National Repository of Grey Literature 42 records found  beginprevious33 - 42  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Prague motives in the work of Karolina Světlá and Jan Neruda
Blažková, Michaela ; Hrabáková, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Mocná, Dagmar (referee)
This thesis focuses on the work of two Prague natives: Karolina Světlá and Jan Neruda and their conception of image of the Prague. The thesis target is to find out, which role prague motives play in the work of both writers due to a fact, that both writers were born in Prague. At Jan Neruda we concentrate on his feuilletons, at Karolina Světlá we focus on her autobiographical work except two of them. First part of thesis focuses on the life and fate of both writers and their entering in the literature. Second part is concentrated on the analysis of their representative works.The target of these analysis is to find, which role Prague plays in particular works. In the final part we try to compare the interpretation of Prague motives of both writers. We try to find the diferrences and identical features as well. Karolina Světlá approaches Prague history, with all its forgotten tales. On the other hand Neruda's Prague is current and alive. Also the diference of both conceptions lies in the themes. Světlá has a aims toward romanticism and nobility, Neruda is consistently realistic and he embraces the stress of everydayness. Powered by TCPDF (
In the Mud of Dreams and Reality. Autobiographical Features in Prose Fiction of Pavel Růžek and Jerzy Pilch
Zaor, Olga ; Bílek, Petr (advisor) ; Králíková, Andrea (referee)
The present thesis explores works of Pavel Růžek and Jerzy Pilch, its central focus being the analysis and interpretation of their approach towards one's own biography and one's identity as a writer. Although both authors come from the same generation, they address different literary traditions and construct different poetics. What they have in common, however, are literary motifs rooted in their biographies, such as alcoholism, the mythology of childhood, [the existence of] "fateful places," even particular types of women or other characters (including animals). Additionally, the thesis scrutinises the position of both writers in the consciousness of Polish and Czech readership along with their place on the two literary markets.
Knight Christoph of Týn. Warrior and Diplomat of the Late Middle Age
Boukal, Jan ; Zilynská, Blanka (advisor) ; Bláhová, Marie (referee)
Theme of the bachelor work is the life of Christoph of Týn (in German Christoph von Thein, 1453 - after 1517), who was a knight living in the formerly Loket region (today Karlovy Vary region, Sokolov district). Knight Christoph of Týn was a significant diplomat, soldier and writer, who wrote his own arresting autobiography. A target of this work are critical analysis of this literary work and comparations with the other medieval sources, which are observing the same events in the same time and his live is implanting in the broker context. Knight's autobiography is also a part of his own urbarium, which helps us to the cognition of his property and economical working of his domain Starý Hrozňatov (Alt-Kiensberg). Parts of this work are too excursions about his family, issue of autobiography in the middle-ages, kinghood in the Loket region and war between Holy roman emperor Frederic III. and Hungarian king Matthias Corvinus. Key words: Christoph of Týn - 15. - 16. century - Týn - Hrozňatov - Loket region - Egerland - Carniolia - autobiography - urbarium
Akutagawa Ryūnosuke and His Considerations on Literature
Bedáňová, Veronika ; Tirala, Martin (advisor) ; Weber, Michael (referee)
The thesis is focused on a literary theoretical debate between two outstanding Japanese writers: Akutagawa Ryunosuke and Tanizaki Junichiro. As a reaction to this debate, Akutagawa wrote a literary critical essay Bungeitekina, amarini bungeitekina (Literary, All Too Literary) which contains Akutagawa's considerations on literature and which is analyzed in this thesis. I have also devoted my thesis to other literary theoretical essays written by Akutagawa. The goal of this thesis is to follow the influence of Akutagawa's literary considerations of his works and also to set his work into the wider context of Japanese literature. Hermeneutics is the methodology chosen for this work. To achieve the set-out goal, biographies on Akutagawa and other literary studies focused on Akutagawa were studied.
German writing author from Bohemia Hanna Demetz (interpretation ot the autobiographical novel "Ein Haus in Böhmen")
Králíková, Petra ; Glosíková, Viera (advisor) ; Markvartová, Eva (referee)
Title: Geman writing Author from Bohemia Hanna Demetz (interpretation of the autobiographical novel "Ein Haus in Böhmen") Department: Department of German language and literature Author: Petra Králíková Supervisor: PhDr. Viera Glosíková, CSc. Pages: 56 Language: German Keywords: The Second World War, Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, German written literature, Jews, Germans in Czechoslovakia, anti-Semitism, autobiography, interpretation Abstract: The bachelor thesis comprises the interpretation of the autobiographical novel Ein Haus in Böhmen from a German writing Author from Ústí nad Labem Hanna Demetz. The Analyses were centred on motives of the "coexistence" of the three national groups (Czechs, Jews and Germans) in the days of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.
Julien Green's journals and autobiographic writings
Suchá, Radka ; Jamek, Václav (advisor) ; Voldřichová - Beránková, Eva (referee)
Julien Green (1900-1998) was the famous novelist of the 20th century. He was dealing with spiritual and moral dilemmas in his novels, which were among others due to his life experience with several faiths. He was also the author of an extensive diary and autobiographical works. He was keeping diary from young age and covers almost the entire 20th century. His aim was not to describe events, rather to let his thoughts, observations and dilemmas took shape. This work aims to explore that angle of Green's work and reveal its character. It will thematically examine specific centers of interest through this work, focusing on the relationship that exists between the diaries and autobiographical prose, whether by consensus or differences in the content, but also in the form of works. The final goal is to transcribe a specific form of statements about himself, which Julien Green created. Keywords autobiography, introspection, christianity, history, intimacy
(Re)Construction of the subjectivity and time in the autobiography
Soukupová, Klára ; Kubíček, Tomáš (advisor) ; Bílek, Petr (referee)
This study deals with some of the recent theory of autobiography. Methodologically, it is based on literary narratology but, as part of interdisciplinary research, it also draws on insights provided by philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science. It shows that an autobiography does not reflect an author's identity but helps construct it by narrative means. As far as the truthfulness of an autobiography is concerned, the study takes into account the issues of autobiographical memory and its reliability; it also deals with collective memory in the context of genre norms. Drawing on positioning theory, the study offers a conception of autobiography as a formally and narratively complete work that, however, reflects the current situation and position of the author who is writing it. This master's thesis demonstrates its suggestions using autobiographical texts from Czech as well as world literatures. Keywords autobiography, memory, narrative identity, referentiality, positioning theory
Use of Autobiographical Motifs in Works of Edgar Dutka, Eliška Vlasáková and Antonín Bajaja
Pokorná, Jitka ; Janoušek, Pavel (advisor) ; Hrabáková, Jaroslava (referee)
The work confronts prosaic pieces with noticeable autobiographical features. It deals namely with works of Edgar Dutka, Eliška Vlasáková and Antonín Bajaja. It was not a coincidence to choose right these three Czech authors. They have quite a few features in common. They all belong to the same generation. They are born in the 40's of the 20th century, so they have spent an essential part of their lives (childhood, adolescence and substantial part of their working age) in the second half of the 20th century - in the time of political convulsions and social changes. A childhood spent during this period has become their common literary theme. They all make their memories a literary piece. Each of them does it in a different way and with a different amount of accuracy. Their inspiration comes from their real life, from their memories. The next common feature of these three authors is that they all wrote some of their texts without a vision to make them public. They wrote them for themselves. Book editions were carried out after the year 2000. Last but not least mutual fact is that all of these three authors have been nominated for a prestigious literary price. Edgar Dutka's works show the interdigitation of fictional worlds and also the diffusion of these worlds in the real life of the author. Eliška...
A comparison of early and late works of Akutagawa Ryunosuke
Bedáňová, Veronika ; Tirala, Martin (advisor) ; Weber, Michael (referee)
A thesis comparing works from early and late period of activity of Akutagawa Ryunosuke. Representative work of early period is Jigokuhen (Hell Screen) and the representative of late works is Haguruma (Spinning Gears). Intention of this thesis is to follow and analyse the change from early works, where the author dosen't use autobiographical components, to late works purely autobiographical. To achieve goals I use biographical books about the autor and other literary works including chapters connected to Akutagawa's activities. A thesis also studies the lot of being an artist in Akutagawa's work and how his works were influenced by western authors.

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