National Repository of Grey Literature 24,799 records found  beginprevious24790 - 24799  jump to record: Search took 0.62 seconds. 

Regulation of Derivatives Contracts
Růžek, Lukáš ; Husták, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Galuška, Jiří (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the legal regulation of derivatives contracts with respect to their economic nature. It provides a detailed view on the legislation regulating derivatives contracts in the legal order of the Czech Republic. Considering the interconnection of local derivatives markets, this diploma thesis pays attention to the legal regulation and standardization of derivatives contracts in foreign countries and at the international level. The first part of this thesis describes basic features of derivatives and proposes their typology. The aim of the following part is to evaluate the contemporary legal regulation of derivatives contracts in the Czech Republic. The rest of this thesis elaborates on foreign and international legal regulation of derivatives contracts. The main goal of this diploma thesis is to evaluate present the state of the regulation of derivatives contracts in the Czech Republic, asses to what degree it reflects their economic nature, and eventually, propose legal changes.

Death Note - Separate Output Media Analysis
Doležálková, Klára ; Pospiszyl, Tomáš (advisor) ; Fila, Kamil (referee)
My thesis analyses one of the japanese popular comicses ? manga ? Death Note (written by Takeshi Obata and illustrated by Tsugumi Ohba) and its other media incarnations, which means animated tv series and a feature film consisting of two parts. I put an effort to compare them considering the camera work, editing, size of the angle and the story itself. Their relationship to the contemporary japanese visual culture is mentioned too. To describe the visual character of japanese commercials and the phenomenon of "superflat" I chose to use the broader frame of Japan proper. Furthermore, I made a research on the social group of japanese teenagers called otaku, prodigy and last but not least the media technologies appearing often in Death Note. Finally I included the chapter about the origin of a picture, or, rather: how it is impossible to perceive a picture in its purity, when every single picture is derived nowadays. My thesis is mostly based on the english-written literature, but I gained a lot of information online and from a Živel issue about Japan.

The nominal suffixal derivation in pre-classical French
Štichauer, Jaroslav ; Zavadil, Bohumil (advisor) ; Radimský, Jan (referee) ; Pešek, Ondřej Matthew (referee)
The present PhD thesis deals with nominal suffixal derivation in pre-classical French (about 1550-1610). Based both on traditional data collection and on available digital corpuses, especially Frantext, it first strives to define basic concepts such as language standard, problems of periodization, productivity, lexicalization, paradigmatization, panchronic validity of word-formation rules etc. On selected derivational patterns, it also tests the operationality of Optimality theory (OT) and other mechanisms (i.a. paradigmatization) in diachronic perspective. In several follow-up chapters, it then analyzes, from a diachronic point of view, a number of suffixes (-age, -aison, -ance, - ment, etc.).

Linguistic picture of wind in Czech
Zápotocká, Pavlína ; Nebeská, Iva (referee) ; Vaňková, Irena (advisor)
The paper analyses a part of the linguistic picture of the world in Czech by means of methods of cognitive and cultural linguistics. It deals with an analysis of the linguistic picture of wind in contemporary Czech. Individual chapters illustrate how native-born Czech speakers perceive phenomena around themselves, how they think and speak about wind (and air as a related phenomenon). The analysis is divided into two parts. The first part analyses the linguistic picture of wind from the point of view of the system. It examines its lexical definitions, derivatives and its paradigmatic and syntagmatic relationships. The first part deals likewise with etymology of selected words and discusses the designation of wind in Czech dialects and idioms and in old Czech, thereby contributes to a great degree in illuminating the current vocabularies pertaining to wind and related phenomena. The excerptions of historical semantics based on contemporary literary and lexicographic products can also demonstrate the changes and shifts of meaning. The second part examines the linguistic picture of wind in contemporary Czech. It aims, first of all, at the analysis of metaphors adherent to wind. Primarily it observes wind as an aiming field. Chapter 2. 4 shows that we comprehend the very abstract notion of wind metaphorically,...

Social market economy in Germany - current state of things
Valkovič, Tomáš ; Cihelková, Eva (advisor) ; Popovová, Marie (referee)
The master thesis in the theoretical part tries to explain the functioning of the social market economy in Germany and also describes the individual reform steps which were aimed to increase the competitiveness of the German economy in the era of increasing global competition. In the practical part the author concentrated on the impact of the economic crisis on the system of social market economy in Germany. The author chose the revival of the private consumption as the key factor in overcoming the economic crisis and using the regression model tried to assess which economic indicators influence the private consumption of German households the most. From the results of this analysis he derived six reform measures which should help Germany overcome the current economic crisis.

Symbolic Production of Papal Institution
Gerbery, Juraj ; Češka, Jakub (advisor) ; Marcelli, Miroslav (referee)
The topic of the submitted thesis is a symbolic performance of the papal institution. We are laying stress on the form of communication of the papal institution and design of its legitimacy within the medial discourse. In the first and second chapter, we summarize the definition of papal institution as such. First of all, we investigate papal institution from the point of view of its historical development, eventually of its rich structure. Third part is defining the basal papal symbolism by means of discussing the principles of clothing and papal insignia. The key parts are composed by analyzing of both, the Pope election according to the Constitution Universi Dominici Gregis and the analysis of the Doctrine of impeccability of the Pope. The first of the phenomenon, being analyzed using the theory of modern myths by Roland Barthes and which is being derived from traditional conception of investigation of symbols performed by Ferdinand de Saussure. The second semiotics analysis is focused on the doctrine of impeccability of the Pope stressing the Theory of performatives of John Langshaw Austin with remarkable contribution of Pierre Bourdieu and his conception of the social conditions for the effectiveness of ritual discourse. Our hypothesis is, that investigation of instruments of symbolic performance of...

"Is it Rational to Believe in God?". Epistemology, Metaphysics and Method in the Works of Bernard Lonergan
Nevrkla, Svatopluk ; Noble, Ivana (advisor) ; Kranát, Jan (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate interrelatedness between various concepts of God and metaphysical assumptions from which they have been derived. This will be done with special attention paid to philosophical work of Bernard Lonergan. On Lonergan's case I will show his solution of problematic presuppositions of scholastic understanding of God. In introduction I will summarize reasons that made me to choose this topic, goals of the thesis and methods I will use. First chapter will be dedicated to brief introduction of selected proofs of God's existence and their metaphysical premises on which they rest. Enlightenment critique of metaphysics will be described and its consequences for metaphysical proofs demonstrated. Second chapter will introduce context and goals of works of modern Canadian Jesuit theologian Bernard Joseph Francis Lonergan and his concepts of judgement and selfXaffirmation. Third chapter will be concerned with description of Lonergan's metaphysics and finally with some criticism of Lonergan's approach from perspective of postXmodern, hermeneutic, and linguistic philosophies. In conclusion I will confront Lonergan's results with older philosophies mentioned. Powered by TCPDF (

Expression of target mRNAs during Popsipviroid pathogenesis in the "leaf factory" system
The aim of this work was to identify potential mRNA targets of PTGS triggered by viroid-derived small RNAs (vsRNAs) in PSTVd-infected tomato plants (S. lycopersicum L.). We selected 47 possible gene targets using data provided by Prof. Dr. Steger (Heinrich Heine Universität, Düsseldorf, Germany) - the list of 1633 possible target mRNAs from tomato based on vsRNA:mRNA duplex prediction. The vsRNA sequences were obtained by Illumina sequencing of small RNA libraries from healthy and PSTVd-infected tomato plants. By qRT-PCR analysis we identified 6 genes with significantly altered levels of mRNA in PSTVd-infected tomato plants: CUL1 (protein ubiquitination), ERF4 (transcription factor of abiotic stress signalling pathway), H/ACA1 (rRNA pseudouridylation), NPH3 (transcription factor of fototropic signalling pathway), Sl-MYB (transcription factor regulating leaf development) and TCP3 (transcription factor regulating leaf development). The binary vector pLV07 with inserted expression cassette containing coding sequence of Sl-MYB was prepared for experiments in ?leaf factory? system in N. benthamiana plants. Expression analyses in ?leaf factory? system after 1,5 DPI using qRT-PCR and RNA blots revealed strong inhibition of expression of Sl-MYB in leaf sectors infiltrated with severe PSTVd AS1 strain, while mild PSTVd QFA strain showed minimal change in expression comparing to control sectors. Moreover, the overexpression of Sl-MYB in leaf sectors resulted in development of necroses after 2,5-3 DPI, in presence of silencing suppressor p19 after 2 DPI. The development of necroses was largely inhibited in PSTVd AS1-infiltrated leaf sectors in comparison with PSTVd QFA- and control-infiltrated sectors.

Regulation of the Tobacco Market
Prosečová, Kristina ; Zeman, Jiří (advisor) ; Filipová, Alena (referee)
The Diploma Thesis deals with the regulation of the tobacco market. The first part is dedicated to the theoretical view on regulation. It describes the historical development of the different points of view on regulation within economic schools, then it characterizes different types of market failure and within those it shows possible solutions in form of regulatory measures. The second part of the diploma thesis deals with tobacco and tobacco products market. In this chapter the current situation on the market is analyzed and some trends are derived, the chapter also deals with the largest producers of tobacco products nowadays. The last chapter deals with current tobacco control legislation. The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and current European tobacco control legislation are looked at in detail and there is a comparison conducted of the level of tobacco market regulation in different parts of the world. The last part of the thesis delivers the evaluation of the level to which the current tobacco regulation is in line with the economic theory of regulation.

Innovation Aspects of the Electronic Toll System in the Czech Republic
Šindelářová, Jana ; Basl, Josef (advisor) ; Krsek, Libor (referee)
This thesis deals with the innovation of information system (IS) as a decision problem. The main objective of this thesis is the construction and the application of a method to select an optimal innovation variant of IS in an organisation of any scale. The designed method is based on the conception of the innovation of IS in the methodology "Multidimensional Management and Development of Information System (MMDIS)". The proposed selection method (Method of Innovation Modules based on MMDIS - MIM) is intended to serve mainly for decision-making on a strategic level. The IS structure is mapped in accordance with the MMDIS methodology. Innovation aspects are derived from two approaches: innovation aspects based on the MMDIS principles ("module of principles" - e.g. integration, flexibility, standardisation, measurability) and innovation aspects based on the IS dimensions defined in MMDIS methodology ("module of dimensions" - e.g. software, hardware, processes and functions, finances). The proposal method enforces a systematic approach to evaluation of the innovation variants, ensuring that the innovation aspects (the principles and the dimensions) are aligned with key requirements. As an example, this method is applied to an existing electronic toll system operated in the Czech Republic. Basic innovation variants of the electronic toll system are described - the microwave, the satellite and the hybrid toll system. Case studies from the Czech Republic, Austria and Germany are used for support the proposed innovation variants, as well as evaluation of variants. The principles and the dimensions form a framework for description and evaluation of the telematics, of the electronic toll and of the innovation variants of the electronic toll. The variants are compared within the framework of refined principles and dimensions, the optimal variant is proposed. The used evaluation parameters are a result of an analysis of published studies and specific toll system technical designs. The Method of Innovation Modules was constructed on the basis of MMDIS methodology and demonstrated by application in an example scenario (electronic toll). The key result of the proposed method is the comprehensive structured map of available system innovation opportunities.