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Waterfront Danube in Bratislava (Pečniansky Forest)
Kundrát, Petr ; Šoltésová,, Elena (referee) ; Havliš, Karel (advisor)
Master thesis project presents a strategy for wide area of Bratislava river-front, the Pecniansky forest. Aim of proposal is to get that large and forgotten place, the part of Bratislava city centre, back into the life. By controlled changes achieve space that will be attractive to all animal and plant species. The space is transformed to system of functional, relax and pure natural sites. The new space can offer new possibilities for Bratislava inhabitants in their free time and will be educational in self-sufficiency, sustainability and ecology in general.
Beekeeping and Its Use in Elementary School
Voska, Karel ; Andreska, Jan (advisor) ; Hanel, Lubomír (referee)
This thesis focuses on beekeeping and possibilities of its use in elementary schools. The first part is dedicated to the entire superfamily Apidae with a focus on the honeybee. However, other representatives are also mentioned across various social models, from solitary bees to those living in different levels of community life, up to large bee colonies. The second part of the thesis outlines the development of beekeeping, first at a general level and then within our country. It covers the inception of the relationship between humans and bees, the first pioneers of true beekeeping in the Mediterranean by Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, and the development of beekeeping in our territory from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. The third and final part of the thesis is dedicated to the utilization of beekeeping in elementary schools. In this didactic section, various possibilities of incorporating bees into education across different subjects in elementary schools are described. The text includes proposals for topics and lesson plans, possible utilization of interdisciplinary relationships and tandem teaching, as well as suggestions for worksheets. The second part of the didactic work focuses on the beekeeping club at the elementary school, particularly its rules and types for its proper functioning....
Změny ve vývoji hltanových žláz a obsahu celkového proteinu v hemolymfě dělnic včely medonosné
Babica, Ondřej
This thesis is focused on developmental specifics of honeybees emerged during the season and on monitoring the differences between weak, medium and strong honeybee colonies. The level of the total haemolymph protein appears to be an important indicator of worker bee condition and signals of the occurrence of the winter generation of bees. The level of the total haemolymph protein of bees emerged in August was several times higher than the protein level of bees hatched from May to the end of July. The strong colonies showed the highest values of total haemolymph protein. The size of the hypopharyngeal glands (HPGs) indicates the biological aging of the workers and development of the bee colony during season. Nurses were characterized by the most developed HPGs, and foragers had HPGs atrophied. Bees emerged in the late summer had more developed HPGs. These physiological parameters are influenced by the division of labour in dependence of temporal and biological polyethism.
The Englishes - a survey of the world Englishes
Köhler, Jakub ; Smutný, Milan (referee) ; Krhutová, Milena (advisor)
Tahle práce analyzuje historii anglického jazyka v různých zemích, které jsou rozděleny podle Kachru modelu do tří částí. V úvodu je zmíněna obecná historie Anglického jazyka a jeho rozšíření skrze kolonie. Poté je práce strukturovaná do tří částí podle Kachru modelu. První část je nazvána „English as a native language“. V této části autor popisuje historii vzniku anglického jazyka v zemích jako Velká Británie, Spojené Státy Americké, Austrálie a Jižní Afrika. Druhá část je nazvána „English as a second official language“ a popisuje historii zemí, do kterých se angličtina dostala díky kolonizátorům. V těchto zemích jsou variace anglického jazyka v blízkém kontaktu s jazyky místních obyvatel a vyvíjí se s ohledem na území ve kterém se nachází. Součástí této kategorie jsou státy jako Indie, Singapore a Filipíny. Třetí část je nazvána „English as a foreign language“ a uvádí země, ve kterých je anglický jazyk uznáván jako mezinárodní komunikační prostředek nebo lingua franca. V této části autor uvádí stručnou historii anglického jazyka v zemích jako Brazílie a Čína. Finální část práce je závěr, ve kterém autor shrnuje získané vědomosti na dané téma a poznamenává že téma bude dále rozvinuto v bakalářské práci.
Sociální výstavba - kolonie a soubory nájemných domů 20. a 30. let 20. století
Náhlíková, Barbora
This bachelor's thesis is focused on social building construction within today's borders of the Czech Republic in between world wars. There are shown developing architectural and urban planning tendencies around the world from the beginning of the 20th century and political, social and economic situation in our country. There are mentioned examples of different types of building complexes and their division. The thesis is especially focused on complexes influenced by functionalism. The selected examples were analyzed from architectonic and landscape-architectonic points of view. Special attention was paid to a comparison of original intentions and current status. The author describes realized changes during the existence of the buildings, remarks their positives and negatives which are the base for a formulation of outcomes for their eventual reconstruction. The study for complex of houses on Vranovská street in Brno was worked out. Its goal is to create high quality living space from now neglected courtyard. It comes from the original intentions and adds elements adapting the complex to the life of today's people.
Vacuolar proteins in development of yeast colonies
Trubitsyna, Yana ; Palková, Zdena (advisor) ; Heidingsfeld, Olga (referee)
The laboratory strains of yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae form colonies which can differentiate into two main cell subpopulations. U and L cells demonstrate different morphology, metabolism and stress-resistance. It was also proved that some of metabolic pathways in U cells are a similar to ones in tumor cells. The unique metabolism is activated in U cells; the TORC1 is active in these cells together with autophagy and glycogen accumulation, which are characteristic for cells with inactivated TORC1. CORVET and HOPS complexes together with vacuolar ATPase are involved in processes related to vacuolar fusion and trafficking. Also, these complexes contribute to the regulation of TORC1 activity. Vam6p is a subunit of HOPS complex and it is also involved in regulation of TORC1 acting as GEF for Gtr1p GTPase, which activates TORC1. The aim of this study was to outline whether selected subunits of mentioned complexes affect TORC1 activity in U cells. Further aim was to confirm the effect of Vam6p on selected proteins production. These proteins were chosen based on results of proteomic analysis performed in our laboratory. In order to investigate possible effects of proteins of interest absence on colonies' morphology, strains deleted in selected genes were prepared (VPS3, VPS8, VPS33, VPS41, VPH2, VAC7 a...
European Painters of Native Tribes
Zámečníková, Kristýna ; Rychlík, Martin (advisor) ; Soukup, Martin (referee)
The subject of a thesis is theoretical analysis of artistic work of two painters who as first ones showed in early modern Europe the visual appearance of the American native tribes. French Jacques le Moyne de Morgues and English John White were colonization pioneers of the New world in the second half of 16th century. Their work was extended through engravings of Theodor de Bry, Flemish engraver, after their return to the Old continent. Though the engraver purposely manipulated with their pictures - he edited the images and added various details. The thesis also deals with question what was the main intention of the Flemish engraver. Methodological resource was collecting information and text interpretation. The purpose of the thesis is familiarization with life and work of the European painters who as first ones depicted American Indian tribes and with activity of Theodor de Bry who extended their work in Europe. Key words: The New world, Indians, colonies, painters, artistic value.
Extracellular matrix in yeast populations
Novotná, Pavla ; Kuthan, Martin (advisor) ; Dvořáček, Lukáš (referee)
The microorganisms in a natural environment are frequently found in multicellular forms, most commonly in biofilms. Biofilm is characterized as a community of cells living at the interface of two environments, embedded in the extracellular matrix. ECM is a significant component of biofilms in yeast populations. Extracellular matrix acts as a protective barrier and allows cells to survive under adverse conditions and better compete with other microorganisms. It also forms an effective barrier against antibiotics and other harmful substances, what makes biofilms a serious problem in medicine and industry. Formation of the matrix may be influenced by the morphological forms of colonies. Increased formation of ECM is commonly connected in phenotypic switching in response to changes of their living conditions. The compositeion of the ECM is a genus-and species-specific. The main component of the matrix consists of polysaccharides and proteins.
Media Analysis of the Allotment Gardens and Gardening in Czech Daily Press
Pěkná, Ester ; Rynda, Ivan (advisor) ; Hájek, Roman (referee)
Mediální obraz zahrádkářských kolonií ve vybraných českých denících Abstract Abstract The aim of this thesis is the media presentation of gardening allotments phenomena in Czech Republic. The work is in a connection with a series of thesis published during previous years on Social and Cultural Ecology department of Faculty of Humanities, Charles Univerisity. These thesis were focused on qualitatative case studies research of garden allotments. Aim of this theis is a revelation of garden allotments image, based on processing of czech daily press articles mentioning allotment gardening. First, theoretical, part of the thesis is organized into four chapters: hermeneutics, allotment gardening, media and sustainable development. Each of the chapters provides a context of the main purpose of the work. Methodological anchor and the research and its results itself follow on at the third part of this thesis.

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