National Repository of Grey Literature 29,325 records found  beginprevious29316 - 29325  jump to record: Search took 2.00 seconds. 

Modified Chinese Postman Problems - Experiments
Jelínek, Tomáš ; Fábry, Jan (advisor) ; Pelikán, Jan (referee)
This master's thesis describes modified Chinese Postman Problems. These Problems are solved by (mixed) integer linear programming. The modified problems and also used approach (integer programming) belong at least to the NP complexity class. The thesis analyzes, compares and estimates computational complexity of each model. Based on this analysis, usability of described models for solving real-life problems is deduced. The models are focused on problems in urban environment. Therefore, it is possible to apply these models on problems like optimization of a waste collection or road maintenance. Graph and problem generator is programmed for purposes of this thesis.

Raymond Queneau and his novel Blue Flowers. Translation of one type of French experimental prose
Sauerová, Klaudia ; Belisová, Šárka (advisor) ; Šotolová, Jovanka (referee)
Raymond Queneau's novel s ha ve been translated in to Czech since the 60's of the 20th century. This work focuses on two of hi s novels, typical of their experimentalism: Zazie in the Metro and The Blue Flowers. A stylistic analysis of the original text showed different aspects of Queneau's poetics and also difficulties faced by a translator. Unusually rich means of expression, such as puns and neologisms at the lexical level, changing of stylistic layers or new French - handwriting created by the author to draw nearer spoken and written language, intertextuality and mathematical structures incorporated into the composition of the novel s are typ i cal features of Queneau' s work. We examined possibilities of Czech while translating Queneau's language experiments by comparing translations of two Queneau's novels, do ne by two different translators. Our work concentrates mainly on problems with translating puns, neologisms, phraseology, and new French. Jiri Pelikan 's trans lati on of the novel The Blue Flowers proved that in spite of some divergences between the original and the target text (archaization of verba dicendi, compensation), it is, on the whole, possible to keep to the author' s complex poetics, and to create, within the given scope, a work of translation that can compare with the original. The...

Marginal region integration process into the regional system - case of the military training area Boletice
Seidl, Tomáš
Tomáš Seidl: Proces integrace marginálního území do regionálního systému - příklad VÚ Boletce ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract Marginal region integration process into the regional system provides decreasing negative impacts on its neighbouring area. It works in the opposite way as well. The problems of the marginal regions are more complicated and complex rather than the problems of the periphery and they should be solved by the external intervention (Chromý, Jančák 2005). Marginal area often doesn't have sufficient political support for changing the trend of the development. The origin of these areas is mainly dependent on a political determination. Again only a political decision and widely supported concensus could start up any positive change. As a research model we chose Boletice military training area because of its dynamic evolution. Such areas like military training polygons contain amounts of natural and seminatural habitats. They are rich in biological diversity at the species and habitat level. Since 1992 in the EU and later on also in Czechia are these being protected by the implementation of the Natura 2000 network. The European large military areas represent the most valuable and compact ecosystems, even spectacular...

Library of Vinohrady move in 2007
Uhlířová, Běla ; Stöcklová, Anna (advisor) ; Pilecká, Věra (referee)
The aim of Bachelor's thesis is to describe Library of Vinohrady move in year of 2007. Initial part focuses on procedure of library move in theory, including definition of known methodics. Next parts of thesis focuse on the Library of Vinohrady move. The library is introduced including its brief history and comparison of library characteristics before the move (2006) and after the move (2008). Library move is described as a complex workflow which starts with design and reconstruction of new premises, continues with library collection move and ends with library re-opening. Thesis also emphasizes practical issues related to library move and describes their solutions.

Topical issues of corporate governance under Czech and EU law
Poliaková, Riana ; Josková, Lucie (referee) ; Čech, Petr (advisor)
C Summary This thesis deals with selected actual problems of corporate governance in domestic and Euro- pean regulation. There is no widely recognized definition of the term "corporate governance", therefore some are given by the author in the very beginning of the study. Due to the fact that corporate governance is a very complex area regard must be had to the relevant theories which are introduced in Chapter 2 and form the basis for further analysis. According to the OECD findings from June 2009 (Corporate Governance and the Finan- cial Crisis: Key Findings and Main Messages), weaknesses in remuneration, the exercise of shareholder rights, risk management and board practices are identified as the four areas most immediately linked to the financial crisis. Another problem, as reported of in OECD finding from February 2009 (The corporate Governance Lessons from the Financial Crisis), are inef- fective accounting standards and regulatory requirement for auditing. Therefore, these subjects are regarded as the actual problems of the corporate governance. As a result of relatively short compass of this work, only two of these issues have been covered by the author - remuneration related problems and the exercise of shareholders rights - and form the bulk of this thesis. Remuneration related problems are explained in...

Corrected sitting position influence on fine movements of people with infantile cerebral palsy, with Down syndrome and common people
Vránková, Marcela ; Nováková, Tereza (advisor) ; Jalovcová, Miroslava (referee)
English title: Corrected sitting position influence on fine movements of people with infantile cerebral palsy, with Down syndrome and common people Dissertation objectives: Purpose of this dissertation is to find out what is the influence of correct setting of bodies segment upon fine movements of people with combined abnormalities and of primary school first grade pupils and further in what range are the variances in fine movements changing after correction of sitting position. Another object of this dissertation is to compare size of variances of three selected groups and evaluate special educational furniture for correcting of sitting position. Problem definition: People with combined abnormalities and primary school first grade pupils have frequent problems with sensomotoric and graphomotoric ability. In my dissertation I focused on suitability of corrected sitting position as part of complex care for improving ht graphomotoric and sensomotoric ability of selected groups of people. Resolution method: This dissertation was based on work with three groups, each with 10 people (people with Down syndrome, people with infantile cerebral palsy, primary school first grade pupils). For comparison of fine movements I used graphomotoric tests and a computer program Tracking task. Parameters for the test...

Political and economic intergation of Czechoslovakia to the Eastern Bloc
Kleinbauer, Jan ; Szobi, Pavel (advisor) ; Chalupecký, Petr (referee)
My bachelor's thesis goes back to the period of the end of the World War II, especially to the period of three years after the end. The goal is to provide a complex insight of events of that period when Czechoslovakia got in thrall to the Soviet Union. It is focused on particular political and economic events in Czechoslovakia used by Moscow to show its objectives in Central Europe. Firstly, I analyzed the situation during liberation of Czechoslovakia by the Red Army and just after. I focused on the Government Programme of Košice, Soviet critic of the Prague Uprising and the Czech National Council. Secondly, I analyzed Moscow's pressure about Těšín area situation and annexation of the Subcarpathian Rus, government elections of 1946 and influence of its results on building up relations between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union. In the area of economic relations, I focused on disputes about war booty, new trade contracts negotiations with the USSR and consequent problems that escalated with Moscow's dictate about the Marshall Plan adoption. After that, I examined the conception of politics of Edvard Beneš and his relation to the USSR being a person that believed in victory of democracy.

Skeletal Animations in Real-time 3D Graphics
Brabec, Michal ; Ježek, Pavel (advisor) ; Keznikl, Jaroslav (referee)
Skeletal Animations in Real-time 3D Graphics Abstract Skeletal animation is an effective technique for the animation of humans and animals, and it is used in most video games to animate complex 3D models. This thesis addresses many problems of the implementation of skeletal animations and it presents an effective solution to the most important ones. It contains all the knowledge necessary to use this important animation method, because it explains all the calculations required to transform a model by its skeleton, and then this thesis presents a complete implementation that uses all the concepts explained there. Build on the skeletal animations, the animation editor is the main application of the thesis, and it allows users to modify animations of 3D models. The animation editor is a graphical application with complex user interface and its construction is explained in a great detail.

Optimal detection of QRS boundaries in ECG signals
Spáčil, Jakub ; Hrubeš, Jan (referee) ; Vítek, Martin (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with location optimal wavelet for detecton charakterics points of QRS complex in ECG signals. The first part of this thesis deals with description of heart, genesis of electric signals on heart and problem of noise. The second part describes the wavelet transform and the designed program and the third part evaluate detection results. The created program is working with 10 ECG signals from the CSE database and is testing 12 different mother wavelets. The program was developed in Matlab environment and is based on the finding zero-points in the transformed signal.

Narratology The Research of narrator strategy in some types of texts
JECH, František
This work deals with one part of the narratology, with the composition . There are mentioned the most important aspects in the theoretical part, the aspects, which can be taken into the account when someone wants to create more complex composition, something about their history and there are also mentioned the problems, which can happen during their aplication. There are discussed some typical kinds of the end of the story. We can find a few analysis of books from the perspective of the composition. Most of them respect the classical Aristotelian?s model of unambiguous end, but we can also find the books that undermine this classical model.