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Online communication of startups
Nezhybová, Linda ; Vondra, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Pavlíček, Antonín (referee)
This thesis deals with a plan of marketing strategy for Psaní Hravě project. The main objective is to suggest a communication strategy and show practical utilization of social media. The first chapter describes communication of successful Czech startups. The second chapter comments on possibilities of social media. Subsequently I explore utilization for brands, especially for SMEs and online projects. The third chapter introduces Psaní Hravě project, its image and target group. In the last chapter I create a practical plan of social media for Psaní Hravě, I focus especially on Facebook strategy.

Body image and contemporary society (Research on Gay consumers in the Czech republic)
Rolínek, Igor ; Koudelka, Jan (advisor) ; Shivairová, Olga (referee)
The thesis focuses on body image - defines the main characteristics of this area, describes cultural influences and body image history and explains basic quantitative values (Body Mass Index, Waist Hip Ratio, Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis). Furthemore the thesis deals with media influence on body ideal formation process, especially in gay subculture. The research part explores recent situation of body image in gay subculture compared with heterosexual males. This section includes the content analysis of mainstream gay movies which compares media presentation of gays and the real situation and examines media influence on gay body image formation.

Personal assistance in supported living for people with learning disability
Vránová, Jana ; Drlíková, Eva (referee) ; Šturma, Jaroslav (advisor)
The main topíc of this thesis is assistance in supported living for people with mental retardation. The theoretical part of this essay defines these concepts in the context of the new trends in the care for people with mental retardation. Then we focus on persona! assistent himself; we describe his personality, demands on his professional skills and his approach towards the clients. Then there are introduced some psychological aspects of assistance. We pay attention on motives for this helping profession, on burn-out syndrom and ethical aspects of assistanť s work. The aim of the practical part is to explore the current situation in assistance in Czech republic. The goal of my investigation was to find out using mainly qualitative research methods, who is the typical assistant in supprorted living, why did he choose his profession and how does he experience his work. The results pointed out, that there is a large specific group of young women working in this profession as well the lack of other age groups of assistants and the lack male assistants. The most frequented motives for assistance are the posibility of using the skills obtained by previous education and experience, the meaningfullness of this work and the wish to provide high quality service for mentally handicaped people. Among the least...

The use of caffeine among pupils at second grade of elementary school in Vodnany.
This bachelor thesis deals with the consumption of caffeinated beverages by pupils of a secondary school in Vodňany (Czech Republic). Nowadays, the overconsumption of beverages containing caffeine is becoming a big problem among pupils. I chose this topic to find out how many pupils of a regular secondary school drink beverages containing caffeine. This work consists of both a practical as well as a theoretical part. The theoretical part consists of three main chapters. The first part describes the subject, caffeine, the effects caffeine has on the human body as well as caffeine addiction. In the second chapter I investigate products containing caffeine, their ingredients and effects on the human body. The third chapter focuses on the consumption of caffeinated beverages by teenagers. In this chapter I describe the term teenager, their eating habits and explore whether these are appropriate or not. Furthermore, I present studies focused on caffeine consumption based on the age range of the consumers, from toddlers up to the age of thirteen. In the practical part I set two goals. The first is to determine how many pupils of the investigated secondary school drink caffeinated beverages. My second goal is to determine at which occasions they drink these drinks. Furthermore, I establish two research questions and two hypotheses. My first hypothesis assumes that female pupils of the secondary school in question drink in general more caffeinated beverages than male pupils. However, based on the evaluation of the obtained data I found out, that the female pupils do not consume more caffenated drinks than male pupils. My second hypothesis assumes that pupils drink caffeinated beverages more often during the week than on the weekend. But even this hypothesis was not confirmed, as the survey shows that pupils do not consume caffenited drinks more often on weekdays than weekend. Both hypotheses were statistically evaluated using the Excel chi-square test. The working method is described in the practical part. The practical part was carried out using quantitative research methods, i.e. a survey. The survey was anonymous and the questionnaire was for both genders identical. It consisted of 16 questions that focused on the consumption of beverages containing caffeine. The survey consisted of closed, half-closed as well as opened questions. The data were collected at the mentioned secondary school in Vodňany. The questionnaire was given to pupils of the 7th, 8th and 9th grade, aged between 12 and 15 years. In total, 80 questionnaires were distributed among the pupils; the return rate was 100%, as they were distributed duringclass while a teacher was present. The analysis of the questionnaires gave the following results: the most favourite caffeinated beverage among students is coke. The biggest proportion of pupils drinks as much as 0.5 liters per day of coke. The most popular brands of caffeinated beverages are Coca-Cola, Kofola, Monster and Red Bull. Pupils mostlyconsume caffeinated drinks on the weekend with friends or family. My work could be used as a source of information for the general public, or as a basis for further studies of students who are dealing with the issue of caffeine.

Evaluation of the weight of animals caught in hunting HS Kunzak
Nováková, Eva ; Hanzal, Vladimír (advisor) ; Husinec, Václav (referee)
It was done weighing weight caught pieces of roe deer before and after the abattoir body with red deer (Capreolus capreolus), in the time between the years 2002 - 2015 (total 352 pieces), then craniometric simultaneously measuring the skulls of males - a total of 181 skulls. From available research articles, it was found that the weight of deer, roe not only depend on the seasons, especially in the life cycles of animals and to heat, lactation period of emergency and peace. Simultaneously, also on the altitude, the availability and choice of food. Furthermore, the article confirms the fact that animals kept in game preserves is far greater shape than animals in the wild. This research work concerning the weight of deer hunting in Kunžak in southern Bohemia, augmented by craniometric measurement deer. Caught or dead pieces were weighed before the ejection, then after evisceration and decapitation, and runs. Data is written to the tables, then evaluated and averaged. Measurements showed that the size of the skull is not dependent on the weight of pieces of male animals. Best trophy deer showed the greatest weight. This demonstrates the scale of irregular antlers who was best trophy, which was 16.6 kg prior to ejection and 10.5 kg after evisceration department and runs a head. In contrast, the greatest weight was irregular antlers which was 22 kg before ejection and 17 kg after evisceration department and runs a head.

Some differences in the biology and behavior of the species eastern gorilla (Gorilla beringei) and western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla)
Kotýnková, Nicola ; Kracíková, Olga (advisor) ; Tománek, Pavel (referee)
Genus Gorilla is divided into two species includes four subspecies and one subspecies unrecognized. Gorillas are the largest living apes and and eight million years ago, as a line, they separated themselves from family Hominidae. These populations are found in nine African countries and they are separated by forest Congo. Their most developer sense is vision. The body is adapted for knuckle-walking and their limbs are adapted to grip, with moveable arms and long arms. They have a mighty body with a robust skull and teeth with bumps for processing a hard food. Gorillas excel significant sexual dimorphism, which is characterized by variously sized body. Thanks reproduction arises extensive diversity within species in different strategies that help increase fitness. Dominant males mate with sexually mature females, while males with lower status mate with younger females because they are not fertile yet. Compared to that family groups have only one silverback male with which the female mate. There are substantial differences in eating habits between gorillas. Dietary differences between species and subspecies are caused mainly by food availability. Gorillas are considered for herbivorous and frugivorous animals. Gorilla groups are polygenic. With one dominant silverback male a few females and their descendants, they form a cohesive group. They create nest for sleeping every night which different in location and stage of construction. They communicate with each other through the auditory, visual and chemical signals. They use approximately 102 types of gestures and 17 types of audio signals to communicate. In wild gorillas using tools is scarce, therefore mainly used to get food from difficult sources most of its body. While gorillas in captivity use tools successfully. To protect against predators, the female consort with males who protect them.

I chose breeding deer and muflon farmed
The aim of the study is to evaluate basic expressions of both species of animals breeding on farm regard to changes during pasturage period. Breeding of moufflons and fallow-deers has started to expand in the Czech republic recently. It is joined with hight costs of breeding and exacting for live space. The study is intented to obtain available information about description of both species and their mutual breeding on the farm. The study describes definite farm, which was chosen by author. The farm is situated near Mokrosuky municipality, Pilsen discrict. It was founded in 2007. The farm is located 532m above the sea. The farm and animals are owner´s hobbies and he is filed to Czech-Moravian breeder society joint-stoke company, like each breeder. There were seven fallow-deers, thereof one male and six females in time of establishment. There were four moufflons too, thereof one male and three females. In 2010, the herd was expanded to eleven moufflons and twenty fallow-deers. Three moufflons were four years old , four heads were older than five years and four the youngest heads were one year old. The fallow-deer heads were three males, seven females five years old and nine young heads. Youngs were born on the farm. One fallow-deer died for pneumonia and two young fallow-deers died for accidents in 2012. Changes went through in stucture of herd on start of pursuance. One female of moufflon died for pneumonia and one young moufflon was slaughtered for a meat. Two fallow-deers were sold to freinds, who interested in to buy a meat. One fallow-deer was presented to The Agriculture and manufacture association Hrádek u Sušice, because The Agriculture and manufacture association gave some cereal products to the owner for free. Quantity of fallow-deers was changed from original 20 heads to 17 heads. Three ethological pursuances were implemented on the farm.

Reproduction of fish Anoptichthys jordani
The cave tetra (Anoptichthys jordani, now reclassified as Astyanax jordani) is a blind form of the Mexican banded tetra (Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus). It lives in the waters of underground caves in northern Mexico. In the conditions of complete darkness there, the cave tetra has gradually lost the need for eyes and colouring. The females are larger than the males and have a bulkier abdominal section. They are omnivorous, feeding on animal and plant matter. The aim of this research was to determine the influence of basic types of lighting system on the spawning and rearing of Anoptichthys jordani. The findings reveal that alternating light and dark are best used for successful spawning and rearing of this species. The ideal temperature for Anoptichthys jordani ranged from 23-24°C for breeding and from 25-26°C for spawning, with pH levels of 7-8 and a specific electrical conductivity of approx. 230 ?S/cm, and with dissolved oxygen levels in the water of approx. 8.00 mg/L. The monitoring required for compilation of the research project was performed in the aquarium room at the Department of Biological Sciences from February 2013 to March 2014. Fish aged approximately 1-3 years were used for the reproduction. The separated males and females were placed in spawning tanks at regular intervals, always in single pairs. The same experiment was conducted in parallel in conditions of light and absolute darkness. A WTW meter was used for measurement of the water values.

Inherited diseases of male reproduction system by dogs
The aim of the thesis is to elaborate a literary overall summary of male reproduction system by dogs. In addition to the hereditary defects, the most frequent non-hereditary defects which affect the dog reproduction will be described as well. Further the terms animal breeding, heredity and congenital defect will be explained. The results of the present research will be presented in the conclusion.

Enev, Martin ; Hrabec, Josef (referee) ; Mléčka, Jan (advisor)
Townhouse in Prerov inspired Becvou River, its immediate surroundings, marshes spread the territory of today's Malá dlážka. Building based on the principle dwelling animals seeking refuge among the blades of the reed. Sluicing and washing away of river.