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Social context of cybersecurity
Abraham, Ondřej ; Froehling, Kenneth (referee) ; Smutný, Milan (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá společenským kontextem kybernetické bezpečnosti. Cílem bylo popsat, jak mohou různé bezpečnostní události nebo incidenty ovlivnit fungování společnosti na různých úrovních, jako jsou státní instituce, podniky, jednotlivci a právní souvislosti. Práce je rozdělena do čtyř částí. První kapitola popisuje, co je to kybernetická bezpečnost, dimenze kybernetické bezpečnosti, pět funkcí kybernetické bezpečnosti, proč je pro nás kybernetická bezpečnost důležitá, kdo je nepřítel, a zabývá se také historií kybernetické bezpečnosti. Druhá kapitola se zaměřuje na sociální sítě, sociální normy, jako jsou normy vznikající a dohodnuté, marketing sociálních médií a trendy. Třetí kapitola klasifikuje různé typy počítačových hrozeb a útoků a vysvětluje motivace a cíle hackerů a dopad kybernetických hrozeb. Poslední kapitola popisuje strategii kybernetické bezpečnosti na příkladu současné strategie EU.
The use of smart drugs by college students
Schoberová, Tereza ; Nekola, Martin (advisor) ; Bryndová, Lucie (referee)
The bachelor thesis focuses on the use of smart drugs by university students. This phenomenon is becoming more popular in society, but it has not been properly researched and debated in the Czech Republic. The aim of this thesis is to describe experiences of smart drug use among selected university students in the Czech Republic and to understand their motivations for using them. The first part of the thesis, the theoretical part, describes what smart drugs are, what their prevalence is and how their use can be viewed through moral and social behavioural perspectives. The theoretical part also discusses how the use can be viewed as a social problem or a solution to social problems. In the second part of the thesis, the methodological part, the aims of the thesis, the research questions, the chosen research methods and the ethical aspects of the research are presented. The last part of the thesis, the analytical part, is devoted to the analysis of the collected data. The data was obtained through qualitative research conducted in the form of semi-structured interviews with nine students of Czech universities and analysed using open, axial and selective coding. The analysis of the interviews shows that the academic environment creates pressure on students, which students try to resist by using smart...
Behavioural economics: How much do the social norms cost?
The thesis deals with social norms and relationships at workplace in concept of behavioural economics. The theoretical part defines the bases of behavioural economics in comparison with classical and neoclassical economics and explains existing conflict between those economics schools. The bases are subsequently followed up by an overview of current studies on selected problems. The aim of the practical part is to determine the cost of the social norms at workplace through analysing social relationships in organizations. The research is based on surveying employees across different organizations within the Czech Republic and focuses on tertiary sector. The data of the survey are analysed by means of One Sample T-test and Two Sample T-test. Furthermore, the One-way ANOVA is implemented to analyse the dependence between the cost of the social norms and the specific factors. In conclusion, the results of the survey are interpreted with respect to managerial approach.
Tatooed People and Society: Conflict with Mainstream Norm and It's Reflection
Hanzalová, Kristýna ; Heřmanský, Martin (advisor) ; Stella, Marco (referee)
The aim of my diploma thesis is to give an insight into the social reality of lightly tattooed people as well as those, who are just considering tattoo. Of people, for whom is tattoo neither a lifestyle nor only the fashion trend that recently penetrating into the mainstream culture. Presenting attitudes and opinions of these tattooed and potentially tattooed people the thesis tries to elucidate, what does it mean for them to be tattooed, if there are any concrete values and meanings connected with tattoo, how tattooed understand and reflect a possibility of conflict with the social norms and if the risk of this conflict somehow influences the decision of getting a tattoo. Main current approaches to the phenomenon of tattoo, historical development and changes of its situation in western culture are introduced in the theoretical part. The empirical part then draws on data acquired from semi-structured interviews with tattooed and potentially tattooed living in Czech Republic.
Meat or Salad? Effect of Dynamic Norms on Preference for Meatless Meals
Weikertová, Štěpánka ; Urban, Jan (advisor) ; Soukup, Petr (referee)
The food choices we make every day have a great impact on our environment. Particularly meat consumption significantly contributes to global climate change. Although the current situation calls for a change towards more sustainable diet, meat consumption is still rising. Previous research show that dynamic social norms, i.e. information about ongoing collective behavioral change, can promote pro- environmental behavior, even in the context of meat consumption. Through two pre- registered online experimental studies conducted on a sample of university students (Study 1, N = 227) and on a sample of adult Czech population (Study 2, N = 462), this thesis examines whether dynamic norm message regarding the changing trends in meat consumption can influence intentions to consume less meat. We did not find any direct or total effect of dynamic norms on the preference for meatless meals. Mediation analysis only revealed rather weak indirect effect of dynamic norms on the preference for meatless meals mediated by perceived dynamic norms. In Study 2, we further examined whether the effect of dynamic norm message is conditioned by strength of the dynamic norms (effect of stronger vs weaker dynamic norm) and whether the provision of dynamic norm information triggers self-defense mechanisms which rationalize...
Attitudes of high school students towards the use and users of marijuana and alcohol
Krátký, Vojtěch ; Nekola, Martin (advisor) ; Tuček, Milan (referee)
This thesis deals with the attitudes of students of two secondary schools to marihuana, alcohol use and their users. Attitudes to alcohol, marihuana and to their users are topics frequently discussed in connection with changing perception of these two substances. This trend can be best seen in adolescents during the period of late adolescence which is the period of secondary school studies. The main aim of the thesis is to find out which factors influence the attitudes of students to alcohol and drug use and if there are any differences concerning those factors between the observed schools. These factors come from theoretical considerations which are subsequently tested in research. As the research showed, the students' attitudes to marihuana and alcohol use, and also to alcohol users are primarily influenced by significant others, among which belong mainly peers and their parents or their own experience. While the individuals form their attitudes to alcohol primarily according to their parents, in case of marihuana, the individuals, who have experience with it, follow mainly their peers and their own experience. Those individuals also tend to be more positive towards other marihuana users. There have not been found out any significant differences concerning the attitudes to marihuana and alcohol...
Tatooed People and Society: Conflict with Mainstream Norm and It's Reflection
Hanzalová, Kristýna ; Heřmanský, Martin (advisor) ; Stella, Marco (referee)
The aim of my diploma thesis is to give an insight into the social reality of lightly tattooed people as well as those, who are just considering tattoo. Of people, for whom is tattoo neither a lifestyle nor only the fashion trend that recently penetrating into the mainstream culture. Presenting attitudes and opinions of these tattooed and potentially tattooed people the thesis tries to elucidate, what does it mean for them to be tattooed, if there are any concrete values and meanings connected with tattoo, how tattooed understand and reflect a possibility of conflict with the social norms and if the risk of this conflict somehow influences the decision of getting a tattoo. Main current approaches to the phenomenon of tattoo, historical development and changes of its situation in western culture are introduced in the theoretical part. The empirical part then draws on data acquired from semi-structured interviews with tattooed and potentially tattooed living in Czech Republic.
Executive Compensation in Firms Producing Addictive Goods
Janský, Michael ; Novák, Jiří (advisor) ; Babin, Adrian (referee)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Social Sciences Institute of Economic Studies Title Page MASTER'S THESIS Executive Compensation in Firms Producing Addictive Goods Author: Bc. Michael Janský Supervisor: Jiří Novák, M.Sc., Ph.D. Academic Year: 2014/2015 Abstract This thesis investigates executive compensation, turnover and migration patterns in firms that produce addictive goods (tobacco, alcohol, and gambling). Previous research has identified costs associated with the production of harmful goods specific to these industries. Consistent with this stream of research, I find increased executive compensation in tobacco, alcohol, and gambling firms. This finding seems to be driven by industry specific characteristics, rather than by executives' traits or by the 'traditional' determinants of executive compensation. Executive migration patterns and the effect of job change on compensation indicate that the higher compensation is not caused by executives' attributes well suited for these firms' specific needs, by executives' contribution to value-creating activities, or by other executive-specific characteristics. Rather, the higher compensation seems to reflect a payment to executives for having to bear society's aversion to or displeasure with these harmful goods, and those who produce them. JEL...
Utilization of experimental games' methods in the study of cooperation, altruism and fairness and their biological predictors
Nováková, Julie ; Flegr, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Lindová, Jitka (referee)
Cooperative, altruistic and fairness-exhibiting behavior is an important topic in evolutionary and behavioral biology and the mechanisms leading to its evolution, ultimate as well as proximate precursors, are subject of much research in biological as well as social sciences, theoretical as well as experimental work. In light of the life history theory, I focused on the connection of one's health state and cooperative behavior in humans and tested the hypothesis that more healthy individuals would manifest more cooperative tendencies (as they would have more opportunities of future interactions and long-term benefits), and conversely. The data, obtained from a sample of university students engaged in experimental games (Dictator Game, Ultimatum Game, Expanded Ultimatum Game, Trust Game, and Reversed Dictator Game) and a health and personality-focused questionnaire, did not corroborate this hypothesis. My other hypotheses - that better memory and lower temporal discounting would be related to more cooperative behavior (stemming from the conditions for reciprocal cooperation) - were supported by the data, albeit only partially in the case of memory. I also used the data from the five experimental games to briefly describe the proportions of different types of behavior (self-regarding, altruistic,...

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