National Repository of Grey Literature 3,580 records found  beginprevious3571 - 3580  jump to record: Search took 0.47 seconds. 

Activating methods in teaching psychology
Pilousová, Alena ; Gillernová, Ilona (advisor) ; Šírová, Eva (referee)
The aim of this rigorous work it to create a didactic material orientated at the outline and utilisation of activating methods for teaching psychology and to validate pilotly what effects these activating methods have on a student of a secondary vocational school in teaching concerning cognitive, social, personal (developmental) and didactic areas. The pilot testing was proceeded in the first year at a secondary vocational school social care specialisation. The theoretical part deals with current questions of general didactics, a characterisation of psychology as a school subject, the outline of teaching methods with the emphasis on activating methods and their utilisation for teaching psychology and pedagogical-psychological characterisation of a student of a secondary school. Didactic sheets for teaching psychology were created on the base of theoretical knowledge. Psychology was taught according to these didactic sheets. A record from the point of view of a teacher was kept (field notes) and students by means of questionnaires called "Lessons feedback" evaluated individual educational units. The outcome is a detailed document about the fact how the activating methods in teaching psychology were perceived by the students and the teacher and what effects did they have in cognitive, social, personal...

Insolvency proceedings from the viewpoint of a creditor
Šimáková, Barbora ; Novák, Miloš (advisor) ; Vagaský, Radoslav (referee)
This thesis first describes the insolvency proceedings in general, explains basic concepts, describes the different stages of insolvency proceedings and introduces the reader to the entitiesin the insolvency process. It also explains what is a bankruptcy and presents possible ways of solving it. The current situation in relation to insolvency proceedings is shown based on the basic statistics. In the next section, the thesis is focused on the classification of debts and the possibility of creditors to submit their claims in an insolvency proceeding. It also deals with special cases that may occur. The final part of the thesis describes an example application of claims in practise, incl. complications that the creditor must solve.

Demands of adults learning a foreign languages
Crawley, Lucie ; Pivoňková, Lucie (referee) ; Kopecký, Martin (advisor)
The theme of this baccalaureate work is the current need to supplement adult knowledge of foreign languages. The goal of the work is to survey this problem and its possible solutions. The first chapter describes the reasons for this increased need, examines national and international documents and steps which have been taken to solve this problem. The second chapter describes the physiological changes of adult learners during the process of ageing and their motivation for studying. The general rules and description of specific didactic methods occupy the third chapter. The fourth chapter is dedicated to adults with special learning needs. Their number is increasing as is the real need for solving their problems. The fifth chapter is a summary of the most common reasons for the failure of language studying from both the point of view of the student and the study organizer. This work concludes that there is a lack of understanding about adult education due to a widespread belief that adults are not capable of studying and that more information should be made available. Another problem is with the quality of language teachers. The ideal teacher should have sufficient pedagogic education as well as good personal qualities to be a trusted adult adviser and guide during study. He should also motivate adult...

Space and material factors influencing sport of 11-15 years old adolescents with regard to school specialization
Hrabák, Martin ; Kovář, Karel (referee) ; Slepičková, Irena (advisor)
Thesis: Soort conditions in Pilsen for secondary schoollevel children Object ofwork: The goal of the thesis is to find out actual situation of sport space conditions for children of secondary school age level and whether the real facilities in studied locality of Pilsen are sufficient enough. These findings I will further compare with children's opinions on place and material conditions. This attitude information I intend to extract from questionnaire survey. Eventually I will propose proceedings to improve actual situation. Method: To obtain the mentioned data I applied empirie quantitative research through ofuse of standardized questionnaire and interview. Data of quantitative character were analyzed by PC program Microsoft Excel. Results: Generally we can consider sport conditions for secondary school level children in Pilsen as satisfactory, especially space conditions in locality ofhabitation and economical rear of Pilsen's families are on a solid level, this fmding was also confirmed by children themselves. As well the number and situation of sport facilities offering sport self-realization is adequate to nowadays children's requirement, especially for organized forms of sport activities. On the other hand conditions for free of charge and free accessible unorganized sport in Pilsen we can...

Piracy as a Notable Threat for Maritime Business
Votavová, Kateřina ; Mervart, Michal (advisor) ; Mudrová, Jaroslava (referee)
My thesis was written with the aim of the author to describe the actual situation and simultaneously to find out, what for means to utilize in the war with the maritime pirates and seaborne terrorism. Another part contains also some advices, what should the captains of the ships and the shipping companies conform as a preventive proceedings. This paper is targeted on the area of the Strait of Aden, the Horn of Africa and the coast of Somalia. The Malacca Strait is a secondary area, which is mentioned here to complete the information about maritime piracy.

Auditor's reaction to realized frauds during audit of final accounts
Kvapil, Lukáš ; Králíček, Vladimír (advisor) ; Brumovský, Tomáš (referee)
Dissertation tries to put near auditor's reaction to realized frauds during audit of final accounts. Beginning is focused on sence of audit, history and present. Frauds of accounting entity from point of view of international standards on auditing (ISA) are specified in next part of thesis. Main part is focus on concrete reaction of auditor, not only on accounting frauds, but also on possible legalization of earnings from criminal activity. Conclusion deal with actual progres of ISA and forensic investigation.

The Life-Style of Teachers of Physical Education
Novotný, Josef ; Hrabinec, Jiří (advisor) ; Růžička, Ladislav (referee)
V současné době je otázka životního stylu velice aktuální. Výzkumy týkající se životního stylu obyvatel České republiky přinášejí znepokojivé výsledky. Všeobecně se hovoří o společnosti, která upřednostňuje konzumní způsob života podporovaný médii a volný čas tráví spíše pasivním než aktivním způsobem. Závažná zdravotní onemocnění, která dnešní populaci postihují, souvisejí také se špatnými stravovacími návyky a nedostatkem pohybu. Tato diplomová práce se věnuje problematice životního stylu učitelů základních a středních škol. Učitel by měl být pro své žáky a studenty vzorem, protože je nejen vzdělává, ale i vychovává. Ne pouze slovy, ale celou svou osobností a způsobem života by jim měl být dobrým příkladem. Právě učitel tělesné výchovy funguje jako motivační činitel v oblasti pohybové aktivity a sportu. V diplomové práci se zaměřuji na životní styl učitelů tělesné výchovy a porovnávám ho se životním stylem učitelů ostatních vyučovacích předmětů. Zjišťuji, jaký význam přikládají učitelé pohybovým a sportovním aktivitám a jak je pro ně důležité dodržovat zásady zdravého životního stylu.

EU fight against terrorism - "cyberterrorism" as a new security threat
Snížková, Žaneta ; Druláková, Radka (advisor) ; Dubský, Zbyněk (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with European Union and current security threats, concretely with Cyberterrorism. Cyberspace and internet became essential parts of our living over the last decades due to rapid development of information and communication technology. The increased dependency on cyberspace is visible in all governmental operations, public-private sector, financial and business operations, as well as communications between individuals and groups. As a result our society is facing new threats. On one hand cyberspace is a place for economic growth and innovation, on the other hand criminals, spies and terrorist use cyberspace as a place for their activities. Our society should be aware of these negative impacts as well. Cyberterrorism by its nature is considered to be a very dynamic phenomenon. Regarding this fact this thesis provides a dynamic way how to define Cyberterrorism and reveals main perspectives of Cyberterrorism. Tracking the European Unions Convention on Cybercrime and main means to fight Cyberterrorism, this thesis analysis whether European Union disposes of appropriate means to engulf the dynamic nature of this phenomenon.