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Rozvoj statistických metod v česky psané literatuře ve 20. letech 20. století
Vrabec, Pavel ; Ing. Prokop Závodský, CSc. (advisor)
The main aim of the work is to provide the reader with the description of the developement of statistical methods in the czech written literature in the twenties of 20th century. The institution and activities of the State statistic office, which endorsed practical and teoretical statistical agency and publishing of statistical publication, among them the translation of Yule’s „Introduction to the theory of statistics“ and czech original statistical textbook Kohn’s „Basics of the theory of statistics“, greatly contributed to the developement of statistics in the czech lands. The intention of this work is to provide the reader with the brief and comprehensive sight to the developement of statistical methods in the czech written literature in the twenties of 20th century based on above mentioned statistical publication. The introduction part deals with the development of statistics in the Czech lands till the institution of the State statistic office, the main part gives a description of the developement of statistical methods in the czech written literature during the given period and the developement of the czech statistical terminology. Last there is mentioned a biography of both G. U. Yule and S. Kohn.

Filling the needs of selected clients living in homes for the elderly with an emphasis on sexuality
MUSILOVÁ, Kateřina
This thesis deals with the filling of selected customer. Leeds for the elderly with an emphasis on sexuality. I evaluated primarily its fulfillment, mening, and the wiew of social workers on the subjekt. In the theoretical part I focused on aging, age, health ganges, health ganges that affesct sexual life and the very elderly sexuality. I also tried find signifiant determinants that affect social workers views on sexuality seniors and also on the way to the fulfillment of its. Professional in care homos for the elderly. In the research I examined the communication of caring in connection with the intimate life of seniors. The work is focused on the analysis of the results obtained exploratory investigation.

TV Transmission of Parliaments in Selected Countries: Study 1.153
Syllová, Jindřiška
Přístup novinářů do parlamentu signalizuje do značné míry otevřenost parlamentní demokracie ve státě. V posledních několika letech se vztah parlamentu k novinářům významně změnil. Tímto procesem se zabývá komparace více než dvacítky evropských a mimoevropských států. Ve většině parlamentů je situace taková, že novinář nemůže plnit své povinnosti bez příslušné akreditace. V některých zemích se parlamentní zpravodajové sdružují a jejich organizace hraje významnou úlohu v proceduře udělování akreditací. V Rakousku a Itálii udílí tato organizace akreditaci sama. Ve Francii je vytvořen zvláštní výbor, složený ze zástupců novinářů a parlamentu, který zajišťuje akreditace. Na rozdíl od pléna je přístup novinářů do výborů omezen. Jejich přítomnost je - pokud není jednání veřejné - možná pouze pokud jsou pozváni. Ve státech, kde je veřejné zasedání výboru, není ve většině zemí přístup omezen, často se provádí i přenos do vnitřního okruhu a prostřednictvím internetu. V řadě zemí je omezen pohyb novinářů po budově sněmoven. Je zakázáno např. dělat rozhovory v určitých prostorách a novináři musí jít do vlastní kanceláře poslance. Druhým řešením je vyhrazení prostor, které jsou určeny k setkávání s novináři, popř. k přenosu rozhovorů s nimi. Ve většině zemí existuje určitá forma televizních nebo rozhlasových přenosů z parlamentu. Pravidelné přenosy celých plenárních zasedání se praktikují ve většině států /většinou jsou prováděny přímo v parlamentu a použity pro uzavřený televizní okruh a internetový přenos/. Tyto přenosy jsou zpracovávány parlamentním personálem (nebo najatou firmou) podle pevně stanovených pravidel, technicky jsou zajištěny ve většině států pohyblivými kamerami z pevných stanovišť. Operátoři jsou umístěni mimo sál. Kvalita tohoto přenosu je velmi důležitá. Pokud má tento přenos sloužit pro televizní společnosti, musí jít a jde většinou o velmi kvalitní přenos, který je kontinuálně řízen z režie – soubor kamer je jednotlivě a stabilně z režie ovládán a jejich pohled se mění (tento přístup k přenosu má velká většina států). Některé státy mají automatické zařízení, které zaměřuje pohled na poslance, který zrovna mluví do mikrofonu z místa (např. Slovinsko, autorka studie viděla toto zařízení v Senátu v Kazachstánu). Zejména v parlamentech, v nichž poslanci mluví z místa (což je velká část parlamentů), je nutno operativně měnit pohledy kamer (typicky Velká Británie, Portugalsko a další státy). Pro použití materiálů z parlamentu existují v řadě zemí pravidla, stanovená usnesením sněmovny nebo předsedou parlamentu, která brání jejich zneužití zejména za účelem ohrožení vážnosti parlamentu (tedy např. záběry z parlamentu se nesmí používat v montážích pro pořady určitého charakteru). V ostatních státech se přenáší výběr, pro který je buď použit materiál z interního okruhu, nebo je společnostem dovoleno pořídit vlastní přenos. Pro tento přenos jsou zařízena pevná místa pro kamery, někdy je však možno snímat i z galerie z jakéhokoli místa či přímo z pléna.
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The importance of food festivals and competitions in the Czech Republic
Grossová, Jana ; Mlejnková, Lena (advisor) ; Netková, Jarmila (referee)
The thesis describes importance of food festivals and competitions in the Czech Republic and their current status in Czech tourism. The aim is to provide a comprehensive view on the issue of organizing of food events and based on analyze to characterize current structure of Czech market of food festivals and competitions. The first two chapters are dedicated to presentation of related terms and to explanation of the theory of event marketing and management. The practical part includes the aforementioned market analysis and its important part is a presentation of chosen food events undertaken in 2011. One chapter is also devoted to the introduction of expected future development and provides an overview of current trends.

Income tax in the Czech republic and the European union
Nováková, Marta ; Marková, Hana (referee) ; Boháč, Radim (referee)
Taxes, one of the basic fiscal instruments, form the important part of the revenue of the national budget and thus enable the state to carry out its basic functions concerning especially the allocation of monetary resources into areas like health care, social services, defence and justice. At the time of socialism the economy in some European countries was in a deep crisis. The states reacted to recession resulting from the ineffective economy by taking loans from abroad. In order to overcome such debts the states started to impose the higher tax rates on the population which enables the economies slowly to grow. As a result, the governments were gradually able to reduce the tax rates, which had a favourable impact on population as well as on enterprises. The ex- socialistic European countries progressively try to catch up the advanced countries and their standart of living and taxation is an indispensable tool how to achieve this purpose. In Europe there were several tax reforms in last years, most of them in ex- socialistic European countries. In those reforms some interesting items occurred that could be taken over in other countries. Each state has the right to determine the conditions of tax collection from taxable entities within its territory. Tax liability is established by tax laws. In each...

The choreographic work of Jarmila Jeřábková: "Slovanské tance"
Kacianová, Veronika ; Gremlicová, Dorota (advisor) ; Bulínová, Karolína (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the creative choreographic process of Antonín Dvořák´s "Slovanské tance" by Duncan dancer and choreographer Jarmila Jeřábková. Each chapter focuses on different scenic aspects of the choreography and its evolution. The main part of this analysis is a section where individual dances are described in terms of space and character and this give us a full picture of this scenic dance utterance. In the following chapter the newspaper announcements and reviews about "Slovanské tance" from the period press help to create a full picture of the way how the public perceived this dance work and how the image of Jarnila Jeřábková changed. The conclusion of this bachelor thesis focuses on the comparison of two approaches to "Slovanské tance!- by Jarmila Jeřábková and Jarmila Kröschlová.

To be or not to be activated: current view on the regulation of Lck in the proximal T-cell signaling
Valečka, Jan ; Filipp, Dominik (advisor) ; Brdička, Tomáš (referee)
Src-family kinases are critical members of many signalling pathways present in many cell types. Lck, a member of this family of kinases, plays a crucial role in the initiation of T cell activation. An activation of Lck in T cells is one of the first biochemical events detectable after T cell receptor engagement. Kinase activity of Lck is regulated on several levels. Firstly, activity of Lck depends on phosphorylation status of positive and negative regulatory tyrosines that predicate structural conformation and kinase activity. Several kinases and phosphatases targeting Lck regulatory tyrosine residues have been already characterized. Another level of complexity in the regulation of Lck activity is mediated through interactions with adaptor proteins. A critical role in the regulation of Lck activity plays the cellular microenvironment, especially membrane microdomains called Lipid rafts. For a long time, it was assumed that ligand recognition by TCR triggers Lck activation what in turn initiates the downstream signalling. However this paradigm has been challenged as recent data point to the preexistence of a large fraction of Lck in activated state prior to TCR triggering and remains so during the first 2 - 5 minutes after activation. This novel finding poses new questions about the mechanisms that (i)...

Enthroned Madonna from the Church of Our Lady of Tyn
Turečková, Hana ; Ottová, Michaela (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
This pies disserts on famous wood sculpture enthronend madonna from Church of Our Lady before Tyn in Prag comes from 15.centenary and about typology of enthronend madonnas from the beginning to the first half 15.centenary. The problem is the age determination of taynien madonna which comes from master of Tyn crucifixion workshop. There are two scholastic theory. The first one place the sculpture ago the 1420 and the second one to the end of thirtieth years 15. centenary. In terms of study specials literatures I am inclined to the seconde theory, which is preferred by the younger group of researchers. I employ myself in complicated period of Hussitism in Bohemia, in theological thought especially about theological views to artefakt. I use also formal analyse and iconography. The second part contains the development enthronend madonnas with set to the sculpture production on the Occident.

Civil-Military Culture in re-united Germany
Kučera, Tomáš ; Střítecký, Vít (advisor) ; Karásek, Tomáš (referee)
In the course of last two decades the German foreign policy has significantly changed as far as the use of military force is concerned. It can be seen that this process is a result of a rational adaptation to new circumstances. In this thesis an effect of social norms and shared beliefs on shaping the German military policy is accented. The concept of civil-military culture was used in order to explain why the German military policy still differs from a "normal rational policy". This German exceptionality can be on the one hand explained by persisting influence of the culture of restraint in using military power that is still a noticeable part of the German strategic identity, on the other hand this thesis pointed out an effect of shared perceptions of German society about the military. Results of an analysis of how mass media report on Bundeswehr and its soldiers are used as evidence that the dominant image of Bundeswehr as a humanitarian organisation strongly limits the way of how soldiers can be deployed. Whereas post-conflict reconstruction and humanitarian missions are seen to belong to basic tasks for Bundeswehr, according to the persistent image of the military any kind of a battle deployment is believed to be inappropriate and inadequate.

Apaches in 18th century. Reconstruction of the material culture and its origins
Parolková, Klára ; Korecká, Zuzana (referee) ; Kašpar, Oldřich (advisor)
I during sources SUMMARY focuse on material culture 18 th century and first half used for reconstruction are of western Apache tribes of 19th century. Primary letters, relationes and other writing of then missionaries and soldiers. Written sources are supported by few pictures taken by 18th and early 19th century artists. Missing data are covered by moder ethnographical and linguistical research. Not all the topics are mentioned with the same frequency in primary sources. Most detailed description exists for appearance and clothing for both men and women. Almost every author writes about their nomadic life, diet and horse riding. Exact date and route of Apachean migration southward is not known, but their way of life was shurely influenst by climate change after coming to present day area. Trading and other contacts with neighbouring tribes were important source of cuI tural change. Peublos influence was most important, because part of this tribe joined Navajo short befor 1700 AD and teached them art of weaving, making fine pottery and silver jewellery. Apache obtained european goods by trading, as gifts accompanying peace negociations or simply stole them (horses were their favorite target). Spaniards were exchanging good for furs, bufalo hides and buskskin, take them back home. Apaches frequently also for...