National Repository of Grey Literature 8,156 records found  beginprevious31 - 40nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.66 seconds. 

Economist Milan Zelený
LEPIČ, Pavel
The aim of this thesis is an introduction of the personality of Milan Zeleny. Zeleny has international scientific credentials, but in the Czech Republic there he is not known yet, surprisingly adequate to his fame abroad. This work may be served as a guide for those interested in studying economics, because Milan Zeleny has a very interesting position in this science. Conceiving of bibliographic and professional profile of this economist is the next part of this work. Here it is also elaborated his biography, his publications and his opinions (economic as well as general). Several important economic concepts that are closely related with his personality are compiled here too. The thesis is based on the study of literature in the Czech language. Partly it was used literature that deals with the issue. I also used the Internet sources, especially to introduce the personality of Milan Zeleny and to get secondary sources. These secondary sources were mostly available in English only. It´s definitely caused by the fact that Zeleny lives and works abroad. I used also internet archives of economic journals to get information. Milan Zeleny´s publications were the most important source for this thesis.

The Analysis of Using and Running the Measurement and Computer Technology of CESA BUT
Končír, Oliver ; Blahutková, Marie (referee) ; Šťastný, Jan (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis analyzes measuring and computing technology in center of sports activities University of technology in Brno. Teoretical part of the the thesis includes professional terms about individual technology, it´s exploitation and knowledge of the competition in each sector. In the practical part I am dealing of market analysis and analysation of prosperity technology in area economy and science.

Search and evaluation of scientific journals in the field of information systems
Votruba, Tomáš ; Bruckner, Tomáš (advisor) ; Šebesta, Michal (referee)
This work is devoted to a search of scientific journals for the Department of Information Technologies Faculty of Informatics and Statistics at the University of Economics in Pra-gue. Using three established methods I seek out and evaluate scientific journals, which concern the same issues as the Department of Information Technologies. Using the first method, the Method of Chipping, I look for the most important and most successful magazines in the field. The other two methods, then seek out magazines that are best suited for publication. The Method of Growing Pearls seeks out magazines on the publication history of the department and using The Search for Keywords, I seek out the magazines with the most common issues as the departure. For search I use electronic information resources of Univesrty of Economics: bibliographic database Scopus, Web of Science and in particular its part Citaton Journal Reports. To ana-lyze the topics dealt with at the Department of Information Technology and similarly using database of publication activity of the University of Economics. Thanks to this work the Department of Information Technology can have a broader view of the world's scientific journals and obtain suitable material for the selection of the magazine in which they can publish.

The computer science education in secondary schools with regard to requirements of the Universities
Vošický, Jan ; Marešová, Zdena (advisor) ; Pavlíčková, Jarmila (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the computer science education in the Czech Republic, especially on high schools that aren't focused on computer science education. One of the aims is to analyze level of computer science education on high shools. This is closely related to the desigh og legislative documents issued by the Ministry of Education, Youth and sports of the Czech republic (i.e. National Eucation Programme, Framework educational programs, etc.) which also thessis deal with. Another aim is to summarize the requirements of Universities in field of computer science education, which represents a framework of knowledge that students should control to join University education without any problems. The main aim is to analyze and compare the level of computer science teaching at high schools with informatics requirements of universities which every upcoming student will meet. I would highlight its asymmetry and dissonance. The analysis and then comparing is based on real data obtained from the survey. In most of schools there was personal visit. Results of survey may lead to accept/decline hypothesis that computer science education on high schools is below the level needed for a transition to the university system without any problems and to draw come recommentations and suggestins for improvements in computer science education on high schools. Since this work deals with education, it will also map the information technology enviroment in which most of activities connected with study are done.

Gaussian Radial and Kernel Networks with Varying and Fixed Widths
Kůrková, Věra
The role of widths of Gaussians in computational models which they generate is investigated. Suitability of Gaussian kernel models with fixed widths for regression is proven in terms of their universal approximation capability. Large sets of argminima of error functionals minimized during learning from data over Gaussian networks with varying widths are described. Dependence of stabilizers modelling generalization on widths of Gaussian kernels and the input dimension is estimated.

Electronic information resources from technology and applied sciences fields for research: Final project report
Žižková, Štěpánka ; Národní technická knihovna
Continuing license agreements for access to electronic full-text sources of Elsevier Science, Springer Verlag, Wiley/Blackwell and Scopus were negotiated during LI and 1N projects based on confirmative interest of R&D community.
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Grey literature: from hidden to visible
Pejšová, Petra
Grey literature is information produced on all levels of government, academics, business and industry in electronic and print formats not controlled by commercial publishing i.e. where publishing is not the primary activity of the producing body. (Luxembourg, 1997 - Expanded in New York, 2004, on WWW: The role of grey literature in today society was well expressed by Vaska: “It is therefore remarkable how efforts over the past two decades have altered originally preconceived notions of grey literature, resulting in a deeper understanding of how the formation, retrieval, and use of non-traditional material becomes a fundamental companion in one’s research endeavors. The advent and use of new technologies, a prevalent trend in 21st century society, has created increasing awareness of the need to incorporate the grey alongside the white, a boundary that is becoming less distinct and which may become translucent in the not-too-distant future.” (Vaska, 2010) Centralized collecting grey literature started more than thirty years ago. During period 1980 - 2005 non-profit network EAGLE (European Association for Grey Literature Exploitation) created for the acquisition, identification and dissemination of grey literature SIGLE (System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe) database. Nowadays the GreyNet International is a leading organization in dialog, research, and communication between persons and organizations in the field of grey literature. Central access to grey literature is provided by OpenGrey database. OpenGrey is a unique repository providing open access to European grey literature references. OpenGrey is based on the OpenSIGLE/SIGLE database which contains almost 700 thousand records of grey literature. As a multidisciplinary database it covers Science, Technology, Biomedical Science, Economics, Social Science and Humanities. National Repository of Grey Literature will be introduced during the workshop as an example of grey literature on national level.
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Methods of recognition and evaluation of R&D-results commercial potential at universities - Current challenges in the field of Life Sciences in the Czech Republic
Zahrádka, Jaromír ; Jaklová, Martina L. (advisor) ; Dvorak, Ivan (referee)
Western developed countries economies suffer for relocation of majority of production in developing countries. Technology transfer and R&D results commercialization at universities in western countries is highly important to keep and strengthen competitiveness in global environment. Technology transfer is incoming field in the Czech Republic. Though it has been rapidly developed in last several years, lot of things must be done to improve effectivity of the process. This work focuses on initial phase of technology transfer process, which is process of recognition and evaluation of technology commercial potential at Czech universities in the field of Life sciences. This work is divided in two parts. First sums international literature in the field, second contains data and results of survey made by interviews held with employees of the two Czech biggest universities and some other research institutions. Important finding were verified by other experts interviews. Czech universities pay little attention to the process of recognition and evaluation of technology commercial potential, although it is highly important to practice technology transfer effectively. Universities used to try to find an industry partner first and then they let the partner to recognize potential of the technology in the partner's point of view. Time and effort devoted by universities' technology-transfer offices (TTOs) to encouragement of technology transfer processes is affected by persistent instability of TTOs funding and pronounced intellectual property rights (IPR) education focus of TTOs. In this work we identified several challenges for future development of technology transfer in Czech universities. Among others, it is the introduction of effective recognition and evaluation system to validate the new technology commercial potential, build up a sufficient large formal and informal networking, gaining of experience in setting up spin-off companies, or shift to market orientation of TTOs.

Science and Technology in Media
Gellnerová, Zuzana ; Haupt, Jaromír (referee) ; Smutný, Milan (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá vlivem médií, především nových médií, na oblast vědy a techniky. Definuje základní mediální pojmy a upozorňuje na to, že média mohou být výborným prostředkem k propagaci vědy a techniky, ale mají také obrovskou moc a mohou zkreslovat realitu a manipulovat s lidmi. V práci je také rozebráno několik konkrétních příkladů. V závěru práce je nastíněn možný pohled do budoucna propojení vědy, techniky a médií.

Information economy: development and topical issues from the point of view of the information science
Očko, Petr ; Vlasák, Rudolf (advisor) ; Basl, Josef (referee) ; Ivánek, Jiří (referee)
The global economic environment in the 21st century is significantly shaped by the new forms of communication: rapid development of the information and communication technologies (ICT) and of the internet respectively. The role and value of (timely and relevant) information in this environment is permanently rising, this is not, however, reflected in the development of the economic theory. Indeed, examining the new phenomenons in the economic environment of the 21st century is often not only matter of the economic science but also of the information science. The view of the information science is applied also in this text. In order to delineate the new challenges for the global economic environment, the text describes - from theoretical point of view as well as demonstrates on topical practical examples - several problem areas of so called "information economy", i.e. economy thoroughly influenced by the development of ICT where role of timely and relevant information and applied knowledge is vital for its development. Following delineation of the information economy, applications of the principles of the economics of information are presented. Special attention is given to the role of credibility and to the mechanisms that allow for self-selection behaviour at the online economic environment. Areas...