National Repository of Grey Literature 36,551 records found  beginprevious36542 - 36551  jump to record: Search took 2.05 seconds. 

International impact of unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo
Janicki, Miloš ; Matějka, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Kochan, Jan (referee)
My goal was to attempt to analyze impact of Kosovo crisis on international relations. Kosovo issue and its solutions have shaped two important principles of international relations in the last decade, which by repeating tend to become precedents. The first principle is humanitarian intervention without the mandate of UN, which was first applied in Yugoslavia in 1999. Similar action was applied in several different states during the last decade. Second principle, which is the main subject of my thesis, is unilateral declaration of independence which was recognized by more sovereign states then in previous occasions. By analysis of events in Georgia I tried to prove that separatism could become an instrument of international relations in future. Authority of UN is shaken in last decade and it could lead to reshaping of world order. Single-sided interpretation of morality and principles can replace international law. Apart from analyzing global impact of Kosovo crises I have tried to explore the problem in detail by researching the causes that let to conflict. Most of the attention I have devoted to period between 1974 and 1999, which I find crucial in the forming a situation that led to unilateral declaration in 2008. In the first part of my work I tended to explore international law arguments that were used by both followers and opponents of independence and tried to preview aspects of teory of secession

Generating meaning of popular texts demonstrated on the czech television serial Místo nahoře
Fričová, Michaela ; Reifová, Irena (advisor) ; Bednařík, Petr (referee)
The starting point of this piece of work is proposition that television and its texts are an agent of the dominant ideology in society. Through the princip of hegemony the rulling class imposes its meanings and values on the subordinated classes. Hegemony is based on allowing resistent and alternative meanings which are nevertheless articulated in terms of the dominant ideology and are subsequently incorporated into the existing system. This thesis then follows John Fiske's understanding of popular culture and activated texts . These are texts which do not imp lose one limited meani ng on its readers, but which allow its readers by means of various strategies to interpret the text with regards to their social position. The second part of this work includes semiological analysis of a particular product of popular culture - the television serial Misto nahore. The emphasis is put on the process of encoding - how the dominant meanings and values are encoded and implied in the text. Besides, the attention is directed towards the 'opening' strategies of the text. This section also includes an analysis of the secondary texts (newspaper and magazine articles ) and terciary texts (viewers' reacti ons and opinions on the web). I examine whether the sec ondary texts promote dom inant or resistant reading strategies,...

The Localization of Foreign Direct Investment in the region of Middle Europe
Hánečka, Martin ; Jašek, Jan (referee) ; Bayerová, Vladimíra (advisor)
This master´s thesis “The Localization of Foreign Direct Investment in the region of Middle Europe“ is focused on localization of foreign direct investment in the region of Middle Europe and possiblities of making easier localization decision. The first part of the thesis summarizes teoretical knowledge of foreign direct investment, their difinitions, typology and effects on economy. The second part is focused on the analysis of localization factors of strategic services sector. On the analysis basis, in the final part is created the model, which can be used for easier localization decision making between economies of Middle Europe. Afterwards the localization of a foreign direct investment is projected and analysed.

Economic aspects of health in modern society
Mertl, Jan ; Krebs, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Slaný, Antonín (referee)
Předmětem zkoumání jsou specifika zdravotní péče jako ekonomické kategorie, zdraví a jeho determinanty, význam a postavení zdravotnictví v moderní společnosti, ekonomické a institucionální charakteristiky tří odlišných zdravotnických systémů (Německo, Spojené státy americké, Velká Británie) a zejména vývoj a perspektivy českého zdravotnictví. Cílem práce je analyzovat ekonomické aspekty zdravotnictví v moderní společnosti v kontextu historie a současnosti zdravotnických systémů a zhodnotit relevantní implikace pro české zdravotnictví. Práce vychází z vlastností zdravotní péče jako ekonomického statku, konceptu investic do zdraví a významu zdraví pro lidský kapitál. Diskutuje rizika a příležitosti rostoucí potřeby a spotřeby zdravotní péče vyplývající z ekonomického rozvoje, stavu determinantů zdraví a změn v chování lidí, které sebou přináší rychlý vývoj současného světa. Přibližuje měnící se roli státu ve zdravotnictví a zkoumá otázky obecné dostupnosti zdravotní péče v moderní společnosti. Zabývá se vymezením vazeb ekonomických aspektů zdravotnictví ve vztahu k souvisejícím medicínským, etickým, sociálním a institucionálním aspektům, jež zpětně determinují prostředí a podmínky pro racionální rozhodování a jednání aktérů zdravotnického systému. Identifikuje a srovnává významné ekonomické a institucionální charakteristiky zdravotnických systémů v rámci zvolené typologie, včetně zhodnocení problematiky jejich konvergence. Ukazuje logiku jejich vnitřního fungování a příčiny jejich typických problémů (čekací seznamy, deficity, nerealizovaná péče). Zjištěné poznatky jsou využity v diskusi o perspektivách českého zdravotnictví a vyúsťují v analýzu možností využití ekonomických nástrojů se zaměřením na implementaci spoluúčasti pacientů a na další rozvoj pluralitního prostředí zdravotních pojišťoven (variabilní sazba zdravotního pojištění a stropy pro spoluúčast).

Beer Market Analysis in the Czech Republic
Bureš, Jiří ; Maier, Tomáš (advisor) ; Lukáš, Lukáš (referee)
This Masters thesis Beer Market Analysis in Czech Republic describes the brewing industry in the Czech Republic from its beginnings to the present. It mainly focuses on the activities of large brewing companies which influence the beer market in Czech Republic the most. Small breweries have been increasing their market position and their activities are presented as well. The number of Microbrewery grows every year. This segment of market reflects a new trend in society where beer drinkers are looking for new beer flavors. The first part introduces the methodological procedures which have been used for understanding the problems of brewing in Czech Republic. The theoretical frame is based on research of professional literature. There are explained the basic manufacturing processes and characteristics of beer production. The basic indicators of brewery and current trends in production and consumption of beer are represented by tables and graphs. The final section is about specific analyzes of branch and main subjects. The analysis included the four largest brewing companies in the Czech market. It monitors how the number of microbreweries grows in time. The customer interest for small breweries is evaluated by the questionnaire. Results of the research are evaluated in the final part of thesis.

The issue of loans in the banking and non-banking sector
Kratochvílová, Olga ; Cvik, Eva Daniela (advisor) ; Pikola, Pavel (referee)
This Bachelor Thesis is focused on the issue of credit products in banking and non-banking sector in the Czech Republic. The first part introduces the theory related to explanation keywords, description of the credit products which are currently offered on the Czech market and which are linked with the legislative interpretation of relevant terms related to the credit issues. The practical part includes description of the credit products by leading representatives of the banking and non-banking sector, comparison of consumer credit, questionnaires and interviews with employees representing selected financial institutions. Author's own experience and the analysis of accomplished investigation helped to design an innovative loan products that could use its parameters to provide clients with more favorable conditions.

Harry Potter as a phenomenon of the 21 st century literature
The main aim of the thesis is to show {--} by means of analysis and interpretation of the six existing volumes of Harry Potter by the English writer J. K. Rowling {--} the typical features of the author{\crq}s poetics. Besides specifying the characteristics of fantasy we focus on the composition, plot and the relation between the story and its structure. Essential is furthermore the analysis of the characters, environment and the verbal comic. This enables us to answer the question of the work{\crq}s reception by its readers and of the identification of today{\crq}s children and teenagers with the central protagonists of this saga.

The impact on the european automotive industry by the free trade agreement between the European Union and Japan
Knittelová, Tereza ; Pikhart, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Pekárek, Štěpán (referee)
The European Union is negotiating a free trade agreement with Japan since 2013. The subject of this diploma theses is to analyze how this agreement can influence either automotive industry. In order to understand the agreements possible influence, classical, neoclassical, contemporary and alternative theories of international trade and international trade policies are being examined. It is then analyzed what the agreement aims to accomplish in context of the Japanese macroeconomic, the history of trade relations and development, the current trade situation, production and demand on both markets. Finally, the agreement is compared to an existing agreement with Republic of Korea which is in a similar scenario. The result is that an increase of luxury cars being imported by each side is the most likely outcome.

The shift in media consumption among generations Y and Z
Kotálová, Eliška ; Postler, Milan (advisor) ; Průša, Přemysl (referee)
This master thesis deals with the shift in media consumption among generations Y and Z. It is based on both similarity and small differences in media consumption among these generations as a current issue. The aim of this thesis is to focus on both similarity and small differences, to analyse them using the available data and to bring new information obtained by performing an own survey. This new information also can be a help to all stakeholders including employers, marketers etc. This thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part includes three chapters, the practical part includes two chapters. The first chapter presents media theoretically, the second chapter explains how each generation was formed a the third chapter presents a principle of making a questionnaire. The fourth chapter shows some interesting information about media consumption among generations Y and Z and these are verified in the questionnaire in the last chapter.

Building credit scoring models using selected statistical methods in R
Jánoš, Andrej ; Bašta, Milan (advisor) ; Pecáková, Iva (referee)
Credit scoring is important and rapidly developing discipline. The aim of this thesis is to describe basic methods used for building and interpretation of the credit scoring models with an example of application of these methods for designing such models using statistical software R. This thesis is organized into five chapters. In chapter one, the term of credit scoring is explained with main examples of its application and motivation for studying this topic. In the next chapters, three in financial practice most often used methods for building credit scoring models are introduced. In chapter two, the most developed one, logistic regression is discussed. The main emphasis is put on the logistic regression model, which is characterized from a mathematical point of view and also various ways to assess the quality of the model are presented. The other two methods presented in this thesis are decision trees and Random forests, these methods are covered by chapters three and four. An important part of this thesis is a detailed application of the described models to a specific data set Default using the R program. The final fifth chapter is a practical demonstration of building credit scoring models, their diagnostics and subsequent evaluation of their applicability in practice using R. The appendices include used R code and also functions developed for testing of the final model and code used through the thesis. The key aspect of the work is to provide enough theoretical knowledge and practical skills for a reader to fully understand the mentioned models and to be able to apply them in practice.