National Repository of Grey Literature 30,615 records found  beginprevious30606 - 30615  jump to record: Search took 1.55 seconds. 

Formation of microsuspension by perikinetic and orthokinetic koagulation
Fojtíková, Radka ; Mega, Jaroslav (referee) ; Dolejš, Petr (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focused on study of physico-chemical influences on model surface-water treatment which contain humic compounds. From those factors were monitored especially the dose of destabilizing reagent, pH value, temperature, velocity gradient of mixing and time of its duration. As destabilizing reagents were used Al2(SO4)3 .18H2O a Fe2(SO4)3 . 9H2O.

The psychosocial climate in school facilities of institucional education from the perspective of social pedagogy
Spasova, Světlana ; Poláčková, Věra (referee) ; Lorenzová, Jitka (advisor)
The dissertation is devoted to the present problem of the psychosocial climate in school facilities of instuticional care. The problem is being seen from the perspective of social pedagogy. In the introduction I deal with an accesion to unparented and unattended children in the course of human events. Further I consider characterization and description of system facilities of institucional care in the Czech Republic. The chapter about the actual problems of institucional care refers to some errors in the actual system. The basic aim of this thesis is to inscribe and demarcate the challenge phenomenon of psychosocial climate in relation to these facilities. The formation of positive psychosocial climate is one of basic premises of good pedagogical work with clients of facilities in the institucional education.

The Zapatista Rebellion in Mexican Chiapas: political - historical context
Švehlová, Eva ; Kochan, Jan (advisor) ; Doležal, Tomáš (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the Zapatista rebellion in Mexican Chiapas from the year 1994 and its main aim is to evaluate the achievements of the whole rebellion. Firstly, the thesis concentrates on the bases for the formation of the rebellion by studying crucial events from Mexican history. Furthermore, it describes the course of the rebellion in chronological sequence and it lays stress on the armed actions of the Zapatista, their non-military activities and peace negotiations with the government. In the last chapter, the thesis presents a deeper analysis of different aspects of the rebellion by the means of the analysis of structure, origin and members; the analysis of ideology, demands and aims and finally the analysis of means of struggle where the role of media is highlighted above all. The final evaluation of the achievements is devided into Mexican, global and theoretical level.

Graphical Editor of Simulation Models
Hořák, Jan ; Hrubý, Martin (referee) ; Peringer, Petr (advisor)
This paper contains brief introduction into modeling and simulation using Discrete Event Specified System (DEVS) formalism. It defines basic models (atomic and coupled DEVS) and shows how they are simulated. Examples of derived DEVS formalism like parallel DEVS or DESS are also presented. It is described how to create DEVS models using graphic modeling software and advantages and disadvantages of this approach. A short summary of known programs are also covered. Storing models in the XML language, validation of XML document and transformation capabilities by XSLT are discussed. The main section is dedicated to the design of a graphic editor for simulation models inspired by design patterns including classes for canvas, model representation, export module interface and main application. The XML document used for storing DEVS models and simple DEVS simulator are also described. Implementation section presents used programming libraries, reasons why they have been used and their advantages and disadvantages. Paper ends with an example of a simple DEVS model created by implemented graphic editor for simulation DEVS models.

The simulation of an ice formation and rain drops on surface cables of cable supported bridges and stability measurements of dynamic response
Pospíšil, Stanislav ; Kuznetsov, Sergeii ; Marušić, Ante ; Tatara, Marcin
This project is the first part of larger project which aims to analyse aerodynamic characteristic of cable-stayed bridges in certain climatic conditions when ice accretion on cables occur. Covering the whole process from rain simulation to extraction of aerodynamic characteristic, this is the first project ever conducted in climatic section of wind tunnel at Center of Exelence Telč.

Direct run-off - formation and separation methods
The bachelor´s thesis occupies with an issue of a direct flow. The main purpose is the explanation of the basic terms of the issue and the explanation of the sorting of particular parts of a direct flow, that involves a surface saturated flow and a hypodermic flow. Subsequently the thesis describes its participation in the hydrogeological cycle, which means the participation in the permanent circulation of a surface and underground water on Earth. The extreme precipitations are dangerous due to their force, total sum and intensity. The inception of hydrological occurrences like floods or dry seasons is possible owing to this. The fallen precipitations have a big influence on a surface flow and a transportation of soil particles. The thesis is focused on the inception and the genesis of a direct flow. Further it focuses on the factors that influence the flow. Among these factors belong climatic and anthrophogenic conditions, vegetation, type of soil and atmospheric precipitations. There are clarified selected methods of potential separation which are explained and described in detail. This part of the issue mentions CN curve method, GROUNG method, MPGM, analysis of dropped subdivisions and finally method of digital filter (Chapman). These methods divides the flow on an elemental flow and direct flow.

Differentiation of yeast colonies and development of new approaches to monitor oxygen and nutrient availability
Vopálenská, Irena ; Janderová, Blanka (advisor) ; Demnerová, Kateřina (referee) ; Pichová, Iva (referee)
Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as an unicellular organism is one of the best-studied experimental organisms. It is an important model organism for the study of intracellular processes of eukaryotic cells. Yeasts are also social organisms with cell-to-cell communication able to form organized multicellular structures (colonies and biofilms). Yeast and other microorganisms in nature prefer to form colonies on solid substrates rather than to grow as "planktonic" single cells (Palková, 2004; Wimpenny, 2009). The yeast S. cerevisiae typically forms colonies, biofilms were described only rarely. Yeast colonies exhibit an organized morphological pattern characteristic of each particular yeast strain (Kocková-Kratochvílová, 1982). This work is focusing on morphology and differentiation of the S. cerevisiae colonies of common laboratory strains forming less structured colonies, and strains of the Σ1278b genetic background forming highly structured "fluffy" colonies. It shows that polarized budding pattern and especially cell ability to form aggregates enable development of structured morphology. During development of "fluffy" colonies two differently regulated events of dimorphic switch from yeast form to filamentous growth occur. One of these events is dependent on the surface glycoprotein, Flo11p flocculin. This...

Architecture in landscape - Winery
Tonyková, Daniela ; Dýr, Petr (referee) ; Urbášková, Hana (advisor)
The idea behind the project is the location of the wine factory, together with the craft in one clearly defined object, which allows a very simple operational links for the smallest area and farmyards. The production of wine is hidden in a simple blocks below the surface of the land. Above the ground are visible three blocks, which gradually diminishes to the north, and among them are wind permeable courtyards. The largest object, in the visual communication with Pálava, is building on the side devoted to visitors. There is located room for tasting and for a variety of events and also for the presentations and sale of wine. Over the small court dedicated for visitors and various cultural events consequents block needed for the winery - grapes import, export and the location of all small machinery needed for the cultivation of the vine. The middle building is to use for pedestrians from the south and for the machinery from the north. There is also the farmyard serving for the cooperage. All objects are linked by materials and helps of the wood-steel construction to break down simple blocks, which is covered with the wild wine that in the season beautifully change color.

Dreams and other formations in communication with self and with others
Písecká, Petra ; Kučera, Miloš (advisor) ; Viktorová, Ida (referee)
The goal of this thesis is to accentuate the communicational aspect of dealing with unconscious manifestations, with emphasis on handling dreams. Based on the analysis of Sigmund Freud's texts, it examines the ways in which we can talk about dreams and other unconscious manifestations and what influence such talk has on the individuals participating in the communicational process. The thesis charts several of Sigmund Freud's important texts that are used as a basis to prove that thanks to the mystery surrounding it, a dream can exert significant influence on communication. Sigmund Freud's theory was chosen for this thesis, whose works about dreams and whose interest in examining unconscious manifestations, such as forgetting, slipping of the tongue, faulty acts and other, contain a communicational potential, whose surface Freud barely scratches, or which he often treats with outright neglect. The communicational aspect of Freud's works is accentuated thanks to Roman Jakobson's theory of communication. Keywords: dream, faulty acts, communication

Povrchové útvary na lokalitě Čistá, Důl Jeroným po ukončení báňské činnosti
Kukutsch, Radovan ; Stolárik, Martin
This contribution aims to draw attention and expand awareness of surface formations at the locality Čistá, deals with the beginning, characteristics and categorization of these surface formations. The main theme are subsidence appearances - througs, which may be in the context of the stability of the historic mining works Jeroným a possible negative factor significantly affecting the stability of certain parts of this work.