National Repository of Grey Literature 38,790 records found  beginprevious38781 - 38790  jump to record: Search took 2.35 seconds. 

Systemic psychotherapy in theory and practice on becoming a psychotherapist
Novotná, Nora ; Junková, Vendula (referee) ; Štětovská, Iva (advisor)
The thesis investigates the process of becoming a psychotherapist in the context of systemic therapy. It outlines philosophical and psychotherapeutic roots of the systemic approach, emphasizing postmodern thinking, in particular poststructuralism, radical and social constructivism and modern biological gnoseology. The work discusses theoretical foundations as well as practical applications of the teaching of the Prague Institute for Systemic Therapy (IST). It covers five main lines of thoughts in systemic thinking - the Milan school of family therapy, strategic therapy by Milton Erickson, brief solution-focused therapy (BSFT), Hamburg school and the narrative approach. The work focuses on defining and delineating the role of the therapist and the client, and their cooperation in the therapeutic dialogue. It emphasizes therapist's self-reflection during the therapeutic process as the primary way of influencing the client, and it discusses models which make the self-reflection more efficient. The art of dialogue is presented as the fundamental skill of a systemic therapist. Last but not least, the work covers an important area of systemic ethics and supervision. The empirical part of the work investigates, using the qualitative based interview, the process of becoming a therapist on a sample of 19...

Comparison of asylum policies of Germany, Great Britain and France
Trůblová, Pavla ; Druláková, Radka (advisor) ; Cibulková, Petra (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the comparison of asylum policies of three European powers: Germany, Great Britain and France. It follows the development of the amount of asylum seekers it these countries since 1989 and monitors the legislation accepted by the particular states in the given period. The integral part of this thesis is comparison of the current aspects of asylum policies in the examined states. The aim of this thesis was to compare the attitude of the three states to the asylum applicants, to evaluate how it has changed during last twenty years and to survey to what extent the praxis of asylum policy reflects the integration models adopted by the countries. These are discrimination model for Germany, multicultural model for Great Britain and assimilation model for France. The thesis is divided into four chapters, where the first three chapters are dedicated to the analysis of asylum policies of Germany, Great Britain and France; the last chapter then concentrates on the comparison of the studied aspects.

The European Economic and Monetary union: Pros and Risks for the Czech Republic
Kořínek, Tomáš ; Kalínská, Emílie (advisor) ; Čajka, Radek (referee)
The intention of this essay is to evaluate pros and risks related to the Czech republics joining the European Economic and Monetary union (EMU). It reviews the present condition of economy and meeting the Maastricht criteria. It compares the development of economy though indexes of inflation and the gross domestic product (GDP) in EMU countries and the countries outside EMU. The last part gives attention to the analysis of cyclic and structural harmonization of Czech economy with EMU. The essay makes use of the Theory of Optimal Currency Areas (Mundell).

Analysis of macroeconomic and institutional evolution in New Zealand and the Kingdom of Sweden
Gallo, Peter ; Mládek, Josef (advisor) ; Štěpánek, Pavel (referee)
The main objective of this thesis is macroeconomic and institutional comparison of New Zealand and the Kingdom of Sweden. These countries were forced to undergo radical institutional changes in the 80's and at the beginning of the 90's because of critical economic situation and because of unsustainable condition of their public finances. In the first chapter of my thesis I deal with the public finance theory, with acting of bureaucracy in public sector and with the institutional economy. In the second chapter I compare conditions before the reform, the reform steps in these countries, the evolution after the reform was done and their economic situation today.

Motivational system of a retailing company as a way of builing employees´ loyalty
Levrincová, Vieroslava ; Turnerová, Lenka (advisor) ; Khelerová, Vladimíra (referee)
The goal of this thesis is to give answer to basic questions about employees' motivation, motivational tools that the employer can use and optimalization of employees' loyalty. To be more focused and precise, we limit our research to the field of retailing companies. The goal of this thesis is thus to analyse the motivational system of a retailing company and its impact on the loyalty of the employees. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part, we will get to know the basic motivational theories and tools. Besides this, we will focus on current trends in the field of employees'recognition. In the practical part, we will apply the theoretical methods to a real company Notes, a.s. We will create, based on a survey reflecting employees' satisfaction, a picture of motivational sytem of this company and we will try to identify its strenghts and weakneasses We should use all the knowledge from this thesis at the end when suggesting improvements of the motivational system for Notes, a.s.

The Application of Marketing Management in CK SANTINI Tour
Vábková, Markéta ; Ezrová, Hana (advisor) ; Nováková, Jana (referee)
Thesis discusses the aplication of marketing activities within the marketing management in a small travel agency SANTINI Tour. The first part of the work is intent on the formulation of basic theoretical background. Marketing and process of marketing management is described below with regard to the specific product - services in tourism. In the second part of the work there is briefly described the selected travel agency - SANTINI Tour. The process of marketing management is applied to this travel agency. The main part is focused on analyzing the process of marketing management in CK SANTINI Tour. It is expected, there is not whole spektrum of processes that have been described in theory in so small travel agency. The owner adapted this system during the years to their own needs. At the end of this thesis, there is suggested several proposals, which solved the most serious embarrassment in the process of marketing management in CA SANTINI Tour. The clear and distinct strategy is completely missing. The product is unchanged for a long time. So it does not reflect the new requirements of customers. The absence of control is the major deficiency. Because of that, the travel agency does not have valuable feedback.

Theory and Practice with Children with Specific Needs
Morávková, Simona ; Pokorná, Věra (advisor) ; Michalová, Zdena (referee)
Bad succes of children is one of the most common topics of pedagogical and psychological literature in all the civilizated countries. Since sixties experts hav realised that the remedy oťall kinds of defects shouldn't be orientated only on children's behaviour, but on their globál condition. This should be an importatnt turnaround. Since then vve don't use a term: "disorder", byt vve ťocus on iťs solution itselť. For example vvhat to do vvhen a pupil switches letters while vvriting, has problems with reading, or even is difficult to control, cheats, steals things. My essay could be a kong of motivation to give the children more time, trying to get to knovv them better. The most imortatnt thing is chilďs sociál situation and iťs position in group, family, school. We should also try to fing out its way of communication. Iťs neccesary to communicate with a pupil as an individual.

Ingrid Kurz and her Contribution to the Development of
Šindelková, Markéta ; Čeňková, Ivana (advisor) ; Vavroušová, Petra (referee)
The MA thesis Ingrid Kurz and her Contribution to the Development of the Theory of Interpreting is a descriptive theoretical study dealing with the work of the conference and television interpreter, Interpreting Studies scholar and professor of Translation Studies at University of Vienna Ingrid Kurz, born Pinter. This thesis analyses individual stages of her research and looks into the development of her opinions and interests, which can be followed chronologically in her articles, studies and extensive publications. It also informs on teaching and interpreting projects of this researcher and, last but not least, reflects her contribution in the area of interdisciplinary cooperation. The interconnection of psychological and interpreting education inspired her towards the first experiments in the field of simultaneous interpreting. Keywords: Ingrid Kurz, theory of interpreting, interdisciplinary research, cognitive psychology, quality of simultaneous interpreting, stress, the media, audiovisual interpreting, didactics.

Reflection of “otherness” in international relations
Kvašňák, Daniel ; Rolenc, Jan Martin (advisor) ; Doležal, Tomáš (referee)
The current migration crisis has put significant strain on the European Union and its member states. Immigration has always been a contentious issue in societies, most often facing significant opposition. By drawing on postmodern theories of international relations and Discourse Theory, this paper analyses how immigration is being increasingly securitized by the European Union and its member states along with what makes securitization the hegemonic discourse. This is done primarily with reference to identity construction through the framing of the Other, in this case the migrant, as an unwanted and externalized element. Furthermore, the paper details how the framing of the migrant as a threat to the internal security of a country strenghtend identity politics across Europe. Finally, using the Brexit campaign in the UK, the paper analyzes how the rise in identity politics in turn raises the possibility of a successful fusion of the anti-immigration discourse with the anti-EU discourse through the exploiting of societal unease.

Comparison of environmental taxation in the transport sector in selected countries of the EU
Halašta, Martin ; Zimmermannová, Jarmila (advisor) ; Vítek, Leoš (referee)
The object of this bachelor thesis is the comparison of environmental taxation in the transport sector in selected countries of the European Union. The theoretical part of thesis deals with interpretation of policy instruments of transport, setup and classification of policy instruments to regulate traffic. Another part describes the theory of environmental taxes and their harmonization within the EU. The practical part deals with the analysis of tax revenues, tax burden and tax rates, charges for transport and their differences.