National Repository of Grey Literature 21,032 records found  beginprevious21013 - 21022next  jump to record: Search took 1.84 seconds. 

Victimisation and Assistence for Victims of Crime
Hofrichter, Tomáš ; Gřivna, Tomáš (advisor) ; Novotný, Oto (referee)
The aim of my dissertation is to describe in detail the issue of victim of crime. The thesis is composed of seven chapters which include three main topics. The first three chapters create general introduction to the subject, its matter of interest, present historical overview, explain the general terms of the topic, such as victimology, damage, victimity etc., define the subject of victimology and describe the possible factors of the relation between victim and trespasser, their mutual interaction during and after the criminal act. Chapter four concentrates on the negative aftereffects created during the criminal investigation process, which is called victimization. This chapter is divided into four subsections (primary victimization, secondary victimization, tertiary victimization and revictimization). The fifth chapter focuses on assistance to the victim and ways of obtainable compensation. The chapter mainly deals with family assistance, psychological assistance and social assistance. In connection with the psychological assistance, the chapter gives a brief overview on Bílý kruh bezpečí (White Circle of Safety), its activities and work methodology. This chapter also deals with rights of victims and protection of witnesses. The chapter six describes current Czech proposal of the Act on Victim of...

The economic development of Kazakhastan since year 1991
Tanbayeva, Dina ; Půlpán, Karel (advisor) ; Kameníček, Jiří (referee)
The thesis investigates and studies the process of transformation of Kazakhstan economy since 1991, when the republic achieved its independence. Through the whole paper I'll trace the development of the separate sectors of the economy. The Soviet period has accompanied and primarily influenced the formation of the Kazakhstan's State system and the economic features. In this respect, in the first chapters, I would introduce a brief description of development of the country before 1991. Specification of the privatization process I will present in the third chapter. However, the transformation process would be analyzed at the same time in further chapters, concerning development of the main macroeconomic indicators, such as growth of GDP, inflation rate, unemployment, and the level of living. In the last chapters I would depicture the foreign politic and economic relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as within the Commonwealth of the Independent States, so in terms of the foreign business relations. Powered by TCPDF (

Exercise of copyright by a person other than the author(or author's heirs).
Poncová, Veronika ; Dobřichovský, Tomáš (referee) ; Císařová, Zuzana (advisor)
76 Summary Exercise of copyright by person other than the author (or author's heirs). Within the scope of my thesis, I tried to describe an exercise of copyright by a person other that the author (author's heir), according to the current legislation of the Czech Republic. I devoted the first part of the paper to a general copyright, which belongs to special personal laws, to wit to the group of the rights to the outcomes of the intellectual activity. The Czech Republic is among the countries with relatively long and rich tradition of protecting the intellectual property. In other parts of my paper, I analyzed the term author, which may only be a physical entity that created the work of authorship. With respect to the subject of my paper, I explained in detail the cartographic works of authorship, computer programs, and computer databases. Furthermore, I dealt with a creation and content of the copyright, personal rights, and property rights. The Copyright Act of the Czech Republic is based on a dualistic principle of distributing the rights to intellectual property. The personal rights terminate by the death of a person holding the right, and the property rights are transferred to the heir of a person holding the right. The fourth chapter of my paper is fundamental because it analyzes the legal exercise of...

Contractual and non-contractuall obligations in private international Law
Čejková, Martina ; Brodec, Jan (advisor) ; Růžička, Květoslav (referee)
Contractual and Non-contractual Obligations in Private International Law This doctorate thesis deals with the European international private law and discusses the current law-crash modification of contractual and non-contractual obligations. Characteristic of the European community is the absence of unification of the substantive law, which is compensated, by the unification of conflict standards. The unification of conflict standards, as an instrument of the international private law, can be understood as a certain sign of unification of direct standards. Conflict standards do not govern directly the rights and obligations of the parties to a contract in international private law but they answer the question by which legal order the given relationship should be abided and therefore they provide certain degree of foreseeability and safety. The first (general) part called "European international private law - from conventions to regulations" is dedicated to development of the unification of conflict standards within the European community. At present, the unification of the conflict issue is represented by two new-adopted Roman regulations concurring to the Roman convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations. Analysis of the first Roman regulation on the law applicable to contractual...

Private international law in a comparative perspective. Inheritance in private international law under Czech and French law
Joklová, Andrea ; Pauknerová, Monika (advisor) ; Růžička, Květoslav (referee)
- 67 - International Private Law in Comparative View Successions in International Private Law according to Czech and French Law The aim of this thesis is to compare the Czech and French rules of international private law in the matter of successions and wills. The theme is therefore interesting that an EU-regulation is being prepared. Apart from the introduction and the summary, the thesis is divided into two parts. The first refers to the general dispositions of the international private law in the both states, the second deals with the subject itself, namely the successions in the international private law. The first part, as well as the second, is introduced with an explanation of the most important and in the worksheet the most commonly contended terms related to the general issues of the international private law in the first case, and the particular issues concerning the international successions in the second case. The first part then involves a short conclusion of the common historical events leading to similar law culture of the both states. Later it is followed by an exposé presenting the relations regarded as international-private relations according to the both states ruling. the forth chapter deals with the nature of the international private law and its position in the legal order of the both...

Problems of Relation between Gipsy and Non-gipsy in Low-threshold Facilities
Goliášová, Markéta ; Ortová, Marie (advisor) ; Kunc, Stanislav (referee)
This bachelor work deals with children and youth position towards gipsy population and describes factors that these attitudes affect. It shows access of majority society towards gipsy population and interprets fundamental terms as racism, xenophobia and racial discrimination. It also mentions international and domestic law arrangements concerning racial discrimination. Further this work represents lowHthreshold facilities for children and youth and points out to their value in education of young generation towards racial differences toleration. It describes target group characteristics of these facilities and contact worker importance in process of improving relationships between gipsy and non- gipsy clients of low-threshold facilities. The practical part of this work describes development of relationships between clients low-threshold facility "Vrtule" in Praha-Kobylisy and evaluates talks between gipsy and nonHgipsy clients of this facility aimed at their mutual relations. Powered by TCPDF (

Partner Relationships of People with Visual Impairment
Janto, Pavol ; Šumníková, Pavlína (referee) ; Květoňová, Lea (advisor)
Cet oevre a eté creé pour donner l image de la relation de personne aveugle avec ceux non handicapée. Je vodrais décrire tous les aspectes de ceux relations- a partir d amitié, puis facilement etre ensemble, vivre en couple et en fin le mariage- et les trucs avec ces aspectes elués (les enfants et leur formation, les finances en famille,…). Par rapport a grande l imense de ce sujet, je vais me concentrer sur la vue psychologique.

Acquisition of real property by non-residents in the Czech Republic
Blažek, Jakub ; Dobiáš, Petr (referee) ; Brodec, Jan (advisor)
Name of the thesis in English: The real property acquisitions by the non- residents in the Czech Republic. This thesis tries to resume the development of the legal regulation of real property acquisitions by non-residents in Czech Republic because this topic became very important by the 1st of May 2009, when the first transition period of exemption from the free movement of capital within EU has ended in Czech Republic. At the beginning of the thesis I am trying to set up the topic from the view of the theory of International Private Law. In this part the thesis explains aspects of imperative law regulations which have to be applied every time, no matter which law rules the contract. Then the thesis explains the difference between obligation statute of the contract and effects of the contract on property rights, especially on the ownership transfer with respect to the regulations included in the Act on international private law. In next chapter the thesis summarizes the development of the legal regulation of real property acquisitions by non-residents before the Czech Republic enters in EU. This part simply describes and explains single Acts and other regulations which were in force in the past. In the following chapter the thesis summarizes the present legal regulation included in the Act 219/1995 Coll.,...

Role of nanny in family and her status in contemporary society
Topinková, Michaela ; Vítečková, Michaela (referee) ; Pelikán, Jiří (advisor)
This work is theoretical-and-research in its essence, with the purpose of providing the reader with a complex view of the au-pair or nanny issues in the Czech Republic. It would like to call attention to the issues not dealt with in a complex, clear and complete manner in the Czech legislation and makes an attempt to present a solution by professionalizing this occupation. The first half of the theoretical part deals with the noninstitutional care for children in two forms - with the care for children provided by a babysitter or nanny in her own home and by an au-pair in the family of the child. It describes selected forms of these services in the EU countries (Germany, Austria, France, Great Britain) and then covers the conditions of providing the same services on the territory of the Czech Republic and deals with the work of the agencies providing and arranging the services of the babysitters, nannies and au-pairs. The second half of the theoretical part of the work explores the individual areas describing the needs, motivations and reasons of the families searching for and using the services of an au-pair/nanny. It also offers an insight into the relationships, roles and positions of the au-pairs or nannies in the families, describes the types of problem families into which the au-pairs or nannies come...

Army general inspection - competences and influence of the institution in the formative period of the Czechoslovak Army (1918-1924)
Kykal, Tomáš ; Stehlík, Eduard (referee) ; Stehlík, Eduard (advisor)
The thesis deals with developement of competences and influence of the General In-spection in the formative period of the Czechoslovak Army (1918-1924). First part is dedi-cated to the definition of the term inspection in the European military and focuses on inspec-torates as central supervisory authorities. A concise historical excursion maps their presence in the European military and gives two examples - the Prussian-German and the Habsburg Army General Inspection. The second part follows development of the military inspection in the Czech Legion in Russia. There are two inspectorates dealt as to their competences, their position to military administration and their share on formation of the Czech Legion. The third main part of the thesis is about creation and development of the General Inspection in the Czechoslovakia. It focuses on development of the supreme military authorities, their relations and competences and emphasizes the Josef Scheiner`s position as the Highest Ad-ministrator of The Czechoslovak Army. The following topic reveals the military-political situation, which initiated creation of the General Inspection. Josef Scheiner and then Josef Svatopluk Machar became chiefs of this institution. The conclusion of this part is dedicated to the description of its competences, position, influence...