diagnosis is crucial when it comes to this disease. Because of the severity of the disease, a mandatory screening test for newborns was implemented in the Czech Republic in 1975, followed by a treatment diet, that consists of a strict restriction of protein and supplementation of amino acid preparations without phenylalanin. One of the chronic problems connected to this illness are decreased bone density in children and adults with PKU. Although the underlying cause of osteopenia in phenylketonuria has not yet been elucidated, it is a consequence of several factors. Using the questionnaire, my data was evaluated for the incidence of bone loss in patients with PKU. As my research shows, the incidence of osteoporosis in patients with PKU is higher than the normal population. In 41,3 % of PKU patients were diagnosed osteopenia and osteoporosis in 2,2 %. In the normal population, 99 % of respondents have a normal BMD, while 1 % were diagnosed the osteoporosis. Furthermore, comparing the data with the normal and PKU populations, it has not been confirmed by external influences such as BMI, drinking coffee and cola drinks, and physical activity for example, in regards to bone loss. Conversely showed, that phenylketonuriacs consume cola drinks more than the normal population, most likely due to the factor of gaining quick energy.

Effect of equine assisted therapy on the body posture
Burešová, Barbora ; Hofmanová, Barbora (advisor) ; Majzlík, Ivan (referee)
The work deals with the body posture and the way how it is influenced by equine assisted therapy. The first part deals with human motor activity and its development. Motor activity is divided into supporting and targeted. Supporting motor activity provides upright posture through reflex mechanisms. Targeted motor activity includes voluntary and involuntary movements. Voluntary movements are controlled by central nervous system at the instigation of our mind. If we perform specific movements regularly they can transform into stereotypes on the basis of kinetic learning. These movements and their control automate and are performed unconsciously which can lead to excessive muscle straining. Involuntary movements associated with food intake walking etc. are set by motor patterns. Motor patterns are motion responses of the central nervous system occurring in the same form in the sequence of generations. Simple reflexes and complex physical reactions. Motor development is given by these motor patterns and is bound to a healthy central nervous system. It begins with development of the body posture and targeted locomotion. The work describes the physiological development of human motor activity and its particular periods. Muscle activity is gradually coordinated. It ensures the centered position of the joints and correct curvature of the spine. Motor development continues with verticalization. The child uses balance coordination and muscle strength to develop unsupported walking. In the period of around two years when the central nervous system matures some reflexes and motor patterns fade away and the first motion stereotypes begin to arise. The second part deals with the posture that reflects and affects the overall condition of the body. It is a muscle holding of particular body parts against the force of gravity. Posture is part of every position and a precondition of movement. This work describes individual components of the musculoskeletal system with emphasis on the axial system and spine which are the basis from which each move unfolds. The skeleton forms the firm basis for the body protects organs and is the site of insertion of individual muscles. The paper describes the structure and properties of muscle tissue. And muscles whose function is essential for posture are mentioned. Posture and every movement is provided by balanced cooperation of muscles which are controlled from the central nervous system that is why part of this work describes the nervous system itself. The end of the second part focuses on poor body posture caused mainly by motion stereotypes acquired throughout life which leads to excessive muscle tension followed by pain and limitation of mobility. Many of these stereotypes were formed in childhood that is why they may appear to be perfectly normal often we do not even realize doing them and because of that we do not know how to change them. The next section outlines the principles of holistic medicine that body and mind are inseparable and one affects the other. The final part discusses the relationship between man and horse that reaches far into our history. It focuses on the use of horses to improve the health and overall quality of life of men. That is an area of which the interest is currently growing. The work deals with the effect of the horses to humans especially in physical and psychological areas. To understand the effect on the physical side the movement of the horse at a walk is described and also the rider's position and his movement which is caused by the movement of the horse's back. The thesis summarizes the findings of a direct effect of hippotherapy on the physical body and the effects on the psychological side of a man because these areas are closely interlinked.

Characterization of soil units within the forest site complexes in ČLA Trutnov
Kejklíčková, Iva ; Penížek, Vít (advisor) ; Ulbrichová, Iva (referee)
The objective of this master thesis is the evaluation of the most frequent forest soil types in forest district of the Czech Forestry Academy (ČLA) Trutnov. The ČLA forest district covers area 670,41 ha. Soil survey and phytocenose analysis was performed on eight most frequent forest site complexes (FSCs) within the district. This work is focused on the phytocenose analysis in the particular FSCs, soil types determination physical and chemical soil properties on the particular FSCs. Additionlly conditions and possible differencies between coniferous and deciduous stands were investigated on three forest site complexes. According to the results of measurement when evaluating the relationship between the forest and soil type it shows that in given natural conditions of the forest district of the Czech Forestry Academy Trutnov there are FSCs corresponding with the given conditions on the forest grounds. Particular FSCs occur in the direct dependence on natural conditions and their soil profiles correspond with pedogenesis on the particular sites. The hypothesis was confirmed, that a long term vegetation influence characterized by FSCs has substantially influence over soil environment and the other way round. The interaction between the phytocenose and soil environment was found on all monitored sites. Different fytocenosis composition of broadleve and coniferours forest stands influences the chemical and physical properties, humus forms and some of the morphological properties of soil profiles with different intensity in all three detailly studied FSCs. However, this influence was less considerable, when compared with assumptions.